Paper 2024/1966
Efficient Succinct Zero-Knowledge Arguments in the CL Framework
The CL cryptosystem, introduced by Castagnos and Laguillaumie in 2015, is a linearly homomorphic encryption scheme that has seen numerous developments and applications in recent years, particularly in the field of secure multiparty computation. Designing efficient zero-knowledge proofs for the CL framework is critical, especially for achieving adaptive security for such multiparty protocols. This is a challenging task due to the particularities of class groups of quadratic fields used to instantiate the groups of unknown order required in the CL framework. In this work, we provide efficient proofs and arguments for statements involving a large number of ciphertexts. We propose a new batched proof for correctness of CL ciphertexts and new succinct arguments for correctness of a shuffle of these ciphertexts. Previous efficient proofs of shuffle for linearly homomorphic encryption were designed for Elgamal “in the exponent” which has only a limited homomorphic property. In the line of a recent work by Braun, Damgard and Orlandi (CRYPTO 2023), all the new proofs and arguments provide partial extractability, a property that we formally introduce here. Thanks to this notion, we show that bulletproof techniques, which are in general implemented with groups of known prime order, can be applied in the CL framework despite the use of unknown order groups, giving non interactive arguments of logarithmic sizes. To prove the practicability of our approach we have implemented these protocols with the BICYCL library, showing that computation and communication costs are competitive. We also illustrate that the partial extractability of our proofs provide enough guarantees for complex applications by presenting a bipartite private set intersection sum protocol which achieves security against malicious adversaries using CL encryption, removing limitations of a solution proposed by Miao et al. (CRYPTO 2020).
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Cryptographic protocols
- Publication info
- Published by the IACR in JOC 2024
- Keywords
- class group cryptographyCL cryptosystemlinearly homomorphic encryptionZK proofsverifiable shuffle
- Contact author(s)
agathe beaugrand @ math u-bordeaux fr
guilhem castagnos @ math u-bordeaux fr
fabien laguillaumie @ lirmm fr - History
- 2024-12-06: approved
- 2024-12-04: received
- See all versions
- Short URL
- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2024/1966, author = {Agathe Beaugrand and Guilhem Castagnos and Fabien Laguillaumie}, title = {Efficient Succinct Zero-Knowledge Arguments in the {CL} Framework}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1966}, year = {2024}, url = {} }