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O if I had my liberty,
And were at home in my own country,
Old England ne’er ſhould ſee me more,
If I could reach the Iriſh ſhore. O rare, &c.
O then I was condemn’d to die.
For committing of this robbery.
Which does my heart and conſcience ſting,
For I on Tyburn now muſt hing.
O poor Jeany Diver, O poor Jeany O.
THE King ſhall take the Queen,
and the Queen ſhall take the Jack,
And we ſhall all be merry boys,
when we get drunk with ſack.
Chor. Here’s to you Tom Broun,
to you my jolly lad,
For you and I ſhall drink a crown,
when money can be had.
Here’s to you Tom Broun, &c.
The Jack ſhall take the Ten,
and the Ten ſhall take the Nine,
And we ſhall all be merry boys,
when we get drunk with wine. &c.
The Nine ſhall take the Eight,
and the Eight ſhall take the Seven,
And we will have good oyſters boys,