Module:script utilities/data

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This module needs documentation.
Please document this module by describing its purpose and usage on the documentation page.

local data = {}

data.translit = {
	["term"] = {
--[=[	can't be done until Kana transliterations are correctly parsed by [[Module:links]]
		["tag"] = "i",
		["classes"] = "mention-tr",
	["usex"] = {
		["tag"] = "i",
		["classes"] = "e-transliteration",
	["head"] = {
		["classes"] = "headword-tr",
		["dir"] = "ltr",
	["default"] = {},

data.transcription = {
	["head"] = {
		["tag"] = "span",
		["classes"] = "headword-ts",
		["dir"] = "ltr",
	["usex"] = {
		tag = "span",
		["classes"] = "e-transcription",
	["default"] = {},

for key, value in pairs(data.translit) do
	if not value.tag then
		value.tag = "span"

local faces = {}

faces["term"] = {
	tag = "i",
	class = "mention",

faces["head"] = {
	tag = "strong",
	class = "headword",

faces["hypothetical"] = {
	prefix = '<span class="hypothetical-star">*</span>',
	tag = "i",
	class = "hypothetical",

faces["bold"] = {
	tag = "b",

faces["plain"] = {
	tag = "span",

faces["translation"] = faces["plain"]

data.faces = faces

return data