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JEANY Diver is my name,
From Dublin town I lately came,
It was my wit and nimble hand,
That caus'd me for to leave Ireland.
O rare Jeany Diver, O rare Jeany O.
To Old England I took my way,
That pleaſant country to ſurvey,
No Lady more eſteem'd than I,
A Batchelor I'll live and die. O rare, &c.
Their taverns then I made to ſhine,
With porter, punch, cyder and wine,
Their Engliſh gold was my delight,
In rural pleaſures to spend the night. O, &c.
The firſt man that I did meet,
Was a Captain of the fleet,
Who vow'd he lov'd me as his ſoul,
But ſoon I bit him of his gold. O rare, &c.
As I walked up the ſtreet,
With a poor taylor I did meet,
I ſearch'd his pockets and I found,
His ſciſſers, thimble, and half a crown. &c.
His louſy trifle I did diſdain,
I gave him back his goods again,
I'll ne'er ſpunge a taylor if I can,