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Create the page "Polónia" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- made their King; then returning home he is again banished, he departs in Polonia, being about to confirm that nation, which was lately converted to the...371 bytes (284 words) - 12:20, 20 September 2023
- Moravia (where the Ministers forced from Bohemia did lurk & had gone through polonia the greater, in some places (as occasion offered it selfe) hee preached...339 bytes (502 words) - 12:15, 20 September 2023
- there become a prey to the Wolves. 2. They therefore brought Monkes out of Polonia for neerenesse and affinity, of their language, flow bellies, and unprofitable...324 bytes (525 words) - 12:41, 20 September 2023
- and faithfull to their Consciences: by common consent they went into Polonia in three companies. The first gathered out of Lytomislenians, Bydzovinians...324 bytes (496 words) - 12:13, 20 September 2023
- did not intermit forthwith to write to their exiled friends, in Misnia, Polonia, and Hungaria, that so farre as they could, they would declare those memorable...21 KB (900 words) - 11:26, 20 September 2023
- Sacrificio.’ 7. ‘De Controversiis inter Ordinem Ecclesiasticum et Secularem in Polonia, ex iure diuino, Regniq. Statutis, Priuilegijs, ac Præscriptione Tractatio’...298 bytes (722 words) - 14:31, 28 December 2020
- Insurrection of 1863–64 (Pol.) (Lemberg, 1900); Paolo Mazzoleni, I Bergamaschi in Polonia nel 1863 (Bergamo, 1893); W. H. Bavink, De Poolsche opstand 1863, &c. (Haarlem...282 bytes (349 words) - 23:27, 20 September 2020
- Cistercian monastery of Paradies, in Poland; hence his names Jacobus de Polonia, Jacobus de Paradiso, and Jacobus Cisterciensis. Being sent to the University...3 KB (451 words) - 13:52, 21 April 2013
- published at Cologne in 1577 his great geographical and descriptive work, "Polonia, sive de situ, populis, moribus, magistratibus et republica regni Polonici...4 KB (572 words) - 19:53, 5 November 2013
- missionaries to the scattered Poles. In 1870 he was appointed pastor of Polonia, Wisconsin, where for five years he fought against the unfortunate conditions...3 KB (531 words) - 21:47, 3 November 2013
- Brischell. 22. N. de Cromassona. 23. Arannisic Donant de Polonia. 24. Joan. Donant de Polonia. 25. Joan. de Cziczow. 26. Wenceslaus de N. 27. N. de N....978 bytes (2,065 words) - 08:13, 22 September 2020
- Reliques; BAUMGARTNER, Weltlitteratur, IV; KOLANOWSKI, De M.C. Sarbievio Polonia Horatio dissertatio; DIEL in Stimmen aus Maria-Laach (1873); DANIEL, Etudes...5 KB (828 words) - 16:57, 1 June 2013
- of his travels, entitled Giornale di un viaggio da Constantinopoli in Polonia, of which several editions and a French translation appeared. His latest...445 bytes (1,227 words) - 04:05, 14 April 2021
- Kingdom of Bohemia and the incorporate Provinces. Written by a Nobleman of Polonia, and translated etc. Dort, (1619) 4°. An Answer. etc. COMENIUS-KOMENSKÝ...574 bytes (925 words) - 07:46, 2 January 2021
- the honour of a card, and appeared at one of the Prince and Princess Polonia's splendid evening entertainments. The Princess was of the family of Pompili...323 bytes (6,935 words) - 23:03, 17 March 2014
- de Torres on Quiros' discoveries, 31; San Valerio, las Virgines, Santa Polonia, 32; Matanza, skirmish with the natives, 34; Taomaco, inhabitants white...30 KB (4,784 words) - 16:50, 23 April 2024
- Galileo Galilei." Firenze, 1872. * "Relazione di Galileo Galilei colla Polonia esposte secondo i documenti per la maggior parte non publicati." Firenze...385 bytes (1,232 words) - 03:02, 12 October 2021
- Heidelbergensium Tigurinorumque ministrorum de dogmate contra adorandam Trinitatem in Polonia nuper sparso" (1564). In this work Hosius acknowledges the force of the...14 KB (2,308 words) - 19:37, 5 November 2013
- end 90 ff. with fresh pagination, containing ten articles on “Sarmatia, Polonia, Lithuania, Prussia, Livonia, Moscovia, and the Tartars by Aless. Guagnino...394 bytes (3,165 words) - 20:21, 8 September 2020
- leagues distant. It appeared like those we had passed. We named it Sta. Polonia. Diminishing our latitude from hence half a degree we saw a low island...22 KB (4,082 words) - 16:51, 23 April 2024