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- move in high society. ▲ partnership; corporation.
○ sociedad anónima joint stock company, corporation. - socio partner (in business) Le presento a mi socio, Sr. Avalos. Meet my partner, Mr. Avalos. ▲ member (of club or society) ¿Es Ud. socio de ese club? Are you a member of that club?
- socorrer to help Había que socorrer a los náufragos. It was necessary to help the survivors of a shipwreck.
- socorro help, aid Le agradecí el socorro que me prestó. I was grateful to him for the help he gave me.
○ puesto de socorro first-aid station.
|| ¡Socorro! ¡Socorro! Help! - sofá [m] sofa.
- sofocado (see sofocar) embarrassed, flushed.
- sofocar to stifle, suffocate El calor lo sofocaba. The heat was stifling him. ▲ to choke, suffocate El humo lo sofocaba. The smoke was choking him. ▲ to put out, extinguish Las bombas sofocaron el incendio. The fire engines put out the fire.
○ sofocarse to get flushed and out of breath Se sofocó al subir los escaleras. He got flushed and out of breath on climbing the stairs. ▲ to get excited Procure Ud. no sofocarse por ese asunto. Don't get excited over that matter. ▲ to blush, get embarrassed Al oír aquella palabra, la niña se sofocó. The girl blushed when she heard that word. - sofoco blushing, embarrassment.
○ pasar un sofoco to be in an embarrassing situation. - soga rope Coja Ud. la soga por la punta. Catch the end of the rope.
- sol [m] sun. ▲ sunlight, sun Esas plantas necesitan mucho sol. Those plants require a lot of sunlight. ▲ sol (Peruvian currency unit).
○ al salir el sol at sun-up, at sunrise Al salir el sol se empezó la marcha. The march began at sun-up. ○ estar quemado (or tostado) por el sol to be sunburned (or sun-tanned). ○ hacer sol to be sunny Hoy no hace sol. It's not sunny today. ○ tomar el sol to sunbathe Estuvieron tomando el sol mucho rato. They took a long sunbath. - solapa lapel.
- soldada salary (of servants).
- soldado (see soldar) soldered, welded Todavía no han soldado la cañería. They haven't soldered the pipe yet.
▲ [m] soldier Los soldados fueron alojados en el pueblo. The soldiers were billeted in the town. ▲ private (military).
○ soldado de primera (clase) private first class. ○ soldado raso buck private.
- soldar [rad-ch I] to solder, weld.
- soledad [f] solitude.
- solemne solemn.
- soler [rad-ch I] to be in the habit of, have the custom of ¿A qué hora suele venir Ud. a la oficina? What time do you usually come to the office?—Solíamos hacer excursiones por la montaña. We used to make trips to the mountains.
- solicitar to request, apply for Hay que solicitar un permiso para visitar ese edificio. It's necessary to apply for a pass to visit that building.
- solicitud [f] solicitude; application (request).
- sólido solid, firm El puente tiene una base muy'sólida. That bridge has a very solid base. ▲ sound Tenía una cultura muy'sólida. He had a very sound cultural background.
- sollozar to sob.
- sollozo sob.
- solo alone Cuando venga a verme venga Ud. solo. When you come to see me, come alone. ▲ lonely Estoy muy solo. I'm very lonely. ▲ [m] solo El tenor cantó muy bien el solo. The tenor sang the solo very well.
- sólo only El matrimonio tenía un hijo'sólo. The couple had only one son.
- soltar [rad-ch I] to loosen Soltaron las amarras. They loosened the cables. ▲ to let out Soltó una exclamación. He let out an exclamation. ▲ to drop, let go Soltó el paquete que tenía en la mano. He let go the package he had in his hand.
○ soltarse to loosen, become loose Se me ha soltado el cordón del zapato. My shoe lace is loose. ○ soltar una bofetada to slap (suddenly or unexpectedly) Le soltó una bofetada. She slapped him. ○ soltar una carcajada to burst out laughing Cuando lo oyó soltó la carcajada. When he heard it he burst out laughing. ○ soltar una fresca to give one a piece of one's mind, tell one where to get off Le voy a soltar una fresca. I'll give him a piece of my mind. - soltero single (not married).
- soltura poise, ease (of movement) Bailaba con mucha soltura. She danced effortlessly. ▲ fluency Habla las len-