Spanish 1 Chapter 2

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El Viejo San Juan Las calles reflejan la poca colonial.

Isabela San Juan La capital de Puerto Rico est en el noreste de la isla. Rincn
de de Aasco Ro Gr an

Poblacin 3.937.316 Capital San Juan Gobierno estado libre asociado de Estados Unidos Idiomas oficiales espaol e ingls Moneda dlar estadounidense Cdigo Internet www.[ ].pr


El bisbol, o para mujeres el sftbol, es el deporte nacional del pas. Rene a puertorriqueos de todas las edades.

Sabas que...?
Did you know that the island of Puerto Rico was first named San Juan Bautista, and the capital was named Puerto Rico (rich port) ? Only later were the two names switched by Juan Ponce de Len, Puerto Ricos first governor.

Isabela Las bellas playas son muy conocidas por sus olas grandes.

e and Gr

Ro de

El Yunque Con 113 km2, el Bosque Nacional del Caribe, o el Yunque, es el rea forestal ms grande de Puerto Rico. Es conocido por sus numerosas especies de plantas y animales.
Lo de


Cavernas del Ro Camuy

Lago Dos Bocas



Embalse Ro Grande de Loza

Ro G ra n



oC oam o

ra n d oG R

Carolina Bayamn

Parque Nacional El Yunque


ta Pla

Lago Caonillas

La Cordillera Central Aqu crece el flamboyn, el rbol de flores rojas.



o recib eA

El Toro



Cordillera Cen tral

o quill e Lu d a rr Sie





El coqu, llamado as por el sonido que produce, es el anfibio ms famoso de Puerto Rico.

Qu tanto sabes?
What is El Yunque, and what is it known for?

treinta y nueve


La comida

El pollo frito con tostones es un plato tpico de Puerto Rico. Las habichuelas son frijoles y se comen con arroz y pollo o carne. Turistas y sanjuaneros disfrutan de la deliciosa comida puertorriquea y de las temperaturas templadas.

El arte
En el Museo de Arte de Ponce se encuentra el Retrato de un Oficial del Regimento Fijo (1790), pintado por Jos Campeche, uno de los pintores ms famosos de Puerto Rico. Las mscaras de vejigante se hacen con la mitad de un coco seco. Con frecuencia son pintadas en negro y rojo y tienen cuernos.

La cultura tana fue la cultura dominante en Puerto Rico antes de la llegada de Coln en 1493. El arte tano conserva la tradicin precolombina.



Las celebraciones
La Fiesta de Santiago se celebra en Loza Aldea por una semana con msica tradicional, como la bomba y la plena.

KEYWORD: EXP1 CH2 Photo Tour

Sabas que...?
Did you know that on his second voyage, Christopher Columbus landed on the island of Puerto Rico by accident when trying to reach Hispaniola, today's Dominican Republic and Haiti?

El Festival Casals, creado por Pablo Casals hace ms de 40 aos, se dedica a la msica clsica.

La arquitectura
El Parque de Bombas en Ponce es un museo dedicado a la historia del famoso cuerpo de bomberos de Ponce. Ponce, o la Perla del Sur, se conoce por la fina arquitectura de sus casas. TEKS Focus

El Morro
Construction of this Spanish fortress began in 1539. Six-meter-thick outer walls and its strategic position made it the most important Spanish fortress in the Caribbean. Circular sentry boxes, or garitas, provided shelter for guards and have become the architectural symbol of Puerto Rico. What do you think the role of El Morro was in the 1500s and 1600s? What type of structures in the U.S. have towers like garitas? What are some similarities and differences?

In this chapter you will learn to describe people ask someones age and birthday talk about what you and others like describe things And you will use ser with adjectives gender and adjective agreement questions nouns and definite articles gustar, por qu? and porque the preposition de

Qu ves en la foto?
De dnde son estas personas? Quines son? Qu hora es?


KEYWORD: EXP1 CH2 Online Edition

Unos estudiantes al lado de las murallas del Viejo San Juan


Describing people, asking someones age and birthday

sta es mi amiga Julia. Es un poco seria, pero muy inteligente. Tambin es muy bonita.

ste es mi amigo Mateo. Es moreno y muy activo. No es aburrido.

Mi amigo es...
pelirrojo moreno moreno moreno rubio



Ms vocabulario...
aburrido activo antiptico extrovertido inteligente simptico tonto trabajador boring active unfriendly outgoing intelligent friendly silly, foolish hard-working

intelectual serio

bajo romntico

alto tmido

atltico gracioso

Vocabulario adicional Palabras descriptivas, p. R10


cuarenta y cuatro

Captulo 2

A conocernos

Mi amiga es...

KEYWORD: EXP1 CH2 Vocabulario 1 practice






bonita perezosa

Ms vocabulario...
aburrida activa antiptica extrovertida inteligente simptica tonta trabajadora boring active unfriendly outgoing intelligent friendly silly, foolish hard-working

intelectual seria

baja romntica

alta tmida

atltica graciosa

To ask what someone is like

Cmo es Paco? Whats Paco like? Cmo eres? Eres cmico(a)? What are you like? Are you funny?

To describe someone
Paco es moreno. Tambin es inteligente y un poco tmido. Paco has dark hair/a dark complexion. Hes also intelligent and a little shy. S, soy bastante cmico(a). Yes, Im pretty funny.

Vocabulario y gramtica,

pp. 1315

Puerto Rico

cuarenta y cinco


Luis y Marta son...

In many Latin American countries, someone with dark hair and skin that goes from very light brown to darker shades of brown is described as moreno(a) or trigueo(a). The word rubio(a) in most Spanishspeaking countries, or gero(a) in Mexico, may be used to describe someone with fairly light skin and blond to light brown hair. How are these descriptions similar to or different from ones used in English?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Leamos/Hablemos Complete each description with the most logical choice. Luis no es moreno. Es... a. bajo b. rubio c. perezoso Marta no es antiptica. Es... a. tmida b. activa c. simptica Luis no es perezoso. Es... a. trabajador b. inteligente c. pelirrojo Marta no es tmida. Es... a. extrovertida b. morena c. atltica Luis no es bajo. Es... a. romntico b. gracioso c. alto Marta no es pelirroja. Es... a. morena b. perezosa c. bonita

Jimena y Daniel
Leamos Jimena and Daniel are complete opposites. Based on Jimenas description, choose the word in parentheses that best describes Daniel. MODELO Jimena es perezosa. Daniel es . (antiptico/trabajador) Daniel es trabajador. Jimena es tmida. Daniel es . (extrovertido/guapo) Jimena es morena. Daniel es . (alto/rubio) Jimena es graciosa. Daniel es . (atltico/serio) Jimena es baja. Daniel es . (alto/pelirrojo) Jimena es atltica. Daniel es . (moreno/intelectual)

TEKS Focus

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Cmo es cada uno?

Escuchemos For each picture, you will hear two descriptions. Write the letter of the description that best matches the picture.

1. Roberto

2. Magda

3. Geraldo

4. Julieta


cuarenta y seis

Captulo 2

A conocernos

Ms vocabulario... To ask someones age and birthday

Cuntos aos tienes? How old are you? Cuntos aos tiene Mara? How old is Maria? Cundo es tu cumpleaos? When is your birthday? Cundo es el cumpleaos de Ana? When is Anas birthday?

To respond
Tengo quince aos. I'm 15 years old. Ella tiene veintin aos. Shes 21 years old. Es el 6 de mayo. It's May 6th. Es el 24 de noviembre. It's November 24th.

32 33 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

treinta y dos treinta y tres... cuarenta cincuenta sesenta setenta ochenta noventa cien

Vocabulario y gramtica,

pp. 1315

Respuesta lgica
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Leamos Choose the best response to each question. Cuntos aos tienes? a. Es Juan. Cmo eres? b. Mi cumpleaos es el dos de mayo. Cundo es tu cumpleaos? c. Es bajo y un poco perezoso. Quin es tu mejor amigo? d. Soy tmido y serio. Cmo es? e. Tengo diecisis aos. Cuntos aos tiene? f. Tiene quince aos.

TEKS Focus

Y t?
Hablemos Working in pairs, ask each other the questions from Activity 4.

Quin es?
Escribamos/Hablemos Ask four classmates where theyre from, what theyre like, when their birthdays are, and how old they are. Pick two, and write a description of each one. Present your descriptions to the class and have everyone guess who youre describing.

Puerto Rico

cuarenta y siete


Using ser with adjectives, gender and adjective agreement, forming questions

Ser with adjectives

1 Adjectives are words that describe people or things. You can use the verb ser with adjectives to describe what someone is like.

Carlos es simptico. Ana es simptica.

Pedro es pelirrojo. Rosa y Julio son inteligentes.

Te acuerdas?
Remember that ser means to be. yo t soy nosotros(as) somos eres vosotros(as) sois ustedes ellos/ellas son son

2 In Spanish, you dont usually need the subject pronoun if its clear who the subject is.

Cmo es el profesor? Cmo son Leticia y Diego?

Es bajo y gracioso. Son simpticos.

3 To say what someone is not like, put no in front of the verb.

usted es l/ella es

No soy tonto. Soy inteligente.

Vocabulario y gramtica, Actividades,

pp. 1618

pp. 1113

Cmo son?
Leamos Complete these sentences about your classmates, your friends, your teacher, and yourself. Yo muy alto(a). a. soy b. no soy Profesor(a), usted moreno(a). a. es b. no es (The person next to you) T tmido(a). a. eres b. no eres Mi mejor amigo cmico. a. es b. no es Mis amigos(as) y yo serios(as). a. somos b. no somos Los estudiantes tontos. a. son b. no son Mis compaeros de clase perezosos. a. son b. no son

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


cuarenta y ocho

Captulo 2

A conocernos

Una persona simptica

Escribamos/Hablemos Roberto always says good things about everyone. What does he say about the following people? MODELO yo/guapo Soy guapo. t/tonta No eres tonta. yo/perezoso 5. nosotros/simpticos t/bonita 6. Mari y Gisela/graciosas mi amigo Carlos/ 7. mis compaeras de clase/ inteligente antipticas Profesor Garza, usted/ 8. ustedes/activos aburrido

KEYWORD: EXP1 CH2 Gramtica 1 practice

TEKS Focus

1. 2. 3. 4.

Quin es...?
Escribamos/Hablemos Look at the photos below, and say which person each adjective describes. MODELO activo Felipe es activo.





1. rubia 2. atltica 3. morena

4. seria 5. intelectual 6. tmido

7. moreno 8. pelirrojo 9. extrovertido

Yo soy Y t?
Hablemos Write down three adjectives that describe you. If youre male, use the words on page 44. If youre female, use the words on page 45. Then get together in groups of four. Record how many students in your group used the same adjectives that you used. MODELO atltico Eres atltico? S, soy atltico./No, no soy atltico.

Puerto Rico

cuarenta y nueve


Gender and adjective agreement

1 Nouns and pronouns in Spanish are divided into genders. Nouns for men and boys are masculine. Nouns for women and girls are feminine.

Masculine: amigo, l, Juan

Feminine: amiga, ella, Mara

2 Adjectives describe nouns. They have different forms that match, or agree with, the noun or pronoun in gender. The masculine form of most adjectives ends in -o , while the feminine form ends in -a .

Ral es romntic o .

Mari es romntic a .

Adjectives that end in -e have the same masculine and feminine forms.

Rafael es inteligent e .

Carmen es inteligent e .

Adjectives ending in consonants do not add an -a ,unless they end in -or or are adjectives of nationality.

Lorenzo es intelectual y trabajador. Sergio es espaol.

Gloria es intelectual y trabajador a . Sara es espaol a .

3 Adjectives also agree with nouns in number. An adjective that describes one person or thing is in singular form. When it describes more than one person or thing, its form is plural. If the singular form ends in a vowel, add -s to make it plural. If it ends in a consonant, add -es. TEKS Focus

Joaqun es alt o . Rosa es intelectua l.

Paco y Luis son alto s . Mis amigos son intelectual es.

To describe a mixed group of men and women, boys and girls, use the masculine plural form of the adjective:

Carlos y Ana son romntic os.

Vocabulario y gramtica, Actividades,

pp. 1618

pp. 1113

Cmo son los mellizos?

Escribamos Mario and Mara are twins. Say what Mara is like based on Mario's description. Then, describe Gabriel and Gabriela as the opposite of Mario and Mara, using plural adjectives. MODELO Mario es moreno. Mara es morena tambin. Gabriel y Gabriela son rubios. 1. Mario es bajo. 4. Mario es simptico. 2. Mario es intelectual. 5. Mario es tmido. 3. Mario es perezoso. 6. Mario es serio.
En la calle, El Viejo San Juan



Captulo 2

A conocernos

Mi clase preferida
Leamos/Escribamos A student has only good things to say about her favorite class. Complete her description with the correct forms of the most logical adjective in parentheses. 1 La clase es muy interesante y la profesora es (simptico, 2 antiptico). Los estudiantes son (perezoso, trabajador). 3 Mis amigas Marta y Gabi son muy (tonto, intelectual) 4 y mi amigo Ricardo es muy (gracioso, aburrido). Y yo? 5 6 Soy (tonto, inteligente) y (activo, perezoso).

Cmo son?
Escribamos/Hablemos Describe yourself and people you know by combining words from each column. Use the correct forms of the verb ser and the adjectives listed. MODELO Mis amigas y yo somos graciosas.
yo mi mejor amigo(a) mis amigos y yo los estudiantes t (una compaera de clase) Profesor(a), usted ustedes

eres es son somos soy simptico inteligente atltico gracioso trabajador

activo perezoso interesante tmido serio

Nuestros compaeros
Hablemos With a partner, take turns describing someone from the picture below and guessing who is being described.








Puerto Rico

cincuenta y uno


Question formation
1 To ask a question that may be answered s or no, just raise the pitch of your voice at the end of the question. The subject, if included, can go before or after the verb.

Eres extrovertido? La profesora es simptica? Es simptica la profesora?

Are you outgoing? Is the teacher nice? Is the teacher nice?

2 You can answer a question like this with s or no. You say the word no twice in your answer: once to mean no and another time to mean not.

Eres atltico? S, soy atltico. (No, no soy atltico.)

Are you athletic? Yes, Im athletic. (No, Im not athletic.)

3 You can ask for more information by using question words. Notice that all question words are written with an accent mark.

Te acuerdas?
Remember that Cmo est? is asking how someone is feeling. To ask what someone is like say Cmo es? Cmo est usted? Estoy bien, gracias. Cmo es tu amigo? l es guapo.

Cmo es Paco? Cundo es tu cumpleaos? Quin es? Quines son? Qu da es hoy? De dnde eres? Cul es tu telfono?

Whats Paco like? When is your birthday? Who is he (she)? Who are they? What day is today? Where are you from? Whats your phone number?

Vocabulario y gramtica, Actividades,

pp. 1618

pp. 1113

Pregunta o no?
Escuchemos Decide if what you hear is a question or statement.

Muchas preguntas!
Hablemos Mari is full of questions for her new neighbor, Jorge. Fill in her questions with the best question word. Use Jorges answers as cues. ests? (Estoy bien, gracias.) te llamas? (Me llamo Jorge.) eres? (Soy de Puerto Rico.) es tu cumpleaos? (Es el 10 de enero.) eres? (Soy un poco serio y bastante activo.) son ellos? (Son mis amigos Luisa y scar.) es? (Son las tres. Tengo que irme.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


cincuenta y dos

Captulo 2

A conocernos

Qu tal?
Leamos/Escribamos Read the e-mail and then answer the questions.

Hola. Me llamo Roco Sotomayor. Soy de Puerto Rico. Tengo quince aos. Soy alta, morena y muy extrovertida. Mi mejor amiga es Carolina. Ella es de Nicaragua. Tiene diecisis aos. Es seria y bastante tmida. Y t, cmo eres?

Roco y Carolina

1. De dnde es Roco? 2. Cuntos aos tiene? 3. Es rubia o morena?

4. Cmo es Roco? 5. De dnde es Carolina? 6. Cmo es ella?

In most Spanish-speaking countries, the legal driving and voting age is 18. Since Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens, they can vote when they are 18 years old. They can get their driver's license at age 18, although some people can get a learners permit at 16 with parental consent. How would your 18th birthday be different if you lived in Puerto Rico?

Entrevistan a Gisela
Hablemos/Escribamos On a separate piece of paper, write the missing questions to complete the interview. MODELO Cmo ests? Muy bien, gracias. ? Me llamo Gisela Ros Perales. ? Soy de Burgos, Espaa. ? No, no soy tmida. Soy extrovertida. ? Son inteligentes, simpticos y atlticos. ? Tengo catorce aos. ? Mi cumpleaos es el quince de marzo.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Veinte preguntas
Hablemos Ask your partner to think of a classmate. Guess who he or she is by asking questions that can be answered with s or no. Switch roles. MODELO Es una compaera? No, no es una compaera. Es un compaero.

TEKS Focus

Puerto Rico

cincuenta y tres


Cmo eres?
heres a saying in Spanish, Dime con quin T andas, y te dir quin eres. (Tell me who you spend time with and Ill tell you who you are.) This saying is like the English expressions Birds of a feather flock together and Youre known by the company you keep. These sayings stem from the belief that we choose as friends those who are much like ourselves. Why do you think both English and Spanish have these sayings? Do you think they are true? Why or why not?

Un grupo de amigos, San Juan

San Juan, Puerto Rico
Dime, cmo eres t? Bueno, pues yo me considero una persona simptica, gracioso, alegre, un buen amigo y una buena persona. Y qu cosas te gustan? Me gusta el deporte, me gusta la msica. Me gusta la escuela. T tienes un mejor amigo? S. Cmo es tu mejor amigo? Pues, es una persona que es simptica tambin, amigable, alegre, atleta. l es moreno. Es bien activo. Me gusta ser amigo de l. Qu cosas le gustan a l? Le gusta tambin la msica, el deporte. Le gusta la escuela. Y como es una persona alegre, pues no le gusta estar aburrido. Cmo son ustedes? Pues, tenemos muchos gustos como lo de la msica y pues adems nos llevamos bien y nos comprendemos en todo. Qu significa la expresin Dime con quin andas y te dir quin eres? Yo pienso que, que es con quien t te pasas, segn esa persona, pues, va a ser tu personalidad. La expresin se aplica en su caso? S. Muchas gracias Luis.
Ocano Atlntico San Juan

Mar Caribe


cincuenta y cuatro

Captulo 2

A conocernos

KEYWORD: EXP1 CH2 Online Edition

Ciudad de Mxico, Mxico
Cmo eres t? Soy alegre, soy inteligente, soy muy divertida. Qu cosas te gustan a ti? Me gusta el cine, los libros, el cantar, bailar. Cmo es tu mejor amigo o tu mejor amiga? Es alegre tambin, es inteligente y divertida. Qu cosas le gustan a ella? Le gusta el cine, los libros, bailar. Cmo son ustedes? Somos muy parecidas. Qu cosas les gustan? Nos gusta el cine, bailar.
Estados Unidos MXICO
Ciudad de Mxico Ocano Pacfico Golfo de Mxico

Para comprender
1. Cules son tres cosas que le gustan a Luis? 2. Cules son tres cosas que le gustan a Andrea? 3. A quin le gustan las pelculas? 4. El amigo de Luis es atltico? 5. Quines son alegres? 6. Luis y Andrea son ms serios o son ms extrovertidos?

Para pensar y hablar

Based on how Luis and Andrea describe themselves and their friends, do you think the expression Dime con quin andas y te dir quin eres applies to them? How alike are you and your friends? What are two advantages of being exactly like your friends? What are two disadvantages?
Cuaderno para hispanohablantes,

pp. 1320

Customer surveys in Spanish

usinesses, public service organizations, and government agencies want B to know how their clients feel about their products and services. These organizations often ask clients to fill out surveys to find out how they can improve. How do these organizations learn what their Spanishspeaking clients want? Do they have surveys in Spanish? Contact libraries, restaurants, hotels, radio stations, or government offices in your community or online to request samples of customer surveys in Spanish. Bring the surveys to class and work with a classmate to answer as many of the questions as you can.

La recepcin de un hotel, Austin, Texas

Puerto Rico

cincuenta y cinco


Talking about what you and others like, describing things

Me gusta...
el ajedrez el helado la comida italiana

la pizza

la msica

la msica de Puerto Rico la comida china

Vocabulario adicional Comida, p. R7

la comida mexicana


cincuenta y seis

Captulo 2

A conocernos

Me gustan...

KEYWORD: EXP1 CH2 Vocabulario 2 practice

los libros (de aventuras, de amor)

las pelculas (de ciencia ficcin, de terror, de misterio)

los carros

las hamburguesas las fiestas las verduras

las frutas

los deportes

los videojuegos los animales

To ask someone what he or she likes

Te gusta(n)...? Do you like . . . ?

To respond
S, me gusta(n) mucho... Yes, I like . . . a lot. No, no me gusta(n)... No, I dont like . . .

Te gusta(n) ms...o...? Do you like . . . or . . . more?

Me gusta(n) ms... I like . . . more. Me da igual. Its all the same to me.

Vocabulario y gramtica,

Vocabulario adicional Deportes y pasatiempos, p. R8

pp. 1921

Puerto Rico

cincuenta y siete


Dime cmo eres...

In Puerto Rico, music is very popular, and there are several musicians who trace their roots to the island. Tito Puente made salsa music famous by using instruments like the giro and maracas to add Afro-Caribbean rhythms to Big Band jazz sounds. Thanks to Tito Puente, Willie Coln and Marc Anthony, among others, salsa continues to gain world-wide popularity.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Leamos/Hablemos Based on the descriptions, which item would these people say they like or dont like? MODELO Me llamo Carlos. Soy muy atltico. Me gustan (los libros, los deportes). Me gustan los deportes. Qu tal? Soy Marta y soy muy extrovertida. Me gustan (las fiestas/los libros). Soy Juan y me gusta la pizza. Me gusta (la comida mexicana/la comida italiana). Buenas tardes. Me llamo Javier y soy muy romntico. Me gustan (las pelculas de ciencia ficcin/las pelculas de amor). Hola. Yo soy Samuel y soy intelectual. Me gustan (los videojuegos/los libros). Soy Carlota y no soy muy activa. Me gustan (los videojuegos/los deportes). Hola, me llamo Celia. No soy muy atltica. No me gustan (los deportes/las fiestas).

Quines hablan?
Escuchemos You will hear four conversations. Decide which conversation goes with each photo.

To describe something
Cmo es? Whats . . . like? Es psimo(a)/fenomenal/formidable. Its awful/awesome/great. Es (muy) delicioso(a)/horrible. Its (really) delicious/horrible. Es algo divertido(a)/interesante. Its kind of fun/interesting. Es bastante bueno(a)/malo(a). Its pretty good/bad.

Vocabulario y gramtica,

pp. 1921


cincuenta y ocho

Captulo 2

A conocernos

Qu dice?
Leamos Match each sentence with the picture it describes. Then choose the word that best completes each sentence.





1. 2. 3. 4.

Los videojuegos son psimos/fenomenales. Los libros de amor son muy romnticos/no son interesantes. La msica es aburrida/divertida. Las verduras son deliciosas/horribles.

En tu opinin
Hablemos Say whether you think each description is correct. Make sure adjectives agree with the nouns they modify. MODELO la pizza/bueno S, la pizza es buena./No, la pizza no es buena. las pelculas de aventuras/ 5. las pelculas de terror/ fenomenal formidable los libros de misterio/psimo 6. la comida china/malo el helado/horrible 7. las verduras/delicioso los libros de amor/tonto 8. los deportes/divertido

TEKS Focus

1. 2. 3. 4.

Te gustan o no?
Hablemos Work with a partner. Find out whether your classmate likes the things listed below. Take turns. MODELO Te gustan los videojuegos? S, me gustan. Son bastante divertidos. 1. los videojuegos 3. los animales 5. las pelculas de aventuras 2. los libros de amor 4. los deportes 6. las fiestas

Puerto Rico

cincuenta y nueve


Using nouns and definite articles, gustar, por qu? and porque, the preposition de

Nouns and definite articles

1 In Spanish, all nouns belong to one of two gender categories: masculine or feminine. Masculine nouns usually end in -o (carr o ). Feminine nouns usually end in -a (frut a ). 2 Singular nouns name one of something. Plural nouns name more than one of something. If a singular noun ends in a vowel, add -s to make it plural. If a singular noun ends in a consonant, add -es to make it plural.

En ingls
In English, people and animals are masculine or feminine, but things are always neuter in gender. The book? Its interesting. Ana? Shes pretty. In Spanish, all nouns, including things, are masculine or feminine. With some exceptions, nouns ending in -o are masculine, andnouns ending in -a are feminine. el libro la pizza

estudiante student animal animal

estudiantes students animal es animals

3 The definite articles in Spanish can be used to say the with a specific noun. They have different forms that agree with their noun in gender and number.


Feminine la las La profesora es simptica. The teacher is friendly. Son los compaeros de clase de Rafael. They are Rafaels classmates.

el los

Cmo es la profesora? What is the teacher like? Quines son los muchachos all? Who are the boys over there?

4 Use definite articles to talk about a noun as a general category or when saying what you like with gustar.

Cmo es la pizza? Whats pizza (in general) like?

Es deliciosa. Me gusta la pizza. Its delicious. I like pizza.

Vocabulario y gramtica, Actividades,

pp. 2224

pp. 1517



Captulo 2

A conocernos

Son as...
Escribamos/Hablemos Write sentences about these things, using words from each column. The articles and adjectives must agree. MODELO La msica mexicana es fenomenal.
1 El La Los Las 2 estudiantes de espaol deportes helado msica mexicana fiestas 3 es son somos serio interesante bueno malo romntico 4 aburrido divertido fenomenal delicioso gracioso

KEYWORD: EXP1 CH2 Gramtica 2 practice

TEKS Focus

En mi opinin
Escribamos Write a sentence saying what you think each item pictured is like. MODELO Las frutas son muy deliciosas.









Hablemos Ask three classmates their opinions about the things in Activity 26. Are their opinions the same as yours? MODELO Cmo son los libros? Los libros son horribles/divertidos.

Puerto Rico

sesenta y uno


The verb gustar, por qu?, and porque

1 Use the verb gustar to say what people like. If the thing they like is singular, use gusta. If it's plural, use gustan. Use qu? with gusta to ask what someone likes.

En ingls
In English, the definite article the is not used when talking about general likes and dislikes. I like pizza. In Spanish, the definite articles el, la, los, and las are always used when talking about things you like or dislike. Me gusta la pizza.

Te gusta la pizza? Do you like pizza? Qu te gusta? What do you like?

S, y me gustan las verduras. Yes, and I like vegetables. Me gustan los carros. I like cars.

2 Put one of these pronouns before gustar to say who likes something.

me gusta(n) I like te gusta(n) you (t) like le gusta(n) you (usted) like, he, she, it likes

nos gusta(n) we like os gusta(n) you (vosotros) like les gusta(n) you (ustedes) like, they like

3 Notice that le can stand for you (usted), he, she or it; and les can stand for you (ustedes) or they. To ask who is being talked about, use a quin or a quines. To clarify who is being talked about, use a + name(s).

A quin le gusta la pizza? A quines les gusta la pizza? Who likes pizza? Who likes pizza? A Juan le gusta la pizza. Juan likes pizza. A Juan y a Sara les gusta la pizza. Juan and Sara like pizza.

4 Put the word no before the pronoun to say don't or doesn't.

Te gusta la fruta?

No, no me gusta la fruta.

5 To ask why, use Por qu? Answer with porque (because).

Por qu te gusta el helado?

Me gusta porque es delicioso.

Vocabulario y gramtica, Actividades,

pp. 2224

pp. 1517

El festival de Ponce
Escuchemos Listen to Mari and Josu as they talk about the festival. Decide if the following statements are cierto or falso. A Mari y a Josu les gusta la fiesta. A Juan no le gusta la fiesta porque no le gusta la comida. A Ana y a Silvia no les gusta la msica. A los amigos de Mari les gusta la msica.

El festival de Ponce

1. 2. 3. 4.


sesenta y dos

Captulo 2

A conocernos

Qu les gusta ms?

Escribamos Based on the following people's personalities, which things do they like more? MODELO Somos muy romnticos. (pelculas de amor/pelculas de terror) Nos gustan ms las pelculas de amor. Eres muy intelectual. (libros/videojuegos) Mis amigos Juan y Beti son atlticos. (msica/deportes) Teresa es muy extrovertida. (fiestas/libros) Soy un poco perezoso. (videojuegos/deportes) Ustedes son bastante serios. (pelculas de amor/libros de misterio) No somos muy activos. (deportes/pelculas de aventuras)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

La fiesta
Hablemos Youre throwing a party and you want to find out what your guests like. Ask four classmates if they like each of these things. Report your findings to the class. 1. ice cream 3. fruit 5. hamburgers 2. Italian food 4. videogames 6. music by . . .

TEKS Focus

Por qu te gusta(n)?
Hablemos With a partner take turns asking each other if you like the things pictured. Then tell why you like them or not. MODELO Te gustan los deportes? No, no me gustan los deportes porque son aburridos.

Puerto Rico

sesenta y tres


The preposition de
1 De is used to show possession or relationship.

Es el carro de Ernesto.

Its Ernestos car. Theyre the teachers friends.

En ingls
In English, we add s or just an apostrophe ( ) to show ownership. Charles class the teacher s book In Spanish, use de to show possession. la clase de Juan los libros de la profesora

Son los amigos de la profesora.

2 In addition, de can be used to indicate what type of thing youre describing.

los libros de aventuras las pelculas de misterio

adventure books mystery movies

3 The word de is also used to say where someone is from.

Julio es de Costa Rica.

Julio is from Costa Rica.

4 The preposition de followed by el makes the contraction del .

el correo electrnico del profesor

the teachers e-mail address

Vocabulario y gramtica, Actividades,

pp. 2224

pp. 1517

Cmo son?
Escribamos/Hablemos Complete the statements with de, del, de la, de los, or de las. Then decide whether or not each statement is cierto or falso. MODELO Los animales de Rafael son malos. Falso. Los animales de Rafael son buenos.

1. El carro fenomenal.

profesora es

2. La pizza deliciosa.

Roberto es

3. La fiesta es psima.

amiga de Ana

4. El carro bueno.

profesor es

5. Los videojuegos son divertidos.


6. El libro horrible.

profesor es


sesenta y cuatro

Captulo 2

A conocernos

Hoy es el cumpleaos del profesor?

Leamos/Hablemos Complete each question with de, del, de la, de los or de las. Then answer the questions. MODELO Tu mejor amigo(a) es de Miami? No, mi mejor amiga es de Denver. El(La) profesor(a) espaol es Puerto Rico? Hoy es el cumpleaos profesor(a)? Cmo se llama el libro espaol? Te gustan ms los libros amor o aventuras? Las pelculas ciencia ficcin son interesantes? Te gusta la msica Tito Puente? Las fiestas estudiantes son divertidas o aburridas?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

La preposicin de
Escuchemos As you listen to each sentence, decide how the preposition de is being used. a) to ask about ownership b) to tell ownership c) to ask where someone is from d) to tell where someone is from e) to describe something

Hablemos Working with a partner, use the drawings to describe Alicia and Rodrigo and to tell what they like and dislike. a. b. c.

Puerto Rico

sesenta y cinco



Drawing Conclusions Drawing logical conclusions based on information youve gathered is an important skill. Even if things turn out differently than you thought, that does not mean that your conclusion was illogical. Maybe you did not have all the information. As you read the Novela or watch the video, gather all the information you can so that you can draw conclusions about the story and the characters as events unfold.

En Espaa
Marcos meets with the professor in her office. He reviews Nicolss file. She describes Nicols to him, and gives him an assignment in Puerto Rico.

La profesora Nicols Ortega Garca. Le gusta el arte. Es un chico muy simptico. Es de San Juan, Puerto Rico.

sesenta y seis Captulo 2 A conocernos

En Puerto Rico
An art professor and a gym coach compare notes about a student they each have in their class.

KEYWORD: EXP1 CH2 Online Edition

Profesora de arte Tienes buenos estudiantes este ao? Entrenador S, tengo unos estudiantes muy atlticos este ao, y unos que son un poco perezosos.

Profesora de arte Yo tengo un estudiante que es muy trabajador. Siempre hace las tareas a tiempo. Es un poco serio y tambin un poco tmido. Pero creo que va a ser muy buen artista. Entrenador Quin es? Profesora de arte Se llama Nicols Ortega Garca.

Entrenador Nicols? Dime, cmo es? Profesora de arte Es alto y rubio. Entrenador Cuntos aos tiene? Profesora de arte Tiene quince aos.

Entrenador Yo tambin tengo un Nicols Ortega Garca en mi clase de educacin fsica. Profesora de arte Ah, s? Entrenador S, pero este Nicols no es trabajador. Es perezoso.

Entrenador No, este Nicols no es serio. Es cmico.

Profesora de arte No es el mismo Nicols. Entrenador No, es verdad. Hay dos Nicols apellido Ortega Garca en este colegio, no crees? Profesora de arte S. As es.

1. What information does la profesora give Marcos about Nicols? 2. What do you think Marcoss assignment is? Why do you think that? 3. How do the art professor and the coach describe the student in their two classes? 4. What conclusion do they draw about the student? Was the conclusion logical? Was it correct? 5. What is your conclusion about Nicols? Which class does he like better? Why does he act so differently in the two classes? Prximo Episodio
Can you predict whether Marcos might be going to Puerto Rico? Why? PGINAS 104105

Episodio 2

sesenta y siete



Antes de leer
Did you know that there is a relationship between someone's personality and the colors he or she likes? On a separate sheet of paper, write two personality traits in Spanish that you would associate with each of the colors blue, red, green, yellow, orange, and black.

para leer Inferring is drawing conclusions based on evidence that is only hinted at, or implied, in what you read. To make inferences, think of the information provided by the author, connect it with your own knowledge and experience, and then draw conclusions based on a combination of the two.

Si te gusta el color verde, eres una persona muy inteligente, inventiva y lgica. No eres muy extrovertido(a) y no te gusta la rutina. Para ti1, la naturaleza2 es importante. Personas famosas: Scrates, Sherlock Holmes y Thomas Edison.

Si te gusta el anaranjado, eres una persona simptica, graciosa y espontnea. Tienes mucha energa y te fascinan las cosas nuevas, interesantes y diferentes. Para ti, la accin y la diversin3 son muy importantes. Personas famosas: Winston Churchill y Lucille Ball.

Si te gusta el azul, eres una persona creativa y artstica. Eres romntico(a) y sincero(a). Para ti, la armona entre4 las personas es muy importante. Personas famosas: Mozart, Indira Gandhi y Thomas Jefferson.

Si te gusta el negro, eres una persona seria, elegante y algo misteriosa. Tambin5 eres disciplinado(a), eficiente y muy independiente. No eres muy extrovertido(a) y no te gustan las personas expresivas. Personas famosas: Cervantes y Abraham Lincoln.

Si te gusta el amarillo, eres intelectual, metdico(a) y analtico(a). Eres tmido(a) y tienes pocos6 pero buenos amigos. Eres un lder formidable, organizado, eficiente y puntual. Para ti, la familia y las tradiciones son muy importantes. Personas famosas: George Washington y la Madre Teresa.

Si te gusta el color rojo, eres una persona apasionada, enrgica y activa. Eres muy extrovertido(a) y sociable. Te fascina ser7 el centro de atencin. Personas famosas: Ernest Hemingway, Elizabeth Pea y F. Scott Fitzgerald.

1 for you

2 nature

3 fun

4 harmony between

5 also

6 few

7 you love being


sesenta y ocho

Captulo 2

A conocernos



Online Edition

Based on the reading, match the colors from Column A with the personality types from Column B. Then draw your own inferences and say A B Te gusta(n).../No te gusta(n)... what someone 1. el azul a. Eres tmido(a). las personas might like or 2. el amarillo b. Eres muy inteligente. los videojuegos dislike based 3. el anaranjado c. Eres romntico(a). los animales on his or her personality. 4. el rojo d. Eres extrovertido(a). los libros
5. el verde 6. el negro e. Eres serio(a). f. Eres simptico(a). las fiestas la msica
TEKS Focus

Despus de leer
1. Did the personality traits you listed for the various colors in Antes de leer agree with the reading? 2. Does your favorite color match your own personality? Explain why or why not.

"Yo soy..."

para escribir Cluster diagrams can help you organize and see how your ideas are related.

"Yo no soy..."

"Me gusta(n)..."

"No me gusta(n)..."

Escribir un borrador
Use your cluster diagram to organize the information for your paragraph. Include information from each part of the diagram.

Mi personalidad
Write a paragraph in which you describe yourself and say what you like and dont like. Tell which "personality color" comes closest to your description of yourself.

Read your sentences at least twice. Make sure the paragraph describes you well. Then check spelling and punctuation.

Antes de escribir
Draw four circles. Label the first one Yo soy..., the second Yo no soy..., the third Me gusta(n)..., and the fourth No me gusta(n)... Connect other circles to these four and label the new circles with words that describe you, words that do not describe you, things you like, and things you dont like.

Get together with three or four classmates. Each member of the group takes someone elses paragraph from the stack and reads it aloud without telling who wrote it. See if the group can guess who wrote each paragraph.
Cuaderno para hispanohablantes,

pp. 1320

Puerto Rico

sesenta y nueve


Write descriptions of each person. Give each persons age and say something about his or her appearance.

Vocabulario 1
describing people asking how old someone is pp. 4447

Gramtica 1
using ser with adjectives gender and adjective agreement question formation pp. 4853

Complete the following conversations using adjectives, ser, and question words. Remember to use the correct adjective and verb forms. 1. es tu mejor amigo(a)? Paco. 2. da es hoy? sbado. 3. Cmo tu mejor amigo(a)? Es . No es . 4. eres t? . 5. es tu cumpleaos? el . Ask your partner if he or she likes the following things and why. Then ask which things he or she likes more. Switch roles.

Vocabulario 2
talking about what you and others like describing things pp. 5659







Captulo 2

A conocernos

Complete the paragraph, using the correct word in parentheses. 1 2 (El/La) cumpleaos (de/del) Fernando y 3 4 Maribel es (el/la) catorce de diciembre. A ellos 5 (les gusta/les gustan) mucho las fiestas (de/del) 6 cumpleaos. A Maribel (le gustan/les gustan) los libros 7 8 (de/de las) aventuras ms que (los/las) 9 pelculas. A Fernando (le gusta/le gustan) los videojuegos ms que 10 (el/la) msica de Los Hidalgos. Answer the following questions. 1. How do Latin Americans describe someone with dark or light-brown hair and skin? 2. Why are ages sixteen and eighteen important to young people in Puerto Rico? Listen as Patricia reads the e-mail message from Yoli. Then say whether the statements that follow are cierto or falso. 1. A Yoli no le gustan las clases porque son aburridas. 2. Los compaeros de clase son antipticos. 3. El cumpleaos de Yoli es el 16 de agosto. 4. A Yoli le gusta la comida china. Describe Alicia and her friends and tell what they like. a. b.

KEYWORD: EXP1 CH2 Chapter Self-test

Gramtica 2
nouns and definite articles gustar, por qu? and porque uses of the preposition de pp. 60-65

Comparaciones pp. 5455 Notas culturales pp. 46, 53, 58 Geocultura pp. 3841 TEKS Focus



Puerto Rico

setenta y uno


Gramtica 1
ser with adjectives pp. 4849 gender and adjective agreement pp. 5051 question formation pp. 5253

Repaso de Gramtica 1
You can use adjectives with the verb ser to describe people. Adjectives should agree with the nouns they describe in number and gender. Adjectives are either singular or plural, masculine or feminine.
Carlos es alto. Lupe es alta. Carlos y Lupe son altos.

Form questions by changing your tone of voice or using question words such as qu, cmo, cundo, quin, quines, cul and de dnde.

Gramtica 2
nouns and definite articles pp. 6061 the verb gustar, por qu? and porque pp. 6263 uses of the preposition de pp. 6465

Repaso de Gramtica 2
Nouns can be singular or plural, masculine or feminine.

Feminine fiesta fiestas

carro carros

Use definite articles to say the or use them to talk about a noun used as a general category. Definite articles agree with the nouns they describe in gender and number.

Feminine la pizza las pizzas

el libro los libros

The verb gustar is used to talk about likes and dislikes.

Me gusta la comida italiana. No te gustan los deportes.

The preposition de is used to indicate possession, relationship, or where someone is from. It can also describe a type of thing.
Es el libro de Juan. Es un libro de misterio.

La slaba tnica
Words ending in a vowel, -n, or -s are normally stressed on the next-to-last syllable: in-te-li-GENte, mo-RE-nos, bas-TAN-te Words ending in a consonant other than -n or -s are normally stressed on the last syllable: us-TED, se-OR, es-TOY All words whose pronunciation doesnt follow these rules are written with an accent mark over the vowel that is stressed: ca-F, pe-L-cu-la, a-ten-CIN

Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal en tres tristes trastos.

Escribe las oraciones de la grabacin.


setenta y dos

Captulo 2

A conocernos

Repaso de Vocabulario 1
Describing people
aburrido(a) activo(a) alto(a) antiptico(a) atltico(a) bajo(a) bastante bonito(a) cmico(a) Cmo eres? Cmo es...? Eres...? Es... extrovertido(a) gracioso(a) guapo(a) intelectual inteligente moreno(a) muy pelirrojo(a) perezoso(a)
boring active tall unfriendly athletic short quite, pretty quite, pretty funny What are you like? Whats . . . like? Are you . . .? He (She, It) is . . . outgoing witty good-looking intellectual intelligent dark-haired; dark-skinned very red-headed lazy

romntico(a) rubio(a) serio(a) simptico(a) Soy... tambin tmido(a) tonto(a) trabajador(a) un poco

romantic blond serious friendly I'm . . . also shy silly, foolish hard-working a little

Asking and saying how old someone is

Cundo es el When is . . . 's birthday? cumpleaos de...? Cundo es tu When is your birthday? cumpleaos? Cuntos aos tiene...? How old is . . .? Cuntos aos tienes? How old are you? l (Ella) tiene... aos. He (She) is . . . years old. Es el... de... It's the . . . of . . . Tengo... aos. Im . . . years old. Numbers 32100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . See p. 47.

Repaso de Vocabulario 2
Describing things
el ajedrez los animales los carros la comida china (italiana, mexicana) los deportes Es algo divertido(a). Es bastante bueno(a). Es delicioso(a). Es psimo(a). fenomenal las fiestas formidable las frutas las hamburguesas el helado horrible interesante
chess animals cars Chinese (Italian, Mexican) food sports It's kind of fun. It's pretty good. It's delicious. It's awful. awesome parties great fruit hamburgers ice cream horrible interesting

los libros (de aventuras, de amor) malo(a) la msica (de...) las pelculas (de ciencia ficcin, de terror, de misterio) la pizza las verduras los videojuegos

(adventure, romance) books bad music (of/by . . . ) (science fiction, horror, mystery) movies pizza vegetables videogames

Talking about what you and others like

Me da igual. Me gusta(n)... mucho. Me gusta(n) ms... No, no me gusta(n)... Te gusta(n)...? Te gusta(n) ms... o...?
It's all the same to me. I like . . . a lot. I like . . . more. No, I don't like . . . Do you like . . . ? Do you like . . . or . . . more?

Puerto Rico

setenta y tres


Listen to these statements and match them with the appropriate picture.

You want to find an Internet pen pal. Read the ads for Ciberamigos, and then answer the questions that follow.

Andrs Vallejo 14 aos

[email protected]

Yasmn Herrera 15 aos

[email protected]

Liliana Caraval 13 aos

[email protected]

Soy cmico y activo. Me gustan las computadoras y las pelculas de terror. No me gusta la comida italiana. Me gustan las hamburguesas.

Qu tal? Soy inteligente y extrovertida. No me gusta la televisin, pero s me gustan los libros de aventuras y las fiestas.

Hola! Soy simptica y seria. No soy aburrida. Me gustan los videojuegos y la msica rock. No me gusta la pizza.

1. Quin es inteligente? simptico(a)? activo(a)? 2. Segn (according to) el correo electrnico, de dnde es Liliana? Yasmn? 3. Cuntos aos tiene Andrs? 4. Qu le gusta a Liliana? Qu no le gusta? 5. A quin le gustan las hamburguesas? los libros de aventuras?

Write a Ciberamigos message that describes you and tells how old you are, where youre from, what your e-mail address is, and what you like and dont like. In groups of three, take turns playing one of the three Ciberamigos in Activity 2. The first person sends his or her own description to one of the amigos, along with two questions asking for more information. The amigo writes back, answering the questions, and then asking two questions in return. The first person answers. The second person then picks an amigo and sends an e-mail. Continue until everyone has had a turn writing and answering. Imagine that you are writing a short story in Spanish based on what you see in the painting. Who are these people and how old are they? What do they look like and what do they like to do? Where do they come from? Write your story in Spanish.

KEYWORD: EXP1 CH2 Cumulative Self-test

TEKS Focus

Da lluvioso en El Viejo San Juan, de Orlando Santiago Correa

This year the student council wants to sponsor a film festival and the homecoming dance. In order to sponsor these events, the council needs information from the students about what they like and dont like. In groups of three, create a survey asking about movies, music, and foods people like, and then ask your classmates to fill it in. Afterward, tally the results to see what the student council needs to do.

Dia lluvioso en El Viejo San Juan (Rainy Day in Old San Juan) by Orlando Santiago Correa courtesy of Patrick Santiago


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