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Jászberény is a small town and a district in the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county of Hungary.



Get in

Map of Jászberény

By train


(slower, but train only): Take the train to Hatvan then transfer towards Szolnok - you'll reach Jászberény in about 100 minutes.

(faster, but requires bus transfer): Take the train to Szolnok and get off when you reach Nagykáta. There's a bus from Nagykáta to Jászberény every 30 minutes.

By bus


Buses towards Jászberény depart from the Stadionok Autóbuszpályaudvar, nearly every hour every day (usually from stop 4).

By car


The main roads 31 and 32 cross the town, which is about 80 km from Budapest and 45 km from Szolnok.

Get around


On foot or by car, this is a small town. The local bus transport is available, but you'll find it very limited.



In the town

Jaszbereny church
  • 1 Our Lady Church Jászberény (Jászberényi Főtemplom). Franciscan Church and Monastery (Gothic), 1782. Our Lady Church Jászberény (Q12814807) on Wikidata
The horn of Lehel, kept in Jászberény
  • 2 Jász Museum, Táncsics Mihály u. 5., +36 57 502-610. Jan-Mar: Tu-F 09:00-16:00, Sa Su 09:00-13:00; Apr-Oct: Tu-F 09:00-17:00. Permanent exhibitions: historical, archaeological, ethnographic. "Lehel's horn" on display in the museum is a Byzantine ivory horn from 10-11th century and most probably not the same as the horn from the myth.
  • Town Centre. Built by the architect Mihály Pollack who also built the Hungarian National Museum.
  • 3 Hamza Museum, Gyöngyösi út 7. Nov-Mar: Tu-F 09:00-16:00, Sa 09:00-13:00; Apr-Oct: Tu-Sa 08:00-17:00. Art gallery featuring works by Ákos D. Hamza. Adult Ft400, student or retired Ft 200, free for children under 6 or over 70, and for people with reduced mobility. Hamza Museum (Q1033457) on Wikidata
  • 4 Jászberény Zoo and Botanical Garden, Fémnyomó út 3, +36 57 41 50 10. Apr-Sep: daily 09:00-18:00; Mar Oct: daily 09:00-17:00; Nov-Feb: daily 09:00-16:00. Unique events every hour of live-feeding animals, or walk with penguins Adults Ft1,600, concessions 1,300 HUF, group discounts possible.
  • Hajta's marsh

In the district

  • 5 Jászárokszállás (Trains from Szolnok). Kűlső Inn (first half of the 18th century. Loc.:Széchenyi út 104); Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church (1761-1767); City Hall (1863, romantic style); Csörsz Leader Hotel (former "Big Tavern", 1905, loc.: Móczár Andor tér); Jász-house (1882 - permanent ethnographic exhibition, Széchenyi út 31); Industry Board building. To do: Jászárokszállás Thermal Bath, Peres-lapos lake
  • 6 Jászboldogháza (S 15 km of Jászberény , trains from Hatvan, Szolnok). Local History Collection, , Community Centre, Holy Family Roman Catholic Church (built in 1930). Statue of St. Wendelin (Imredy road, built in 1905). To do: Bicycle Tours of Bíbic nature trail, City Bath (Ft 800, 2014). To stay: Camping (right next to Bath, Alkotmány u. 5)
  • 7 Jászfényszaru (Fényszaru) (Bus from Budapesthez, Gödöllő, Hatvan, Jászberény. Trains from Hatvan, Szolnok). All Saints Roman Catholic Church, Kiss József Local History Collection, Papp mansion, Rimóczy mansion. Events: Stubble festival Equestrian Festival
  • 8 Jászjákóhalma (Budapest approx. 86 km, Jászberény, approx. 6 km, from both direct buses). St. James Roman Catholic Church (15th century, Gothic style; in 1778 remodeled in Baroque style); Roman Catholic parish (1904); Holy Cross and Calvary Chapel (1884). Peter Horvath Local History Collection; Stone Cross (1827); Jesus Statue with "Rooster" (19th century). Tarna Bridge (turn bridge); Laki Ida Gallery; Protected barn (18th-century). To Do: walk around the Natural Protected Areas: Templom-coast, Templom Square, Cemetery, Tarna backwater
  • 9 Jásztelek. Bishop of St Martin's Parish Church, Folk House. To Do: Pusztamizse's Natural Protected Area - Stay in a motel (50 bed, Loc.: Jásztelek, Pusztamizse), or a guesthouse (8 beds, Loc.: Jásztelek, Szabadság u. 32),



In the town

  • Jászberény Beach and Thermal Bath (Jászberényi Strand és Termálfürdő), Hatvani út 5, +36 57 41 21 08. All year round, Tu-Su 09:00-18:00. Beach: May-Aug: daily 06:00-18:00. Beauty treatments and therapeutic treatments lasting several days are offered. Beach: adult Ft1400, student/retired/child Ft1050; Thermal Spa adult Ft 1400, student/retired Ft900.
  • Catch a movie or a play at the Malom Filmszínház
  • Go for a swim in one of the two places you can.
  • Walk around the town.

In the district

Zagyva-menti Natural Protected Area
  • 1 Zagyva-menti Natural Protected Area (Zagyva-menti Természetvédelmi terület) (Between Jászfelsőszentgyörgy and Jászberény). at the Zagyva river's flood basin, can be found rare plant and animal species. Willow, poplar and oak, ash and elm forests, floodplain meadows and high banks bare meadow.



Things related to the town can be bought in the Museum of Jász.



There are several restaurants around the town - ask anyone in town to get directions for the nearest one.

  • River Étterem és Bowling club
  • Arizona Steak House



There are several pubs and restaurants around town, although the night life consists of teens mostly.



There are several places to stay: Hotel Lehel Gyöngye***, River Bowling club Apartments & Restaurant, or the Aranysas fogadó.

Stay healthy


Drug stores can be found around town easily. The town houses a large hospital, the Szent Erzsébet Hospital.

Go next


There are several neighboring Jász' villages to visit.

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