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PRTICO Semanal

Responsable de la Seccin: Pilar Aguirre

N 778

rabe 48
Obras generales: Religin Filosofa Derecho: Historia: Lengua Literatura: Ciencias sociales: Arte Arqueologa: Ciencia: 001 011 012 061 062 148 149 175 176 204 205 233 234 243

26 marzo 2007

Dirige: Jos Miguel Alcrudo

001 Awrq. Estudios sobre el mundo rabe e islmico contemporneo, XXIII 2006 2006 396 pp., 1 CD-ROM 15,00
INDICE: Estudios: L. Rodrguez del Pozo: La evolucin del discurso identitario en Marruecos a travs de los manuales escolares de historia: las cuestiones tnica y religiosa M. J. Vilar Garca: Espaa en Palestina a mediados del siglo XIX. La Obra pa de los santos lugares en 1838, a travs de un informe diplomtico espaol J. B. Vilar: Incidencia de la presencia espaola en Argelia sobre las relaciones hispano-francesas y sobre la cuestin marroqu (1902-1912) D. Helly: Larbitrage religieux en matire familiale au Canada. Les limites la pluralit de normes E. Rosander: Sacralizing hotels in Spain: murid marabuts in motion S. Macas: Palestina y otras aproximaciones rabes en la literatura chilena Seccin monogrfica. Homenaje a don Alfonso de la Serna (19222006): A. Martinell: Presentacin R. Gil Grimau: Alfonso de la Serna, creador minucioso de buenas relaciones J. Ortega Salinas: Alfonso de la Serna: hombre de letras y cultura y profesional destacado O. Azziman: Homenaje a don Alfonso de la Serna A. Gafsi Slama: Homenaje pstumo. Tunicia acaba de perder a un gran amigo: Alfonso de la Serna M. de Epalza: Breve estudio sobre el embajador Alfonso de la Serna. Escritor y promotor de estudios hispano-rabes en


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el Magrib (Tnez y Marruecos, moriscos y el Estrecho) V. Morales Lezcano: In memoriam (Alfonso de la Serna) M. Hernando de Larramendi / B. Lpez Garca: Alfonso de la Serna y la edicin de temas magrebes en Espaa H. Burguiba, Jr.: Homenaje al amigo Notas y documentos: B. Lpez Garca: Abdallah Laroui: los intelectuales enjuician el reinado de Hasan II M. J. Vilar: La formacin intercultural de jvenes y menores inmigrantes en Espaa. En torno a las IX jornadas sobre migraciones celebradas en Murcia en marzo de 2006 J. F. Cutillas Ferrer: Centenario de la revolucin constitucionalista iran (1906-1911): preludio de un siglo revolucionario L. Lezzi: Dos miradas, una ciudad: Mahmud Darwix y Adonis nos desvelan Beirut J. Castilla Brazales: La Escuela de estudios rabes en su 75 aniversario L. Merino: Cineastas tunecinas: arrojo, denuncia, conciliacin Reseas.

002 Battesti, V.: Jardins au dsert. Evolution des pratiques et savoirs oasiens: jerid tunisien 2005 440 pp., fot. 42,00 003 Cahiers dAsie centrale, 10: Karakalpaks et autres gens de lAral: entre rivages et dsert 2002 303 pp., fig., fot., lm.col. 20,00 004 Castillo Castillo, C., ed.: Estudios nazares 1997 286 pp. 17,13 005 Cherif, M. / J. Derrida: Lislam et loccident. Rencontre avec Jacques Derrida 2006 180 pp. 21,90 006 Denooz, L. / X. Luffin, eds.: Autour de la gographie orientale... et audel. En lhonneur de J. Thiry 2006 219 pp., fig., map. 47,85
INDICE: J.-C. Ducne: Jacques Thiry C. Jean: Points cardinaux et vents dans la magie noassyrienne V. van der Stede: Le monde des morts en Msopotamie V. Verardi: Visin du ciel et de la terre en Msopotamie R. Anciaux: Le dpeage de lempire ottoman, la formation dtatsnations et la question des minorits: le cas de Chypre de 1960 1974 L. Denooz: Lexicologie compare: le grec et arabe J.-C. Ducne: La gographie et les gographes arabo-musulmans dans la Bibliothque orientale (1697) de dHerbelot P. Hanjoul: Shiite elements concerning Jall al-Dn Rm B. Hrin: La ngation en arabe jordanien X. Luffin: Les recrues soudanaises de ltat indpendant du congo (1892-1894): un pisode mconnu de lhistoire des Nubi A. Martin: Un voyage de rdemption dans la rgence dAlger V. Prvost: La chausse dal-Qantara, pont entre Djerba et le continent S. Rolfo: Lgypte dans le Kitb . . al-gagrfiyya J. M. F. van Reenth: Le Maqm dIbrhm.


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007 Friederici, K.: Bibliotheca orientalis, 1876-1883. Complete List of Books, Papers, Serials, Essais, etc. Published from the Year 1876 to 1883 on the History, Languages, Religions, Antiquities and Literatures of the East 1876-84, facsm. 682 pp. 72,00 008 Mermier, F.: Le livre et la ville. Beyrouth et ldition arabe. Essai 2005 248 pp. 29,00
INDICE: Lgypte crit, le Liban imprime et lIrak lit Beyrouth: espace public du monde arabe Un nouveau paysage titorial Le march du livre Les mondes de ldition.

009 Pietsch, D.: Bden der Trockentropen. Prozess- und Strukturindikatorengesttze Analyse geschichteter, polygenetischer und degradierter Bden der Insel Socotra (Jemen) 2006 xx + 307 pp., fig., fot. 87,50 010 Viguera Molins, M. J. / C. Castillo, eds.: Los manuscritos rabes en Espaa y Marruecos: homenaje de Granada y Fez a Ibn Jaldn. Actas del congreso internacional celebrado en Granada del 30 de mayo al 2 de junio de 2005 2006 434 pp., fot., lm.col., grf. 28,00
[83 pp. en rabe].
INDICE: I. PRESENTACIONES: M. J. Viguera Molins: Los manuscritos rabes en Espaa y en Marruecos II. PONENCIAS EN ESPAOL: 1. Sobre colecciones de manuscritos: C. Castillo Castillo: Manuscritos rabes en Granada M. al-Chad: Manuscritos en la facultad de letras, Universidad de Fez J. Albarracn Navarro: Los manuscritos en rabe de Ocaa (Toledo) A. Arjona Castro: Manuscritos rabes en Crdoba R. Gonzlez Castrillo: Los manuscritos rabes de la Real biblioteca de Madrid J. I. Prez Alcalde: Manuscritos rabes de la Universidad complutense de Madrid A. Zomeo: Los manuscritos rabes de la biblioteca de la abada de Montserrat (Barcelona) M. Corts Garca: Manuscritos rabes del legado Valderrana M. I. Calero Secall: Los manuscritos rabes de Mlaga: los libros de un alfaqu de Ctar del siglo XV L. Bariani: Manuscritos rabes en el Instituto de Valencia de Don Juan (Madrid) 2. Temas y circulacin de manuscritos: J. P. Monferrer Sala: Manuscritos rabes cristianos en Espaa S. Abboud-Haggar: Entre manuscrito aljamiado y original rabe N. Martnez de Castilla: Manuscritos aljamiados de la Real academia de la historia (Madrid) F. Rachidi: Estudio de algunas caractersticas de los manuscritos aljamiados 3. Codicologa y anlisis materiales: H. Abbadi: La tinta en el Magreb y al-Andalus T. Espejo / J. P. Arias: Anlisis formales en los manuscritos rabes del Sacromonte H. Triki: La cuestin del papel en el occidente musulmn en la poca medieval M. C. Hidalgo Brinquis: El papel de los manuscritos rabes e hispanorabes: caractersticas materiales 4. Bibliotecas y digitalizacin: M. Ammadi: Los arabismos y el legado andalus M. S. Ybenes Roldn: La biblioteca viva de al-Andalus (Crdoba) M. V. Alberola Fioravanti: Documentos manuscritos de temas rabes en la Real academia de la historia (Madrid) L. Maziane: Los Kunnsh: una fuente para la historia martima de Marruecos J. de Prado Plumed / J. L. Baales Romn: Califrafas digitales: informtica, redes de informacin y digitalizacin de manuscritos del dominio lingstico rabe 3. PONENCIAS EN RABE: S. cAlam: Al-


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majtt. al-andlus bi-l-jiznat-al-hasaniyya A. Lagzioui: Al-majttt al-andalusiyya f jiznat al . . . . Qarawiyyn A. Irq: Dawwn al-ir al-magribi al-majtta b-l-jizna al-hasaniyya (al-malika) bi . . . Rabt A. m: Al-maktaba al-msqiyya al-andalusiyya al-magribiyya A. cAlam Hamidn: . cuql M. Sargn: Min wahy qir kitb: Al-muhdara wa-l-mudkara li Majtt kitb Lubb al. . . . . . cEzr. Ms Ibn

011 Zenker, J. T.: Bibliotheca orientalis. Manuel de bibliographie orientale, Contenant Parties I et II. Appendix: Moritz Steinschneider: Neu-persische Drucke der Staatsbibliothek in Berlin 1846-61, facsm. lxii + 879 pp. 110,00


012 Abenante, D. / E. Giunchi, eds.: Lislam in Asia meridionale. Identit, interazioni e contaminazioni 2006 200 pp. 19,50 013 Abumalham, M. / J. A. Souto, eds.: Ilu (Anejos, 16): Ciencia y religin en el Islam 2006 111 pp. 12,00
INDICE: M. Aguiar Aguilar: El cmputo del tiempo en las sociedades islmicas premodernas C. lvarez de Morales: Elementos mgicos y religiosos en la medicina andalus F. Girn Irueste: Conflictos entre creencias y practica mdica en la Espaa medieval y renacentista J. Martos Quesada: Islam y ciencia en al-Andalus M. Rius: La alquibla: ciencia religiosa o religin cientfica?

014 Aghaie, K. S., ed.: The Women of Karbala. Ritual Performance and Symbolic Discourses in Modern Shici Islam 2005 325 pp., 39 fig., 16 lm.col. 26,85
INDICE: K. S. Aghaie: Introduction: Gendered aspects of the emergence and historical development of shi symbols and rituals 1. Iran: N. Mottahedeh: Taziyeh: a twist of history in everyday life K. S. Aghaie: The gender dynamics of Moharram symbols and rituals in the latter years of Qajar rule I. Flaskerud: Oh, my heart is sad. It is Moharram, the month of Zaynab: the role of aesthetics and womens mourning ceremonies in Shiraz F. Shirazi: The daughters of Karbala: images of women in popular shi culture in Iran P. J. Chelkowski: Iconography of the women of Karbala: tiles, murals, stamps, and posters 2. The Arab World, South Asia, and the United States of America: S. B. Abbas: Sakineh, the narrator of Karbala: an ethnographic description of a womens Majles ritual in Pakistan S. A. Hyder: Sayyedeh Zaynab: the conqueror of Damascus and beyond R. Ghadially: Gender and Moharram rituals in an ismaili sect of south asian muslims M. E. Hegland: Women of Karbala moving to America: shii rituals in Iran, Pakistan, and California E. W. Fernea / B. Q. Bezirgan: Womens religious rituals in Iraq L. Z. Deeb: From mourning to activism: Sayyedeh Zaynab, lebanese shii women, and the transformation of Ashura.


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015 Ambrosio, A. F. / E. Feuillebois / T. Zarcone: Les derviches tourneurs. Doctrine, histoire et pratiques 2006 212 pp., 13 fig. + 36 lm. 24,00 016 Archives de sciences sociales des religions, 135: Rveils du soufisme en Afrique et en Asie: translocalit, proslytisme et rforme 2006 184 pp. 22,00 017 Bar-Asher, M. M.: Scripture and Exegesis in Early Imami Shiism 1999 xvi + 274 pp. 117,70 018 al-Basri, Abu l-Husayn: Tassaffuh al-Adilla. The Extant Parts Introduced and Edited by W. Madelung and S. Schmidtke 2006 xxiii + 145 pp. 51,00 019 Bertolacci, A.: The Reception of Aristotles Metaphysics in Avicennas Kitb al-if. A Milestone of Western Metaphysical Thought 2006 xvii + 675 pp. 212,16
INDICE: 1. The Arabic Reception of the Metaphysics before Avicenna: The arabic translations of the Metaphysics: a new assessment on account of the evidence provided by Avicenna Beyond al-Kind and al-Frb: Avicennas position in the history of the arab reception of the Metaphysics Between Ammonius and Avicenna: al-Frbs treatise On the goals of Aristotles Metaphysics 2. The Scientific Profile of the Metaphysics according to Avicenna: Avicennas conception of the theme of the Metaphysics: existent qua existent as the subject-matter, the first causes and god as the goal of metaphysics Avicennas reworking of the structure of the Metaphysics: metaphysics as the discipline dealing with the species, the properties and the principles of existent Avicennas eleboaration of the method of the Metaphysics: metaphysics as a demonstrative, analytical, non-dialectical science Avicennas view of the relationship of the Metaphysics with the other parts of the aristotelian corpus: metaphysics as the founding discipline 3. The Content of the Metaphysics according to Avicenna: The quotations of the Metaphysics in the Ilhiyyt The main source of Avicennas conception of metaphysics as a science: book and its quotations Avicennas attitude towards dialectic: book B and its quotations The other sources of the Ilhiyyt Appendices: Towards a critical edition of the Ilhiyyt: list of corrections of the Cairo printed text Index of authors and works quoted in the Ilhiyyt Overview of the main works by Avicenna on metaphysics in chronological order Names for Aristotles Metaphysics and metaphysics as a discipline in Avicennas works The style of the Kitb al-if The terminology for property in the Ilhiyyt Bibliography.

020 Bock, W., ed.: Islamischer Religionsunterricht? Rechtsfragen, Lnderberichte, Hintergrnde 2007 252 pp. 42,65


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021 Calder, N.: Interpretation and Jurisprudence in Medieval Islam. Edited by J. Mojaddedi and A. Rippin 2006 xiv + 410 pp. 102,75
INDICE: History and nostalgia: reflections on John Wansbroughs The sectarian milieu The limits of islamic orthodoxy Law Tafsr from Tabar to Ibn Kathr: problems in the description of a . genre, illustrated with refence to the story of Abraham The say and the jabn: some notes on Qurn 37:102-3 Hinth, birr, tabarrur, tahannuth: an inquiry into the arabic vocabulary of vows . . From midrash to scripture: the sacrifice of Abraham in early islamic tradition The umm in early islamic juristic literature The qurr and the arabic lexicographical tradition The Barhima: literary construct and historical reality Ikhtilf and ijm in Shfics Risla The significance of the term imm in early islamic jurisprudence Friday prayer and the juristic theory of government: Sarakhs, Shrazi, Mward Exploring gods low: Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Ab Sahl al-Sarakhs . . on zakt al-Nawaws typology of mufts and its significance for a general theory of islamic law The Uqd rasm al-muft of Ibn cbidn Zakt in Imm Shc jurisprudence, from the tenth to the sixteenth century A.D. Khums in Imm shc jurisprudence, from the tenth to the sixteenth century A.D. Accommodation and revolution in Imami shici jurisprudence: Khumayni and the classical tradition Legitimacy and accommodation in Safavid Iran: the juristic theory of Muhammad Bqir . al-Sabzavr (d. 1090/1679) Doubt and prerogative: the emergence of an Imm shc theory of ijtihd.

022 Campanini, M.: Introduccion a la filosofa islmica 2006 196 pp. 13,00
INDICE: 1. Encontrar un paradigma: La historia Qu es la filosofa islmica medieval? Modos del filosofar 2. Pensar y hacer: algunos grandes temas de la filosofa islmica: El tawhd, pilar del pensamiento islmico La estructura del cosmos El intelecto humano Necesidad o libertad en la accin divina tica y poltica.

023 Cansinos Assens, R.: Mahoma y el Korn. Biografa crtica del profeta y estudio y versin de su mensaje 2006 448 pp. 22,50 024 El Corn. Edicin comentada de R. Gonzlez Brnez 2006 782 pp. 45,00 025 Cruz Palma, O. de la: La traduccin latina del Corn atribuida al patriarca de Constantinopla Cirilo Lucaris (1572-1638) 2006 xlviii + 298 pp. 22,00 026 Cutillas Ferrer, J. F., ed.: La vida de Buda (el Kitab Bilawhar va Budasf segn la versin persa). Estudio traduccin y notas de J. F. Cutillas Ferrer 2006 130 pp. 14,00


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027 Daiber, H.: Bibliography of Islamic Philosophy, 2 vols. (1: Alphabetical List of Publications; 2: Index of Names,Terms and Topics) 1999 xxxiii + 1.522 pp. 504,40 028 Daiber, H.: Bibliography of Islamic Philosophy. Supplement 2007 xii + 426 pp. 134,16 029 Diccionario del islam. Religin y civilizacin 2006 824 pp. 62,00 030 Dupret, B.: Le jugement en action. Ethnomethodologie du droit, de la morale et de la justice en Egypte 2006 491 pp. 49,65
INDICE: Introduction: Une grammaire du droit en contexte et en action 1. Droit et morale: fondements dune approche praxologique: Droit et morale: constructions et modles La moralit de la cognition: normativit du raisonnement ordinaire Le droit en action: approche praxologique du droit et de la justice 2. Le droit en contexte et en action: Le droit en contexte. activit juridique et contexte instutionnel La contrainte procdurale: squentialit, routine et correction formelle La pertinence juridique: la production de la factualit et de la lgalit 3. Une grammaire pratique de quelques concepts juridiques: Du droit des livres au droit en action: le droit pnal gyptien, entre doctrine, loi jurisprudence et pratique La personne physique: la production contingente et contextuelle de la personnalit juridique La production de la causalit: une grammaire praxologique de lusage des concepts causaux Lintention en acte. lorientation tlologique des parties au procs pnal 4. tude praxologique du jugement de la morale: La morale en jugement: structure et systme dintelligibilit de la dcision judiciaire La morale en questions: lorganisation squentielle et structure de linterrogatoire Les catgories de la morale: lhomoxexualit entre perversion et dbauche Morale du jugement, jugement de la morale: une approche praxologique.

031 Elkaisy-Friemuth, M.: God and Humans in Islamic Thought. cAbd alJabbar, Ibn Sina and al-Ghazali 2006 ix + 214 pp. 102,75
INDICE: Historical and cultural context cAbd al-Jabbrs view of the relationship with god through divine assistance, lutf Relationship with god through knowledge and love, cishq, in the philosophy . of Ibn Sn Relationship with god through self-annihilation, fan, according to al-Ghazl Comparison and evaluation.

032 Espsito, J. L.: Islam. Pasado y presente de las comunidades musulmanas 2006 356 pp., fot. 23,00
INDICE: Mahoma y el Corn: mensajero y mensaje La comunidad musulmana en la historia Vida religiosa: creencia y prctica Interpretaciones modernas del islam Islam contemporneo: religin y poltica Islam y cambio: cuestiones de autoridad e interpretacin Eplogo.


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033 Hary, B. H. / H. Ben-Shammai, eds.: Esoteric and Exoteric Aspects in Judeo-Arabic Culture 2006 xi + 338 pp. 93,60
INDICE: D. I. Blumenthal: Philosophic mysticism: the ultimate goal of medieval judaism P. B. Fenton: A mystical commentary on the Song of songs in the hand of David Maimonides II S. Harvey: Logistical and other otherworldly problems in Saadya D. J. Lasker: Judah Halevi on eschatology and messianism D. Lobel: Ittisl and the Amr Ill: Divine immanence and the world . to come in the Kuzari N. Ilan: Between halakhic codification and ethical commentary: Rabbi Israel Israeli of Toledo on intention in prayer G. Libson: Betrothal of an adult woman by an agent in geonic responsa: legal construction in accord with islamic law H. Ben-Shammai: The judeo-arabic vocabulary of Saadyas Bible translations as a vehicle for eschatological messages: the case of Saadyas of the 8th form of arabic QDR B. H. Hary / M. . Gallego: Lexicography and dialectology in spanish Maqre Dardeqe G. Khan: An early karaite grammatical treatise M. Ben-Sasson: Jews in changing empires of medieval islam: not only eschatology and messianism A. Franklin: Relations between nesiim and exilarchs: competition or cooperation?

034 Hussein, M.: Al-sira. Le prophte de lislam racont par ses compagnons, 1 2005 551 pp. 10,40 035 Ibn cAt Allah al-Iskandar: Sobre el abandono de s mismo. Kitb at. tanwr f isqat. at-tadbr. Tratado de sufismo dil. Traduccin e introduccin de J. J. Gonzlez 20062 159 pp. 11,00 036 Keating, S. T.: Defending the People of Truth in the Early Islamic Period. The Christian Apologies of Abu Raitah 2006 vii + 378 pp. 127,92
INDICE: A ninth-century defense of christian doctrine: Ab Ritah al-Takrts response to his muslim . critics A Rislah of Ab Ritah al-Takrt on the proof of the christian religion and the proof of the . holy trinity The first Rislah on the holy trinity The second Rislah of Ab Ritah al-Takrt on . the incarnation Witnesses from the words of the torah, the prophets and the saints From the teaching of Ab Ritah al-Takrt, the syrian, bishop of Nisibis: On the demonstration of the credibility . of christianity which was received from the preaching of the evangelists in the holy scriptures Christological discussion.

037 Khalilieh, H. S.: Admiralty and Maritime Laws in the Mediterranean Sea (ca. 800-1050). The Kitab Akriyat al-Sufun vis-a-vis the Nomos Rhodion Nautikos 2006 xxiii + 375 pp. 139,36 038 El Koran [el Corn]. El Corn en versin directa del rabe, literal e integra.


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Traduccin, prlogo y notas de R. Cansinos Assens 2006 381 pp. 23,00 039 Krmer, G. / S. Schmidtke, eds.: Speaking for Islam. Religious Authorities in Muslim Societies 2006 ix + 305 pp. 103,50
INDICE: G. Krmer / S. Schmidtke: Introduction: Religious authority and religious authorities in muslim societies. A critical overview C. Adang: This day have I perfected your religion for you: a Zhir conception of religious authority A. Afsaruddin: The epistemology of excellence: sunni. shici dialectics on legitimate leadership P. E. Walker: The relationship between chief Qd and . chief Dc under the fatimids S. Schmidtke: Forms and functions of licences to transmit (Ijzas) in th-century-Iran: cAbd Allh al-Msaw al-Jazir al-Tustars (1112-73/1701-59) Ijza Kabra B. 18 Dennerlein: Asserting religious authority in late 19th/early 20th century Morocco: Muhammad b. Jacfar . al-Kattn (d. 1927) and his Kitb Salwat al-Anfs M. Q. Zaman: Consensus and religious authority in modern islam: The discourses of the Ulam G. Krmer: Drawing boundaries: Ysuf al-Qarad w . on apostasy K. Amirpur: A doctrine in the making? Velyat-e faqh in post-revolutionary Iran A. Bttcher: Religious authority in transnational sufi networks: Shaykh Nzim al-Qubrus al-Haqqn al. . Naqshband M. Dressler: The modern dede: changing parameters for religious authority in contemporary turkish alevism.

040 Kugle, S.: Rebel between Spirit and Law. Ahmad Zarruq, Sainthood, and Authority in Islam 2006 xv + 307 pp., 5 map. 51,00 041 Madelung, W. / S. Schmidtke: Rational Theology in Interfaith Communication. Abu l-Husayn al-Basris Muctazili Theology among the Karaites in the Fatimid Age 2006 ix + 144 pp., 34 lm. 113,36 042 Marr, T.: The Cultural Roots of American Islamicism 2006 xii + 309 pp., fig. 25,95
INDICE: Imagining Ishmael: introducing american islamicism Islamicism and counterdespotism in early national cultural expression Drying up the Euphrates: muslims, millennialism, and early american missionary enterprise Antebellum islamicism and the transnational crusade of antislavery and temperance reform Turkey is in our midst: mormonism as an american islam American Ishmael: Herman Melvilles literary islamicism Turning turk: the gendered pageantry of midnineteenth-century islamicism.

043 McGinty, A. M.: Becoming Muslim. Western Womens Conversions to Islam 2006 viii + 208 pp. 63,50
INDICE: 1. The Individual Conversion: Conversion and identity formation A step toward the


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unknown The conversion narrative 2. Personal Worlds: Personal models of spirituality and social conscience Personal models of gender The veil and alternative femininities 3. Encounters: Looping effects of meaning Family, work, sisterhood Personal versions of islam.

044 Ohlig, K.-H. / G.-R. Puin, eds.: Die Dunklen Anfnge. Neue Forschungen zur Entstehung und frhen Geschichte des Islam 20052 406 pp. 62,40 045 Piga, A.: Les voies du soufisme au sud du Sahara. Parcours historiques et anthropologiques 2006 313 pp. 30,00
INDICE: Monothisme et conflit dans les religions du livre Les identits islamiques en Afrique: pluralisme et htrognit La prire dans lislam entre spiritualit et jihad Ethnicit et islam lAfrique de louest: une tude de cas Idologie islamique et idologie ethnique dans le pulaaku Lesclavage domestique en Afrique de louest: entre marginalisation et exclusion Colonialisme franais et savoirs islamiques en AOF, entre marginalisation et mergence de nouvelles identits (19001950) La Hamalliyya de Nioro du Sahel: politique coloniale et identit islamique Droit islamique et pratique coutumire: le cas de la socit hausa Considrations sur la Tijaniyya au Snagal dhier et daujourdhui: dal-Hajj Umar Tal Ibrahim Niasse Trajectoires et tendances des associations islamistes au Sngal contemporain.

046 Pourjavady, R. / S. Schmidtke: A Jewish Philosopher of Baghdad. cIzz alDawla Ibn Kammna (D. 683/1284) and his Writings 2006 xii + 274 pp. 108,16 047 Ragib, Y.: Actes de vente desclaves et danimaux dEgypte mdivale, 2 2006 viii + 143 pp. 18,00 048 Ramahi, K.: Qarmaten und Ihwn as-Saf. Gerechtigkeitsbewegungen . unter den Abbasiden und die universalistische Geschichtstheorie 2006 480 pp. 31,20 049 Rispler-Chaim, V.: Disability in Islamic Law 2007 xiii + 174 pp. 93,55 050 Rosenthal, F.: Knowledge Triumphant. The Concept of Knowledge in Medieval Islam 2007 xiv + 355 pp. 71,76
INDICE: The knowledge before knowledge The revelation of knowledge The plural of knowledge Definitions of knowledge Knowledge is islam (theology and religious science) Knowledge is thought (philosophy) Knnwledge is society (education) Concluding remark.


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051 Rudolph, U.: Al-Mturd und die sunnitische Theologie in Samarkand 1997 xii + 396 pp., tabl. 154,00 052 Said, A. A. / M. Abu-Nimer / M. Sharify-funk, eds.: Contemporary Islam. Dynamic, Not Static 2006 xiii + 272 pp. 31,85
INDICE: 1. The Many Voice of Islam: M. Ceric: The many voices of islam R. Senturk: Sociology of rigthts A. R. Sheikholeslami: From individual sacrament to collective salvation M. SharifyFunk: From dichotomies to dialogues 2. Applied Ethics of Political Participation: A. Salvatore: Public religion, ethics of participation, and cultural dialogue S. Mardin: Continuity and change in the modernization of Turkey Z. Anwar: When silence is not golden F. Esack: The contemporary democracy and the human rights project for muslim societies 3. Applied Ethics of Peace and Nonviolence in Islam: M. Abu-Nimer: Framework for nonviolence and peacebuilding in islam N. M. Mostafa: The missing logic in discourses of violence and peace in islam C. Satha-Anand (Qader Muheideen): Transforming terrorism with muslims nonviolent alternatives? 5. Coexistence and Reconciliation: M. Arkoun: Within the limits of western historical boundaries A. Azra: Pluralism, coexistence and religious harmony in southeast Asia A. Barlas: Reviving islamic universalism.

053 Shaham, R., ed.: Law, Custom, and Statute in the Muslim World. Studies in Honor of Aharon Layish 2007 xxxi + 263 pp. 109,20
INDICE: Introduction: A. Layish: Academic autobiography N. Hurvitz: The Mukhtasar of al. Khiraq and its place in the formation of Hanbal legal doctrine D. S. Powers: Law and custom in . the Maghrib, 1475-1500: on the disinheritance of women R. Shaham: Women as expert witnesses in pre-modern islamic courts M. Hoexter: Qd Muft and ruler: their roles in the development of . islamic law M. Winter: Ottoman Qds in Damascus during the 16th-18th centuries E. Ginio: . Patronage, intervention and violence in the legal process in eighteenth-century Salonica and its province F. H. Stewart: Archaic forms of contract in Max Webers theories and in arab and somali customary law B. Messick: Provincial judges: the Sharca judiciary of mid-twentieth-century Yemen Y. Reiter: All of Palestine is holy muslim Waqf land: A myth and its roots I. Shahar: Legal reform, interpretive communities and the quest for legitimacy: a contextual analysis of a legal circular.

054 Shihadeh, A.: The Teleological Ethics of Fakhr al-Dn al-Rz 2006 vii + 280 pp. 128,96
INDICE: Al-Rzs theory of action Al-Rz on the ethics of action Al-Rzs perfectionist theory of virtue Al-Rzs later pessimism: commentary on Rislat Dhamm al-ladhdht Appendix: Al-Rzs Rislat Dhamm al-ladhdht al-duny.

055 Stone, G. B.: Dantes Pluralism and the Islamic Philosophy of Religion 2006 336 pp. 66,80 056 Thomas, M., ed.: Copts in Egypt: A Christian Minority under Siege. Papers Presented et the First International Coptic Symposium, Zurich, September 23-


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25, 2004 2006 192 pp. 43,50 057 Thurfjell, D.: Living Shiism. Instances of Ritualisation among Islamist Men in Contemporary Iran 2006 viii + 268 pp. 88,40 058 Werbner, P.: Pilgrims of Love. The Anthropology of a Global Sufi Cult 2004 350 pp. 26,65 059 Whittingham, M.: Al-Ghazl and the Qurn. One Book, Many Meanings 2007 176 pp. 111,00
INDICE: 1. Al-Ghazls Hermeneutical Theories: The activities of this world (I): faysal al-tafriqa baynal-islam wal-zandaqa The activities of this world (II): al mustasfa min ilm ul The activities of the hereafter: four texts showing sufi influence 2: Al-Ghazls Hermeneutical Practice: Sailing to the midst of the fathomless ocean: Jawahir al-Quran Syllogisms as the steps to heaven: al-Qistas al-mustaqim The coherence of the philosopher: Mishkat al-anwar.

060 Wild, S., ed.: Self-Referentiality in the Qurn 2007 180 pp. 62,00 061 Zilio-Grandi, I., ed.: Il dialogo delle leggi. Ordinamento giuridico italiano e tradizione giuridica islamica 2006 x + 171 pp. 16,50
INDICE: S. La China: Laicit, un valore difficile da esportare L. Musselli: Laicit dello stato e libert di religione nella costituzione e nellordinamento italiano A. Ferrari: Lintesa con lislam e la consulta: osservazioni minime su alcune questioni preliminari A. Cilardo: Le bozze di intesa nella prospettiva del diritto islamico G. Cataldi: Universalit dei diritti umani e particolarit culturali A. Cilardo: I diritti delluomo, la concezione di sovranit e potere secondo il diritto islamico M. Nordio: Ambienti musulmani europei e italiani C. De Angelo: I musulmani in Europa nella prospettiva islamica: il pensiero di Tariq Ramadan.

062 Abdel-Malek, A.: Idologie et renaissance nationale. LEgypte moderne 2005 575 pp. 35,00 063 Adrian Olstein, D.: La era mozrabe. Los mozrabes de Toledo (siglos XII


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y XIII) en la historiografa, las fuentes y la historia 2006 188 pp., cuadr. 16,00 064 Agmon, I.: Family and Court. Legal Culture and Modernity in Late Ottoman Palestine 2005 272 pp. 42,00 065 Alam, M. / S. Subrahmanyam: Indo-Persian Travels in the Age of Discoveries, 1400-1800 2007 xvi + 399 pp., 17 fig., 5 map. 89,65
INDICE: Introduction: the travel-account from Beijing to the Bosphorus From Timur to the bahmanis: fifteenth-century views Courtly encounters An ocean of wonders When hell is other people A western mirror The long road to rum On early modern travel.

066 El-Alaoui, Y.: Jsuites, morisques et indiens. tude comparative des mthodes dvanglisation de la Compagnie de Jsus daprs les traits de Jos de Acosta (1588) et dIgnacio de Las Casas (1605-1607) 2006 677 pp., fig., map. 99,00 067 Al-Damurdashi: Al-Damurdashis Chronicle of Egypt 1688-1755. Al-Durra al-Musana fi Akhbar al-Kinana. Translated and Annotated by D. Crecelius and A. W. Bakr 1991 xii + 425 pp., 2 despl., map. 243,36 068 Anes y lvarez de Castrilln, G., ed.: Europa y el Islam 2003 480 pp., 46 fig., 2 map. 20,00
INDICE: G. Cspedes del Castillo: Occidente y el islam en el umbral del siglo XXI J. M. Blzquez: La herencia clsica en el islam: Qusayr cAmra y Quasrt al-Hayr al-Garbi F. J. Martnez: La literatura apocalptica y las primeras reacciones cristianas a la conquista islmica en oriente G. Anes y lvarez de Castrilln: Las innovaciones tcnicas en la Europa medieval: influencias y desarrollos A. Galms de Fuentes: La ciencia rabe y el desarrollo cultural europeo F. Chueca Goitia: Mozrabes y mudjares L. Surez Fernndez: Las cruzadas: versin cristiana de la guerra santa M.-A. Ladero Quesada: La construccin poltica y social en el islam y en la Europa medieval J. Vallv Bermejo: Relaciones entre el-ndalus y la Europa cristiana. La otra cara del islam E. Benito Ruano: La dialctica medieval cristianad-islam M. Fernndez lvarez: Carlos V y Solimn el Magnfico (El forcejeo por Viena) C. Sanz Ayn: El ocaso del imperio otomano en Europa V. Palacio Atard: Europa y el islam. Guerra y paz en el siglo XVIII L. Surez Fernndez: Europa y el Maghreb en la historia contempornea.

069 Arjona Castro, A.: Enfermos ilustres de Crdoba y al-Andalus 2005 165 pp. 22,00


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070 Arjona Castro, A.: Historia de la villa de Zuheros. Desde la edad media a la modernidad 2006 442 pp., fot. 25,00 071 Arkoun, M., ed.: Histoire de lislam et des musulmans en France du moyen ge nos jours 2006 xxvii + 1.219 pp. 50,96
INDICE: 1. Priode mdivale: La prsence musulmane en France Dans la tourmente des croisades La perception de lislam et des musulmans La rception de la pense arabe en France Lapport des sciences arabes 2. Priode moderne: Les relations de la France avec les espaces musulmans La prsence de musulmans en France Lislam dans la culture, de la Renaissance aux Lumires 3. Priode contemporaine: Les conqutes de la France en terre dislam Les prmisses dune prsence musulmane et sa perception en France Connatre lorient musulman La perception de lislam travers la littrature et les arts 4. Temps prsent:Prsences de lislam en France Lre des dialogues et des tensions Regards intellectuels et culturels sur lislam Entrecroisements En guise dpilogue.

072 Attal, R.: Les communauts juives de lest algrien de 1865 1906 travers les correspondances du consistoire isralite de Constantine 2004 160 pp. 14,50 073 Biedermann, Z.: Soqotra. Geschichte einer christlichen Insel im Indischen Ozean vom Altertum bis zur frhen Neuzeit 2006 248 pp., 11 fig., 4 map. 50,00 074 Bosworth, C. E., ed.: The Turks in the Early Islamic World 2007 liii + 351 pp., 27 fig. 126,00
INDICE: K. Grnbech: The steppe region in world history K. B. Codrington: A geographical introduction to the history of central Asia O. Pritsak: Tribal names and titles amongst the altaic peoples T. Kowalski: The oldest mentions of the turks in arabic literature T. Kowalski: The turks in the Shh-Nma P. B. Golden: Khazar turkic ghulms in caliphal service C. E. Bosworth / G. Clauson: Al-Xwrazm on the peoples of central Asia R. N. Frye / A. M. Sayili: Turks in the Middle East before the saljuqs C. E. Bosworth: The turks in the islamic lands up to the mid-11th century C. E. Bosworth: Barbarian incursions: the coming of the turks into the islamic world R. N. Frye / R. P. Blake: Notes on the risala of Ibn-Fadlan O. S. A. Ismail: and the turks C. I. Beckwith: aspects of the early history of the central asian guard corps in islam O. S. A. Ismail: The founding of a new capital: Smarr C. Cahen: The Malik-Nma and the history of seljuqid origins C. Cahen: The turkish tribes of western Asia during the seljuqid period.

075 Bowen, J.: Seis das de guerra. El conflicto de 1967 y la configuracin de Oriente Medio 2006 392 pp., fot. 28,00


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076 Carlier, M.: La drle de guerre au Sahara. Confins nigriens, 1938-1940 2006 236 pp., 46 lm., map. 26,00 077 Chalmeta, P.: Invasin e islamizacin. La sumisin de Hispania y la formacin de al-Andalus 2003 461 pp., fig. 30,00 078 Cheddadi, A.: Actualit dIbn Khaldn. Confrences et entretiens 2006 245 pp. 35,00
INDICE: Pourquoi Ibn Khaldn nous parat-il si moderne? La tradition philosophique et scientifique grco-arabe dans la Muqaddima Le monde dIbn Khaldn La vision de soi et de lautre: de lislam classique Ibn Khaldn Lencyclopdisme chez Ibn Khaldn Sciences et enseignement dans la Muqaddima Dibn Khaldn Braudel Quelles perspectives pour les tudes khaldniennes? Entretiens: Ibn Khaldn et nos problmes prsents Ibn Khaldn en questions Reconnaissances dIbn Khaldn Ibn Khaldn et le pass dition, traduction, notions cls Ibn Khaldn et le choc des civilisations Ibn Khaldn tait-il un gnie?

079 Cheddadi, A.: Ibn Khaldn. Lhomme et le thoricien de la civilisation 2006 523 pp. 30,00 080 Chneguir, A.: La politique extrieure de la Tunisie, 1956-1987 2004 310 pp. 27,50 081 Clayer, N.: Aux origines du nationalisme albanais. La naissance dune nation majoritairement musulmane en Europe 2006 794 pp. 36,40
INDICE: 1. Socit, systme didentification et rseaux de solidarit au tournant des XIXe et XXe sicles: Multiplicit et fluidit des mcanismes didentification Les identits religieuses Des configurations rgionales diffrentes Le dveloppement de lalbanisme de la guerre de Crime a la guerre greco-turque (1856-1896): Les prmices 1856-1876: Lapparition dun rseau dalbanistes 1876-1896: Du rseau dalbanistes aux rseaux de lecteurs 3. Lalbanisme dans un empire en mutation et en crise: Les volutions de la socit ottomane lpoque hamidienne et le processus des constructions nationales La production dimprims: convergences et divergences chez les albanistes et dans les images dune nation 4. Lalbanisme sur le terrain: des rseaux de lecteurs aux rseaux partisans: Lalbanisme dans la clandestinit 1908-1912: une multiplicit de constructions de lidentit albanaise.

082 Coelho, A. Borges: Portugal na Espanha rabe, 1: Geografia e cultura 19892 263 pp. 14,50 083 Coelho, A. Borges: Portugal na Espanha rabe, 2: Historia 19892 333 pp. 14,50


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084 Corts Martnez, I., ed.: La ciudad en al-Andalus y el Magreb. Actas del II congreso internacional, Algeciras 1999 2002 710 pp. 27,00 085 Couto, D. & al.: Atlas historique du Golfe Persique (XVIe-XVIIIe sicles) / Historical Atlas of the Persian Gulf (Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries) 2006 400 pp., 75 fig., 75 lm.col. 95,00 086 Dessart, L.: LAfghanistan. Prcis historique 2005 230 pp. 21,50 087 Echevarra Arsuaga, A.: Caballeros en la frontera. La guardia morisca de los reyes de Castilla (1410-1467) 2006 315 pp. 18,56 088 El Mechat, S.: Les relations franco-tunisiennes. Histoire dune souverainet arrache 1955-1964 254 254 pp. 22,00 089 El-Ashker, A. A. F. / R. Wilson: Islamic Economics. A Short History 2006 xv + 450 pp. 119,60
INDICE: Pre-islamic Arabia: poetry, tribal rivalry and heroism 800 B.C.-610 A.C.) The birth of the islamic state: economic thought in the Quran and Sunnah Economic thought of the rightly guided caliphs (632 A.C.-661 A.C.) The dynastic caliphates: the Umayyads and the reforms (661 A.C.-750 A.C.) The Abbasids golden age: the florescence of islamic economics (750 A.C.-1000 A.C.) Political fragmentation and cultural diversity (1000 A.C.-1400 A.C.) The three empires and the islamic phoenix (1400 A.C.-1800 A.C.) The crisis of modernisation and islamicisation: from reform to revival (1800 A.C.-20th century) Islamic economic renaissance: islamic economics in the twentieth century.

090 El-Awaisi, Abd al-Fattah M.: The Muslim Brothers and the Palestine Question, 1928-1947 1998 256 pp. 71,45 091 Euben, R. L.: Journeys to the Other Shore. Muslim and Western Travelers in Search of Knowledge 2006 xiii + 313 pp. 30,15
INDICE: Frontiers: walls and windowssome reflections on travel narratives Traveling theorists and translating practices Liars, travelers, theoristsHerodotus and Ibn Battuta Travel in search


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of practical wisdom: the modern Theriai of al-Tahtawi and Tocqueville Gender, genre, and travel: Montesquieu and Sayyida Salme Cosmopolitanisms past and present, islamic and western.

092 Farale, D.: Les batailles de la rgion du Talas et lexpansion musulmane en Asie centrale. Islam et Chine: un choc multisculaire 2006 ix + 250 pp., fig., map. 20,00 093 Faroqhi, S. N., ed.: The Cambridge History of Turkey, 3: The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603-1839 2006 640 pp., 14 fig., 5 map. 154,10
INDICE: 1. Background: S. N. Faroqhi: Introduction W.-D. Htteroth: Ecology of the ottoman lands C. K. Neumann: Political and diplomatic developments 2. An Empire in Transition: C. V. Findley: Political culture and the great households V. Aksan: War and peace L. T. Darling: Public finances: the role of the ottoman centre 3. The Centre and the Provinces: D. R. Khoury: The ottoman centre versus provincial power-holders: an analysis of the historiography F. Adanir: Semiautonomous forces in the Balkans and Anatolia B. Masters: Semi-autonomous forces in the arab provinces 4. Social, Religious and Political Groups: M. C. Zilfi: The ottoman ulema M. C. Zilfi: Muslim women in the early modern era M. Rozen: The ottoman jews B. Masters: Christians in a changing world 5. Making a Living: E. Eldem: Capitulations and western trade S. N. Faroqhi: Guildsmen and handicraft producers S. N. Faroqhi: Declines and revivals in textile production S. N. Faroqhi: Rural life 6. Culture and the Arts: C. Behar: The ottoman musical tradition T. Artan: Arts and architecture H. Aynur: Ottoman literature.

094 Fischer, R.-T.: sterreich-Ungarns Kampf um das Heilige Land. Kaiserliche Palstinapolitik im ersten Weltkrieg 2004 180 pp., 7 fig. 46,50 095 Franke, H.: Akbar und Gahangir. Untersuchungen zur politischen und religisen Legitimation in Text und Bild 2005 369 pp., 25 fig. 22,35 096 Fuhrmann, M.: Der Traum vom deutschen Orient. Zwei deutsche Kolonien im osmanischen Reich 1851-1918 2006 419 pp., fig. 48,85 097 Gammer, M. / D. J. Wasserstein, eds.: Daghestan and the World of Islam 2006 125 pp., fig. 29,00
INDICE: H. Ibrahimov: Daghestan and the Near East before islam V. Bobrovnikov: Abu Muslim in islamic history and mythology of the northern Caucasus A. Shikhsaidov: The political history of Daghestan in the tenth-fifteenth centuries M. Gammer: The introduction of the Khalidiyya and the Qadiriyya into Daghestan in the nineteenth century B. Abu-Manneh: The role of shaykh Ismail al-


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Shirwani in the Khalidi sub-order S. Chesnin: Hasan al-Alqadari. The last representative of traditional learning in Daghestan M. Kemper: Daghestani shaykhs and scholars in russian exile: networks of sufism, fatwas and poetry H. van den Berg: A Darghi codex of customary law and its contribution to linguistics.

098 Garca Arenal, M.: Messianism and Puritanical Reform. Mahdis of the Muslim West 2006 xi + 391 pp. 144,56
INDICE: The time of the prophets. The conversion of the Maghreb to islam The rise of the ftimid . dynasty Berber prophets and messianic rebels in muslim Spain The contribution of legalism to mahdism: rigour, censorship, violence The contribution of sufism to mahdism: prophethood and grace The almohad revolution and the Mahd Ibn Tmart Mahdism after the almohads The marnids and sharfism The rise of the Sadid dynasty Ahmad al-Mansr al-Dhahab The last . . spanish muslims: messianic prophetism among the moriscos Ibn Ab Mahall and his adversaries . Concluding remarks Sources and bibliography.

099 Garca Sanjun, A.: Till God Inherits the Earth. Islamic Pious Endowments in al-Andalus (9-15th Centuries) 2007 xx + 545 pp. 171,60 100 Gelber, Y.: Israeli-Jordanian Dialogue, 1948-1953. Cooperation, Conspiracy or Collusion? 2004 376 pp. 94,85 101 Gendzier, I. L.: Notes from the Minefield. United States Intervention in Lebanon and the Middle East, 1945-1958 2006 512 pp., 3 map. 27,85 102 Gershoni, I. / A. Singer / Y. H. Erdem, eds.: Middle East Historiographies. Narrating the Twentieth Century 2006 viii + 336 pp. 28,50
INDICE: 1. The State of the Art: I. Gershoni / A. Singer: Introduction R. S. Humphreys: The historiography of the modern Middle East: transforming a field of study 2. Colonialism and Nationalism: C. D. Smith: The historiography of world war I and the emergence of the contemporary Middle East J. Clancy-Smith: Twentieth-century historians and historiography of the Middle East: women, gender, and empire F. M. Gek: Reading genocide: turkish historiography on the armenian deporta-tions and massacres of 1915 3. Narratives of Crisis: I. Gerhoni: The theory of crisis and the crisis in a theory: intellectual history in twentieth-century middle eastern studies E. Goldberg: The historiography of crisis in the egyptian political economy 4. Emerging Voices: M. Booth: On gender, history,... and fiction E. M. T. Powell: Will that subaltern ever speak? Finding african slaves in the historiography of the Middle East J. R. I. Cole: Muslim religious extremism in Egypt: a historiographical critique of narratives W. Armbrust: Audiovisual media and history of the arab Middle East.


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103 Gonzlez Ferrn, E.: Historia general de al-Andalus. Europa entre oriente y occidente 2006 606 pp. 26,00 104 Gracin de la Madre de Dios, J.: Tratado de la redencin de cautivos en que se cuentan las grandes mieserias que padecen los cristianos que estan en poder de infieles, y cun santa obra sea la de su rescato. Edicin y prlogo de M. Angel de Bunes Ibarra y B. Alonso Acero 2006 125 pp. 10,00 105 Haji, H.: Founding the Fatimid State: the Rise of an Early Islamic Empire. An Annotated English Translation of al-Qadi al-Nucmans Iftitah al-dacwa 2006 xxii + 256 pp., 2 map. 46,85 106 Hernndez Gonzlez, M. I.: El taller historiogrfico: cartas de relacin de la conquista de Orn (1509) y textos afines 1997 80 pp. 10,80 107 Hurgronje, C. S.: Mekka in the Latter Part of the 19th Century. Daily Life, Customs and Learning. the Moslims of the East-Indian Archipelago 2007 xxi + 326 pp., fig. 72,00 108 Ibn cIdr: La cada del califato de Crdoba y los reyes de taifas (al-bayn al-mugrib). Estudio, traduccin y notas por F. Maillo Salgado 1993 xxx + 263 pp. 50,50 109 James, L. M.: Nasser at War. Arab Images of the Enemy 2006 xii + 240 pp. 71,45
INDICE: The coming and the going: friends and enemies of the egyptian revolution Eliminate the past: nationalising the Suez canal company When the bombs started falling: Suez and the arab hero Revolution or something to raise our morale: intervention in Yemen A very big forest: lions and tigers and bears Different names for the same thing: imperialism, zionism and reaction You are welcome, we are ready for war: 1967 One continuous nightmare: the aftermath of defeat No alternative to battle: the war of attrition Conclusion: ambiguous legacy.

110 Janer, F.: Condicin social de los moriscos de Espaa. Causas de su expulsin, y consecuencias que esta produjo en el orden econmico y poltico. Prlogo de M. A. de Bunes Ibarra 2006 455 pp. 20,00


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111 Keddie, N. R.: Women in the Middle East. Past and Present 2007 xvi + 389 pp. + 24 lm. 25,50
INDICE: 1. Women in the Middle East: A History: Introduction: Issues in studying middle eastern womens history Regional background and the biginnings of islam From the pious caliphs through the dynastic caliphates From the turkish and mongol invasions to 1798 Change in the long nineteenth century 1798-1914 1914-45: nationalism and womens movements 1945-today: new states and trends, womens activism, and the rise of islamism 2. Approaches to the Study of Middle Eastern Women: Shifting boundaries in sex and gender Scholarship, relativism, and universalism Women in the limelight: recent books on middle eastern womens history since 1800 Problems in the study of middle eastern women Sexuality and shii social protest in Iran 3. Autobiographical Recollections: Autobiographical interview Supplement to the interview.

112 Komaroff, L., ed.: Beyond the Legacy of Genghis Khan 2006 677 pp., 112 fig., 30 lm. 102,96
INDICE: Culture and Commerce in the Mongol World Empire: D. DeWeese: Cultural transmission and exchange in the mongol empire: notes from the biographical dictionary of Ibn al-Fuwa. D. P. t Little: Diplomatic missions and Gifts exchanged by mamluks and ilkhans M. Kramarovsky: Jochid luxury metalwork: issues of genesis and development R. Kauz: The maritime trade of kish during the mongol period B. G. Fragner: Ilkhanid rule and its contributions to iranian political culture Lifestyles at the Courts of the Ruling Elite: Avraga site: the great Ord of Genghis Khan D. Huff: The ilkhanid palace at Takht-i Sulayman: excavation results J. Masson Smith, Jr.: Hleg moves west: high living and heartbreak on the road to Baghdad C. Melville: The keshig in Iran: the survival of the royal mongol household The Arts of the Book in Ilkhanid Iran: S. S. Blair: Calligraphers, illuminators, and painters in the ilkhanid scriptorium R. Hillenbrand: Erudition exalted: the double frontispiece to the epistles of the sincere brethren M. S. Simpson: In the beginning: frontispieces and front matter in ilkhanid and injuid manuscripts E. Wright: Patronage of the arts of the book under the injuids of Shiraz E. Sims: Thoughts on a Shhnma legacy of the fourteenth century: four nj manuscripts and the great mongol Shhnma The Arts and Artistic Interchange: J. M. Bloom: Paper: the transformative medium in ilkhanid art D. Kouymjian: Chinese motifs in thirteenth-century armenian art: the mongol connection O. Watson: Pottery under the mongols B. OKane: Persian poetry on ilkhanid art and architecture State and Religion in Ilkhanid Iran: G. Saliba: Horoscopes and planetary theory: ilkhanid patronage of astronomers J. Pfeiffer: Reflections on a double rapprochement: conversion to islam among the mongol elite during the early ilkhanate T. Fitzherbert: Religious diversity under ilkhanid rule c. 1300 as reflected in the freer Balcam A. al a Soudavar: The mongol legacy of persian Farmns Concluding Remarks: D. Morgan: The mongol empire in world history.

113 Krmer, G.: Historia de Palestina. Desde la conquista otomana hasta la fundacin del estado de Israel 2006 386 pp. 20,00
INDICE: Fronteras y nombres La santidad de Tierra Santa Contrastes: Palestina de 1750 a 1840 Tiempo de reformas: 1840-1914 Nacionalismos nacientes: sionismo y arabismo, 18801914 Una tierra sin pueblo para un pueblo sin tierra? Excurso sobre la evolucin de los asentamientos y la poblacin, 1800-1914 La primera guerra mundial y el mandato britnico Doble rasero: la doble obligacin Dos pueblos en una tierra: la dcada de 1920 Protesta e


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islamizacin: el mufti y el Muro de las lamentaciones De los disturbios al levantamiento: Palestina, 1930-1936 La insurreccin rabe, 1936-1939 De la segunda guerra mundial a la fundacin de Israel.

114 Laisram, P. P.: Viewing the Islamic Orient. British Travel Writers of the Nineteenth Century 2006 xi + 253 pp. 94,85
INDICE: Viewing the islamic orient The dual orientations of James Morier Alexander Kinglake: The eternal ego that I am! Captain sir Richard Francis Burton: The Haji from the Far-North Gertude Bell: The romantic Epilogue.

115 Lellouch, B.: Les ottomans en gypte. Historiens et conqurants au XVIe sicle 2006 xxix + 423 pp. 62,40
INDICE: 1. Linstallation des ottomans dans les pays mamlouks: La guerre osmano-mamlouke Les pays mamlouks dans la mouvance ottomane (1517-1522) Crise de lautorit ottomane et provincialisation de lgypte (1523-1525) 2. Un chroniqueur turc dans une nouvelle gypte: Du rgime mamlouk au rgime ottoman: dune gypte lautre Un pacha et son chroniqueur 3. Dettes littraires et originalit de la chronique de Diyrbekr: La tercme de la Nuzha Saniyya La place des Badic al-zuhr dIbn Iys dans le dayl la Nuzha Saniyya Loriginalit littraire du Trh Les volutions dans lhistoriographie au tournant de la conqute: une valuation la lumire de la chronique de Diyrbekr 4. Diyrbekr et le tournant de la conqute ottomane: Les jeux de la dnomination Au temps des esclaves et lpoque des circasiens: structures et conjoncture de lhistoire mamlouke Les deux conqutes ottomanes de lgypte pilogue: Ladieu aux armes Conclusion.

116 Lowney, C.: A Vanished World. Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Medieval Spain 2006 xi + 339 pp., 16 lm. 15,85
INDICE: Introduction Spain before islam The moors conquer Spain Santiago discovered in the field of stars Martyr-activists The pope who learned math from muslim Spain Europes busiest highway A jewish general in a muslim kingdom The frontier Charlemagne El Cid The second Moses and medieval medicine Rethinking religion A muslim commentator enlightens christendom Sufism The kabbalah Fernando III A common life shared among three faiths Alfonso the learned king The end of spanish judaism Columbus, a new world, and the end of history.

117 Mallmann, K.-M.: Halbmond und Hakenkreuz. Das Dritte Reich, die Araber und Palstina 2006 287 pp., fig., map. 54,00 118 Manz, B. F.: Power, Politics and Religion in Timurid Iran 2007 xviii + 313 pp., 3 map. 89,65
INDICE: The formation of the timurid state under Shahrukh Issues of sources and historiography


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Shahrukhs dwan and its personnel Political and military resources of Iran Timurid rule in southern and central Iran Political dynamics in the realm of the supernatural The dynasty and the politics of the religious classes The rebellion of sultan Muhammad b. Baysunghur and the struggle over succession Conclusion.


P. M. SIJPESTEIJN & al., eds.


Documents from the Medieval Muslim World
2007 xxviii + 256 pp., lm. 98,80
INDICE: Al-Andalus: C. lvarez de Morales: Romanced documents, bilingual documents and books of Habices E. Molina Lpez / M. C. Jimnez Mata: From muslim to christian hands: The documents from the municipal archive of Granada F. Vidal Castro: Water and farm estates in the arabic documents of the nas rid kingdom . of Granada A. Zomeo: The notaries and their formulas: the legacies from the library of the university of Granada Sicily: A. Metcalfe: Trusting the text as far as we can throw the scribe: further notes on reading a bilingual Jardat al-Hudd from the royal Dwn of norman Sicily Egypt: G. Frantz-Murphy: The economic of state formation in early islamic Egypt A. Boudhors: Lapport de papyrus postrieurs la conqute arabe pour la datation des ostraca coptes de la tombe TT29 F. R. Trombley: The documentary background to the History of the patriarchs of ps.-Sawrus ibn al-Muqaffac ca. 750-969 C.E. A. Hanafi: An early arabic business letter P. M. Sijpesteijn: The archival mind in early islamic Egypt: two arabic papyri S. Torallas Tovar: A tenth century list of payments or poll tax collecting on paper from the Montserrat collection Khurasan: G. Khan: Newly discovered arabic documents from early abbasid khurasan Epigraphy: R. G. Hoyland: Epigraphy and the emergence of arab identity.

120 Marn, M.: Vidas de mujeres andaluses 2006 233 pp., fig. 16,20
INDICE: Las mujeres en la sociedad andalus Mujeres solteras, mujeres casadas. La esposa ideal Los preparativos de la boda y la celebracin nupcial El contrato matrimonial y la vida conyugal La poligamia y el divorcio Esposas y concubinas Las mujeres en la poltica familiar: poder y relaciones de parentesco Las mujeres y el trabajo remunerado Los saberes de las mujeres Mujeres con nombre propio.


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121 Martn Asuero, P.: Descripcin del Egipto otomano segn las crnicas de viajeros espaoles, hispanoamericanos y otros textos (1806-1924) 2006 252 pp., fot. 24,00 122 McGregor, R. / A. Sabra / M. Loubet, eds.: Le dveloppement du soufisme en Egypte lpoque mamelouke / The Development of Sufism in Mamluk Egypt 2006 xi + 362 pp., fig. 40,00
INDICE: 1. Sufism in the City and Countryside: J.-C. Garcin: Les soufis dans la ville mamelouke dgypte. Histoire du soufisme et histoire globale C. Mayeur-Jaouen: Matres, cheikhs et anctres: saints du Delta lpoque mamelouke D. Gril: Le soufisme en gypte au dbut de lpoque . momelouke daprs le Wahd f sulk ahl al-tawhd de cAbd al-Gaffr Ibn Nh al-Qs (m. 708/1308) . . . . T. el-Leithy: Sufis, copts and the politics of piety: moral regulation in fourteenth-century upper Egypt P. B. Fenton: Juifs et soufis en gypte mamelouke M. Loubet: Le courant mystique juif soufi la lumire de la production littraire: la voie pitiste dans les Futht al-zamn 2. Varieties of Sainthood: A. Sabra: Illiterate sufis and learned artisans: the circle of cAbd al-Wahhb al-Shacrn E. Geoffroy: Une grande figure de saint umm: le cheikh cAl al-Khawws (m. 939/1532) R. McGregor: Conceptions of the ultimate saint in mamluk Egypt N. Amri: Le saint rifc Ab l-Hasan cAl al-cAjam (m. 809/1406) et le milieu politico-religieux tunisois du IXe/XVe sicle daprs le Sulk al-murdn wa zd al-ghurab wa-l-maskn 3. The Sufi Poetry of Ibn al-Frid : G. Scattolin: A . critical edition of Ibn al-Frids Dwn: reading a sufi text T. E. Homerin: Ibn al-Frids personal . . Dwn J.-Y. LHopital: cUmar b. al-Frid: procds littraires et exprience mystique 4. Sufism . cAl-l-Dn: Mus hamat al-ayj cAbd al-Rahman al-Bastam f Al-culm and the Occult Sciences: B. . . al-maktma P. Lory: Linterprtation des rves de porte religieuse chez Ibn Shhn 5. Mapping the Sacred: M. al-Ibrashy: Cairos qarafa as described in the ziyara literature T. Ohtoshi: Tasawwuf as reflected in ziyra book and the Cairo cemeteries M. Abu-l-cAmyim: Mintaqat masy id Shhn . al-Jalwat, mintaqat tasawwuf qadma. .

123 Mejri, A.: Les socialistes franais et la question marocaine (1903-1912) 2004 276 pp. 24,00 124 Melhaoui, M.: Peste, contagion et martyre. Histoire du flau en occident musulman mdival 2005 217 pp. 25,60 125 Moga Romero, V.: De fortaleza a ciudad. Melilla en las revistas ilustradas de finales del siglo XIX 2006 231 pp., lm.col. 75,00 126 Nogue, J. / J. L. Villanova, eds.: Espaa en Marruecos (1912-1956). Discursos geogrficos e intervencin territorial 1999 570 pp., fig., fot. 21,00


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127 Oren, M. B.: Power, Faith, and Fantasy. America in the Middle East 1776 to the Present 2007 608 pp., 68 fig., 4 map. 35,00 128 Peterson, J.: Historical Muscat. An Illustrated Guide and Gazetteer 2006 xii + 260 pp., 217 fig. 119,60 129 Risler, C.: La politique culturelle de la France en Algrie. Les objectifs et les limites (1830-1962) 2004 250 pp. 21,50 130 Salvatierra Cuenca, V.: La crisis del emirato omeya en el alto Guadalquivir. Precisiones sobre la geografa de la rebelin mulad 2001 216 pp., 4 fig. 14,00 131 Sourdel, D. / J. Sourdel-Thomine, eds.: Certificats de plerinage dpoque ayyoubide. Contribution lhistoire de lidologie de lislam au temps des croisades 2006 362 pp., 53 fig. 66,55 132 Steenbergen, J. van: Order out of Chaos. Patronage, Conflict and Mamluk Socio-Political Culture, 1341-1382 2006 xi + 210 pp. 104,00 133 Storia e cultura dello Yemen in et islamica, con particolare riferimento al periodo rasulide. Convegno Roma, 30-31 ottobre 2003 2006 219 pp. 28,50
INDICE: R. Traini: Introduzione. Il contributo italiano alla conoscenza geografica dello Yemen A. Fud Sayyid: Lhistoriographie du Ymen lpoque musulmane G. R. Smith: On the shoulders of giants the rasulid fiscal survey Mulakhkhas al-fitan revisited P. M. Costa: The architecture . . under the ayyubids and the rasulids in the Yemen and southern Arabia G. Canova: Il trattato di ippologia al-Aqwl al-kfiya wa-l-fusl al-fiya del sovrano raslide al-Malik al-Mughid cAl b. . Dwd R. Traini: Uno specchio per prncipi del sultano raslide al-Malik al-Afdal D. M. . Varisco: The state of agriculture in late 13th century rasulin Yemen A. Regourd: Les routes commerciales entre Zabd et lEurope: les papiers filigrans de fonds manuscrits de Zabd (Ymen, fin 18e milieu 20e s.) A. Gori: Lo Yemen e lislam in Africa orientale: contatti, testi, personaggi.

134 Thobie, J.: Ladministration gnrale des phares de lempire ottoman et la socit Collas et Michel (1860-1960) 2004 300 pp. 30,00


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135 Trigano, S., ed.: Le monde spharade, 1: Histoire 2006 1.007 pp. 29,00
INDICE: S. Trigano: Introduction: Faire lhistoire du monde spharade I. Histoire: 1. Lempire islamique: M. Ben Sasson: Histoire des juifs sous la domination musulmane M. Ben Sasson: Les centres juifs dOrient et dOccident lpoque de lempire islamique J. S. Gerber: Dans lEspagne musulmane . Attias: Le rle conomique des juifs en terre dislam M. Ben Sasson: La perscution almohade: mythes et histoire 2. En terres chrtiennes: J. S. Gerber: En Espagne chrtienne et en Provence L. Bornstein-Makovetsky: Les juifs de Cour de Sefarad Y. Tov Assis: Lexpulsion des juifs de la pninsule Ibrique M. Escamilla: Judasme et Inquisition dans le monde ibrique A. Foa: En Italie 3. Le tournant moderne: S. Trigano: Linvention spharade de la modernit juive A. Ben Ur: Distingus des autres juifs: les spharades des Carabes S. Trigano: Le duch de Galile: un rve de souverainet en Terre promise . Attias: Lconomie-monde de la diaspora hispano-portugaise R. Ayoun: Le commerce en Mditerrane occidentale 4. Lempire ottoman: Y. Ben Naeh: Dans lempire ottoman . Attias: Lconomie des juifs du bassin mditerranen D. Schroeter: La priode ottomane en Algrie, en Tunisie et en Libye D. Schroeter: Au Maroc E. Zenou: Les juifs et le commerce transsaharien 5. Les priphries: Y. Nini: Au Yemen A. Netzer: En Iran M. Zand: En Asie centrale S. Trigano: LAsie spharade 6. Les empires coloniaux: S. Trigano: Le tournant politique de la condition juive: lre coloniale R. Ayoun: En Libye, en Tunisie et en Algrie lpoque coloniale S. Bar Asher: Les bouleversements au Moyen-Orient et en Asie centrale: socit, tat et culture . Toledano Buslik: En gypte, Soudan, Irak, Syrie, Liban, Palestine S. Bar Asher: Limpulsion donne par les juifs dEspagne la vie conomique en Orient et en Afrique du Nord S. Bar Asher: Les lites conomiques dans la socit spharade lpoque contemporaine en Orient et en Afrique du Nord H. Bentov: Les classes laborieuses au Maroc et dans les pays dOrient 7. La modernisation luvre: G. Nahon: La transition de lhistoire spharade vers la modernit J. Chetrit: La Haskala hbraque dans lemonde spharade Y. Kerem: La modernit spharade dans les Balkans S. Trigano: Linvention spharade du sionisme moderne H. Saadoun: Le sionisme dans les pays musulmans 8. La fin dun monde: Y. Kerem: La destruction des communauts spharades des Balkans par les nazis R. Ayoun: Les juifs dAfrique du Nord pendant las seconde guerre mondiale H. Saadoun: Lexode des juifs des pays de lislam

136 Trigano, S., ed.: Le monde spharade, 2: Civilisation 2006 815 pp. 29,00
INDICE: II. Civilisation: S. Trigano: La civilisation du monde spharade 1. Le milieu arabomusulman: S. Schwarzfuchs: Le statut des juifs en terre dislam Juifs et musulmans en terre dislam 2. La religion: S. Trigano: Le judasme spharade M. Amar: La jurisprudence halakhique des sages de la diaspora orientale Y. Erder: Le schisme karate A. Bar Levav: Cercles messianiques: les mouvements messianiques des juifs dOrient . Bashan: Le statut juridique des femmes dans la socit traditionnelle 3. Les institutions: G. Nahon: La commune spharade M. Amar: La yechiva en Orient G. Nahon: Les institutions ducatives au XVIIIe sicle 4. La pense: D. Banon: Lexgse rabbinique D. Schwartz: La philosophie J. Dan: Littrature thique et culture spharade M. Hallamish: La Kabbale dans lEspagne mdivale 5. Les lettres: J. Chetrit: La posie hbraque I. Bezalel: La cration littraire lpoque moderne A. Netzer: La littrature des juifs dIran 6. Les sciences: P. Fenton: Les sciences du langage: de la philologie la traduction R. Barka: Le judasme espagnol du Moyen ge et la mdecine G. Freudenthal: Les sciences 7. La culture: D. Bunis: Les langues juives du Moyen-orient et dAfrique du Nord D. Schroeter: Le quartier juif et la cit islamique H. Goldberg: La culture spharade: us et coutumes E. Seroussi:


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La musique dans la culture spharade traditionnelle et contemporaine S. Sabar: Les arts visuels chez les juifs dEspagne et dOrient III. Au carrefour de lhistoire: 1. Un rencontre difficile: R. Ayoun: Les courants de communication des spharades avec les achknazes R. Toldano-Attias: Les spharades dans le regard des historiens juifs europens du XIXe sicle D. Bensimon: Les partis politiques israliens face aux spharades: lassignation communautariste 2. Les nouveaux mondes: J. Bahloul: La nouvelle diaspora spharade B. Almosnino: Paysages diasporiques contemporains S. Smooha: Les spharades dans la socit isralienne: histoire sociologique et politique Conclusion: S. Trigano: Lhistoricit du monde spharade.

137 Tvedt, T.: The River Nile in the Age of the British. Political Ecology and the Quest for Economic Power 2004 480 pp., 16 fig. 87,40 138 Urteaga, L.: Vigilia colonial. Cartgrafos militares espaoles en Marruecos (1882-1912) 2006 262 pp., lm.col. 75,00
INDICE: La creacin de la comisin de Marruecos Primeros levantamientos en el norte de Marruecos: cartografa itineraria y mapas a escala 1:100 000 Santa Cruz de Mar Pequea y la incursin en el Shara La reorganizacin de la comisin de Marruecos Los planos de poblaciones Una crisis imprevista Cambio de orientacin: cartografa a escala 1:50 000 La actividad de la comisin de Marruecos de 1898 a 1909 Cartografa de la regin oriental del Rif (1909-1912) Conclusiones.

139 Valden Baruque, J.: Cristianos, judos y musulmanes 2006 182 pp. 19,50
INDICE: La llegada de los judos a Hispania La invasin de la Pennsula Ibrica por los musulmanes El predominio de al-Andalus (siglos VIII-X) Los ncleos cristianos entre los siglos VIII y X La recuperacin cristiana (siglos XI-XIII) Musulmanes y judos en los reinos cristianos (siglos XI-XIII) El declive de al-Andalus entre los siglos XI y XIII El siglo XIV. Ruptura de la convivencia entre cristianos y judos El siglo XV: hacia la ruptura de los cristianos con los judos y los islamitas La herencia de musulmanes y judos en la cultura espaola.

140 Valerian, D.: Bougie, port maghrebin, 1067-1510 2006 viii + 795 pp. 97,00
INDICE: 1. Un ple rgional du Maghreb. La construction conteste dune domination territoriale: Bougie, un ple majeur de lespace politique maghrbin La difficile matre du territoire changes et espaces conomiques intrieurs 2. Bougie, port mditerranen: Prsence et activits marchandes dans le port de Bougie La mer source de profit: le commerce La mer source de profits: la piraterie 3. Une forte dpendance face la conjoncture mditerranenne: Un commerce chappant partiellement aux Bougiotes Une volution lie aux transformations au Maghreb et en Mditerrane.


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141 Veiga, F.: El turco. Diez siglos a las puertas de Europa 2006 682 pp., fig. 22,90
INDICE: Prlogo: El laboratorio turco 1. La fuerza: Lobos, caballos y halcones. Desde el origen de los pueblos turcos hasta la decadencia abas en el siglo X Orinando fuego sobre el mundo. La llegada de los selycidas al Prximo Oriente musulmn, 950-1055 El sultanato de Rm. Penetracin turca en Anatolia, 1054-1073 El msculo del islam. Contencin turca de los cruzados y asentamiento de los selycidas de Asia Menor, 1085-1240 El azote del dios Tngri. Cada de Constantinopla y de Bagdad: la cuarta cruzada y las invasiones mongolas, 1199-1258 El final del camino. Contencin de los mongoles por los turcos y establecimiento de la dinasta de los mamelucos, 1259-1261 2. El estado: La fuerza de una rosa. Transformaciones culturales y religiosas en Anatolia bajo los mongoles, 1243-1290 Seor del horizonte. Desintegracin final del sultanato de Rm y auge del beylik de Osman, 1291-1330 El campo de los mirlos. La conquista de los Balcanes y la creacin del imperio bajo Orhan y Murad I, 1346-1389 Fetret. Quiebra del imperio y restauracin, 1390-1420 Carros y caones. El sultn Murad II y las guerras contra Hungra, 1421-1451 La roja manzana. La cada de Constantinopla Refundacin. La era de Mehmed II Fatih Retorno al califato. La conquista del mundo rabe, 1481-1518 como gran potencia continental, 1521-1533 Galeras. La lucha por la supremaca naval, 1533-1556 Lepanto. El final de la era de Sleyman I, 1556-1571 3. La tragedia: Tierras para gatos y perros. Primer tramo de la decadencia otomana, 1571-1606 El pescado se pudre por la cabeza. Sultanas y jenzaros, 1606-1622 El canto del cisne. El corazn de un siglo turbulento, 1622-1683 Horcas caudinas: de Karlowitz a Passarowitz. La quiebra definitiva del poder otomano en Europa central, 1683-1718 El sueo de los tulipanes. El fracaso de la primera oportunidad reformista, 1718-1774 Hoja al viento. El imperio otomano durante la Revolucin francesa y las guerras napolenicas, 1789-1806 El benfico evento. Mahmud II y el decisivo viraje reformista, 1807-1827 4. Los burcratas: El perfume de la estancia rosa. Las primeras tanzimat y sus precedentes, 1828-1856 El triunfo de los cien mil burcratas. El definitivo viraje modernizador y sus lmites, 1856-1873 El ao de los tres sultanes. De la gran revuelta balcnica a la conferencia de Berln, 1875-1878 Estado de excepcin ilustrado. Autoracia, progreso y oposicin en tiempos de Abdlhamid II, 1879-1902 El poder toma el poder. Revolucin y rgimen de los jvenes turcos, 1904-1912 ltimos meses de paz. El comienzo del fin del imperio otomano, 1912-1915 Contrainsurgencia y genocidio. La liquidacin de la minora armenia y sus antecedentes, 1915 Los planes del gran expolio. Revueltas rabe, reparto del Prximo Oriente y hundimiento del imperio, 1916-1918 5. La repblica: El tronco sin ramas. Ocupacin y reparto de Anatolia, noviembre de 1918agosto de 1920 Fuerza, poder y violencia. El nacimiento de la Turqua contempornea, 19201923 El yo nacin. El estado kemalista, 1923-1927 Devrim. La revolucin social y sus lmites, 1926-1938 Koreli. Los inicios del poskemalismo, 1939-1960 Un lujo para Turqua. Tutela militar y cambio poltico, 1960-1973 Aos de hierro y plomo. Golpismo, terrorismo y enfrentamiento social, 1973-1983 Los lmites de un milagro. La era zal y la nueva situacin intrnacional, 1983-1991 Bruselas. El final de un camino histrico, 1993-2002 Eplogo: Comps de espera.

142 Vernassa, M.: Allombra del bardo. Presenze toscane nella Tunisia di Ahmed Bey 1837-1855 2005 232 pp. 19,85


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143 Viguera Molins, M. J., ed.: Manuscritos de Ibn al-Jatb, Ibn Jaldn y al. Maqrz 2006 1 CD-ROM 15,00 [en rabe]
INDICE: Historia de los reyes de la Alhambra de Ibn al-Jatb. Man. Ar. n XI-2 de la Biblioteca . nacional de Madrid (Espaa) Los prolegmenos de Ibn Jaldn. Man. Ar. n XVI de la Escuela de estudios rabes, CSIC, Granada (Espaa) La Gran historia de al-Maqrzi. Man. Ar. n 2125 de la Biblioteca de Alejandra (Egipto).

144 Zakeri, M., ed.: Persian Wisdom in Arabic Garb. cAl B. cUbayda al-Ray Hn (D. 219/834) and His Jawhir al-Kilam Wa-Farid al-Hikam. Edited and . . Translated, 2 vols. 2006 xxii + 1.518 pp. 310,96 145 Zayas, R. de: Los moriscos y el racismo de estado. Creacin, persecucin y deportacin (1499-1612) 2006 472 pp. 28,00 146 Zeevi, D.: Producing Desire. Changing Sexual Discourse in the Ottoman Middle East, 1500-1900 2006 xv + 223 pp., 6 fot., 6 tabl. 25,60
INDICE: Introduction: Sex as script The body sexual: medicine and physiognomy Regulating desire: Sharca and Kanun Morality wars: orthodoxy, sufism, and beardless youths Dream interpretation and the unconscious Boys in the hood: shadow theater as a sexual counter-script The view from without: sexuality in travel accounts Conclusion: Modernity and sexual discourse.

147 Zisser, E.: Lebanon. The Challenge of Independence 2000 252 pp. 71,70 148 Zurlo, Y.: Ceuta et Melilla. Histoire, reprsentations et devenir de deux enclaves espagnoles 2005 320 pp., map. 28,30

149 Baalbaki, R., ed.: The Early Islamic Grammatical Tradition 2007 l + 365 pp. 127,00
INDICE: The Beginnings of Arabic Grammar: M. G. Carter: The origins of arabic grammar G.


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Troupeau: The logic of Ibn al-Muqaffa and the origins of arabic grammar K. Versteegh: Grammar and exegesis: the origins of kufan grammar and the Tafsr Muqtil F. Rundgren: On the greek influence on arabic grammar R. Talmon: Schachts theory in the light of recent discoveries concerning the origins of arabic grammar V. Law: Indian influence on early arab phonetics or coincidence? Analytical Methods of the Grammarians: M. Mahdi: Language and logic in classical islam G. Bohas: Aspects of debate and explanation among arab grammarians R. Baalbaki: The relation . between nahw and balga: a comparative study of the methods of Sbawayhi and Gurgn A. Levin: . The fundamental principles of the arab grammarians theory of camal Y. Suleiman: The notion cilla in arabic linguistic thinking Major Themes in Grammatical Study: J. Owens: The syntactic basis of arabic word classification J.-P. Guillaume: Speech consists entirely of noun, verb and particle: Elaboration and discussion of the theory of parts of speech in the arabic grammatical tradition W. Diem: Noun, substantive and adjective according to arab grammarians G. Goldenberg: Subject and predicate in arab grammatical tradition P. Larcher: Relationships between linguistics and the other sciences in arabo-islamic society.

150 Baba, A.-S. Ould Mohamed: estudio dialectolgico y lexicolgico del refranero andalus de Ab Yahy Azzajjl . 1999 298 pp. 19,23 151 Bounfour, A. / S. Chaker, eds.: tudes littraires africaines, 21 2006: Littrature berbre 2006 93 pp. 13,52
INDICE: A. Bounfour: Prsentation de la littrarit berbre contemporaine S. Chaker: la langue de la littrature crite berbre: dynamiques et contrastes A. Ameziane: La no-littrature kabyle et ses rapports la littrature traditionnelle D. Abrous: Eclatement et enracinement dans la production romannesque kabyle M. El Adak: Quelques uvres littraires rifaines avec extraits D. Merolla: Le thtre et la production mdiatique berbres entre le Maroc et lEurope Comptes rendus.

152 Cansinos Assens, R., ed.: Antologa de poetas persas. Seleccin, introduccin, traduccin y notas R. Cansinos Assens 2006 410 pp. 21,50 153 De Jong, R. E.: A Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of the Northern Sinai Littoral. Bridging the Linguistic Gap between the Eastern and Western Arab World 2000 xvii + 693 pp., 74 map. 238,16 154 El-Shamy, H. M.: A Motif Index of The Thousand and One Nights 2006 678 pp. 60,55


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155 Foucauld, C. de: Dictionnaire touareg-franais. Dialecte de lAhaggar, 4 vols. 1951, facsm 2.039 pp., fig., map. 190,00 156 Gauch, S.: Liberating Shahrazad. Feminism, Postcolonialism, and Islam 2007 xix + 174 pp. 22,45
INDICE: Introduction: A Thousand and one Shahrazads Silent reflections Speaking in between A story without a face La fantasia rclame, or voice incorporated Shahrazad at the vanishing point Epilogue: Reading, listening.

157 Gralla, S.: Der arabische Dialekt von Nabk (Syrien) 2006 xii + 191 pp. 60,00 158 Ibn Qalqis: Dwn (...). Tahqq S. al-farh . . 1988 730 pp. 18,00 159 Jeffery, A.: The Foreign Vocabulary of the Qurn. With a Foreword by G. Bwering and J. D. Mcauliffe 2007 xxii + 312 pp. 123,76 160 Johanson, L. / C. Bulut, eds.: Turkic-Iranian Contact Areas. Historical and Linguistic Aspects 2006 333 pp. 64,00 161 Lafont, R.: La motivation postrieure et nasale du schme en smitique: une approche par larabe classique 2006 62 pp. 10,50 162 Leeuwen, R. van: The Thousand and One Nights. Space, Travel and Transformation 2007 viii + 161 pp. 102,75
INDICE: Background Travelling, boundaries and narratives Roads to power Night and day: the two faces of man Marginality, individuality and the traveller The spirit of place The domains of love Magic and the logic of narrative space Some conclusions.

163 Mejdell, G.: Mixed Styles in Spoken Arabic in Egypt. Somewhere between Order and Chaos 2006 xiii + 481 pp. 176,80


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164 Miller, E. A.: Jewish Multiglossia: Hebrew, Arabic, and Castilian in Medieval Spain 2000 160 pp. 23,00 165 al-Misr, H. M : Atar al-muc am al-carab f Lugt al-ucb al-islmiyya: y . . . al-urdiyya - al-turkiyya - al-frisiyya 1992 148 pp. 10,00 166 Moscoso Garca, F.: Curso de rabe marroqu. Dilogos, gramtica, ejercicios, glosario, bibliografia 2006 482 pp., CD-ROM, fig. 30,00 167 El-Mountassir, A.: Initiation au tachelhit. Langue berbre du sud du Maroc. Ra nsawal tachelhit [+ 1 CD-ROM] 2006 189 pp., 1 CD-ROM 30,00 168 al-Musawi, M. J.: Arabic Poetry. Trajectories of Modernity and Tradition 2006 xxi + 327 pp. 102,75
INDICE: Poetic trajectories: critical introduction The tradition-modernity nexus in arabic poetics Poetic strategies: thresholds for conformity and dissent Poetic dialogization: ancestors in the textfigures and figurations Dedications as poetic intersections Envisioning exile: past anchors and problematic encounters The edge of recognition and rejection: why T. S. Eliot? Conclusion: Deviational and reversal poetics-dissent, not allegiance.

169 Owens, J., ed.: Arabic as a Minority Language 2000 xi + 458 pp. 128,00
INDICE: Historical Perspectives: I. Ferrando: The arabic language among the mozarabs of Toledo during the 12th and 13th centuries P. Wexler: Arabic as a tool for expressing jewish and romani ethnic identity. (A prolegomenon to a typology of arabic in non-arabic speaking communities) A. Zelkina: The arabic linguistic and cultural tradition in Daghestan: an historical overview Arabic Ethnic Minorities: L. Boumans / D. Caubet: Modelling intrasentential codeswitching: a comparative study of algerian/french in Algeria and moroccan/dutch in the Netherlands C. Kieffer: The arabic speech of Bactria (Afghanistan) R. Talmon: Arabic as a minority language in Israel J. Owens / J. Hassan: Making a fish of a friend. Waris: the secret language of arab koronic school students in Borno J. Owens: Loanwords in nigerian arabic. A quantitative approach Cross-Ethnic and Non-Arab Perspectives: The arabic dialects in the turkish province of Hatay and the aramaic dialects in the syrian mountains of Qalamn: two minority languages compared F. Brahimi: Loanwords in algerian berber U. Maas: Moroccan: a language in emergence F. Brahimi / J. Owens: Language legitimization: arabic in multiethnic contexts.

170 Pacheco Paniagua, J. A.: Literatura, crtica literaria y ensayo en la revista


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al-Adab (1953-1984) 1990 266 pp. 8,41 171 Pflitsch, A. / B. Winckler, eds.: Poetrys Voice - Societys Norms. Forms of Interaction between Middle Eastern Writers and Their Societies. Dedicated to Angelika Neuwirth 2006 xii + 306 pp. 75,00
INDICE: F. J. Ghazoul: The arab poet. From the spokesman of the tribe to a tribune of the dispossessed Religious Norms Adovocating / Domesticating Literary Freedom: T. Bauer: Religion und klassisch-arabische Literatur N. Kermani: Das Feld des Widerstands. Das Hiob-Motiv im Buch der Leiden von Faridoddin cAt.t.r F. Pannewick: Death and the power of the word M. Jarrar: The arabic novel carries its cross and asks the son of man. Iconography of Jesus in some modern arabic novels Literary Norms and the Travelling of Genres: V. Behmardi: The Madra of . Baghdad versus the Sikbj of Nishapur. The migration of a maqma from arabic to persian S. Sharma: Atiya Begum and the mystery of the beloveds identity in Shibli Numanis persian ghazals P. Furrer: Stories behind the history. Affinities among detective fiction, esotericism, and history in contemporary turkish literature Linguistic Norms: Writing in the Stepmother Tongue: D. Ruhe: Which societys norms? Francophone writers in Algeria facing the postcolonial dilemma R. Snir: Arabs of the mosaic faith. Jewish writers in modern Iraq and the clash of narratives after their immigration to Israel A. Nocke: Rewriting israeliness. Arabs writing in hebrew and jews writing in arabic Gender Norms, Inverted and Subverted: R. Jacobi: Layl al-Akhyaliyya an umayyad feminist? S. Mejcher-Atassi: Breaking the silence. Etel Adnans Sitt Marie Rose and The arab apocalypse M. T. Amyuni: Etel Adnan & Hoda Barakat. De-centered perspectives, subversive voices Societal Norms I: The Poet Involved: A. Niyazioglu: The sixteenth-century ottoman poet in reclusion (cuzlet) K. Seigneurie: The importance of being Kawabata. The narratee in todays literature of commitment Societal Norms II: Imagining Communities, Debating the Collective: L. Tramontini: Wenn je dein Himmel mich einengte, o vaterland... Nationalistische Dichter im revolutionren Irak 1920 B. Winckler: Utopische Kriegslandschaften. Slim Nassib, Hud Barakt und die Debatte um den Wiederaufbau des Beiruter Stadtzentrums A. Pflitsch: Familienbande. Erinnerungspanoramen in drei nahstlichen Generationenromanen.

172 Prochazka-eisl, G.: Die Lieder des Papageien. Populre Gedichte in der satirisch-literarischen Zeitschfift Papagan (1924-1927) 2005 556 pp., fig. 61,00 173 Rabadan Carrascosa, M.: La jrefiyye palestina: literatura, mujer y maravilla. El cuento maravilloso palestino de tradicin oral. Estudio y textos 2003 663 pp., 27 fig. 60,00 174 Robinson, C.: Medieval Andalusian Courtly Culture in the Mediterranean. Hadith Bayad wa Riyad 2007 x + 225 pp., fig. 110,00
INDICE: Bayd. wa Riyd.: translation Love localized, science from afar: the image program


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of the H.adth Bayd. wa Riyd. Alfonso, the almohads and the Ajouz: the H.adth Bayd. wa Riyd., courtliness and culture in thirteenth-century Iberia Wandering in Babylon: the H.adth Bayd. wa Riyd. and the roman idyllique.

175 Stetkevych, J.: The Modern Arabic Literary Language. Lexical and Stylistic Developments 2006 xxiii + 135 pp. 22,00
INDICE: The analogical method of deviation (al-Qiys) The formation of compound words (al-Naht) The assimilation of foreign words (al-Tacrb) Semantic developments Attempts at a simplification of the grammar Foreign modes of expression (Tacrb al-Aslb) Definitions and projections.

176 Abaza, M.: The Changing Consumer Cultures of Modern Egypt. Cairos Urban Reshaping 2006 xx + 312 pp. 104,00 177 Ahmad, T.: Reform in the Arab World. External Influences and Regional Debates 2005 xiv + 174 pp. 28,50 178 Ahmed, A.: Sorrow and Joy among Muslim Women. The Pukhtuns of Northern Pakistan 2006 232 pp., 23 lm, 3 map., tabl. 81,15
INDICE: Gham-khdi: framework and fielwork From the inside-out: Bibianes dual lives in and beyond the house The work of mourning: death and dismay among Bibiane Celebrating khdi: communal Pukhtun weddings and clandestine internet marriages The work of ghamkhdi: not to do gham-khdi is shameful (sharam); to do it a burden.

179 Balanche, F.: La regin alaouite et le pouvoir Syrien 2006 313 pp., 55 fig. 29,12
INDICE: 1. Une rgion alaouite favorise et clientlise par le pouvoir syrien: Lorganisation du territoire alaouite des ottomans la Syrie baathiste Dsenclavement, quipement, urbanisation: les cls dune nouvelle organisation du territoire Une dynamique industrielle et portuaire limite Conclusin: Une priphrie dpendante de ltat et dlaisse dans lespace conomique syrien 2. Construction et utilisation de la rgion alaouite par le pouvoir syrien: La communaut alaouite et son territoire models par la assabiyya au pouvoir Les villes ctires: une dynamique spatiale et conomique dpendante de leur architecture communautaire Libralisation conomique et priphrisation de la rgion alaouite Une priphrie intgre ltat mais dlaisse par le secteur priv Conclusion gnrale: Le dlitement dune intgration nationale inacheve.


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180 Ballesteros, A.: Los contenciosos de la poltica exterior de Espaa 20053 404 pp. 26,00
INDICE: Los contenciosos: Gibraltar Ceuta y Melilla El Shara occidental.

181 Benfoughal, T. / S. Boulay, eds.: Journal des africanistes, 76-1: Sahara: identits et mutations sociales en objets 2006 283 pp., 8 lm.col. 27,50
INDICE: Sahara: T. Benfoughal / S. Boulay: Sur les traces de quelques objets sahariens: pistes de recherche croises P. Bonte: La notion de biens de prestige au Sahara occidental V. Pardo: Le palanquin nuptial Douiret (sud-est tunisien) C. Baroin: Le luth chez les toubou: approche comparative et volution M.-L. Gelard: Une cuiller pot pour demander la pluie S. Walentowitz: Tout un monde au creux dun plat: la grande cuelle des touaregs S. Boulay: La double vie du porte-bagages, un objet singulier sous la tente des maures T. Benfoughal: De la matire premire lobjet tress, la vanneire dans les oasis du Sahara maghrbin V. Battesti: De lhabitation aux pieds dargile (Siwa, Egypte) C. Cauvin-Verner: Les objets du tourisme, entre tradition et folklore tudes et recherches: J. Roitman / J.-P. Warnier: La politique de la valeur: une introduction I. Kopytoff: La biographie culturelle des choses.

182 Boumaza, N. & al.: Villes relles, villes projetes. Fabrication de la ville au Maghreb 2006 703 pp., 12 lm.col. 40,00
INDICE: N. Boumaza: Processus de fabrication urbaine et action. Renouvellement de lurbanisme et contextes daction propos des villes maghrbines I. Dynamiques urbaines contemporaines au Maghreb: 1. Matrialits urbaines et sens de la ville: N. Boumaza: Sur les transformations contemporaines et le fait urbain au Maghreb K. Mikou: Comment se caractrise le fait urbain aujourdhuir au Maroc? R. Sidi Boumedine: La fabrication urbaine au Maghreb au regard des changements contextuels et des procdures: lexemple de lAlgrie N. Lafi: La fabrique des villes mahgrbines entre hritages et rinterprtation: institutions, espaces et cultures X. Malverti: Ville rglemente, ville des usages II. Villes maghrbines en fabrication: 2. Villes marocaines: M. Chouiki: Dynamique du systme de structuration de lespace urbain et de rgulation de la mobilit urbaine: le cas de Casablanca L. Zaki: La ngociation dune identit stigmatise, les modes de gestion du discrdit au bidonville M. Ben Attou: De lurbanisme oprationnel lurbanisme de fait: Agadir, une ville reconstruite la recherche dune identit sociale 3. Villes algriennes: L. Ichebouden: Les nouveaux quartiers dAlger: dveloppement ou talement urbain? R. Sidi Boumedine: Alger: des rarrangements et des reclassements; vingt ans dvolution de la mtropole algroise N. Driss: Les espaces publics Alger: mise en scne des formes opposes des usages S. E. Cherrad / B. Sahraoui: Une ville nouvelle comme mode dextension dune mtropole rgionale 4. Villes tunisiennes: M. Chabbi: Lurbanisation en Tunisie, transformations et tendances dvolution J. Binous: Rglements et rfrences en urbanisme: exemple des villes tunisiennes A. Rebhi: Lintgration des quartiers dans la ville partir de lexprience des oprations de requalification. Exemple du projet de dveloppement urbain intgr (PDUI) du quartier El Bourgi Kairouan I. Ruiz: De la commune la ville, du plan au modle territorial urbain: lecture de quelques projets damnagements des petites villes tunisiennes III. La ville existante, objet daction: Lhritage urbain: le devenir des mdinas: 5. Les mdinas entre patrimonialisation et rfrence: S. Yerasimos: Centres historiques et dveloppement durable: la deuxime mort du


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patrimoine? A. Skounti: La mdina et la ville. Centralit et patrimonialisation 6. Mdinas en situation et pragmatique de laction: I. Ernst: la fabrication de la mdina de Marrakech par les images A.-C. Kurzac-Souali: La revalorisation de la mdina dans lespace urbain au Maroc. Un espace urbain revisit par les lites et le tourisme N. Boumaza: Pour une pragmatique de laction appuye sur le patrimoine. Discours, enjeux et ncessits davancer IV. La ville existante contemporaine, sgrgation et intgration: 7. Croissance urbaine et intgration: A. El BouaaiachiNadri: Lurbain informel en action: lments mthodologiques pour la mise en uvre du projet de matrise douvrage social: application sur le cas de lhabitat risque Hay El Hassani Fs A. Bendjelid: Les modalits dintgration sociale dans le processus de rgulation urbaine au Maghreb. Le cas dOran (Algrie) J. Remy; Lieux de mobilit et extensions urbaines: processus et rgumation Laction sur la ville: fabrication, gestion et dessin de la ville: V. Gestion urbaine et gouvernance de la ville: 8. Acteurs et gestion publique: B. Barrou: Laction institutionnelle: lexemple des institutions de sauvegarde de la mdina de Fs T. Souami: Connatre ceux qui font la ville. Cultures, pratiques et enjeux au Maghreb 9. Gestion urbaine et gouvernance: D. Abbadi: De la gestion la gouvernance des villes marocaines M. Souali: Interrogation de la recherche partir des expriences dactions sociales en quartiers dfavoriss. Pour une planification et une gestion urbaine partages VI. Lurbanisme en jeu: 10. Projet urbain et champs structureles de laction: N. Boumaza: Projets urbains et logiques daction M. Chabbi: Fonctions et usages de tudes durbanisme dans la production de la ville au Maghreb M. Belahcen Tlemani: Une nouvelle grille danalyse de lhabitat insalubre et clandestin au Maroc: vers une stratgie dintervention plurielle et solidaire N. Boumaza: Entre la ville nouvelle de An E Bey et les villes nouvelles: une dmarche incertaine. Exprience internationale et coup parti 11. Modles danalyse et action: A. Picard: Des rapports complexes la modernit, propos de lAlgrie F. NavezBouchanine: Lhabitat informel, ressource pour la fabrication de la ville? J.-P. Frey: Une morphologie fabrique ou la fabrication dune morphologie approprie aux villes du Maghreb? X. Malverti: De lautomobile au tramway: reconstruire la rue. Lexprience franaise comme rfrence rflchir pour les villes maghrbines J. Comby: Le foncier et la ville N. Boumaza: Le renouvellement ncessaire des systmes de formation et des mtiers de la ville En guise de conclusion: 12: Leons durbanisme et perspectives: J. J. Deluz: Problmatique urbaine au Maghreb: le cas de lAlgrie N. Boumaza: La matrise et le dessin de la ville. Perspectives daction pour les villes maghrbines Bibliographie gnrale.

183 Chiffoleau, S., ed.: Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Mditerrane, 115-116: La Syrie au quotidien: cultures et pratiques du changement 2006 383 pp., fig. 24,45
INDICE: 1. Le dfis du quotidien: vivre, sorganiser, inventer: L. Vignal: La nouvelle consommation et les transformations des paysages urbains: lexemple de Damas A. Rabo: Affective, parochial or innovative? Aleppo traders on the margin of global capitalism F. Stolleis: Lemprunt au fminin: rseaux de femmes et associations dpargne Damas R. Najmeh: La presse et la jeunesse en Syrie: la sortie du silence... mais pas encore le droit la parole 2. Modes dexpression religieuse et communautaire: N. Migliorino: Kulna Suriyyin? The armenian community and the state in contemporary Syria J. Tejel Gorgas: Les kurdes de Syrie, de la dissimulation la visibilit? C. Roussel: Les grandes familles druzes entre local et national P. G. Pinto: Sufism, moral performance and the public sphere in Syria S. Chiffoleau: Ftes et processions de Maaloula: une mise en scne des identits dans lespace dun village chrtien 3. Mobilisations et constestations la marge M. Le Saux: Les dynamiques contradictoires du champ associatif


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syrien M. Ababsa: Contre-rforme agraire et conflits fonciers en Jzira syrienne (2000-2005) C. Box: Tahy as-snam. Produire du sens: les enjeux politique de lexpression dans lespace . public Y. al-Haj Saleh: Lunivers des anciens prisonniers politiques en Syrie tude libre: D. Iancu-Agou: tre expuls ou intern Djelfa aux sicles derniers (1893-1942).

184 Devos, B.: Kleidungspolitik in Iran. Die Durchsetzung der Kleidungsvorschriften fr Mnner unter Riza Sah 2006 viii + 108 pp., 14 fig. 20,80 185 Jabar, F. A. / H. Dawod, eds.: The Kurds. Nationalism and Politics 2006 378 pp. 56,50 186 Janssen, E.: Stabilitt in Nahost? Transformationsanstze von USA und EU und strukturelle Hindernisse einer Friedensordnung 2005 544 pp. 54,00 187 Karam, K.: Le mouvement civil au Liban. Revendications, protestations et mobilisations associatives dans laprs-guerre 2006 361 pp. 33,28 188 Kedourie, S., ed.: Elie Kedouries Approaches to History and Political Theory. The Thoughts and Actions of Living Men 2006 vii + 182 pp. 102,75
INDICE: S. Kedourie: Aspects of Elie Kedouries work E. Kedourie: The Cyprus problem and its solution P. M. Kitromilides: Elie Kedouries contribution to the study of nationalism M. E. Yapp: Elie Kedourie and the history of the Middle East N. OSullivan: Philosophy, politics and conservatism in the thought of Elie Kedourie M. Sutton: Elie Kedourie and Henri de Lubac: anglo-french musings on the progeny of Joachim of Fiore P. Roberts: History: puzzle and people or prescription and prophecy?

189 Khalaf, S. / J. Gagnon, eds.: Sexuality in the Arab World 2006 156 pp. 56,00 190 Martn Muoz, G., ed.: Democracia y derechos humanos en el mundo rabe 1993 367 pp. 26,00 191 Martn Muoz, G. / L. Moure, eds.: El mundo rabe e islmico. Experiencia histrica, realidad poltica y evolucin socio-econmica 2006 244 pp. 12,00
INDICE: G. Martn Muoz: El mundo rabe e islmico: un universo mal conocido G. Martn


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Muoz: Poltica, identidades y religin B. Khader: El mundo rabe: un boceto histrico, 6222005 J. Abu Tarbush: Pensamiento poltico, ideologas y experiencias de gobierno S. Bessis: Economa y sociedades del mundo rabe.

192 Miret i Cuadras, P.: Crnica dun metge al Marroc (1954-1858) 2006 184 pp., fot. 11,00 193 Misdaq, N.: Afghanistan. Political Frailty and External Interference 2006 380 pp. 111,45 194 Monlen, J., ed.: VII y VIII foros Ibn cArab. Lectura tica y poltica de la inmigracin Espaa y el Magrib 2007 246 pp. 15,87 195 Moussaoui, A.: De la violence en Algrie. Les lois du chaos 2006 447 pp. 26,00 196 Nasr, V.: The Shia Revival. How Conflicts Within Islam Will Shape the Future 2006 304 pp. 27,15 197 Nugent, J. B. / H. Pesaran, eds.: Explaining Growth in the Middle East 2006 450 pp. 120,64 198 Qadeer, M.: Pakistan. Social and Cultural Transformations in a Muslim Nation 2006 336 pp. 119,50 199 Sankari, J.: Fadlallah. The Making of a Radical Shiite Leader 2005 397 pp. 28,45 200 Simpson, E.: Islam and Society in the Indian Ocean. Seafarers of Kachchh 2006 208 pp. 119,50 201 Soares, B. F., ed.: Muslim-Christian Encounters in Africa 2006 x + 312 pp. 97,00


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202 Torab, A.: Performing Islam. Gender and Ritual in Iran 2007 xvii + 300 pp. 67,60
INDICE: Blurring boundaries Womens caring labour A well-adjunted misfit The morality of self-interested exchange Rites of masculinity Girls initiation ritual Reversal and licence The head and heart tangle.

203 Werenfels, I.: Managing Instability in Algeria: Elites and Political Change since 1995 2007 245 pp. 111,00 204 Wessels, A.: Muslims and the West. Can They Be Integrated? 2006 viii + 195 pp. 38,50

205 Al-Talli (Bardawil), F.: Recherches sur le dcor sculpt dans larchitecture civile omeyyade de Syrie. 2 vols. 1996 1.081 pp. 77,75 206 Amar Rodrguez, V. M., ed.: El cine marroqu: secuencias para su conocimiento 2006 100 pp. 6,00
INDICE: V. Amar: Jalones para la historia del cine magreb. Impresiones a ambos lados del estrecho A. Kelai: El cine en Marruecos: presente y horizontes F. al-Bakkali: El cine marroqu: programacin cinematogrfica y bsqueda del pblico C. Ameur: Cine marroqu: estancamiento y desarrollo A. El Bazi: El cine marroqu: a la bsqueda de unas seas de identidad esttica N. Bendriss: Panormica sobre la evolucin de la sociedad marroqu a travs del cine M. Lemrini: Cine colonial en Marruecos V. Amar: La mujer en el cine marroqu. Aspectos para su comprensin C. Moguel Gonzlez: La invisibilidad de la mujer en el cine marroqu: el caso de Happy Day.

207 Arqueologa y territorio medieval, 13.1 2006 224 pp., fot. 30,00
INDICE: J. C. Snchez Pardo: Anlisis espacial de un territorio altomedieval: Nendos (A Corua) J. A. Quirs Castillo: La gnesis del paisaje medieval en lava: la formacin de la red aldeana J. L. Castillo Armenteros / J. C. Castillo Armenteros: Las defensas de Alcaudete (Jan) en poca almohade G. Berti / A. Garca Porras: A propsito de Una necesaria revisin de las cermicas andaluses halladas en Italia J. I. Ba-rrera Maturana: Trazados de edificios moros: graffiti medievales en los subterrneos de La Alhambra Reseas.


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208 Barcel Torres, C. / A. Gil Albarracn: La mezquita almohade de Fiana (Almera) 1994 88 pp., fig. 9,62 209 Betrn Abada, R.: La forma de la ciudad: las ciudades de Aragn en la edad media 1992 510 pp., fig. 24,00
INDICE: 1. La ciudad islmica: El concepto de orden y la ciudad islmica La marca superior y el elemento militar. La red urbana Los modos de la ciudad islmica: las defensas Los modos de la ciudad islmica: la forma urbana 2. La ciudad cristiana: La formacin de un concepto cristiano del orden Hacia la ciudad como forma especfica La ciudad burguesa La ciudad nobiliaria La ciudad concejil.

210 Bloch, F. / V. Daiber / P. Kntzele: Studien zur sptantiken und islamischen Keramik. Hirbat al-Minya Baalbek Resafa 2005 159 pp., 22 fig., 116 lm. 81,00 211 Carboni, S., ed.: Venise et lorient (828-1797). Expositions, Paris & New York 2006-2007 2006 375 pp., lm.col. 65,00
INDICE: Introduction: S. Carboni: Des instants visionnaires: Venise et lorient (828-1797) 1. Le contexte culturel et historique: J.-C. Hocquet: Venise et le monde turc G. Curatola: Venise et le monde musulman daprs les documents darchives D. Howard: Venise, ville orientale D. Howard: Venise et les mamlks J. Raby: La srnissime et la sublime porte: les arts dans lart diplomatique, 1453-1600 C. Schmidt Arcangeli: La peinture orientaliste Venise du XVe au XVIIe sicle B. H. Berrie: Les pigments dans la peinture vnitienne et islamique M. Barry: Giorgione et les maures de Venise 2. Les arts dcoratifs entre Venise et lorient: W. Denny: Les textiles et tapis dorient Venise S. Sardjono: Velours ottomans ou italiens? Une tude technique G. Curatola: Tissus et tapis Venise. Le rle des marchands juifs dans leur commerce S. Auld: Matre Mahmd et les mtaux incrusts au XVe sicle S. La Niece: Matre Mahmd et le travail dincrustation du mtal: une perspective scientifique E. J. Grube: Le laque vnitien et la reliure au XVIe sicle A. Rizzo: Le laque vnitien: une approche scientifique R. Barovier Mentasti / S. Carboni: Le verre maill, entre lorient mditerranen et Venise M. Verit: Linfluence de la tradition islamique sur la chimie et la technologie du verre vnitien M. V. Fontana: Linfluence islamique sur la production de cramique Venise et Padoue Catalogue.

212 Cermica em corda seca de Mrtola. Museu de Mrtola 2002 95 pp., fig., lm.col. 16,00
INDICE: S. Gmez Martnez: A cermica de corda seca de Mrtola C. Delery: Alguns mtodos de anlise e de estudo da cermica de corda seca Catlogo.

213 Crane, H. / E. Akin, eds.: Sinans Autobiographies. Five Sixteenth-Century


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Texts. Introductory Notes, Critical Editions, and Translations by (...). Edited with Preface by G. Necipoglu 2005 xix + 637 pp. 79,04 214 Dakhlia, J., ed.: Crations srtistiques contemporaines en pays dislam. Des arts en tension 2006 704 pp., fig. 38,00 215 Delgado Valero, C. y otros: Regreso a Tulaytula. Gua del Toledo islmico (siglos VIII-XI) 1999 244 pp., fot. 15,00 216 Duque Herrero, C. / F. Regueras / A. Snchez del Barrio: Rutas del mudjar en la provincia de Valladolid 2005 205 pp., lm.col. 16,50 217 Fuertes Santos, M. C.: La cermica califal del yacimiento de Cercadilla, Crdoba 2002 268 pp., 184 fig., 1 CD-ROM 24,04 218 Grabar, O.: The Dome of the Rock 2006 245 pp., 20 fig., 40 lm.col. 23,70 219 Gutirrez Lloret, S.: La cora de Tudmir. De la antigedad tarda al mundo islmico. poblamiento y cultura material 1996 476 pp., fig., fot. 54,00 220 Herrerin Lpez, J.: La maqbara de santa Clara. Estudio de una necrpolis musulmana en Cullar 2004 118 pp., 48 lm.col., tabl. 6,00 221 Jordano Barbudo, M. A.: El mudjar en Crdoba 2002 628 pp., fig. 20,00 222 Lpez Pertez, M. C.: La carpintera en la arquitectura nazar 2006 442 pp., 251 fig., lm.col. 40,00
INDICE: Introduccin Aspectos materiales Elementos decorativos Aleros Cubiertas Frisos Capialzados Vanos: puertas y ventanas Mnsulas y zapatas.


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223 Macas, S.: Mrtola. Le dernier port de la Mditerrane. Catalogue de lexposition Mrtola. Histoire et patrimoine (Ve-XIIIe sicles), 3 vols. 2006 885 pp., 12 despl., fot., lm. 81,00
INDICE: VOL. I: Premire partie: La kra de Beja et le territoire de Mrtola: I. Beja et Mrtola: Histoire et territoire: 1. Lhistoire de la kra de Beja: continuits et ruptures (VIIIe-XIIIe sicles) 2. Limites territoriales: Les limites de la kra de Beja; Les limites de lalfoz de Mrtola 3. Voies du territoire: Les routes de la kra de Beja; Les voies de lalfoz de Mrtola II. La kra de Beja: espace et mutation: 1. Aspects gnraux 2. Noyaux urbains 3. Lespace rural III. La kra de Beja: localits et sites fortifis: 1. Topographie des sites Deuxime partie: Mrtola: la ville et le territoire: I. Topographie dune ville mditerranenne: 1. Aspects gnraux de la ville ancienne (prromaine, romaine et byzantine) 2. La ville islamique 3. Topographie du pouvoir - lalccer de Mrtola II. Les ncropoles mdivales de Mrtola: 1. Le cimetire dAchada de So Sebastio 2. Les ncropoles de Rossio do Carmo III. Lieux de culte chrtiens et islamiques: 1. Les basiliques chrtiennes de Mrtola 2. La mosque de Mrtola IV. La ville et le territoire: peuplement entre lantiquit tardive et la reconqute: 1. Ressources de lalfoz de Mrtola - milieu ambiant et relegv archologique 2. Lvolution du peuplement dans lalfoz de Mrtola entre lempire romain et lpoque islamique 3. Sites de lalfoz de Mrtola Troisime partie: Mrtola: la zone palatine: I. La zone palatine: antiquit tardive et haut moyen-ge: 1. La basilique de la zone palatine 2. Le complexe nord de la zone palatine 3. Le cryptoportigue-citerne II. Urbanisme, architecture et archologie du quartier islamique: 1. Urbanisme du quartier islamique 2. Techniques de construction du quartier de la citadelle 3. Un modle de maison mditerranenne Conclusion Bibliographie VOL. II: Catalogue VOL: III: Annexes: pigraphie chrtienne et islamique Maisons du quartier de la citadelle Documents mdivaux portugais.

224 Macias, S. & al.: Mrtola mesquita / igreja matriz 2002 95 pp., fot., lm.col. 16,00
INDICE: S. Macias / C. Torres: A mesquita de Mrtola J. M. Ferreira Boia / M. F. Rombouts de Barros: A igreja matriz de Mrtola.

225 Mortensen, P., ed.: Bayt al-cAqqad. The History and Restoration of a House in Old Damascus 2005 440 pp., 319 lm.col. 70,00
INDICE: The Restoration of Bayt al-cAqqad: J. Nordqvist: The advisory board and its role in restoring the Bayt al-cAqqad B. Lange: Bayt al-cAqqad: The buildings and their restoration J. Damborg: Implementing the restoration plan M. Boqvist: Building materials and construction techniques V. Thomsen / J. Castella: Painted decorations on walls, ceilings, doors, and windows The History of Bayt al-cAqqad: K. S. Freyberger: The theatre of Herod the Great in Damascus: chronology, function and significance T. F. Nielsen: The roman theatre: historical context and reconstruction S. Weber / P. Mortensen: The Bayt al-cAqqad between the 15th and the 18th century C.-P. Haase: Ceilings and wooden panel decorations of the Qaca, the winter Qaca, and the red room J. Skovgaard-Petersen: The 18th-century inscriptions K. von Folsach: Fragments of paradise: a note on some broken tiles found in the Bayt al-cAqqad P. Mortensen: Excavation of an ancient dump in the mamluk cellar S. Weber: The change of taste: new elements of decoration in the blue room J. Skovgaard-Petersen / S. Weber: The cAqqad family and houses in the late 19th and the 20th centuries A. Meier / S. Weber: Suq al-Qutn and Suq al-Suf: development, organization and patterns of the everyday life of a damascene neighbourhood.


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226 Puerta Vlchez, J. M.: Historia del pensamiento esttico rabe. Al-Andalus y la esttica rabe clsica 1997 913 pp. 51,00 227 Puerta Vlchez, J. M.: Los cdigos de utopa de la Alhambra de Granada 1990 221 pp., 15 fig. 10,00 228 Ritter, M.: Moscheen und Madrasabauten in Iran 1785-1848. Architektur zwischen Rckgriff und Neuerung 2005 xviii + 1.001 pp., 202 lm. 270,40 229 Rossell Bordoy, G.: El nombre de las cosas en al-Andalus: una propuesta de terminologa cermica 1991 227 pp., fig., cuadr. 34,38 230 Rossell Pons, M.: Les cermiques almohades del carrer de la Zavella. Ciutat de Mallorca 1983 159 pp., fig., fot. 11,56 231 Sobradiel, P. I.: La aljafera filipina 1591-1597: los aos de hierro 2006 237 pp., 75 lm.col. 40,00
INDICE: Theatre and audience Finance and building Roman theatre design Theatres and related buildings Republican theatres in Italy The theatres of Rome The cavea and orchestra The scene building Provincial theatres Catalogue: Italy Britain, Gaul, and Germany The Balkans Spain North Africa The Levant Asia minor Greece.

232 Spallanzani, M.: Maioliche ispano-moresche a Firenze nel Rinascimento 2006 611 pp., 25 fig., 96 lm.col. 126,00
INDICE: La dinamica del mercato: La domanda Il mercato cittadino I canali di rifornimento Le grandi committenze Unazienda fiorentina a Valenza e il suo personale La ceramica di Valenza nel commercio dei fiorentini 2. Gli oggetti: Forme Ornati Usi Appendices: Maioliche stemmate Nota di metrologia Tavole Documenti Fonti, bibliografia, indici.

233 Vidrio islmico en al-Andalus. Exposicin Real fbrica de cristales de La Granja, noviembre de 2006-abril de 2007 2006 167 pp., lm.col. 23,50
INDICE: A. Fuentes: Vidrio de la antigedad tarda (ss. V-X). Cuestiones de fabricacin y comercializacin. Problemas de identificacin E. Rontom Notario: El vidrio andalus P. Jimnez Castillo: Talleres, tcnicas y producciones del vidrio en al-Andalus E. Rontom Notario: Breve introduccin al vidrio islmico medieval T. Carreras Rossell: Historia de la coleccin de vidrio del Museu darqueologia de Catalunya Catlogo Bibliografa.


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234 Avicena: Poema de la medicina cUrguza f t-tibb. Edicin, introduccin .. y notas N. S. Jabary y P. Salamanca 1999 227 pp., fig. 15,03 235 Chanesaz, M.: Le matrf, le madras et le beqf. La fabrication de lhuile . dolive au Liban. Essai danthropologie des techniques 2006 238 pp., 314 fig., 16 map. 27,85
INDICE: Le principaux procds dextraction de lhuile dolive daprs les sources ethnologiques, historiques et archologiques Le matrf (dtriteur-malaxeur) et le beqf (pressoir) Typologie et . rpartition gographique des matrf(s) et des beqf(s) Lnergie hydraulique et la cohabitation avec . le mathrf (moulin bl) La place du matrf/mathran dans la socit traditionnelle Origine et .. . .. dveloppement du matrf et du beqf Le madras (broyeur) et les dispositifs de pressurage adapts . La mort du matrf et du beqf traditionnels et larrive des techniques modernes Conclusion . gnrale Bibliographie Cartes Annexes: Classification typologique des lments et des oprations dcrits dans le texte, les figures et les annexes Calendrier des activits agricoles et schmas de traitement des olives et dextraction de lhuile Choix dinstallations (description technique et donnes historiques) Fabrication des scourtins Lexique bilingue illustr des termes techniques dialectaux libanais Vocabulaire franais de lhuile dolive Chansons et pomes libanais sur le moulin bl (mathan ou tahn) Archives du port de Beyrouth (1903-1942). .. . .

236 Goblot, H.: Les qanats: une technique dacquisition de leau 1979 236 pp., fig. 23,00 237 Ibn Wfid: Kitb al-wisd f l- tibb / Libro de la almohada, sobre medicina. . Versin rabe, traduccin y estudio de C. lvarez Morales y Ruiz Matas 2006 698 pp. 25,00 238 Iskandar, A. Z.: A Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library 1967 xvi + 256 pp., 35 lm. 65,00 239 Karabacek, J. von: Papel rabe. Traduccin espaola a partir de la traduccin inglesa de D. Baker y S. Ditmar, cotejada con el original alemn por I. Hofman Vannus 2006 104 pp. 20,00 240 Quesada Quesada, T., ed.: El agua en la agricultura de al-Andalus 1995 196 pp., lm.col., fig. 33,05
INDICE: A. Malpica Cuello: De la congruencia y la homogeneidad de los espacios hidrulicos en al-


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Andalus E. Garca Snchez: Los cultivos en al-Andalus T. Quesada: El agua salada y las salinas J. A. Gonzlez Alcantud: Regados de horizonte islmico en Andaluca. Idealizacin esttica. Prcticas sociales y polticas hidrulicas F. Vidal Castro: El agua en el derecho islmico. Introduccin a sus orgenes, propiedad y uso A. Malpica Cuello: El agua y el poblamiento de la Alhambra de Granada T. Quesada Quesada / A. Rodrguez Aguilera: El complejo salinero de Cuenca M. C. Delaigue: La red de acequias de la Alpujarra alta I. Gonzlez Tascn: Ingenios y mquinas hidrulicas en el mundo andalus M. Argem Relat & al.: Glosario de trminos hidrulicos

241 Rashed, R.: Optique et mathmatiques. Recherches sur lhistoire de la pense scientifique en arabe 1992 xii + 340 pp., 51 fig. 117,00 242 Snchez Prez, J. A.: Biografias de matemticos rabes que florecieron en Espaa (1921, facsmil) Estudio preliminar por R. Prez Gmez 1995 xxiii + 163 pp. 13,22 243 al-Zahrw, Ab l-Qsim Jalaf Ibn cAbbs: La chirurgie dAbulcasis. Traduite par L. Leclerc 1861, facsmil 360 pp., 3 despl. 61,00 ***

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