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sluten vård

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Alternative forms




sluten (closed) +‎ vård (care)



sluten vård c

  1. (healthcare) hospitalisation, inpatient; treatment that needs at least one night's residence in a hospital or other care facility
    Antonyms: öppen vård, öppenvård (outpatient)
    • 1913, Elin Wägner, Helga Wisbeck[1]:
      — Jag är principiellt emot sluten vård förstår fröken, sade nu den sociale herrn och tog en massa oxbringa.
      — Det var besynnerligt, sade Mina litet förvirrad. Själf hade hon öfvergått till principen sluten vård, blott emedan denne unge man framför henne lefde af att bygga ålderdomshem och barnhem.
      — I'm in principle against inpatient care, Miss understands, said the social gentleman, and took a lot of beef brisket.
      —It was strange, said Mina, a little confused. She herself had switched to the principle of inpatient care, while this young man in front of her lived by building old people's homes and orphanages.
    • 2021 July 8, Hedda Berglund, “Fler unga behöver vård dygnet runt för psykisk ohälsa [More young people need care around the clock for mental illness]”, in SR Nyheter:
      Barn och unga med allvarlig psykiatrisk problematik såsom djupa depressioner, självmordsförsök och svåra ätstörningar kan behöva skrivas in för dygnetruntvård på slutenvårdsavdelningar.
      Children and young people with serious psychiatric problems such as deep depression, suicide attempts and severe eating disorders may need to be enrolled for round-the-clock care in inpatient wards.
    • 2022, National Board of Health and Welfare, Statistik om covid-19[2]:
      Under den tredje vågen av pandemin är det en högre andel med arbete som huvudsaklig inkomstkälla som har slutenvårdats än under de tidigare perioderna. Nästan 43 procent av de slutenvårdade under pandemins tredje del hade arbete som huvudsaklig inkomstkälla, jämfört med runt 30 procent under de två första vågorna.
      During the third wave of the pandemic, a higher proportion who had work as their main source of income has been hospitalised than in previous periods. Almost 43 percent of inpatients during the third part of the pandemic had work as their main source of income, compared with around 30 percent during the first two waves.
  2. (law) hozpitalization at a psychiatric ward; secure forensic psychiatric care with locked-in patient
    • 2021 November 2, Elisabeth Däljemar, “Kränkte sin sambo - döms till sluten vård [Violated his partner - sentenced to psychiatric care]”, in Norra Halland[3]:
      En 29-årig man döms till sluten missbruksvård efter att ha dömts för grov kvinnofridskränkning.
      A 29-year-old man is sentenced to psychiatric substance abuse care after being convicted of a serious violation of women's rights.

Derived terms
