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67 results sorted by ID

2024/1096 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-05
Post-Quantum Ready Key Agreement for Aviation
Marcel Tiepelt, Christian Martin, Nils Maeurer
Cryptographic protocols

Transitioning from classically to quantum secure key agreement protocols may require to exchange fundamental components, for example, exchanging Diffie-Hellman-like key exchange with a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM). Accordingly, the corresponding security proof can no longer rely on the Diffie-Hellman assumption, thus invalidating the security guarantees. As a consequence, the security properties have to be re-proven under a KEM-based security notion. We initiate the study of the...

2024/1078 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-02
GAuV: A Graph-Based Automated Verification Framework for Perfect Semi-Honest Security of Multiparty Computation Protocols
Xingyu Xie, Yifei Li, Wei Zhang, Tuowei Wang, Shizhen Xu, Jun Zhu, Yifan Song
Cryptographic protocols

Proving the security of a Multiparty Computation (MPC) protocol is a difficult task. Under the current simulation-based definition of MPC, a security proof consists of a simulator, which is usually specific to the concrete protocol and requires to be manually constructed, together with a theoretical analysis of the output distribution of the simulator and corrupted parties' views in the real world. This presents an obstacle in verifying the security of a given MPC protocol. Moreover, an...

2024/572 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-26
Split Gröbner Bases for Satisfiability Modulo Finite Fields
Alex Ozdemir, Shankara Pailoor, Alp Bassa, Kostas Ferles, Clark Barrett, Işil Dillig

Satisfiability modulo finite fields enables automated verification for cryptosystems. Unfortunately, previous solvers scale poorly for even some simple systems of field equations, in part because they build a full Gröbner basis (GB) for the system. We propose a new solver that uses multiple, simpler GBs instead of one full GB. Our solver, implemented within the cvc5 SMT solver, admits specialized propagation algorithms, e.g., for understanding bitsums. Experiments show that it solves...

2023/1920 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-15
Camel: E2E Verifiable Instant Runoff Voting without Tallying Authorities
Luke Harrison, Samiran Bag, Feng Hao
Cryptographic protocols

Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) is one example of ranked-choice voting. It provides many known benefits when used in elections, such as minimising vote splitting, ensuring few votes are wasted, and providing resistance to strategic voting. However, the voting and tallying procedures for IRV are much more complicated than those of plurality and are both error-prone and tedious. Many automated systems have been proposed to simplify these procedures in IRV. Some of these also employ cryptographic...

2023/1390 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-17
Comparse: Provably Secure Formats for Cryptographic Protocols
Théophile Wallez, Jonathan Protzenko, Karthikeyan Bhargavan
Cryptographic protocols

Data formats used for cryptographic inputs have historically been the source of many attacks on cryptographic protocols, but their security guarantees remain poorly studied. One reason is that, due to their low-level nature, formats often fall outside of the security model. Another reason is that studying all of the uses of all of the formats within one protocol is too difficult to do by hand, and requires a comprehensive, automated framework. We propose a new framework, “Comparse”, that...

2023/1329 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-06
Layered Symbolic Security Analysis in DY$^\star$
Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Abhishek Bichhawat, Pedram Hosseyni, Ralf Kuesters, Klaas Pruiksma, Guido Schmitz, Clara Waldmann, Tim Würtele

While cryptographic protocols are often analyzed in isolation, they are typically deployed within a stack of protocols, where each layer relies on the security guarantees provided by the protocol layer below it, and in turn provides its own security functionality to the layer above. Formally analyzing the whole stack in one go is infeasible even for semi-automated verification tools, and impossible for pen-and-paper proofs. The DY$^\star$ protocol verification framework offers a modular and...

2023/1322 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-21
Boosting the Performance of High-Assurance Cryptography: Parallel Execution and Optimizing Memory Access in Formally-Verified Line-Point Zero-Knowledge
Samuel Dittmer, Karim Eldefrawy, Stéphane Graham-Lengrand, Steve Lu, Rafail Ostrovsky, Vitor Pereira
Cryptographic protocols

Despite the notable advances in the development of high-assurance, verified implementations of cryptographic protocols, such implementations typically face significant performance overheads, particularly due to the penalties induced by formal verification and automated extraction of executable code. In this paper, we address some core performance challenges facing computer-aided cryptography by presenting a formal treatment for accelerating such verified implementations based on multiple...

2023/1274 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-24
ACABELLA: Automated (Crypt)analysis of Attribute-Based Encryption Leveraging Linear Algebra
Antonio de la Piedra, Marloes Venema, Greg Alpár
Public-key cryptography

Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a popular type of public-key encryption that enforces access control cryptographically, and has spurred the proposal of many use cases. To satisfy the requirements of the setting, tailor-made schemes are often introduced. However, designing secure schemes---as well as verifying that they are secure---is notoriously hard. Several of these schemes have turned out to be broken, making them dangerous to deploy in practice. To overcome these shortcomings,...

2023/1193 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-05
An Anonymous Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Secure in Partially Trusted Registration Server Scenario for Multi-Server Architectures
Inam ul Haq, Jian Wang, Youwen Zhu, Sheharyar Nasir
Cryptographic protocols

The accelerated advances in information communication technologies have made it possible for enterprises to deploy large scale applications in a multi-server architecture (also known as cloud computing environment). In this architecture, a mobile user can remotely obtain desired services over the Internet from multiple servers by initially executing a single registration on a trusted registration server (RS). Due to the hazardous nature of the Internet, to protect user privacy and online...

2023/1051 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-05
Automated Analysis of Halo2 Circuits
Fatemeh Heidari Soureshjani, Mathias Hall-Andersen, MohammadMahdi Jahanara, Jeffrey Kam, Jan Gorzny, Mohsen Ahmadvand

Zero-knowledge proof systems are becoming increasingly prevalent and being widely used to secure decentralized financial systems and protect the privacy of users. Given the sensitivity of these applications, zero-knowledge proof systems are a natural target for formal verification methods. We describe methods for checking one such proof system: Halo2. We use abstract interpretation and an SMT solver to check various properties of Halo2 circuits. Using abstract interpretation, we can detect...

2023/835 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-05
Unifying Freedom and Separation for Tight Probing-Secure Composition
Sonia Belaïd, Gaëtan Cassiers, Matthieu Rivain, Abdul Rahman Taleb

The masking countermeasure is often analyzed in the probing model. Proving the probing security of large circuits at high masking orders is achieved by composing gadgets that satisfy security definitions such as non-interference (NI), strong non-interference (SNI) or free SNI. The region probing model is a variant of the probing model, where the probing capabilities of the adversary scale with the number of regions in a masked circuit. This model is of interest as it allows better reductions...

2023/831 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-14
Automated Generation of Masked Nonlinear Components: From Lookup Tables to Private Circuits
Lixuan Wu, Yanhong Fan, Bart Preneel, Weijia Wang, Meiqin Wang

Masking is considered to be an essential defense mechanism against side-channel attacks, but it is challenging to be adopted for hardware cryptographic implementations, especially for high security orders. Recently, Knichel et al. proposed an automated tool called AGEMA that enables the generation of masked implementations in hardware for arbitrary security orders using composable gadgets. This accelerates the construction and practical application of masking schemes. This article proposes a...

2023/732 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-22
VerifMSI: Practical Verification of Hardware and Software Masking Schemes Implementations
Quentin L. Meunier, Abdul Rahman Taleb

Side-Channel Attacks are powerful attacks which can recover secret information in a cryptographic device by analysing physical quantities such as power consumption. Masking is a common countermeasure to these attacks which can be applied in software and hardware, and consists in splitting the secrets in several parts. Masking schemes and their implementations are often not trivial, and require the use of automated tools to check for their correctness. In this work, we propose a new...

2023/657 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-09
Ou: Automating the Parallelization of Zero-Knowledge Protocols
Yuyang Sang, Ning Luo, Samuel Judson, Ben Chaimberg, Timos Antonopoulos, Xiao Wang, Ruzica Piskac, Zhong Shao

A zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) is a powerful cryptographic primitive used in many decentralized or privacy-focused applications. However, the high overhead of ZKPs can restrict their practical applicability. We design a programming language, Ou, aimed at easing the programmer's burden when writing efficient ZKPs, and a compiler framework, Lian, that automates the analysis and distribution of statements to a computing cluster. Lian uses programming language semantics, formal methods, and...

2023/547 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-30
Certifying Zero-Knowledge Circuits with Refinement Types
Junrui Liu, Ian Kretz, Hanzhi Liu, Bryan Tan, Jonathan Wang, Yi Sun, Luke Pearson, Anders Miltner, Işıl Dillig, Yu Feng

Zero-knowledge (ZK) proof systems have emerged as a promising solution for building security-sensitive applications. However, bugs in ZK applications are extremely difficult to detect and can allow a malicious party to silently exploit the system without leaving any observable trace. This paper presents Coda, a novel statically-typed language for building zero-knowledge applications. Critically, Coda makes it possible to formally specify and statically check properties of a ZK application...

2023/512 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-19
Automated Detection of Underconstrained Circuits for Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Shankara Pailoor, Yanju Chen, Franklyn Wang, Clara Rodríguez, Jacob Van Gaffen, Jason Morton, Michael Chu, Brian Gu, Yu Feng, Isil Dillig

As zero-knowledge proofs gain increasing adoption, the cryptography community has designed domain-specific languages (DSLs) that facilitate the construction of zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). Many of these DSLs, such as Circom, facilitate the construction of arithmetic circuits, which are essentially polynomial equations over a finite field. In particular, given a program in a zero-knowledge proof DSL, the compiler automatically produces the corresponding arithmetic circuit. However, a...

2023/281 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-27
Towards A Correct-by-Construction FHE Model
Zhenkun Yang, Wen Wang, Jeremy Casas, Pasquale Cocchini, Jin Yang

This paper presents a correct-by-construction method of designing an FHE model based on the automated program verifier Dafny. We model FHE operations from the ground up, including fundamentals like GCD, coprimality, Montgomery multiplications, and polynomial operations, etc., and higher level optimizations such as Residue Number System (RNS) and Number Theoretic Transform (NTT). The fully formally verified FHE model serves as a reference design for both software stack development and...

2023/087 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-05
Verification of Correctness and Security Properties for CRYSTALS-KYBER
Katharina Kreuzer
Public-key cryptography

Since the post-quantum crypto system CRYSTALS-KYBER has been chosen for standardization by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (US), a formal verification of its correctness and security properties becomes even more relevant. Using the automated theorem prover Isabelle, we are able to formalize the algorithm specifications and parameter sets of Kyber's public key encryption scheme and verify the $\delta$-correctness and indistinguishability under chosen plaintext attack...

2023/057 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-01
DY Fuzzing: Formal Dolev-Yao Models Meet Cryptographic Protocol Fuzz Testing
Max Ammann, Lucca Hirschi, Steve Kremer
Cryptographic protocols

Critical and widely used cryptographic protocols have repeatedly been found to contain flaws in their design and their implementation. A prominent class of such vulnerabilities is logical attacks, e.g. attacks that exploit flawed protocol logic. Automated formal verification methods, based on the Dolev-Yao (DY) attacker, formally define and excel at finding such flaws, but operate only on abstract specification models. Fully automated verification of existing protocol implementations is...

2022/1710 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-05
Formal Analysis of Session-Handling in Secure Messaging: Lifting Security from Sessions to Conversations
Cas Cremers, Charlie Jacomme, Aurora Naska
Cryptographic protocols

The building blocks for secure messaging apps, such as Signal’s X3DH and Double Ratchet (DR) protocols, have received a lot of attention from the research community. They have notably been proved to meet strong security properties even in the case of compromise such as Forward Secrecy (FS) and Post-Compromise Security (PCS). However, there is a lack of formal study of these properties at the application level. Whereas the research works have studied such properties in the context of a single...

2022/965 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-27
PROLEAD - A Probing-Based Hardware Leakage Detection Tool
Nicolai Müller, Amir Moradi

Even today, SCA attacks pose a serious threat to the security of cryptographic implementations fabricated with low-power and nano-scale feature technologies. Fortunately, the masking countermeasures offer reliable protection against such attacks based on simple security assumptions. However, the practical application of masking to a cryptographic algorithm is not trivial, and the designer may overlook possible security flaws, especially when masking a complex circuit. Moreover, abstract...

2022/741 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-06-15
Sapic+: protocol verifiers of the world, unite!
Vincent Cheval, Charlie Jacomme, Steve Kremer, Robert Künnemann
Cryptographic protocols

Symbolic security protocol verifiers have reached a high degree of automation and maturity. Today, experts can model real-world protocols, but this often requires model-specific encodings and deep insight into the strengths and weaknesses of each of those tools. With Sapic+ , we introduce a protocol verification platform that lifts this burden and permits choosing the right tool for the job, at any development stage. We build on the existing compiler from Sapic to Tamarin, and extend it with...

2022/719 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-21
Contingent payments from two-party signing and verification for abelian groups
Sergiu Bursuc, Sjouke Mauw
Cryptographic protocols

The fair exchange problem has faced for a long time the bottleneck of a required trusted third party. The recent development of blockchains introduces a new type of party to this problem, whose trustworthiness relies on a public ledger and distributed computation. The challenge in this setting is to reconcile the minimalistic and public nature of blockchains with elaborate fair exchange requirements, from functionality to privacy. Zero-knowledge contingent payments (ZKCP) are a class of...

2022/484 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-07
VERICA - Verification of Combined Attacks: Automated formal verification of security against simultaneous information leakage and tampering
Jan Richter-Brockmann, Jakob Feldtkeller, Pascal Sasdrich, Tim Güneysu

Physical attacks, including passive Side-Channel Analysis and active Fault Injection Analysis, are considered among the most powerful threats against physical cryptographic implementations. These attacks are well known and research provides many specialized countermeasures to protect cryptographic implementations against them. Still, only a limited number of combined countermeasures, i.e., countermeasures that protect implementations against multiple attacks simultaneously, were proposed in...

2022/394 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-03-28
Fuzz, Penetration, and AI Testing for SoC Security Verification: Challenges and Solutions
Kimia Zamiri Azar, Muhammad Monir Hossain, Arash Vafaei, Hasan Al Shaikh, Nurun N. Mondol, Fahim Rahman, Mark Tehranipoor, Farimah Farahmandi

The ever-increasing usage and application of system-on-chips (SoCs) has resulted in the tremendous modernization of these architectures. For a modern SoC design, with the inclusion of numerous complex and heterogeneous intellectual properties (IPs), and its privacy-preserving declaration, there exists a wide variety of highly sensitive assets. These assets must be protected from any unauthorized access and against a diverse set of attacks. Attacks for obtaining such assets could be...

2022/252 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-03-02
Handcrafting: Improving Automated Masking in Hardware with Manual Optimizations
Charles Momin, Gaëtan Cassiers, François-Xavier Standaert

Masking is an important countermeasure against side-channel attacks, but its secure implementation is known to be error-prone. The automated verification and generation of masked designs is therefore an important theoretical and practical challenge. In a recent work, Knichel et al. proposed a tool for the automated generation of masked hardware implementations satisfying strong security properties (e.g., glitch-freeness and composability). In this paper, we study the possibility to improve...

2022/023 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-01-08
Transitional Leakage in Theory and Practice - Unveiling Security Flaws in Masked Circuits
Nicolai Müller, David Knichel, Pascal Sasdrich, Amir Moradi

Accelerated by the increased interconnection of highly accessible devices, the demand for effective and efficient protection of hardware designs against SCA is ever rising, causing its topical relevance to remain immense in both, academia and industry. Among a wide range of proposed countermeasures against SCA, masking is a highly promising candidate due to its sound foundations and well-understood security requirements. In addition, formal adversary models have been introduced, aiming to...

2021/1521 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-11-22
Security evaluation against side-channel analysis at compilation time
Nicolas Bruneau, Charles Christen, Jean-Luc Danger, Adrien Facon, Sylvain Guilley

Masking countermeasure is implemented to thwart side-channel attacks. The maturity of high-order masking schemes has reached the level where the concepts are sound and proven. For instance, Rivain and Prouff proposed a full-fledged AES at CHES 2010. Some non-trivial fixes regarding refresh functions were needed though. Now, industry is adopting such solutions, and for the sake of both quality and certification requirements, masked cryptographic code shall be checked for correctness using the...

2021/1468 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-15
LeakageVerif: Scalable and Efficient Leakage Verification in Symbolic Expressions
Quentin L. Meunier, Etienne Pons, Karine Heydemann

Side-channel attacks are a powerful class of attacks targeting cryptographic devices. Masking is a popular protection technique to thwart such attacks as it can be theoretically proven secure. However, correctly implementing masking schemes is a non-trivial task and error-prone. If several techniques have been proposed to formally verify masked implementations, they all come with limitations regarding expressiveness, scalability or accuracy. In this work, we propose a symbolic approach,...

2021/1149 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-09-15
Machine-checked ZKP for NP-relations: Formally Verified Security Proofs and Implementations of MPC-in-the-Head
José Bacelar Almeida, Manuel Barbosa, Manuel L Correia, Karim Eldefrawy, Stéphane Graham-Lengrand, Hugo Pacheco, Vitor Pereira

MPC-in-the-Head (MitH) is a general framework that enables constructing efficient zero- knowledge (ZK) protocols for NP relations from secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols. In this paper we present the first machine-checked implementations of this transformation. We begin with an EasyCrypt formalization that preserves modular structure of the original MitH construction and can be instantiated with arbitrary MPC protocols, secret sharing and commitment schemes satisfying standard...

2021/1147 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-18
Clockwork Finance: Automated Analysis of Economic Security in Smart Contracts
Kushal Babel, Philip Daian, Mahimna Kelkar, Ari Juels

We introduce the Clockwork Finance Framework (CFF), a general purpose, formal verification framework for mechanized reasoning about the economic security properties of composed decentralized-finance (DeFi) smart contracts. CFF features three key properties. It is contract complete, meaning that it can model any smart contract platform and all its contracts—Turing complete or otherwise. It does so with asymptotically constant model overhead. It is also attack-exhaustive by construction,...

2021/743 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-06-03
Manta: a Plug and Play Private DeFi Stack
Shumo Chu, Yu Xia, Zhenfei Zhang
Cryptographic protocols

We propose Manta, a plug and play private DeFi stack that consists of MantaDAP, a multi-asset decentralized anonymous payment scheme and MantaDAX, an automated market maker(AMM) based decentralized anonymous exchange scheme. Compared with existing privacy preserving cryptocurrencies such as Zcash and Monero,Manta supports multiple base assets and allows the privatized assets to be exchanged anonymously via MantaDAX. We think this is a major step forward towards building a privacy preserving...

2021/415 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-03-30
Efficient Verification of Optimized Code: Correct High-speed X25519
Marc Schoolderman, Jonathan Moerman, Sjaak Smetsers, Marko van Eekelen

Code that is highly optimized poses a problem for program-level verification: programmers can employ various clever tricks that are non-trivial to reason about. For cryptography on low-power devices, it is nonetheless crucial that implementations be functionally correct, secure, and efficient. These are usually crafted in hand-optimized machine code that eschew conventional control flow as much as possible. We have formally verified such code: a library which implements elliptic curve...

2020/982 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-08-16
Election Verifiability Revisited: Automated Security Proofs and Attacks on Helios and Belenios
Sevdenur Baloglu, Sergiu Bursuc, Sjouke Mauw, Jun Pang

Election verifiability aims to ensure that the outcome produced by electronic voting systems correctly reflects the intentions of eligible voters, even in the presence of an adversary that may corrupt various parts of the voting infrastructure. Protecting such systems from manipulation is challenging because of their distributed nature involving voters, election authorities, voting servers and voting platforms. An adversary corrupting any of these can make changes that, individually, would...

2020/786 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-10-29
Random Probing Security: Verification, Composition, Expansion and New Constructions
Sonia Belaïd, Jean-Sébastien Coron, Emmanuel Prouff, Matthieu Rivain, Abdul Rahman Taleb

The masking countermeasure is among the most powerful countermeasures to counteract side-channel attacks. Leakage models have been exhibited to theoretically reason on the security of such masked implementations. So far, the most widely used leakage model is the probing model defined by Ishai, Sahai, and Wagner at (CRYPTO 2003). While it is advantageously convenient for security proofs, it does not capture an adversary exploiting full leakage traces as, e.g., in horizontal attacks. Those...

2020/506 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-05-05
Tornado: Automatic Generation of Probing-Secure Masked Bitsliced Implementations
Sonia Belaïd, Pierre-Evariste Dagand, Darius Mercadier, Matthieu Rivain, Raphaël Wintersdorff

Cryptographic implementations deployed in real world devices often aim at (provable) security against the powerful class of side-channel attacks while keeping reasonable performances. Last year at Asiacrypt, a new formal verification tool named tightPROVE was put forward to exactly determine whether a masked implementation is secure in the well-deployed probing security model for any given security order t. Also recently, a compiler named Usuba was proposed to automatically generate...

2020/418 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-04-20
Delayed Authentication: Preventing Replay and Relay Attacks in Private Contact Tracing
Krzysztof Pietrzak

Currently several projects (including DP-3T, east and west coast PACT, Covid watch) aim at designing and implementing protocols for privacy preserving automated contact tracing to help fight the current pandemic. Those proposal are very similar, and in their most basic from basically propose an app for mobile phones which broadcasts frequently changing pseudorandom identifiers via (low energy) Bluetooth, and at the same time, the app stores IDs broadcast by phones in its proximity. Only if...

2019/1391 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-12-04
Are These Pairing Elements Correct? Automated Verification and Applications
Susan Hohenberger, Satyanarayana Vusirikala

Using a set of pairing product equations (PPEs) to verify the correctness of an untrusted set of pairing elements with respect to another set of trusted elements has numerous cryptographic applications. These include the design of basic and structure-preserving signature schemes, building oblivious transfer schemes from “blind” IBE, finding new verifiable random functions and keeping the IBE/ABE authority “accountable” to the user. A natural question to ask is: are all trusted-untrusted...

2019/1312 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-11-18
Cryptographic Fault Diagnosis using VerFI
Victor Arribas, Felix Wegener, Amir Moradi, Svetla Nikova

Historically, fault diagnosis for integrated circuits has singularly dealt with reliability concerns. In contrast, a cryptographic circuit needs to be primarily evaluated concerning information leakage in the presence of maliciously crafted faults. While Differential Fault Attacks (DFAs) on symmetric ciphers have been known for over 20 years, recent developments have tried to structurally classify the attackers’ capabilities as well as the properties of countermeasures. Correct realization...

2019/971 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-10-26
Verifpal: Cryptographic Protocol Analysis for the Real World
Nadim Kobeissi, Georgio Nicolas, Mukesh Tiwari
Cryptographic protocols

Verifpal is a new automated modeling framework and verifier for cryptographic protocols, optimized with heuristics for common-case protocol specifications, that aims to work better for real-world practitioners, students and engineers without sacrificing comprehensive formal verification features. In order to achieve this, Verifpal introduces a new, intuitive language for modeling protocols that is easier to write and understand than the languages employed by existing tools. Its formal...

2019/958 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-04-04
Using SMT Solvers to Automate Chosen Ciphertext Attacks
Gabrielle Beck, Maximilian Zinkus, Matthew Green

In this work we investigate the problem of automating the development of adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks on systems that contain vulnerable format oracles. Unlike previous attempts, which simply automate the execution of known attacks, we consider a more challenging problem: to programmatically derive a novel attack strategy, given only a machine-readable description of the plaintext verification function and the malleability characteristics of the encryption scheme. We present a new set...

2019/526 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-01-29
Prime, Order Please! Revisiting Small Subgroup and Invalid Curve Attacks on Protocols using Diffie-Hellman
Cas Cremers, Dennis Jackson
Cryptographic protocols

Diffie-Hellman groups are a widely used component in cryptographic protocols in which a shared secret is needed. These protocols are typically proven to be secure under the assumption they are implemented with prime order Diffie Hellman groups. However, in practice, many implementations either choose to use non-prime order groups for reasons of efficiency, or can be manipulated into operating in non-prime order groups. This leaves a gap between the proofs of protocol security, which assume...

2019/443 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-05-08
Contingent payments on a public ledger: models and reductions for automated verification
Sergiu Bursuc, Steve Kremer

We study protocols that rely on a public ledger infrastructure, concentrating on protocols for zero-knowledge contingent payment, whose security properties combine diverse notions of fairness and privacy. We argue that rigorous models are required for capturing the ledger semantics, the protocol-ledger interaction, the cryptographic primitives and, ultimately, the security properties one would like to achieve. Our focus is on a particular level of abstraction, where network messages are...

2018/766 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-04-17
Noise Explorer: Fully Automated Modeling and Verification for Arbitrary Noise Protocols
Nadim Kobeissi, Georgio Nicolas, Karthikeyan Bhargavan
Cryptographic protocols

The Noise Protocol Framework, introduced recently, allows for the design and construction of secure channel protocols by describing them through a simple, restricted language from which complex key derivation and local state transitions are automatically inferred. Noise "Handshake Patterns" can support mutual authentication, forward secrecy, zero round-trip encryption, identity hiding and other advanced features. Since the framework's release, Noise-based protocols have been adopted by...

2018/562 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-07-08
maskVerif: automated analysis of software and hardware higher-order masked implementations
Gilles Barthe, Sonia Belaïd, Gaëtan Cassiers, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Benjamin Grégoire, François-Xavier Standaert

Power and electromagnetic based side-channel attacks are serious threats against the security of cryptographic embedded devices. In order to mitigate these attacks, implementations use countermeasures, among which masking is currently the most investigated and deployed choice. Unfortunately, commonly studied forms of masking rely on underlying assumptions that are difficult to satisfy in practice. This is due to physical defaults, such as glitches or transitions, which can recombine the...

2018/416 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-05-10
Ledger Design Language: Towards Formal Reasoning and Implementation for Public Ledgers
Nadim Kobeissi, Natalia Kulatova

Cryptocurrencies have popularized public ledgers, known colloquially as "blockchains". While the Bitcoin blockchain is relatively simple to reason about as, effectively, a hash chain, more complex public ledgers are largely designed without any formalization of desired cryptographic properties such as authentication or integrity. These designs are then implemented without assurances against real-world bugs leading to little assurance with regards to practical, real-world security. Ledger...

2017/1246 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-12-30
Verification of FPGA-augmented trusted computing mechanisms based on Applied Pi Calculus
Alessandro Cilardo, Andrea Primativo

Trusted computing technologies may play a key role for cloud security as they enable users to relax the trustworthiness assumptions about the provider that operates the physical cloud infrastructure. This work focuses on the possibility of embodying Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices in cloud-based infrastructures, where they can benefit compute-intensive workloads like data compression, machine learning, data encoding, etc. The focus is on the implications for cloud applications...

2017/983 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-10-09
Attribute-Based Encryption in the Generic Group Model: Automated Proofs and New Constructions
Miguel Ambrona, Gilles Barthe, Romain Gay, Hoeteck Wee
Public-key cryptography

Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a cryptographic primitive which supports fine-grained access control on encrypted data, making it an appealing building block for many applications. In this paper, we propose, implement, and evaluate fully automated methods for proving security of ABE in the Generic Bilinear Group Model (Boneh, Boyen, and Goh, 2005, Boyen, 2008), an idealized model which admits simpler and more efficient constructions, and can also be used to find attacks. Our method is...

2017/070 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-01-31
Symbolic Models for Isolated Execution Environments
Charlie Jacomme, Steve Kremer, Guillaume Scerri
Cryptographic protocols

Isolated Execution Environments (IEEs), such as ARM TrustZone and Intel SGX, offer the possibility to execute sensitive code in isolation from other malicious programs, running on the same machine, or a potentially corrupted OS. A key feature of IEEs is the ability to produce reports binding cryptographically a message to the program that produced it, typically ensuring that this message is the result of the given program running on an IEE. We present a symbolic model for specifying and...

2016/438 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-05-04
sElect: A Lightweight Verifiable Remote Voting System
Ralf Kuesters, Johannes Mueller, Enrico Scapin, Tomasz Truderung

Modern remote electronic voting systems, such as the prominent Helios system, are designed to provide vote privacy and verifiability, where, roughly speaking, the latter means that voters can make sure that their votes were actually counted. In this paper, we propose a new practical voting system called sElect (secure/simple elections). This system, which we implemented as a platform independent web-based application, is meant for low-risk elections and is designed to be particularly simple...

2015/782 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-08-07
Secure two-party computation in applied pi-calculus: models and verification
Sergiu Bursuc

Secure two-party computation allows two mutually distrusting parties to compute a function together, without revealing their secret inputs to each other. Traditionally, the security properties desired in this context, and the corresponding security proofs, are based on a notion of simulation, which can be symbolic or computational. Either way, the proofs of security are intricate, requiring first to find a simulator, and then to prove a notion of indistinguishability. Furthermore, even for...

2015/332 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-06-01
Security Intelligence for Broadcast : Threat Analytics
Sumit Chakraborty

Abstract: This work presents an Adaptively Secure Broadcast Mechanism (ASBM) based on threats analytics. It defines the security intelligence of a broadcast system comprehensively with a novel concept of collective intelligence. The algorithmic mechanism is analyzed from the perspectives of security intelligence, communication complexity and computational intelligence. The security intelligence of ASBM is defined in terms of authentication, authorization, correct identification, privacy:...

2015/039 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-01-17
Type-Based Verification of Electronic Voting Protocols
Véronique Cortier, Fabienne Eigner, Steve Kremer, Matteo Maffei, Cyrille Wiedling
Cryptographic protocols

E-voting protocols aim at achieving a wide range of sophisticated security properties and, consequently, commonly employ advanced cryptographic primitives. This makes their design as well as rigorous analysis quite challenging. As a matter of fact, existing automated analysis techniques, which are mostly based on automated theorem provers, are inadequate to deal with commonly used cryptographic primitives, such as homomorphic encryption and mix-nets, as well as some fundamental security...

2015/019 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-01-12
Strongly-Optimal Structure Preserving Signatures from Type II Pairings: Synthesis and Lower Bounds
Gilles Barthe, Edvard Fagerholm, Dario Fiore, Andre Scedrov, Benedikt Schmidt, Mehdi Tibouchi
Public-key cryptography

Recent work on structure-preserving signatures studies optimality of these schemes in terms of the number of group elements needed in the verification key and the signature, and the number of pairing-product equations in the verification algorithm. While the size of keys and signatures is crucial for many applications, another important aspect to consider for performance is the time it takes to verify a given signature. By far, the most expensive operation during verification is the...

2014/182 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-08-12
Proving the TLS Handshake Secure (as it is)
Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Cédric Fournet, Markulf Kohlweiss, Alfredo Pironti, Pierre-Yves Strub, Santiago Zanella-Béguelin

The TLS Internet Standard features a mixed bag of cryptographic algorithms and constructions, letting clients and servers negotiate their use for each run of the handshake. Although many ciphersuites are now well-understood in isolation, their composition remains problematic, and yet it is critical to obtain practical security guarantees for TLS. We experimentally confirm that all mainstream implementations of TLS share key materials between different algorithms, some of them of dubious...

2013/686 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-10-24
New abstractions in applied pi-calculus and automated verification of protected executions
Shiwei Xu, Sergiu Bursuc, Julian P. Murphy

Protocols for the protected execution of programs, like those based on a hardware root of trust, will become of fundamental importance for computer security. In parallel to such protocols, there is therefore a need to develop models and tools that allow formal specification and automated verification of the desired security properties. Still, current protocols lack realistic models and automated proofs of security. This is due to several challenges that we address in this paper. We consider...

2013/407 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-06-25
Automated Security Proofs for Almost-Universal Hash for MAC verification
Martin Gagné, Pascal Lafourcade, Yassine Lakhnech
Secret-key cryptography

Message authentication codes (MACs) are an essential primitive in cryptography. They are used to ensure the integrity and authenticity of a message, and can also be used as a building block for larger schemes, such as chosen-ciphertext secure encryption, or identity-based encryption. MACs are often built in two steps: first, the `front end' of the MAC produces a short digest of the long message, then the `back end' provides a mixing step to make the output of the MAC unpredictable for an...

2013/175 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-02-26
Machine-Generated Algorithms, Proofs and Software for the Batch Verification of Digital Signature Schemes
Joseph A. Akinyele, Matthew Green, Susan Hohenberger, Matthew W. Pagano

As devices everywhere increasingly communicate with each other, many security applications will require low-bandwidth signatures that can be processed quickly. Pairing-based signatures can be very short, but are often costly to verify. Fortunately, they also tend to have efficient batch verification algorithms. Finding these batching algorithms by hand, however, can be tedious and error prone. We address this by presenting AutoBatch, an automated tool for generating batch verification code...

2013/014 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-01-26
On formal and automatic security verification of WSN transport protocols
Ta Vinh Thong, Amit Dvir
Cryptographic protocols

In this paper, we address the problem of formal and automated security verification of WSN transport protocols that may perform cryptographic operations. The verification of this class of protocols is difficult because they typically consist of complex behavioral characteristics, such as real-time, probabilistic, and cryptographic operations. To solve this problem, we propose a probabilistic timed calculus for cryptographic protocols, and demonstrate how to use this formal language for...

2012/695 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-07-03
Fully Automated Analysis of Padding-Based Encryption in the Computational Model
Gilles Barthe, Juan Manuel Crespo, Benjamin Grégoire, César Kunz, Yassine Lakhnech, Benedikt Schmidt, Santiago Zanella-Béguelin
Public-key cryptography

Computer-aided verification provides effective means of analyzing the security of cryptographic primitives. However, it has remained a challenge to achieve fully automated analyses yielding guarantees that hold against computational (rather than symbolic) attacks. This paper meets this challenge for public-key encryption schemes built from trapdoor permutations and hash functions. Using a novel combination of techniques from computational and symbolic cryptography, we present proof systems...

2012/308 (PDF) Last updated: 2012-08-06
Verified Security of Redundancy-Free Encryption from Rabin and RSA
Gilles Barthe, David Pointcheval, Santiago Zanella-Béguelin
Public-key cryptography

Verified security provides a firm foundation for cryptographic proofs by means of rigorous programming language techniques and verification methods. EasyCrypt is a framework that realizes the verified security paradigm and supports the machine-checked construction and verification of cryptographic proofs using state-of-the-art SMT solvers, automated theorem provers and interactive proof assistants. Previous experiments have shown that EasyCrypt is effective for a posteriori validation of...

2012/139 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-08-15
Formal verication of secure ad-hoc network routing protocols using deductive model-checking
Ta Vinh Thong
Cryptographic protocols

Ad-hoc networks do not rely on a pre-installed infrastructure, but they are formed by end-user devices in a self-organized manner. A consequence of this principle is that end-user devices must also perform routing functions. However, end-user devices can easily be compromised, and they may not follow the routing protocol faithfully. Such compromised and misbehaving nodes can disrupt routing, and hence, disable the operation of the network. In order to cope with this problem, several secured...

2011/564 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2011-10-22
Private-key Symbolic Encryption
N. Ahmed, C. D. Jensen, E. Zenner

Symbolic encryption, in the style of Dolev-Yao models, is ubiquitous in formal security analysis aiming at the automated verification of network protocols. The naive use of symbolic encryption, however, may unnecessarily require an expensive construction: an arbitrary-length encryption scheme that is private and non-malleable in an adaptive CCA-CPA setting. Most of the time, such assumptions remain hidden and rather symbolic encryption is instantiated with a seemingly ``good'' cryptographic...

2010/416 (PDF) Last updated: 2010-07-27
Computationally Sound Verification of Source Code
Michael Backes, Matteo Maffei, Dominique Unruh
Cryptographic protocols

Increasing attention has recently been given to the formal verification of the source code of cryptographic protocols. The standard approach is to use symbolic abstractions of cryptography that make the analysis amenable to automation. This leaves the possibility of attacks that exploit the mathematical properties of the cryptographic algorithms themselves. In this paper, we show how to conduct the protocol analysis on the source code level (F# in our case) in a computationally sound way,...

2007/289 (PDF) Last updated: 2007-08-07
Zero-Knowledge in the Applied Pi-calculus and Automated Verification of the Direct Anonymous Attestation Protocol
Michael Backes, Matteo Maffei, Dominique Unruh

We devise an abstraction of zero-knowledge protocols that is accessible to a fully mechanized analysis. The abstraction is formalized within the applied pi-calculus using a novel equational theory that abstractly characterizes the cryptographic semantics of zero-knowledge proofs. We present an encoding from the equational theory into a convergent rewriting system that is suitable for the automated protocol verifier ProVerif. The encoding is sound and fully automated. We successfully used...

2005/181 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2005-06-15
A plausible approach to computer-aided cryptographic proofs
Shai Halevi

This paper tries to sell a potential approach to making the process of writing and verifying our cryptographic proofs less prone to errors. Specifically, I advocate creating an automated tool to help us with the mundane parts of writing and checking common arguments in our proofs. On a high level, this tool should help us verify that two pieces of code induce the same probability distribution on some of their common variables. In this paper I explain why I think that such a tool would be...

2004/334 (PDF) Last updated: 2009-10-13
Universally Composable Symbolic Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols (The case of encryption-based mutual authentication and key exchange)
Ran Canetti, Jonathan Herzog

Symbolic analysis of cryptographic protocols is dramatically simpler than full-fledged cryptographic analysis. In particular, it is readily amenable to automation. However, symbolic analysis does not a priori carry any cryptographic soundness guarantees. Following recent work on cryptographically sound symbolic analysis, we demonstrate how Dolev-Yao style symbolic analysis can be used to assert the security of cryptographic protocols within the universally composable (UC) security framework....

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