Repaso 1o ESO Inglés

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11 Read Andy's and Ellen’s e-mails. Then complete the sentences with the correct names: Andy or Ellen. HiEllen, My neme is Andy. 'm 14 years old, My brother, Tim, and | are in an Internet Music Club. We are Blue fans. We've got all their CDs. ‘Andy Hi Andy, Tm Ellen, tm American. I'm 16 years old, I'm an Usher fan, He's great! I've got his poster in my room. Have you got his CDs? Write soon, Ellen EI pepper has got CDs by Blue. 2. write questions with have got or has got. 1. Andy and Tim / CDs by Blue Have. Adan! Tim. ont. COs. by. Bla 2. Ellen /a CD by Blue 3. Andy and Tim / a poster of Blue 4, Ellen / a poster of Usher 3 Look at the chart and answer the questions from Exercise 2. [cos by] Poster [cos by] Poster ‘Blue’ | of Blue | Usher | of Usher | Phone | Dog Andy] v |x | x | x |v |v tm |vi[»« [xl x« lv lv Elen | x | x |v tv |v [* 4 complete the sentences with possessive adjectives. 1. Andy’s favourite group is Blue, He has got all 2. Ellen has got a poster of Usher. The poster is, itlanes room. 3. Andy and Tim have got a dog. name is Bobo. 4. Andy has got a mobile phone. number is 07703 218 657. 5, Ellen and Tim have got mobile phones. mobile phones are blue. 5 complete the card about your friend. Mobile phone: yes / no Number: 7 Favourite singer: 6 write about your friend. Use the information in Exercise 5. (Banu Fon Youd Promagetie oo pom a [ae mom Pe TT a mM or om all m Try IEXtEnSIONw WN 11. Read the dialogue and tick (V) the 3 complete the sentences. Use the Present correct column: Sally or Dave. Simple. Then underline the mistake in the ‘text using the information in Exercise 1 aa. 1 There's a new pizza place in town! Twant to go! Sally! .. (meet) friends every Me too! Saturday afternoon, They ?.. (go) to the shopping centre, Sally (like) going shopping. She So, do you want to go at the weekend? im iy oi BOG B LBERE B Tim busy. always 4 . (buy) something © ‘Tuesday? new. On Sundays, she > (play) - No. I go dancing on Tuesdays and tennis in the afternoon and on Wednesdays Thursdays .... What about Friday? she 6. (play) football with her Friday? That's not a good day for me. friends. I go swimming! OK then, Monday night... . 4 complete the diary with your timetable. Monday isn’t good because I babysit my brother. So ... Wednesday! ws Let me see ... Oh, no! I play the guitar with a the band on Wednesday. a ‘That's great, but when can we go to the = new pizza place? Wednesday _ a Sally |Dave| nuit 1. Who wants to go to the new a pizza place? viv Friday * 2. Who is busy at the weekend? z S-Whib gor Gaaicng? 5 write sentences about your activities. 4. Who goes swimming? Use the information in Exercise 4. wt 5. Who babysits? - 6. Who plays the guitar? 2. complete the chart according to the dialogue in Exercise 1 Sally Dave Monday Tuesday Wednesday | play the guitar 4 Thureday = Friday | us ws EXtensionp 1 Read Jo's diary. Then answer the 3> write questions. Use the Present Simple. questions below. Then answer the questions according to the text in Exercise 1. Dear Diary, 1. Jo/ wear trousers Every day | get up, get dressed and have breakfast. | always wear a shirt and trousers, don't like skirts and dresses, Then, | walk to ‘choo. | never go by bus oF ride my bike. 2. Jo/ ride her bike / to school 3. Joand her friends / sometimes / go rollerblading r dorit play computer games. | sometimes meet Friends after school and we go rollerblading. That's furl 4, Jo/ usually / watch TV At night | watch TV. | love watching TV programmes, The people on the programmes have got great livesl They do fantastic things, Thay have fun and adventures, | want to be on z 2 5. Jo/ play computer games 1. What does Jo do before school? 4 complete the chart about yourself. Fr Ph and. 2. What does Jo wear for school? Three things I do " E ‘seen - every day 4. 3. What does Jo like doing with her friends? One thing I sometimes : do 4, What does Jo do at night? Two things I don’t do One thing I love : 2. complete the chart about Jo. a f gol 5) Write a paragraph about your typical Three things Jo a P day. Use the text in Exercise 1a a model. does every day 3. seu = | One thing Jo sometimes does Two things Jo doesn’t do One thing Jo Loves ui mB om ana am Extension 4 1. Read about Marion's class. Then circle the correct answers in the sentences below. /” The teacher isn't in Marion's class at ‘the moment. The children are waiting for him. At the moment, Sandy and Shelley are talking on the phone. They're laughing, too. Jack and Tim are doing their homework. Jack is reading and Tim is writing. Some students are writing on the blackboard. Pam, Jill and Tony are listening to music. Pam is sitting near the window and Jill and Tony are dancing. Jill is wearing a cap. Marion is drinking water and eating. Oh dear, the teacher is very late! 1, The teacher is /(sn’Dsitting in the classroom, 2, The children are / aren't waiting, 3. Sandy is talking / reading, 4, Sandy and Shelley are laughing / dancing. 5. Tim / Tony is doing homework. 6. Tim isn't talking /writing 7. Jack is writing / reading. 8. Jill is drinking / dancing. 9. Pam is / isn’t dancing. 10. Pam is sitting near the window / blackboard. 2 > who is it? Write the correct name 6. according to the text in Exercise 1. She is listening to music. She is sitting. Pam, He is doing homework. He isn’t writing. She is drinking and eating. They are talking and laughing. ‘They arent sitting. They are listening to music. He isn’t talking. He is doing homework. ‘He isn’t reading. Look at the picture. Then write what the people are doing, Use the text in Exercise 1 as a model 1 IEXtensiOnw WN Read the text. Then tick () the sentences true (T) or false (F). Hi, {im from England end | lve in @ very special house. There is a kitchen, a living room and a dining room in the house We've also got twa bedrooms and a bathroom. My mum and dad have got @ big bedroom, but my bedroom is small. ‘So why is my house special? Look! It's under the graund end the garden is on ‘the house. The trees and flowers are on the house! Our house isn’t hot in ‘summer and it isn't cold in winter My friends like to visit our house because its different. Lorna Lorna lives in England. ‘There are five rooms in Lorna’s house. Lorna's house is under the ground, [] It is hot in Lorna's house oO in the summer. Lorna's house is different. 2. write the words in the correct order to make questions. 1. there / people / are / in Lorna’s family / four ‘Are there four people in Lome’ femily? 2. is/a dining room / there / in her house 3. in Lorna's house / is / one bedroom / there 4, are / trees / in Lorna's garden / there 5, a/is/ living room / in Lorna’s house / there 3 Answer the questions in Exercise 2 according to the text in Exercise 1. 1, No, there aren't, 4 Look at the picture and write about the house, Use Exercise 1 as a model. dan: EC eee SE =i = Gxtension 4s 1 Read the text. Then answer the questions below. 4 Look at the map. Then complete the sentences with the prepositions below. Hi Gayle, I can't believe it. We're on a great choo! erp We'e at che Open Air Museum. It’s like living in 1913! At the moment we're eating sandwiches in a tea room and I'm writing to you. Visitore make oweets at the Sweet Shop and buy food at the Co-operative Shop. It’s fun! Write soon, 1, What is the name of the museum? 2. Where is Jodi at the moment? 3. What is she eating? 4, Where do visitors buy food? 5. Is Jodi enjoying herself? 2. complete the sentences with can or can't. 1. Dan 2. They can speak English. Se ai help you. He's clever. . speak German, but they .. you do the homework? I can't. 3 complete the sentences with must or mustn't. 1. You 2. You finish the project tomorrow. It's the last day. .. throw papers on the floor. . arrive home before eleven ([Exansi Fon Vous Prncopiitie o Wario] ‘opposite »_nextto « between behind + in front of bus station church ane, newsagent’s chemist’s post office bank department restaurant stare 1. The sweet shop i the newsagent’, 2. The bank is the sweet shop. 3. The church is sss office. 4, The chemists is... station, the post the bus 5, The department store is. the bank and the restaurant, 5 Think about a street you would like to have near your house. Write the names of five places on the street. 4, 6 Write a short description of the street. Use prepositions of place IEXtENSiONw ww 11 Read the text. Then write the questions. 3. complete the sentences with There was, Use was or were. There were, Was there or Were there. 1, .Were.there...... many Romans in Britain? Do you know who Boudicca was? Well, she was a queen in Britain in G2 AD. She was a good 2, In62.AD, queen, but the people in Britain weren't happy Britain. _ a great queen in because of the Romans. The Romane weren't 3. many queens in Britain, nice to the people in 4. vows a king in Rome? Britain and Queen i 5. ssn tettible violence in Boudicca wae very atigry. Britain, 4 Look at the picture of Queen Boudicca. Then write sentences describing the Queen, Pay attention to word order. ‘The Romans aren't nice. They must leave Britain. Then there wae terrible violence, ‘Now we are scared. The British people don't want us here. We must be nice ta them! 1. Boudicca / a king Wes, Boudieca.e king? 2. the people in Britain / happy 3, Boudica / angry 4, the Romans / nice / at the beginning there / terrible violence 2. answer the questions according to the text in Exercise 1. 1. No.she.wesn't 4, B ‘You! Fharecopiae © Wangs Ba Q i xtension 4 1 Read the text. Then tick (7) the sentences true (T) or false (F). Hi, my name ie Beth and | live in Wellington, a town in New Zealand. Last Saturday, it was a hot, sunny day, so my friends and Iwent to the park, We played football for about: an hour. Then, the weather changed, It was rainy and there wae water everywhere, It was very stormy and windy. (People often call Wellington, “Windy Wellington”,) it wae terrible, but that’s Wellington. One minute It’s sunny, the next minute it’s etormy! 3 complete the chart Base Form, Past Simple 1. go 2. take 3. read 4,_make 5. “put 6 lived - 7._by 8._ have 9. painted 10, sink 4 complete the paragraph. Use the Past Simple. Yesterday was a hot, sunny day. IL (go) on a trip with my grandmother and grandfather. First, we? (visit) many interesting places and after that we 3 lunch in a great restaurant. Then itt, (start) to rain, so we return) home. 5 complete the chart about a place you visited. 1 Wellington is in England. v 2. Beth went to the park last Saturday. [_] Place: 3. Beth played basketball [= Went with: 4, It started to rain. O “Weather: Things | did: 2 Answer the questions. 1, Where does Beth live? in Welling 2, When was Beth in the park? 3. What is another name for Wellington? 4, What happens to the weather in Wellington? 6 Write about a place you visited. Use the chart in Exercise 5. Use connectors of sequence. [Rieter Fox Your Thooropiabie oD ammmam] .. (have) Extralpracticey VOCABULARY 1 Circle the nationalities. Then complete the chart. Add capital letters. em anscottish TDEN Gy CIP Wong Country Nationality England Scotland Irdand Wales ‘Morocco Moroccan France a Sos Germany GRAMMAR 2. complete the sentences according to the pictures. Use have got (affirmative or negative). 3 complete the questions with Have got or Has got. Le cake YOU eee IME ablue schoolbag? 2 .. your mother .. a mobile phone? ee you and your friends . computers? ae you two cats? 4 answer the questions in Exercise 3. Make ‘the answers true for you, 5 complete the chart its + our + your Personal Possessive Pronouns. Adjectives I my you ® @ he she it we you Holy and Maggie they 1, Jill acat. She .. adog. 6 circle the correct answers. 2, Brian. a mobile phone. 1. We've got a computer. Qun/ Their He. book. computer is green. 3. Holly and Maggie... seo Bagg. 2. Tom has got two phones. His / Her phones are red and green. They a posters. oe shade 3. My dog has got a ball. Its / Your ball is blue. eft. 2 4, P've gota book. Your / My book is grey. He ..a pencil. Fon You Phooeopiahi © Wage Butta Peactie@ ax VOCABULARY GRAMMAR 1 write the activities in the correct places. Si coneete the sentences. Use the Present Simple. Le Megan... 9986...... (do) homework every day. 2. Joey and Pete usually. .» (Walk) to school, 3. We always... morning. 4. The baby never. 5. The cat always my bed. ... (study) in the (cry) at night. (sleep) on 4. write sentences. Use the Present Simple. 1, Ben / get up / at seven o'clock eve 2. They / have / dinner / at eight o'clock 2. Write who does the activities according to the pictures. 3. We / study / English / at school 4. She / go / to school / at eight o’clock 5 complete the sentences according to the chart below. sil ed Tany watch TV | go swimming | do homework Andy| jill_| Andy | yi | Andy | Jill always) always | usually [never [usually falways Andy ... .« goes swimming, Andy and Jil... watch TV at night. .-has a shower in the morning. Jill. goes swimming. watches TV in the evening. does his homework. Andy. Jill... read books in the evening. tide bikes to school. .~ have dinner at quarter to does her homework. ...g0 to school at half past seven. is Fox You Pieieanghe © Cr ExtrayPracticey VOCABULARY: 1 write the words under the correct pictures, football - basketball « athletics hiking + tenis + running + rugby rollerblading + skateboarding GRAMMAR 2 complete the sentences with don’t or doesn’t. 1. Joanne ....d go hiking every day. 2, The boys play football for Manchester United. 3. My friends _ always finish their homework. The dog... _-vn Sleep inside the house. Gerry ... know my e-mail address. talk to 6. Iynn and Karen... each other. 3 Circle the correct answers according to ‘the pictures. 1. @hese/ That are great jeans. 2. This / These is your phone. 3. This / That is my friend. 4. This / Those are young boys. That / Those is a nice guitar. ® | 4 KR aw .+» Pam play tennis on Mondays? Pam and Tina go to the cinema on Thursdays? Pam meet her friends on Wednesdays? .wmeswe Pam and her dad go to the cinema on Fridays? Pam watch TV on Fridays? 5 Answer the questions in Exercise 4 according to Pam's diary below. Diary Monday: play tennis Tuesday: go with Tina to the park Wednesday: watch TV Thursday: meet friends Frida go to the cinema with dad 1. Yes, she. does, ual 1B) 1a) mo ow a= om om omy oa lExtrajPracticey VOCABULARY 1 Use the code to write the words. ABCDEFGHIJKLM & RZ BK SPN AY ew ES ef x eo WX *+ 18 * s ° om * * Qa + tut * ° uv Nez * * we heed. ee R Oxeee eS a*KO* 3K ok 8S bk #>0 Match the words from Exercise 1 to the pictures. Qo ny Ne e GRAMMAR 3 > complete the sentences according to the pictures. Use the Present Continuous (affirmative or negative). veep Dave _ (talk) to his teacher. Mandy (play) football Bob and Linda (run), Carol and Brenda .. .. (sing). Tim... .- (read) now. Look at the pictures in Exercise 3. Then write questions. Use the Present Continuous, Dave / talk J on the phone Is Bob and Linda / jump / in the water Mandy / play / with her friend Tim / read / a book Answer the questions in Exercise 4 according to the pictures in Exercise 3 Extralbracticey \\ VOCABULARY 1 Label the places with the words below. | living room + dining room itchen + gardéh + bedroo 4. complete the sentences according to the pictures. Use There is or There was (affirmative or negative). Lid til | if 2. . any water on the table. 3. .. some apples on the table. 4. cake in the kitchen, 5. nny crisps in the kitchen, ®. Be .. any orange juice on the table. Complete the sentences according to the 5 Circle the correct answers. picture in Exercise 1. 1. Isthere / Gre theré)any chairs in the kitchen? 2. How many apples are there / is there on the table? 1. There is a... 308....00 in the living room, s 3. Isthere / Are there any cheese in the kitchen? 2, There are some in the garden. aed . 4, How much orange juice is there / are there in 3. Thereisa in the dining room. the Lethe 4) There-are some — inthe kitchen, 5, Js there / Are there any salad on the table? 5. There isa in the bedroom. 6. Isthere/ Are there any water in the bottle? GRAMMAR 3 1 Bi 3. 4, Circle the correct answers. ‘There is Gome) a cheese on the table. Do you want a/ an apple? ‘There are an / some oranges in the bag. Here is some chocolate. Mmmm! A / The chocolate is good. Exot Fon You | Piowopavle 08 £ wert te Eri Ser Tr. aa) x z 1a (tte eace@ an VOCABULARY 1 Circle the correct answers @ ae , (F DO Ve a 7 o 1, The dog is {a front of)/ behind the house. 2. The cat is above / opposite the house. ed 1. The dog is between / in the boy and girl, 2. The cat is behind / in front of the girl. ‘The dog is under / above the bed. 1. The dog is above / in the box. 2, The cat is under / next to the box. GRAMMAR 2 Look at the chart. Write sentences about what Norman can or can’t do. Norman can can't walk to school v read English books v do karate drive a car play football v play the guitar x Norman can walk to school 3 Look at the rules. Then complete the sentences with must or mustn't. wear a swimming cap. cat in the pool. .». Tun near the pool. jump into the pool, have a shower before you Shinn. ae VOCABULARY 4. write the words in the correct order to i 1 Look at the pictures. Then write the words make questions. below. i 1. a/cake/ there / on / table / the / was + any / was / chocolate / on / table / the / there 4. apples / on / there / any / were / table / the 5 Answer the questions in Exercise 4 t according to the picture below. in u i GRAMMAR E 2 complete the sentences with There was or i There were. . 1, ....There.werg..... some people at the party. = 2 music. 1 : acake. 2 = 4, .» fizzy drinks on the table, 5. -. some sandwiches. 6 complete the sentences with There was a or There were (affirmative or negative). 3 Complete the sentences with There wasn’t 1. Thene.werent.... (not) any people in the = or There weren't. shop. iE... any crisps at the party. 2 ... an apple on the plate. some trainers on the floor. any ice cream at the party. 4, (not) a guitar on the table any hamburgers on the table, 5. some cheese on the pizza, .» any apple juice on the table. @ [ES q Cove ec este esi Gs ExtrajPracticey VOCABULARY 1 Find eight weather words in the puzzle. Then write the words. (sy tfolr|mjytcly nfs[t{alolr|t]m oly[sfiln|[hle whsjulnlnalyfuly) yy}o}wily|vihjd/t wlifnid/y|wily]i nfdfe[cfol[t}alo GRAMMAR 2 complete the chart. Base Form Past Simple |. learn learned smile shop love climb clap walk visit 3 Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple. 1. John. . (play) tennis, 2. Rita. (listen) to CDs. 3. Danand Jenny... .. (clean) the house. 4, The students... .. (finish) their project. 5. Sue .. (study) for her test. 4 Match the verbs in A to their past form inB, A B 1. buy com Wrote 2. do . went 3. write . took 4. g0 |. bought 5. have had 6. take did 5 complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple. De We ses ABM, yesterday, 2. The teacher (write) everything on the blackboard. . (have) an English test 3. We wr . (go) on a school trip to a museum, 4, My grandfather . (buy) aCD at the music shop. to (take) my sister to the department store. 6 We... . (see) a film yesterday. It was great. Batten RaeHED an VOCABULARY 3 Write questions. Use be going to. 1 pomplete the puzzle with the clues 1. you/ travel / to / England / in the summer ‘ going, k q PF] fu 2. your friends / go / to summer camp i 7 . r fiw 3. your family / stay / at home / in the summer F @ i T . F LI a) 4, you/ play / computer games / in the ‘ holidays L . L 5. your grandma / visit / you / next week GRAMMAR 2 complete the sentences. Use be going to. 1 Jill. a.te. leave... (leave) soon, ca read) that book later. 3. Lynn and Keith (not go) to New York for the summer holidays. 4. They... -»- (see) their cousins at the summer camp. 5. Paul . (not play) the guitar at the party. % ear Answer the questions in Exercise 3. Make the answers true for you. 4, Complete the sentences, Use the Present Continuous with future meaning. .. (leave) in the My sister (do) her homework La . (not fly) to New York next week. wee you (play) tennis tomorrow? Miriam . (wear) her new dress for the party. fe 5 om (UT SFR Tenn.

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