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I'll be dedicating my time to Canadian Indigenous languages, specifically Algonquian languages, but maybe I'll reach into British languages, as I'm interested in the history of Cornish, Manx and other forgotten ancient Britannic tongues. I'll try and maintain a fairly consistent presence here, so I'll see you around.
I am going through a Blackfoot dictionary and am going to be uploading as many different word stems as I can. I am not going to be uploading full words made up of multiple morphemes, just to be clear, all these entries are for stems, which must be arranged based on grammatical knowledge of Blackfoot. This will apply to most Canadian Indigenous languages.
I aspire to translate classic fictional and non-fictional works into Blackfoot, and other Indigenous languages. This will obviously be a challenge, but I'm up for it. On another note, other languages on my list to focus on are Cree, specifically Plains Cree, Denesuline, Tsuut'ina, and Stoney.