Lista Chequeo Hotel

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El hotel / resort tiene una declaracin de poltica que refleja el compromiso de la

direccin del hotel con la seguridad y la salud / control de riesgos?
Est incluido en manuales, manual del empleado, tablones de anuncios, etc.
Hay una o ms personas designadas con la responsabilidad del control de riesgos?
Por quin?
Revisado con qu frecuencia (ver fecha de la ltima revisin)?
Est la alta direccin involucrada en actividades de control de riesgos? (Incluyendo, pero
no limitado a asistir a las reuniones del comit de seguridad)
Estn claramente definidas las responsabilidades de los huspedes y la seguridad de vida
y la responsabilidad de control de riesgos en la descripcin de cada puesto de trabajo de
los gerentes?
Se han establecido metas y objetivos especficos y mensurables para todos los jefes de
departamento relacionados con el control de riesgos?
Tiene el hotel un programa de incentivos para reducir la frecuencia / gravedad de los
En caso afirmativo, describa el programa
Existe un sistema para que los huspedes proporcionen comentarios adecuados para la
mejora efectiva de los sistemas?
Revisar formularios de encuestas de invitados
Revisar el personal y los procesos involucrados en el procesamiento, registro y actuacin
de la informacin proporcionada por los comentarios de los invitados
La gerencia ejecutiva revisa peridicamente:
Datos de incidentes y detalles?
Resmenes de la encuesta de invitados?
Reportes de daos a la propiedad?
Informes de activacin de alarmas
Estadsticas de prdida de empleados y terceros?
Cules son las primas de seguro?
Informes de riesgo / peligro?
La gerencia ejecutiva fij metas anuales para los objetivos de desempeo de la gerencia
de riesgo de los directores de departamento / de los jefes de departamento?

Se documentan tales objetivos y expectativas de desempeo?

La gerencia ejecutiva mide rutinariamente el desempeo real contra tales objetivos (ya
sea a travs de la evaluacin de recursos humanos o como un ejercicio individual)?
Existe un plan de seguridad documentada y seguridad de los huspedes?
Quin es responsable de mantener y actualizar el manual?
Estn sus Procedimientos de Gestin y Seguridad Documentados para:
Notificacin de Incidentes e Investigacin (Invitado y Empleado)
Patgenos transmitidos por la sangre - Operaciones de servicio de alimentos y limpieza
Entrada para espacios confinados - Para ingenieros y contratistas
Seguridad elctrica - incluyendo programas de conservacin de energa
Plan de Accin de Emergencia - Incendio, Amenaza, Accin Respuesta
Ergonoma - Limpieza, Servicio e Ingeniera y Mantenimiento
Comunicacin de Peligros / Seguridad de Materiales / Almacenamiento Seguro
Bloqueo / Etiquetado y aislamiento de energa o equipo
Seguridad en Plantas y Maquinaria
Equipo de proteccin personal
Lugar de trabajo seguro
Mantenimiento de Ascensores
Seguridad contra incendios y prevencin de incendios
Sistemas HVAC
Operaciones de la caldera
Sistemas de generacin y distribucin de energa
Mantenimiento de la torre de enfriamiento
Manejo y manejo de desechos
Planificacin de la Continuidad del Negocio
Mantenimiento de bienes y activos


Enumerar los regmenes de adiestramiento en su lugar por Departamentos de Hotel
Personal Delantero
Ingeniera y mantenimiento
Gestin interna
Personal de lavandera
Gerencia Ejecutiva
Se desarrolla y se lleva a cabo una capacitacin en seguridad para los empleados
(permanentes y casuales), as como para todos los contratistas?
Describa qu tipo de entrenamiento se hace, p. Comunicacin de Peligros / Seguridad de
Materiales, Patgenos Sanguneos, Levantamiento Seguro, Equipo de Proteccin Personal,
seguridad, control de llaves, especficos de trabajo, etc. Revise todos los manuales y
registros de entrenamiento disponibles.
Todo el personal del frente de la casa est adecuadamente capacitado en protocolos de
respuesta de invitados en relacin con posibles escenarios de responsabilidad (por
ejemplo, prdida de propiedad, lesiones personales, etc.)?
Se documenta apropiadamente la asistencia al entrenamiento?
Hay personal capacitado de primeros auxilios adecuadamente capacitado y debidamente
capacitado entre todos los empleados de primera lnea y de atrs de la casa?
Se documenta todo el entrenamiento de seguridad y se mantienen registros de personal
adecuados? (Revisar la documentacin)
Por cunto tiempo se mantienen los registros?
Se imparte formacin inicial de seguridad (de induccin) en la orientacin o durante la
primera semana de empleo?
Vea los programas de induccin para todos los Departamentos (incluyendo los empleados
Lista Personal de primeros auxilios:
El personal de ingeniera est debidamente capacitado en:
Entrada a espacios confinados
Trabajando en las alturas
Trabajos calientes


Existe un comit de seguridad / control de riesgos?
En caso afirmativo, con qu frecuencia se celebran las reuniones?
Quin participa y cmo se seleccionan los participantes?
La seguridad de los invitados, as como las cuestiones de seguridad de los empleados
abordadas en este foro?
Revisar los minutos ms recientes y los problemas de riesgo
Estn la Direccin Ejecutiva y cada Departamento adecuadamente representados?
El comit de seguridad / control de riesgos ha establecido metas y objetivos (una Carta)?
Se mantienen y mantienen las actas de reuniones del comit de seguridad / control de
Las actas documentan la discusin de:
Inspecciones planificadas
Informes de incidentes (invitado y empleado)
Anlisis de la causa de los accidentes
Informes de estado del Departamento de Gestin de Riesgos
Identificacin de controladores de costes en Seguros
Recomendaciones para mejoras
Las actas documentan la correccin de las deficiencias, o un plan de accin discutido
durante las reuniones?
Las reuniones del Comit examinan los asuntos relacionados con el riesgo relacionados
con la industria como algo natural (por ejemplo, actualizaciones de seguridad que afectan
a la industria hotelera en su conjunto)?
Revisar registros de seguridad e informes de incidentes e investigaciones


Existe un Plan de Respuesta de Emergencia / Desastre escrito?
Quin es responsable de mantener y actualizar el plan?
Documento de verificacin para la moneda
Existen contingencias especiales o provisiones para evacuaciones relacionadas con
invitados con necesidades especiales (por ejemplo, invitados discapacitados o mayores
ubicados en pisos inferiores)?
Se mantiene un registro en el que se tenga constancia de tales invitados y la necesidad
de una posible asistencia del personal en caso de evacuacin de emergencia?
El Plan de Respuesta a Emergencias / Desastres incluye procedimientos para:
a. Accidente de aviones
segundo. Bomba o amenaza terrorista
do. Derrame de sustancias qumicas
re. Disturbio civil
mi. Muerte / Suicidio
F. Terremoto / tsunami
gramo. Falla del Elevador
marido. Equipo de respuesta de emergencia
yo. Evacuacin (parcial y completa)
J. Sistema de seguridad contra incendios y vida
K Fuego
L Inundar
metro. Situacin de rehenes
norte. Cicln / huracn / extremos del tiempo
O Emergencias Mdicas
pag. Fallo de alimentacin
Q. Robo
R Hielo de nieve
S Nmeros de telfono de emergencia
T Ubicacin de los suministros de emergencia
U Planos de planta
V. Lugares de montaje para invitados y empleados, incluyendo un mtodo de contabilidad
para el personal y comunicacin con los huspedes.
W Protocolos para peticiones de medios relacionados con cualquiera de los anteriores
Todos los empleados y todos los contratistas externos recibieron instrucciones claras
sobre su papel en el plan de emergencia?
Est esto documentado?
Se imparte capacitacin a:
a. Equipo administrativo
segundo. Equipo de respuesta de emergencia
do. Empleados de Hotel / Resort
Describir el entrenamiento
Frecuencia y tipo de ejercicios realizados?
Participacin en ejercicios por parte de agencias externas?
A travs de la literatura de invitados en la habitacin y la sealizacin y las instrucciones
de la parte trasera de la puerta - todos los huspedes reciben adecuadamente
instrucciones claras relacionadas con escenarios de emergencia y planes de evacuacin?
Se producen las mismas instrucciones en varios idiomas?
Que idiomas?
Estn las unidades telefnicas en todas las habitaciones y reas de la instalacin
(incluyendo el gimnasio y las reas de la piscina) equipadas con nmeros de marcacin
rpida de "un botn" para permitir una respuesta rpida y apropiada?
Se ha probado cada seccin del plan de emergencia?
Se han realizado simulacros de emergencia?
Con qu frecuencia?
Se ha informado a las agencias municipales del plan de emergencia y han participado en
simulacros de emergencia?
Existe un sistema de intercomunicacin de toda la instalacin adecuado para permitir
una evacuacin o notificacin amplia a los ocupantes del edificio?
Existe una cinta de evacuacin preparada para permitir la rpida evacuacin de los
Es el mismo en un formato multilinge?
Estn las habitaciones equipadas con antorchas con carga de batera en caso de un fallo
total de la alimentacin y el retraso o fallo de la iluminacin de emergencia de respaldo?
Estn todos los ascensores invitados equipados con sealizacin e instrucciones claras
relacionadas con los requisitos y operaciones de evacuacin de emergencia?
Se han identificado los registros de invlidos / incapacitados de alguna manera para
ayudar en la evacuacin?
Se han entrenado los operadores telefnicos en los procedimientos de evacuacin
Se ha capacitado a los empleados designados para ayudar a los invlidos durante una
Se han identificado "cuartos seguros" o reas apropiadas de evacuacin dentro de la
propiedad y fuera de la propiedad?
Detalle y seale tales reas en el sitio
Se han hecho arreglos con hoteles o establecimientos cercanos para brindar asistencia si
es necesario?
Existe un procedimiento escrito que describa un sistema de check-in / check-out manual
en caso de que los sistemas informticos se vean comprometidos o apagados?
Los registros de reserva y otros registros se respaldan manualmente en caso de
incidentes de prdida de datos?


Detalles del Departamento de Ingeniera
Nmero de empleados - desglose por tipo de actividad
Contratistas utilizados:
Tiene el Departamento de Ingeniera del hotel los procedimientos apropiados que se
relacionan con:
Minimizacin de desglose de instalaciones y equipos
El mantenimiento de las instalaciones y equipos en condiciones satisfactorias para una
operacin segura
El mantenimiento de la planta y el equipo a su ptimo funcionamiento
La reduccin - a un mnimo - del costo de este mantenimiento, estndares consistentes de
calidad de hotel
El mantenimiento de un alto nivel de experiencia en ingeniera en el desempeo de la
labor realizada por el Departamento
La provisin de personal de servicios de ingeniera adecuadamente entrenados y
supervisados (tanto personal como servicios contratados), que incluye personal
debidamente calificado y experimentado en todas las funciones comerciales necesarias
para satisfacer todas las demandas de calidad de los hoteles.
Las operaciones seguras y eficientes de todos los equipos de Servicios para Edificios
La maximizacin del ahorro de energa a travs de la gestin de ingeniera proactiva y
mediante la realizacin de investigaciones detalladas de las deficiencias de las plantas que
resultan en la accin correctiva adecuada
Procesos para asegurar una Supervisin adecuada de todos los Contratistas de Servicios
de Mantenimiento
Procesos para asegurar el mantenimiento de la Estructura del Edificio - Interna y Externa
Procesos para asegurar el mantenimiento adecuado de los sistemas de proteccin contra
incendios y deteccin
Protocolos relativos a la alteracin, modernizacin y acondicionamiento de todas las
instalaciones y edificios

El hotel mantiene un registro de contratistas "aprobados"?

Se prestan servicios contratados para:
a. Servicio de elevacin y mantenimiento?

segundo. Servicio de extincin de incendios y mantenimiento de extintores?

do. Lavandera y tintorera?
re. Paisajismo y jardinera?
mi. Operaciones de conferencias (por ejemplo, sistemas de iluminacin o de sonido)?
F. Servicio de aire acondicionado?
gramo. Tratamiento de agua (incluyendo torres de enfriamiento)?
marido. Servicios de transporte o estacionamiento (incluyendo operaciones de limusina o
recogida en el aeropuerto)?
yo. Mantenimiento de refrigerador, congelador y enfriador?
J. Servicios deportivos o recreativos (p. Ej., Gimnasio, tenis, etc.)?
K Operaciones de servicio de tour?
L Servicios de construccin y actividades de construccin o renovacin?
Se requiere que estos contratistas sean acreditados por la calidad?
Se requiere que los Contratistas tengan seguros de responsabilidad a un nivel mnimo
(US $ 5 millones mnimo)?
Se mantienen en los archivos los certificados de seguro?
Existe un proceso de induccin formal para los contratistas nuevos o existentes?
Se utiliza un "kit" de induccin del contratista para este propsito?
Existen instrucciones y controles especficos relacionados con:
a. Reglas, estndares y comportamiento?
segundo. Controles de acceso e identificacin del contratista?
do. Comprobacin de las licencias, acreditaciones y permisos pertinentes
re. Sistemas de permiso de trabajo (relativos al ruido, sustancias qumicas permitidas en el
lugar, barricadas de reas de trabajo, etc.)?
mi. Permiso de trabajo caliente?
F. Permiso de trabajo elevado o acceso al techo?
gramo. Aislamiento de los sistemas de suministro de energa y bloqueo o etiquetado
(incluido el sistema de deterioro del sistema de incendios)?
Existe una supervisin adecuada y competente de los contratistas durante las obras
Con quin y con qu frecuencia?
Cules son los protocolos establecidos para las infracciones de las normas de seguridad
por parte de los contratistas?
Se revisan los contratos formales para ver si son adecuados por el asesor legal del hotel?
Se han identificado necesidades de proteccin personal para todos los ingenieros y otros
empleadores y contratistas externos?
Describa el rango y la aplicacin del equipo de proteccin personal emitido en este hotel /
Existe un estndar escrito para el uso correcto y apropiado de todo el equipo de
proteccin personal?
Se registra la emisin de equipo de proteccin personal no desechable a los empleados?
Existen metodologas de capacitacin adecuadas, procedimientos de induccin y
procedimientos de trabajo seguros relacionados con todos los tipos de EPI?
Existe un procedimiento escrito que permita a los supervisores / gerentes tomar medidas
disciplinarias por violacin de los estndares de equipos de proteccin establecidos?
El Departamento de Ingeniera mantiene una tienda y un registro de PPE?
Ver y revisar.
Se mantienen los EPP y las instrucciones de uso (o procedimientos de trabajo estndar)
en los lugares de uso? Por ejemplo, guantes y gafas protectoras para productos qumicos
de la piscina, torres de enfriamiento, etc.


Size, Model type and Age of Boilers:
Plant Location:
Principal Servicing Contractors:
Boiler Plant Capacity:
Are the following undertaken on a preventative maintenance schedule?:
Gauge glass blowdowns

Fuel level maintenances

Water level control blowdowns
Feedwater dosing, sampling and blowdown (as indicated by feedwater testing

Plant room housekeeping

Opening of steam and water drums and hosing out of sludge
Check for and removal of any scale
Checks of main steam stop valve, blowdown valves, feed water valves, and gauge glass
Check of floats and float chambers
Check of all baffles
Check of all flange gaskets and gland packings
Daily sampling (undertaken by Hotel Engineering personnel) details:
Weekly Service details
Monthly HCC and Legionella testing details
Monthly trend reporting requirements
Monthly & Quarterly corrosion coupon analysis
Monthly equipment calibrations and inspections details
Details of stock of all testing reagents and dip slides
Is pH of Feed Water at 25 C between 8.5 9.5 ?
Is total Iron level of Feed Water greater than 0.1 ppm ?
Is total Feed Water Hardness less than 2 ppm ?
Is Orthophosphate of Boiler water between 30 50 ppm ?
Is OH Alkalinity of Boiler water between 300 500 ppm ?
Is Conductivity (neutralised) of Boiler water less than 2000 S/cm ?
Are Silica levels of Boiler water less than 150 ppm ?
Is the pH of Boiler condensate (at 25 C) between 8.5 9.5?
Is the total Iron of Boiler condensate less than 0.1 ppm ?
Are the total Copper levels of Boiler condensate less than 1 ppm ?
Are thermometric checks of all steam traps undertaken? When?
Are Condensate Control studies of Boilers undertaken? When?
Are boiler vessels scanned internally for cracks or defects?
Have any specific actions been taken to save water in the last 12 months?

Is water use monitored?

Is the water system regularly checked for leaks or surges in
Are staff encouraged to save water?
Are guests encouraged to save water?
Are towels and bed linen in guest rooms only changed on request?
Have spray taps been fitted in the guest bathrooms?
Have flow restrictors been fitted to water pipes?
Do guestrooms have low-flow showerheads? Low-flow toilets? Low flow sink aerators?

Is urinal sensor flushing installed in all public and staff toilets?


Is authority designated to develop and implement an indoor

air quality management plan for the hotel?
Does the hotel have an indoor air quality management
plan that includes steps for preventing and resolving
indoor air quality problems?
Does the hotel use integrated pest
management principles in all front and back of house areas?
Is spot-treatment of pesticides used to control infested areas?
Have all painted surfaces in the hotel been tested for
lead-based paint, and has a lead control or removal
program been implemented?
Is a preventive maintenance schedule established and in
operation for the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
(HVAC) system?
Is the schedule in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations or accepted practice for
the HVAC system?
Does the HVAC preventive maintenance schedule include
the following:
Checking and/or changing air filters and belts
Lubricating equipment parts ?
Checking the motors (including vibration analyses)?
Confirming that all equipment is in operating order?
Are damaged or inoperable components of the HVAC
system replaced or repaired as appropriate?
Are reservoirs or parts of the HVAC system with standing
water checked visually for microbial growth?
By whom?
Review records
Are potential leak areas & water leaks that could promote growth of biologic agents
promptly repaired?
Are damp or wet materials that could promote growth of
biologic agents promptly dried, replaced, removed,
or cleaned?
Are microbial contaminants removed from ductwork, humidifiers, other HVAC and
building system components, and from building surfaces such as carpeting and ceiling tiles
when found during regular or emergency maintenance
activities or visual inspection (front & back of house)?
Is general or local exhaust ventilation used where housekeeping and maintenance
activities could reasonably be expected to result in exposure to hazardous substances
above applicable exposure limits?

When point sources generate airborne concentrations of contaminants above applicable

limits, are local exhaust ventilation or substitution used to reduce the exposure
concentrations to below the limits?
When the carbon dioxide level exceeds 1,000 parts per million, is the HVAC system
checked and repaired as necessary to ensure the system is operating properly?

When the temperature is outside of the range of 19 C and 25 F (68 to

79F), is the HVAC system checked and repaired as necessary to ensure the system is
operating properly?
Are humidity levels maintained to between 30% to 60%
relative humidity?
When a contaminant is identified in the make-up air supply, is the source of the
contaminant eliminated, or are the make-up inlets or exhaust air outlets relocated to
avoid entry of the contaminant into the air system?
For those hotel buildings that do not have mechanical ventilation, are windows, doors,
vents, stacks, and other portals used for natural
ventilation operating properly?
Are complaints promptly investigated that may involve a
building-related illness?
Is smoking in hotel buildings prohibited except for those designated smoking rooms and
outside areas?
During renovation work or new construction, are local ventilation or other protective
devices used to safeguard employees and guests from dust, stones, other small particles,
and toxic gases, which may be harmful in certain quantities?
Describe safeguards & devices utilised:
Are renovation areas in occupied buildings isolated so that
dust and debris is confined to the renovation or construction area?
When renovating or during new construction, are product labels checked, or is
information obtained on whether paints, adhesives, sealants, solvents, insulation, particle
board, plywood, floor coverings, carpet backing, textiles or other
materials contain volatile organic compounds that could be emitted during regular use?

Is the hotel maintenance schedule updated to show all maintenance performed on the
building systems?
Does the maintenance schedule include the dates that the
building systems maintenance was performed and the names
of the persons or companies performing the work?
Are maintenance schedules retained for at least three years?
Is all ductwork routinely inspected?
By whom?
Are internal linkages of all Dampers tested for free movement?
Is flushing, pre-treatment and condensate sampling undertaken for all chilled
water/Processed water/hot water/steam piping?
Is HVAC motor efficiency routinely tested?
Are there clear labels on all piping, ductwork, AHUs, and VFDs?
Are T-stats in place and regularly calibrated?
Are humidistats in place and routinely calibrated?
Are all AHUs routinely inspected?
Are all Exhaust Fans routinely tested and inspected?
Are all Supply Fans routinely tested and inspected?
Are all Air Filter cages routinely tested and inspected?
Are all pre-filters and final filters routinely tested and inspected?
Are all HHW Pump and controls routinely tested and inspected?
Are all CHW Pump and controls routinely tested and inspected?
Are all Potable Water Pumps routinely tested and inspected?
Is all Insulation, Ductwork and Piping routinely tested and inspected?
Are all Valves, Valve tags, Valve Charts routinely tested and inspected?
Are all chilled water strainers & drain connections routinely tested and inspected?
Are all AHU supply & return pressure gauges routinely tested and inspected?

Are all AHU supplies & return thermometers routinely tested and inspected?

Are all AHU coil plugs routinely tested and inspected?

Are all Air filter gauges routinely tested and inspected?
Are all Condensate lines routinely tested and inspected?
Are all Floor drains routinely inspected?
Are all Diffusers routinely tested and inspected?
Is Electric motor drive actual load vs. Name plate load tested? Frequency?

Is Processed water pressure and temperature regularly tested?


Size, Model type and Age of Chillers:
Plant Location:
Principal Servicing Contractors:
Chiller Plant Capacity:
Obtain Inventory of all Hotel Chiller Equipment and Refrigerants
What Refrigerants are utilised?
Does the hotel have in place a Refrigerant Leak Management Plan?
Is there a Refrigerant Record Keeping System?
Check & verify Maintenance Records for Existing Equipment and Refrigerant Supplies

Do the hotel maintain the following with regard to Refrigerants:

Refrigerant purchase, sales and disposal records?
Procedures for the Safe transport of refrigerants
Refrigerant tracking and record keeping
Contaminated refrigerant guidelines?
Chiller Leak testing, leak prevention and leak repairs?
Chiller Equipment and refrigerant inventory?
Refrigerant storage?
Chiller Certification for technicians?
Penalties for non-compliance?
Compliance audits and surveys?
Refrigerant recovery, recycling, and reclaiming?
Chiller Servicing practices?
Refrigerant cylinder handling & storage procedures?
Refrigerant Venting and losses?
Size and location of Commercial Refrigerators and Chillers
Maintenance Frequency? (verify through review of records)
Size, Model type and Age of Generators:
Plant Location:
Principal Servicing Contractors:
Generator Plant Capacity:
Details of Electrical Sub Stations on site
Size and location of SwitchBoards:
Is a system in place to monitor hotel-wide energy usage and report monthly?

Is a system in place to develop energy saving policies and procedures for the hotel?

Is energy consumption considered in all aspects of building refurbishment, plant

replacement and equipment procurement?
Is the total Building Management system that is utilised facilitate some energy usage
Are electrical maintenance procedures in place to:
Undertake Safety testing/Repairs of Electrical Equipment
Undertake assessment of Light Fittings/Power Points for function and damage

Check fixed appliances & Equipment

Replace defective Fluorescent tubes/clean Diffusers & Reflectors
Check operation Nurses Call system - rectify faults
Operation/safety checks of Power Points fixed electrical devices etc.
Operation of all Examination Lamps
Check replace circuit identification caps/labels
Operation of all Wall Clocks
Are electrical maintenance procedures in place to address:
Motors and starters diagnostics
belt drives
vibration analysis
Panels and switchgear thermal scanning power factor grounding transformers
electrical tighten-up

re-lamping programs
ballast changes
Emergency power
UPS systems
closed/open transition switches
Security (building and perimeter)
alarm systems
fire and smoke detection systems
fire pumps IT&M
Check & verify the estimated heating and cooling loads based on floor areas.

Detail all hotel energy conservation measures utilized as well as the life cycle cost analyses
Are energy services shut down when and where parts of the building are unoccupied?

Have temperature settings, timers, lighting levels etc., been adjusted to ensured minimum
energy use for given comfort levels?
Is hotel energy use regularly monitored?
Is consumption of energy going down year on year?
Have targets for reducing energy consumption been set?
Has energy use been compared with energy benchmarks?
Have check been undertaken to confirm that the cheapest fuel-tariff is being used for each
Is the hotels energy plant-equipment less than 10 years old?
Have low-energy lights been fitted where cost-effective?
Has an energy audit been undertaken in the that three years?
Are occupancy sensors or timers used to control lighting in intermittent-use areas (e.g.
meeting rooms, storage areas, public bathrooms, staff bathrooms)?
Do meeting and guest rooms have dimmer switches for lights?
Are programmable thermostats with motion detectors used to control HVAC in
Is glazing applied to windows throughout the hotel to prevent heat from building up?

Do guest room windows open for fresh air?

Is florescent lighting used throughout the property? What is the percentage used?

Have energy-efficient lighting fixtures been installed in each room?

Are programmable thermostats with motion detectors used to control HVAC in guest
Are housekeeping staff encouraged to close drapes and turn off lights and air conditioning
when rooms are unoccupied?
Do guest rooms have Energy Star- labeled TVs and other energy efficient appliances?

Are all switchboards:
Locked (& lockable)?
Securely fixed to wall structures?
Have operable isolating switches?


Do all electrical fittings comply with AS3000 (or equivilent if international) wiring rules?

Are all electrical fittings fitted with an earth leakage device or a residual current device?

Does the portable generator comply with AS2790?

If supply is from a permanent outlet, is an earth leakage device fitted?
Are all power outlets controlled by a double pole switch?
Do portable outlets:
Have a flexible cord rated at 10 amperes minimum?
Have overload and earth leakage (ELCB) protection?


Are all fittings wired identically so that identical phases will be selected by the pin?

Are all cords:

Supported above work areas, wet areas and passages?
Protected from mechanical damage and moisture?
Heavy duty, conforming to AS3199?


Are the following in good condition and good working order:

Outer casings?
Power cords?
On/off switches?
Does all electrical equipment carry up-to-date inspection tags?
Does the hotel have in place detailed inspection, testing and maintenance procedures in
place to ensure that all electrical apparatus (front and back of house and in-room) is
safe to use?
Check random equipment, tools and appliances (front and back of house and in-room).

Is there any evidence of damage to the permanent wiring, cables or electrical

Is there any evidence of damage to any electrical apparatus or equipment in the
Are there any damaged or loose power points or switches?
Is outer protective insulation or the sheaths of any cable damaged or pulled back
exposing the inner wires?
Are exposed live wires or conductors accessible without the use of a tool or key?

Are there any accessible bare wires inside the switchboard?


Is RCD protection provided for all electrical equipment that is:
Hand held?
Moved while in operation?
Moved from place to place?
Operated in a demanding environment?
If the workplace is a new installation (built after 1996), is fixed (non-portable) RCD
protection provided for all socket outlets?
Are the RCDs being tested as required by Standards?
Are qualified electricians employed by the hotel or otherwise engaged to undertake
electrical work as required?
Do electricians (Hotel Employees or Contractors) issue Certificates of Compliance on the
completion of all electrical works?
Are extension cords appropriately stored and routinely inspected & tagged?

Inspect & assess waste collection areas

Is hotel waste separated and collected as Biodegradable (Wet) and Non biodegradable
(Dry) waste?
Are clearly marked (or colour coded) waste receptacles utilsed?
Frequency of waste collection?
Waste collection undertaken by whom?
Are compactors utilised? If yes type and size.
Are recyclable paper, carboard and metals materials separated?
Does the hotel operate a biomethane plant?
Is Composting/ Vermicomposting undertaken for kitchen (food) waste?
Does the property have an effective recycling program for items that can be recycled
Is waste collected and kept in tight-fitting containers and in an enclosed area?

Are items reused on property when possible, given to staff or donated to charities instead
of being thrown away?
Does the property minimize its use of individually bottled Guest room amenities and
plastic bags?
Does the property compost garden and kitchen waste?
Does the property minimize its use of disposable items (e.g. Plastic bags, plastic
tableware, disposable cups, cook caps and Aprons, paper napkins) and single serving food
packages (e.g. Butter, sugar, cream, jams, condiments, milk, juices and cereals)?

Does the property have an effective program to collect and/or recycle used cooking oil?

Does the property clean the grease trap frequently and without harsh chemicals?

Does the property purchase chemicals such as cleaning agents, laundry chemicals, and
dishwashing chemicals in bulk containers?
Does the property ask chemical suppliers to take back empty Chemical containers?

Are housekeeping, laundry, and kitchen cleaning agents and Chemicals dispensed using
automatic chemical dispensing Systems?
Does the property use environmentally friendly chemicals and minimize its use of
hazardous chemicals in its maintenance operations (e.g., drain cleaners, de-scaling acid,
Does the hotel effectively dispose of the following reusable materials:
Grey water?
Beverage bottles?
Office paper?
Containers from suppliers?
Soap bars from guest rooms?
Old linens (and pillows/pillow stuffing)?
Damaged furniture?
Ink cartridges for printers?
Organic waste (kitchen and yard scraps)?
Paper and cardboard?
Glass bottles and jars?
Aluminum cans and foil?
Steel cans and steel scrap?
Used cooking oil?
Motor oil?
Has the hotel reduced or eliminated the use of single-use items such as paper napkins and
disposable plates, cups, cutlery, place mats, aprons and cook hats?
Has the hotel communicated formally with their suppliers to communicate the hotels
Environmental policy and identify preferences for packaging?
Does the hotel have sewage and waste effluent treatment plants? Describe:

Is sewage from the hotel treated before being discharged to fresh

Have necessary discharge licences been obtained?
Have options for reducing CFC use been researched and implemented?
Has the hotel been free of complaints about noise, odours and
pollution in the last year? If not, describe:
Is the hotel building free of asbestos?
Do all hotel vehicles have catalytic converters?
Does a register of hazardous substances used in the hotel exist?
Does the hotel utilize automatic metering to minimise use of products?
Are environmental problems threatening the future of the local tourism Industry?

Have there been any complaints about poor environmental practices at the hotel?

Has the hotel been fined or cautioned by the pollution enforcement

authorities for any past breach of legislation?
Does the hotel post their environmental policies and practices on their website and in
their marketing literature - promoting their commitment to good environmental
Does the hotel provide guests with information on public transportation?

Does the hotel ensure availability of bicycling options, including storage and parking, for
Does the hotel take measures to reduce paper waste at check-in (e.g short registration
forms, computerized systems)?
Does the hotel use name cards (staff and for conferences) that are reusable plastic? If
name cardholders are used, are participants asked to return them at the end of the
conferences? Are there convenient receptacles for collection?
Does the hotel prohibit gift and hotel promotional items made from endangered or
threatened species?
Does the hotel have designated individuals with authority and resources to take
responsibility for environmental management?
Does the hotel actively participate in an environmental partnership or certification
program? i.e. Energy Star (Green Lights), Green Seal, Green Globe, Buy Recycled Business
Alliance, Waste Wise, etc.
Does the hotel have a management system in place to educate employees on
environmental practices and to ensure that these practices are being monitored and
evaluated to improve environmental performance?
Does the hotel effectively communicate environmental efforts to guests, vendors,
shareholders and the public?
Does the hotel have recycling receptacles in all guest rooms?


Is standard first aid provided at the hotel?
If yes, by whom?
Who in-house is trained in standard first aid and CPR?
What type of training is done & with what frequency?
For injuries requiring outside medical attention, where are the employees sent?

What is the ambulance response time to the hotel (in peak traffic conditions)?

Does a random review of 5-10 accident reports reveal:

a. All sections of the report are completed?
b. Primary and underlying causes/contributing factors are identified?
c. Corrective actions have been taken to minimize repeat incidents?
d. Witness(es) are identified, interviewed and all pertinent comments documented?

Is an incident/accident log maintained?

Are loss trends, identifying frequency and severity, forwarded to management staff on a
monthly basis?
Are photographs of the accident/incident scene taken?
Are claims reported in a timely manner (within 24 hours)?
Is evidence documented and preserved in workers claims?
Has someone been designated to manage workers claims in-house?
If so, name and title
Has someone been designated to manage general liability claims in-house?

If so, name and title

Is there immediate contact by the person managing the claims to the injured employee?

Is there immediate contact by the person managing general liability claims to the guest?

Are letters sent to a guest reporting a loss or injury/illness?

If yes, examine randomly 5-10 letters.
Is there a written Return to Work policy and procedure?
Have numerous transitional tasks (modified duty) been identified to aid in reducing time
If a treating physician of an injured employee authorizes time-loss, is the physician called
to discuss transitional duty options?
Are claim files maintained?
Are documents date-stamped?
Is a diary system in place to monitor activities of a claim?
Is there evidence in the files that the hotel is actively involved in the claim?

Is accurate wage information provided to the insurer or claims adjuster?

Where is that information obtained? (note: this should be from HR or Payroll records)

Is regular contact maintained between the hotel and the insurer or claims adjuster?

How often?
Is the relationship with the insurer one that allows for a rapid and frank exchange of facts
of pertinence?
Are claims reserve costs reviewed with the claims adjuster or insurer on a regular basis to
ensure appropriateness?
Obtain Insurance particulars (Insurers, Limits, Deducables) for:
Public Liability
Property (Fire)
Professional Indemnity
Directors & Officers Liabilities
Inn-Keepers (Room Losses/Baggage) Limits
Dry Cleaning Limits

Are Risk assessments undertaken for all Purchasing operations?

Are all furniture and fittings that are purchased fire-retarded before release?

Are hotel suppliers required to be quality accredited (eg for food supplies - HACCP
Are hotel suppliers audited by hotel purchasing staff?
Are hotel supplies quarantined for quality checks prior to their release?
Do F&B Management routinely audit received supplies?
Does the hotel operate an "approved supplier" protocol?
Size of Security Department (No. of Employees)
Are outside Contractors also utilised?
Is there a written security manual?
Are manuals revised at least annually?
If so, who is responsible?
Does the hotel/resort have a policy regarding the use of physical force and weapons?

Is there a gun safe on site?

Is there a procedure for contacting Corporate Risk Management and Corporate Legal
when a significant incident occurs? (Verify where the reports are sent).
Are security incident reports and other security documents (e.g. activity reports or logs)
maintained in accordance with the Corporate retention schedule?
Is the hotel aware of a retention schedule?
Is there a guideline of who receives copies of security incident reports?
Describe procedure.
Is there a formal training program for security officers?
Describe such training in detail
Is periodic retraining conducted?
Describe training
Does the hotel/resort utilize a contract security service?
If so, provide the name of the contract service.
Is a contract signed by both parties with hold harmless/indemnity language?

Are all employees required to carry hotel/resort identification?

Is there a written policy regarding key control.
Is disciplinary action included in the policy?
Who is responsible for key control?
How often is a key inventory conducted?
Are guest rooms equipped with in-room safes?
Is verification of guest identification required prior to emergency opening of a guest room
Who is authorized to open a safe on an emergency basis?
Is there a written procedure?
Where is the control key maintained?
Is verification of guest identification required prior to issuing or re-issuing a room key for
an occupied room?
Are Front Office staff and cashiers trained on procedures to follow in the event of a
If so, describe the training and frequency.
Do Managers on Duty (MOD)s receive periodic training on security and emergency
response procedures?
Describe training and documentation
Does Security maintain a list of all employee vehicles permitted to park on the premises?

How often is it updated?

Is there a designated employee entrance?
How is it maintained?
Are periodic package inspections conducted by Security at the employee entrance?

Do Housekeeping staff and other guest room service department staff block open guest
room doors while servicing the room?
Are any "special" security protocols in place (eg. Visitng dignitaries or VIP's)?


Are closed circuit television cameras used at this hotel/resort?

List numbers & locations on a floor plan.

Color or digital?
Fixed or panning?
Constant or motion activated?
Are closed circuit television cameras monitored on a 24-hour basis?
Describe how they are monitored.
Are all CCTV cameras recorded?
How long are tapes maintained?
Is there a documented policy relating to the viewing or release of digital images (in
accordance with the Privacy provisions of the jurisdiction involved)?
Is a CCTV system maintenance log maintained?
Last service date?
Are access points equipped with an external door contact that activate on alarm when
open (excluding lobby doors)?
Does the hotel/resort have a security alarm system (notification alarms, sensor alarms,
duress or panic alarms etc.)? If so, list the location(s) and where the alarm is heard.

Are duress alarms fitted at Hotel Reception(and any other cash handling ventres)?

Does the hotel have in place cash handling procedures?


Are housekeeping personnel trained on safe lifting techniques?
For room cleaning operations, are all mops, buckets and other cleaning equipment placed
where no one can fall over them?
Are housekeeping personnel trained on the hazards of all cleaning solutions or chemicals?

Are all cigarette butts and sharp objects stored in separate metal containers?

Ar cleaning personnel provided with appropriate syringe disposal units?

Is all linen, rugs and spreads rolled up before putting them in soiled laundry bundles?

Are rubber gloves worn when using strong cleaning solutions?

Are housekeeping personnel instructed not to run their hands along or inside objects
unless they have checked first for razor blades, needles, broken glass, etc?

Are caution signs utilised for wet cleaning operations?

Are public toilets isolated for all wet cleaning operations?


Is a soiled linen-holding room provided with adequate forced air exhaust ducted to the
Is (daily) lint filter cleaning undertaken?
Are strict clothing and linen handling procedures in place & followed by laundry personnel
to avoid contamination?
Are rubber gloves and protective covering worn when handling and loading soiled linen?

Are clean linens transported in covered containers and stored in covered areas?

Is dirty linen separated from clean ones at all times?

Is soiled linen kept in a covered barrel at all times?
Are linen barrels lined with plastic bags which cover the inside surface at all times?

Are linen folding surfaces cleaned with a detergent germicide solution?

Are alll laundry appliances (washers/dryers,carts) cleaned daily with detergent germicide
Are steam pressure vessels and pipes routinely checked and tested in accordance with
local regulations?
Does the laundry operate from its own boiler plant?
If so is it gas or electric fired and is scheduled maintenance undertaken on all:

Feed Water Pumps?
Water Softeners?
Chemical Pumps?
Pressure Valves?
Condensate Pumps?
Are all steam, air and water pipes clearly labelled?


Is safety and health training provided to dock workers?
Are written safety/health rules provided to dock workers?
Is the loading dock/receiving area restricted to authorised personnel (and away from
Is motorized and non-motorized equipment training provided to dock workers? (ie.
forklifts, pallet movers, pickers, etc.)
Is refresher training provided annually to all dock workers?
Are dock workers trained in safe lifting and manual handling techniques?

Are dock workers trained in the safe handling, storage, and use of controlled products?

Are dock workers trained in proper wheel chocking procedures?

Are dock workers trained in the proper use of dock levellers or bridge plates?

Are safety talks held with dock workers on a regular basis?

Are dock workers trained to secure loads for transport?
Is general housekeeping maintained?
Are floors swept daily?
Are floors washed regularly?
Are provided refuse containers emptied daily?
Are washrooms and lunch facilities clean?
Does motorized equipment have the following:
Emergency brakes?
Operator's manual?
Daily operator safety checklist?
Are motorized equipment aisles clearly identified?
Are there mirrors at blind corners?
Are pedestrian aisle-ways clearly identified?
Are storage areas identified?
Are pallets inspected before each use?
Are dock approaches free from potholes or deteriorated pavement?
Are dock bumpers in good repair?
Are trailer positions marked with lines or lights for accurate trailer spotting?

After trailers are spotted, are trailer dollies dropped?

Are trailer wheel chocks used to block trailers and prevent movement during loading and
unloading operations?
Are there two trailer wheel chocks for each trailer?
Are trailer wheel chocks chained to the building?
Are warning signs or warning lights in use?
If dock levellers are used, are they in proper working order?
Is the leveller or dock plate capacity adequate given typical load weights, lift truck speeds,
ramp inclines, and frequency of use?
Are truck drivers provided with a place away from the loading dock to wait while their
trailer is being loaded or unloaded?
Are truck engines turned off during the loading or unloading operation?
Do all dock workers and visitors wear personal protective equipment when required? (ie.
Protective footwear, gloves, hearing protection, eye protection, etc.)
Are carbon monoxide levels monitored to evaluate dock worker exposure?

Are their controls measures in place to maintain carbon monoxide levels as low as is
reasonably practicable?
Is lighting adequate for the tasks being performed?
Is the first aid kit fully stocked and in an area of accessibility?
Are fire extinguishers fully charged and accessible?
Are emergency exits kept unblocked?


Number, age, type and location of all lifts & escalators (guest & service lifts)

Note load rating for each lift

Note time for brake to brake for travel between floors
Note door operating times:
From fully open to fully closed
From fully closed to fully open
When levelling into a floor - time from door commencing to open until lift stopped at floor
Note door dwell time in response to:
A car call
A landing call
A coincident call
Record vertical acceleration and deceleration speeds
Check and verify whether the following maintenance/inspections are undertaken and with
what frequency (through latest available records):
Emergency light units
Alarm systems
Communication systems
Indicating devices
Rooftop lighting
Under-car lighting
Lift well lighting
Pit lighting
Machine room lighting
Controller & Selector equipment
Contactor & relay caontacts
Governor sheaves
Car & counterweight guides and guide shoes
Door tracks & door guides
Door closers
Site guards
Chains/Air cords
Loop circuit connections
Door locks & door lock valves
Pit buffers
Ropes and terminations
Levelling switches & sensors
Terminal slowing devices
Power door operators
Hydraulic rams, ram seals, ram cylinders
Are detailed traffic analyses undertaken for passenger lifts?
Do lift analyses review:
The number of Stop button operations?
The number of alarm bell operations?
Number of times the lift was on independent service?
Number of times the lift was on fire service?
Number of times the lift was on maintenance service?
Number of times the lift safety circuit was on open?
The accumulated time each lift was unavailable for service?
Are adequate records of maintenance and testing kept by the hotel?
Are adequate stocks of critical spare parts maintained at the hotel?
Is there rapid response for lift failures and/or for lift repairs? Note typical response time.

Do lifts return to ground floor and lock with door open during fire alarm activation?

Are lift facilities able to accommodate disabled persons (Particularly door widths and
control button heights?


Are alcoholic beverage servers and other employees trained in responsible alcohol service
or equivalent programs?
Are guidelines established for honour bars in rooms occupied by minors?

During this survey, were observed foods in storage:

a. Properly covered?
b. Properly refrigerated?
Is there a policy requiring food handlers to wear protective gloves?
If yes, were employees observed during this survey wearing appropriate gloves
(particularly in hand-to-plate service operations)?
During this survey, were kitchen areas and food storage areas:
a. Clean?
b. Well-organized?
c. Have adequate floor mats or other methods to reduce slip and fall exposures?

Regarding food storage in chillers and freezers, is foodstuff:

a. Stored off the floor?
b. Covered or sealed in containers?
c. Separation of meat from other foods?
Does the pantry operate from a rotational basis where best by or use by dates are
routinely checked for currency?
Is there a daily process of checking received goods to verify the quality of daily deliveries?

Are suppliers of food products required to be HACCP (or the equivalent) accredited?

Is such verification checked and recorded?

Are suppliers required to be contracted (via documentation) with inclusions for legal
recourse in the event of the supply of spoiled or contaminated food products?

Are meals or ingredients vacuum sealed for later testing if so required?

Are all refrigerators and freezers fitted with temperature gauges and are these manually
With what frequency?
Are kitchen employees trained in food hygiene practices?
By whom and with what frequency?
Are kitchen and food service employees subjected to health screening - inclusive of blood
Where & with what frequency?
Have all hotel food and ingredient suppliers been checked to be reputable and have
quality assurance policies on food safety?
Verify that:
All raw foods are not transported with ready to eat foods
All perishable cold foods are transported at 5 C or below
All hot foods are transported at 60 C or above
All Frozen foods are transported at 15C or below
Verify through inspection of kitchen and pantry areas that:
Cooked and raw foods are stored in different areas
Ready to eat food is stored wrapped
Chemicals are not stored near food
Dry goods are stored in close fitting lid containers
Storage areas are in a clean condition
Storage areas are pest proofed
Equipment /utensils are clean and each piece of equipment has been designated to a
particular food
Verify that:
All kitchen & food service staff have been trained in personal hygiene on a regular basis

All frozen food is thawed under refrigeration

All food thawed in a microwave is cooked immediately
All fruit and vegetables are washed in clean water upon receiving and again prior to use

Exposure of food to room temperature is kept to a maximum of 1 hour

Internal temperature of food is a minimum of 70 C before serving
Meat and poultry products internal temperature of food is at least 80 C before serving.

When cooling food it is not left out for more than 1 hour
Bulk quantities of food is stored in small proportions
All perishable foods on display are kept at 5 C or below
All hot foods on display are stored at 60C or above
Any price tags (bistro operations etc.) do not pierce food
All raw and ready to eat foods are displayed separately
A program is in place to clean entire food preparation and food services areas on a regular
All chemicals used for cleaning are safe to use around food
All equipment / Utensils are cleaned after use
All bench tops are wiped after use


Are fire alarm notifications directly transmitted to an off-site central monitoring station?

If yes, to whom?
Are inspections of smoke detection systems made periodically?
a. By whom?
b. How often?
c. How is this documented?
Are portable fire extinguishers inspected on a regular basis?
a. Who is responsible?
b. How often are they inspected?
c. How often are they professionally serviced?
d. Does a random review reflect regular inspections/servicing?
Is the automatic sprinkler system and its component parts (pumps, etc.) inspected?

a. By whom
b. Inspected weekly for gauge readings?
c. Trip tested periodically?

d. Flow tested annually?

e. Does a random review of maintenance records verify servicing and testing?

Does the hotel/resort have an emergency generator?

Frequency & duration of run testing?
Is a test log maintained?
Are kitchen/cooking protection systems serviced at least every six months?

Does a random review of maintenance records or posted inspection tags verify servicing?

Are there any special or unique protection systems?

If yes, please describe.

Is there a process for inspecting emergency lighting? If yes:
a. Who is responsible?
b. How often tested?
c. Are records maintained documenting the testing schedule?
Is there a process for inspecting exit signs? If yes:
a. Who is responsible?
b. How often tested?
c. Are records maintained documenting the testing schedule?
d. During this survey, were any areas observed lacking appropriate exit signs or directions?

Is there a process for inspecting fire doors? If yes:

a. Who is responsible?
b. How often tested?
c. Are records maintained documenting the testing schedule?
Are guidelines established regarding clear aisles and paths of egress?
a. During this survey, were any obstructions in the paths of egress noted?

b. Are appropriate signs, floor markings or other means of identification used to delineate
egress paths in back of the house areas?
Are emergency exit doors equipped with panic hardware?
Are emergency exit routes posted?
a. In guest rooms?
b. In employee areas?
c. In guest and staff lifts
d. In banquet and reception areas and restaurants
Are emergency guidelines posted or available in guest rooms?
Are smoke detectors fitted in guest rooms?
In other parts of the hotel?
Hard wired or independent units?
If independent units how frequently are battery tests/replacement conducted?

Are gas detector units fitted anywhere in the hotel?

What type & where?
Have smoke control flow diagrams been prepared for all air handling units?

Are smoke detectors in the main supply ducts for all units > 56 m3/min (2,000 CFM)?

Are smoke detectors in each return branch (for every floor) for units > 420 m3/ min
(15,000 CFM) - in addition to a detector in supply main?
View control diagrams for the control of smoke dampers with smoke detectors.

Are stairwells pressurized?

Is smoke venting provided for all elevator shafts?
When standby power is connected to lifts, is the machine room ventilation/air
conditioning system also to be connected to standby power?
Is there a dedicated exhaust system for each flammable and combustible liquid storage
Is there an explosion proof motor and spark proof fan for each flammable and
combustible liquid storage space?
View all smoke partitions on HVAC floor plans.
View all duct-mounted smoke detectors and dampers, and fire dampers on HVAC floor
Check and verify that all duct mounted smoke and combination fire/smoke dampers are
individually numbered on HVAC floor plans? View preventative maintenance schedule.


Are valet parking operations offered by the hotel either:

a. In-house?
b. Sub-contracted/third party?
Are vehicles parked internally or at other premises?
Are all employees or third parties so utilised screened, including motor vehicle records
(MVR) and appropriate licensing?
Are guest vehicle key controls in place?
Describe such controls.
Is pre-existing damage on guest vehicles noted and adequately recorded using a standard
Are car parking damages disclaimers in place and appropriately documented (e.g. on
Are all hotel cars, buses and limousines adequately and routinely inspected?

a. How often?
b. By whom?
c. Documented?
For all driving and pick up services offered by the hotel (both in-house and by third
parties), is a seat-belt policy clearly established?
a. Are signs posted in shuttle buses or motor vehicles requesting passengers to use their
seat belts?
b. Are drivers of such vehicles instructed to verbally reinforce such safety instructions?

c. Are employees required to wear seat belts when operating vehicles

Does the hotel offer car parking services or a car parking area?
How many spaces?
Below ground, roof top or open area?
Is the car parking area owned and operated by the hotel or is it managed by a third
If a self parking facility is maintained is there adequacy of signage relating to:

a. Speed controls (eg signage)?

b. Speed inhibitors (eg speed bumps)?
c. Directional controls?
d. Wheel stops?
e. Signage relating to vehicle security?
f. CCTV coverage
g. Signage relating to costs and liabilities?
Is there an accommodation for disabled parking and access for emergency vehicles?

Are traffic controls (signage, ramps, speed-humps, etc.) observed in parking areas and on
the grounds during the survey clearly marked, maintained and/or posted?

a. Is yellow paint used to separate opposing vehicle lanes?

b. Are fire lanes established and posted?
c. During the survey, were fire lanes observed clear of vehicles?
d. If speed bumps exist, are motorists warned in some manner?
Are no trespassing signs posted?
If yes, where are they located and are they adequately maintained?
Are parking or vehicle movements affected by after dark conditions? Is lighting
Are mirrors used in those parking or pedestrian access areas with notable blind spots?

Are CCTV cameras utilised in car park areas and if so, how long are images retained for?

Is there constant monitoring from a control room?

Black and white or colour camera images?


Childrens Clubs & Child Minding
Who provides such services?
Are adequate waivers in place limiting liability of the hotel to any injury or illness?

Is child minding limited to in-room service only?

Are food services permitted?
Is appropriate contractual protection if third party child minding services are utilised?

Child play areas & equipment

Is all play equipment constructed and installed in accordance with international safety
Are appropriate maintenance inspections undertaken? By whom and with what
Is rubberised or padded flooring installed to minimise fall impacts?
Do all play areas (internal & external) have immediate access to emergency telephones?

Is appropriate signage posted detailing rules of all play equipment use?


Is there a policy in place relating to unattended or abandoned luggage?
Obtain details of the same
Does the hotel have a secure storage area for baggage?
Is there a receipt system for the storage of baggage?
What protection of liabilities are offered or assumed with the storing of luggage and how
are any restrictions or limitations on the same conveyed to guests?
Is there a facility or service relating to the secure storage of valuables outside guest rooms
(eg the storage of firearms or oversized articles of value)?
Are security checks on stored luggage undertaken (eg explosives trace tests)?


Are periodic inspections of fitness centres undertaken? If yes:
a. By whom?
b. How often?
c. Are these documented?
Are rules posted for fitness centre equipment use?
a. Do they include instructions for use of specific equipment?
b. Do they contain medical advisories?
c. Are minimum age restrictions posted?
Is the fitness area & guests using equipment supervised at all times?
What are the operating hours of the fitness Centre?
Are persons other than hotel guests able to utilise the fitness centre?
Are CCTV cameras installed?
If so are cameras monitored?


Describe all pool, sauna and spa facilities in the hotel
Is a pool barrier erected that restricts access to the pool from other hotel areas?

Are gates and doors that forms part of the swimming pool barrier self closing and
Is the outside of the pool barrier at least 1200 millimetres high all the way around?
Is the bottom of the pool barrier not more than 100 millimetres off the ground all the way
Is the surface directly beneath the pool barrier stable and not able to be eroded?

Are all vertical or near vertical members of the barrier not more than 100 millimetres
Are all horizontal or near horizontal surfaces that form part of the barrier at least 900
millimetres apart?
Is the top of the pool barrier at least 1100 millimetres above the highest of any of the
lower horizontal surface/member?
Is the pool barrier well maintained (ie. no holes, loose or broken members, etc.)?

Is the top of the pool barrier at least 1200 millimetres away from any object that would
enable a young child to climb over the fence (e.g. BBQs, trees, rocks, shrubs, deckchairs,
garden retaining walls, pool pumps and housing)?
Do all of the pool gates:
Close by themselves from any open position, including when resting on the latches?

Have self latching devices that automatically secure the gates in the closed position
immediately after opening?
Latch securely when closing?
Open in a direction away from the pool?
Never get propped open/tied back or otherwise be obstructed from automatically closing?

Have a mechanism to release the latching devices at least 1500 millimetres above the
ground or have a shielded latch (so a young child cannot open the gates)?

Are latch release mechanisms at least 1400 millimetres above the highest lower horizontal
Are throw rings available?
Is there a Shepherds Crook or pole or other life safety devices in place, highly visible,
easily accessible and in good repair?
Is there a clear separation for shallow/deep areas?
Are depths marked in feet and meters?
Are swimming pool rules & restrictions posted?
Are emergency phones available in the immediate area and are they clearly visible and
How often is the water tested?
Are records documenting water tests maintained?
Are inspections of pool steps, ladders and railings performed weekly, including recording
Are electrical systems in the pool area, of a ground-fault circuit interrupter type?
Are pool lighting systems equipped with ground fault circuits and are these tested at least
annually by a certified electrician?
Is the pool supervised by trained life guards?
What are the operating hours of the pool?
Is there CCTV coverage of the pool and poolside areas?
Is resuscitation signage positioned in the poolside area?
Are pool drain covers in place, secure and in good condition?
Are ladders & handrails in place and in good repair?
Have remote drains been installed? Is there an accessible and clearly visible poolside stop
switch for turning off the pump in an emergency?
Is the pool pump room maintained in good repair? Are chemicals appropriately and safely
stored and is appropriate PPE provided (eg safety goggles)?
Is all food & drink services to poolside areas done so in break proof (non-glass)
Is a chlorine or bromine system used for disinfection?
Are spa chemical quality assurance checks undertaken daily and documented?

Is an emergency phone located in close proximity to spas?

Are spas equiped with emergency shut off switched and timers (15 minute maximum one-
run operations)?
Are spas fitted with maximum temperature control? What is the maximum temperature
Operating hours of spas?
Any age or time restrictions of use?
Is there a visual contrast between the spa floor and steps?
Is the flow of the spa textured in order to prevent slips?
What backflow prevention devices are installed in spas & how are they maintained?

How frequently are spa filters on pumps maintained?

What disinfection chemicals are used for the spas?
What safety rules are in place for spas? Are their restrictions by age? For persons with
heart conditions? Persons affected by alcohol? Etc.
Are rules posted for use of saunas/steam rooms?
Is a maximum time limit for use established and posted?
Is there a waterfront recreational area? If yes:
a. Have rules been posted?
b. Is there an emergency phone or directions to an emergency phone?
c. Is life saving equipment available?
Is there a warning system to notify guests using outdoor recreational areas of impending
dangers (storms, etc.)?
Are power boats (including jet-skis), non-powered watercraft (eg sea kayaks, sailing boats,
wind-surfers - or other water related equipment loaned, rented or leased to guests? If yes:

a. Are guidelines established for use?

b. Are minimum age requirements, based on equipment type established?

c. Is evidence of appropriate certifications or licensing, as required by local code or

regulation required for use?
d. Are there clearly documented rules and conditions of use in place and have these
been reviewed by local legal counsel?
e. Is there appropriate sign off and waiver of participants undertaken?
f. How often are the boats/equipment inspected/serviced and is this documented?


Tennis & Squash Courts
Is there clear & appropriate signage posted regarding rules of use and the safe use of
tennis and squash courts?
Access to emergency telephones?
Facilities available for the secure storage of items of value?
Restriction of use of courts (weather or time controlled)?
Sign in/sign out procedure?
Golf Courses
Is the golf course equipped with lightning protection systems?
Are golf carts inspected and serviced?
a. How often?
b. Are records maintained?
c. Are guidelines established for rental/use of the golf carts?
d. Are minimum age requirements established?
e. Are instructions clearly posted in/on the golf cart?
Are golf cart paths inspected?
a. By whom?
b. Frequency of inspections?
c. Are records maintained of these inspections?
Is there a warning system to notify guests using outdoor recreational areas of impending
dangers (storms, etc.)?
Are tree broughs checked and routinely trimmed?
Are all Pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides used and stored in a responsible manner? No
spraying undertaken within proximity of guests?
Are Paths and walkways routinely cleaned and kept clear of tripping hazards

Is all pooled water cleared after rains on all walkways and outdoor paths
Are all pathways appropriately lighted & checked for lux levels?
Are pathways of slip-proof construction?
Is all outdoor furniture routinely inspected and maintained? Is there a register for such
furniture and related inspection schedules?
Are all garden chemicals stored securely?
Are there MSDS for all garden chemicals?
Is all potting mix and mulch that is stored adequately covered?
Are all outside areas & paths routinely checked for slip, trip & fall hazards?


Are floor and bath surfaces of bathrooms fitted with slip strips or an alternate slip-proof
Are hand rails fitted on baths in the bathrooms?
Is hot water at outlets set for a maximum of 55 degrees and are guests able to modify
output temperatures?
Are low allergen shampoos and soaps provided by the hotel for bathrooms?

Does the hotel supply razors in bathroom supplies and if so, do the suppliers of the same
provide a guarantee of quality in formal supply agreements?
Do such agreements include opportunities for direct recourse in the event of defective or
spoiled products (particularly for consumable lines such as toothpaste, mouthwash, etc)?

Are hairdryer units supplied in bathrooms?
If so, are the units hardwired or free-moving?
If hardwired, are the hairdryers located in such a position as to not allow for direct drop
into vanity basins or baths?
Are hairdryers subject to annual electrical inspections?
Are hairdryers tagged following electrical inspections?
Cooking facilities
Are any rooms equipped with cooking equipment or facilities (i.e. toasters, microwave
oven, bench top gas or electric rings, conventional ovens)?
If gas fired appliances are supplied are rooms equipped with gas leakage detection
Are cooking equipment and devices routinely subject to periodic inspections?

Is all electrical cooking equipment tagged following electrical inspections?

Internet & modems

Are surge protectors provided for computer outlets?
Steam Irons
Are irons routinely inspected for electrical safety & appropriately tagged?

Are irons fitted with thermostatically regulated cut-out switches?

Power points and outlets
Are child proof plugs available on request?
Are double adaptors, power adaptors and/or extension cords available for guest use?

Is issuance recorded and are the same adequately inspected and maintained?

Cots, high-chairs and strollers

Does the hotel provide any of the above for guests with children?
Are they adequately maintained and inspected?
Do all childrens furniture and accessories comply with recognised safety standards?

Does the hotel provide guests with umbrellas?
How is issuance and return of umbrellas recorded ?
For rooms with verandahs - is the height of walls sufficient to prevent accidental fall?

Are verandah railings routinely checked & maintained?

Are room windows 'openable' by guests?

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