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Coleccin El Sptimo Crculo.

Emec, 1945-1956.
139 vv. Direccin, seleccin y redaccin de contratapas, en colaboracin con Jorge Luis Borges.

Slo se indica traductor cuando su identificacin reviste inters por su vnculo con los directores.


1. BLAKE, NICHOLAS, La bestia debe morir [The Beast Must Die (1938)].
Traduccin de Juan Rodolfo Wilcock. En la tapa de la primera impresin de este volumen (cuyo colofn la fecha el 22 de
febrero de 1945) se lee Nicolas, corregido Nicholas a partir de la segunda.

2. CARR, JOHN DICKSON, Los anteojos negros [The Black Spectacles (1939)].
Se usa la edicin inglesa (London: Hamish Hamilton). La norteamericana, publicada por Harper, se titula The Problem of
the Green Capsule.

3. INNES, MICHAEL, La torre y la muerte [Lament for a Maker (1938)].

4. GILBERT, ANTHONY, Una larga sombra [The Long Shadow (1932)].

5. CAIN, JAMES, Pacto de sangre [Double Indemnity (1943)].

6. KENNEDY, MILWARD, El asesino de sueo [The Murderer of Sleep (1932)].

7. CASPARY, VERA, Laura (1943).

8. KENNEDY, MILWARD, La muerte glacial [Corpse in Cold Storage (1934)].

Trad. de Juan Rodolfo Wilcock.

9. CHEJOV, ANTN, Extraa confesin [Novosti dnia (1884)].

Trad. de la versin francesa [Un Drame la chasse (1936), por Denis Roche] y prlogo de Manuel Peyrou.

10. HULL, RICHARD, Mi propio asesino [My Own Murderer (1940)].

Trad. de Estela Canto.

11. CAIN, JAMES, El cartero llama dos veces [The Postman Always Rings Twice (1934)].

12. PHILLPOTTS, EDEN, El Seor Digweed y el seor Lumb [Mr. Digweed and Mr. Lumb
Trad. de Leonor Acevedo de Borges.

13. BLAKE, NICHOLAS, Los toneles de la muerte [There's Trouble Brewing (1937)].

14. AMORIM, ENRIQUE, El asesino desvelado (1945).

15. GREENE, GRAHAM, El ministerio del miedo [The Ministry of Fear (1943)].

16. WITTING, CLIFFORD, Asesinato en pleno verano [Midsummer Murder (1937)].


17. QUENTIN, PATRICK, Enigma para actores [Puzzle for Players (1938)].
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18. CARR, JOHN DICKSON, El crimen de las figuras de cera [The Waxworks Murder (1932)].
Trad. de Estela Canto. Se usa la edicin inglesa (London: Hamish Hamilton). La norteamericana, publicada por Harper, se
titula The Corpse in the Waxworks.

19. GILBERT, ANTHONY, La gente muere despacio [The Case of the Tea-Cosy's Aunt (1942)].

20. CAIN, JAMES, El estafador [The Embezzler (1943)].

21. QUENTIN, PATRICK, Enigma para tontos [A Puzzle for Fools (1936)].

22. LORAC, E.C.R., La sombra del sacristn [Black Beadle (1939)].

23. COLLINS, W. WILKIE, La piedra lunar [The Moonstone (1868)]. 2 vv.

24. JARRETT, CORA, La noche sobre el agua [Night Over Fitch's Pond (1933)].
Trad. de Hayde Lange.

25. HEARD, GERALD, Predileccin por la miel [A Taste for Honey (1941)].

26. INNES, MICHAEL, Los otros y el rector [Death at the President's Lodging (1936)].

27. PERUTZ, LEO, El maestro del juicio final [Der Meister des Jngsten Tages (1923)].

28. BLAKE, NICHOLAS, Cuestin de pruebas [A Question of Proof (1935)].

29. BROCK, LYNN, En acecho [The Stoat (1940)].

30. COLLINS, W. WILKIE, La dama de blanco [The Woman in White (1860)]. 2 vv.

31. BIOY CASARES, ADOLFO & OCAMPO, SILVINA, Los que aman, odian.

32. GILBERT, ANTHONY, La trampa [The Mouse Who Wouldn't Play Ball (1943)].

33. CARR, JOHN DICKSON, Hasta que la muerte nos separe [Till Death do us Part (1944)].

34. INNES, MICHAEL, Hamlet, venganza! [Hamlet, Revenge! (1937)].


35. BLAKE, NICHOLAS, Oh, envoltura de la muerte! [Thou Shell of Death (1936)].

36. CARR, JOHN DICKSON, La sede de la soberbia [The Seat of the Scornful (1942)].
Se usa la edicin inglesa (London: Hamish Hamilton). La norteamericana, publicada por Harper, se titula Death Turns the

37. PHILLPOTTS, EDEN, Eran siete [They Were Seven (1944)].

38. LORAC, E.C.R., Jaque mate al asesino [Checkmate to Murder (1944)].

39. QUENTIN, PATRICK, Enigma para divorciadas [Puzzle for Wantoms (1945)].

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40. CARR, JOHN DICKSON, El hombre hueco [The Hollow Man (1935)].
Se usa la edicin inglesa (London: Hamish Hamilton). La norteamericana, publicada por Harper, se titula The Three Coffins.

41. BROCK, LYNN, La larga busca de monsieur Lamousset [The Two of Diamonds (1926)].

42. PHILLPOTTS, EDEN, Los rojos Redmayne [The Red Redmaynes (1922)].

43. KEVERNE, RICHARD, El hombre del sombrero rojo [The Man in the Red Hat (1930)].

44. POSTGATE, RAYMOND, Alguien en la puerta [Somebody at the Door (1943)].


45. GILBERT, ANTHONY, La campana de la muerte [The Bell of Death (1939)].

46. BLAKE, NICHOLAS, El abominable hombre de nieve [The Case of the Abominable Snowman

47. PLAYER, ROBERT, El ingenioso seor Stone [The Ingenious Mr. Stone (1945)].

48. PEYROU, MANUEL, El estruendo de las rosas (1948).

49. POSTGATE, RAYMOND, Veredicto de doce [Veredict of Twelve (1940)].

50. QUENTIN, PATRICK, Enigma para demonios [Puzzle for Fiends (1946)].


51. QUENTIN, PATRICK, Enigma para fantoches [Puzzle for Puppets (1944)].

52. CARR, JOHN DICKSON, El ocho de espadas [The Eight of Swords (1934)].

53. WOODTHORPE, R.C., Una bala para el seor Thorold [The Public School Murder (1932)].

54. HEARD, GERALD, Respuesta pagada [Reply Paid (1942)].

55. INNES, MICHAEL, El peso de la prueba [The Weight of the Evidence (1943)].

56. HEARD, GERALD, Asesinato por reflexin [Murder by Reflection (1942)].

57. GILBERT, ANTHONY, No abras esa puerta! [Don't Open the Door! (1945)].

58. HILTON, JAMES, Fue un crimen? [Was it Murder? (1933)].

Se usa la edicin norteamericana (New York: Harper, 1933). La inglesa (London: Benn, 1931) se titula Murder at School.

59. BERKELEY, ANTHONY, El caso de los bombones envenenados [The Poisoned Chocolates
Case (1929)].

60. CARR, JOHN DICKSON, El que susurra [He Who Whispers (1946)].

61. QUENTIN, PATRICK, Enigma para peregrinos [Puzzle for Pilgrims (1947)].

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62. BERKELEY, ANTHONY, El dueo de la muerte [Trial and Error (1937)].

63. QUENTIN, PATRICK, Corriendo hacia la muerte [Run to Death (1948)].


64. CARR, JOHN DICKSON, Las cuatro armas falsas [The Four False Weapons (1937)].

65. GILBERT, ANTHONY, Levante usted la tapa [Lift Up the Lid (1948)].

66. CURTIS, PETER, Marcha fnebre en tres claves [Dead March in three Keys (1940)].

67. GILBERT, ANTHONY, Muerte en el otro cuarto [Death in the Wrong Room (1947)].

68. FOWLER, SYDNEY, Crimen en la buhardilla [The Attic Murder (1946)].

69. VARIOS, El almirante flotante [The Floating Admiral (1931)].

70. CARR, JOHN DICKSON, El barbero ciego [The Blind Barber (1934)].

71. HENDERSON, DONALD, Adis al crimen [Goodbye to Murder (1946)].

72. GREENE, GRAHAM, El tercer hombre. El dolo cado [The Third Man and The Fallen Idol
Trad. de Silvina Bullrich.

73. LUSTGARTEN, EDGAR, Una infortunada ms [One More Unfortunate (1947)].

Se usa la edicin norteamericana (New York: Scribner). La inglesa (London: Eyre and Spottiswoode) se titula A Case to

74. DICKSON, CARTER, Mis mujeres muertas [My Late Wives (1946)].
Trad. de Estela Canto.


75. WITTING, CLIFFORD, Medida para la muerte [Measure for Murder (1941)].
Trad. de Estela Canto.

76. BLAKE, NICHOLAS, La cabeza del viajero [Head of a Traveller (1949)].

77. BURT, MICHAEL, El caso de las trompetas celestiales [The Case of the Angels Trumpets

78. DICKENS, CHARLES, El misterio de Edwin Drood [The Mystery of Edwin Drood (1870)].
Trad. de Dora de Alvear.

79. HARE, CYRIL, Husped para la muerte [Tenant for Death (1937)].
Trad. de Jos Bianco.

80. PHILLPOTTS, EDEN, Una voz en la oscuridad [A Voice from the Dark (1925)].

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81. CUMBERLAND, MARTEN, La punta del cuchillo [The Knife will Fall (1943)].

82. VALBECK, MICHAEL, Cados en el infierno [Headlong from Heaven (1947)].

Trad. de Hayde Lange.

83. STRONG, L.A.G.: Todo se derrumba [All Fall Down (1944)].

84. OURSLER, WILL, Legajo Florence White [Folio on Florence White (1942)].

85. WALPOLE, HUGH, En la plaza oscura [Above the Dark Circus (1931)].
Trad. de Cecilia Ingenieros.


86. HULL, RICHARD, Prueba de nervios [A Matter of Nerves (1950)].

87. QUENTIN, PATRICK, El buscador [The Follower (1950)].

88. CAREY, BERNICE, El hombre que eludi el castigo [The Man Who Got Away With it
Trad. de Juan Rodolfo Wilcock.

89. EASTMAN, ELIZABETH, El ratn de los ojos rojos [The Mouse With Red Eyes (1948)].
Trad. de Jos Bianco.

90. MILLAR, MARGARET, Pagars con maldad [Do Evil in Return (1950)].

91. BLAKE, NICHOLAS, Minuto para el crimen [Minute for Murder (1947)].

92. LUSTGARTEN, EDGAR, Veredictos discutidos [Verdict in Dispute (1949)].

93. BERROW, NORMAN, Peligro en la noche [Don't go out after dark (1950)].
Trad. de Rodolfo J. Walsh.

94. CARR, JOHN DICKSON, Los suicidios constantes [The Case of the Constant Suicides (1941)].

95. BURT, MICHAEL, El caso de la joven alocada [The Case of the Fast Young Lady (1942)].

96. CROMMELYNCK, FERNAND, Es usted el asesino? [Monsieur Larose, est-il l'assassin?

Trad. de Jos Bianco.

97. DES CARS, GUY, El solitario [La Brute (1951)].

98. BURT, MICHAEL, El caso del jesuita risueo [The Case of the Laughing Jesuit (1948)].


99. CASPARY, VERA, Bedelia (1945).

100. WALSH, THOMAS, Pesadilla en Manhattan [Nightmare in Manhattan (1950)].

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101. HULL, RICHARD, El asesinato de mi ta [The Murder of my Aunt (1934)].

102. RICE GUINNES, ALEX [ALEJANDRO RUIZ GUIAZ], Bajo el signo del odio (1953).

103. TEY, JOSEPHINE, Brat Farrar (1949).

104. DICKSON, CARTER, La ventana de Judas [The Judas Window (1938)].

105. MILLAR, MARGARET, Las rejas de hierro [The Iron Gates (1945)].

106. WELLS, ANNA MARY, Miedo a la muerte [Fear of Death (1951)].

Trad. de Hayde Lange.

107. DICKSON, CARTER, Muerte en cinco cajas [Death in Five Boxes (1938)].

108. CASPARY, VERA, Ms extrao que la verdad [Stranger Than Truth (1947)].

109. FORESTER, C.S., Cuenta pendiente [Payment deferred (1951)].

110. DICKSON, CARTER, La estatua de la viuda [Night at the Mocking Widow (1950)].


111. TREE, GREGORY, Una mortaja para la abuela [A Shroud for Grandmama (1951)].

112. TEY, JOSEPHINE, Arenas que cantan [The Singing Sands (1952)].

113. MILLAR, MARGARET, Muerte en el estanque [Rose's Last Summer (1952)].

114. VERY, PIERRE, Los Goupi [Goupi mains Rouges (1949)].

115. MASTERMAN, J. C., Tragedia en Oxford [An Oxford Tragedy (1954)].

Trad. de Carlos Peralta.

116. PARKER, ROBERT, Pasaporte para el peligro [Passport to Peril (1951)].

117. LINKLATER, ERIC, El seor Byculla [Mr. Byculla (1950)].

118. BLAKE, NICHOLAS, El hueco fatal [The Dreadful Hollow (1954)].

119. ELLIN, STANLEY, El crimen de la calle Nicholas [The Key to Nicholas Street (1952)].

120. PHILLPOTTS, EDEN, El cuarto gris [The Grey Room (1921)].

121. STAFFORD, MARJORIE, La muerte toca el gramfono [Death Plays the Gramophone (1953)].


122. WARMAN, ERIC, Blando por dentro [Soft at the Centre (1953)].

123. BOSCO, M ANGLICA, La muerte baja en el ascensor (1955).

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124. ATIYAH, EDWARD, La lnea sutil [The Thin Line (1951)].

125. SYMONS, JULIAN, El crculo se estrecha [The Narrowing Circle (1954)].

126. STRONG, L.A.G., Slocombe muere [Slocombe Dies (1942)].

127. MARCH, WILLIAM, Simiente perversa [The Bad Seed (1954)].

128. BURNS, ROBERT ELLIOTT, Soy un fugitivo [I'm a Fugitive From a Georgia Chain Gang!

129. FITT, MARY, Claves para Cristabel [Clues for Christabel (1944)].

130. BLAKE, NICHOLAS, Susurro en la penumbra [The Whisper in the Gloom (1954)].

131. CASPARY, VERA, El falso rostro [False Face (1954)].


132. KATZ, RICHARD, El caso ms difcil [Per Hills schwerster Fall (1956)].

133. SYMONS, JULIAN, El 31 de febrero [The Thirty-Firtst of February (1950)].

134. GROUSSARD, SERGE, La mujer sin pasado [La Femme sans pass (1950)].

135. HARE, CYRIL, Un crimen ingls [An English Murder (1951)].

136. BOUCHER, ANTHONY, El siete del calvario [The Case of the Seven of Calvary (1937)].

137. JAY, CHARLOTTE, El ojo fugitivo [The Fugitive Eye (1954)].

138. PRESCOTT, H. F. M., El muerto insepulto [Dead and not Buried (1938)].

139. QUENTIN, PATRICK, Mi hijo, el asesino [My Son, the Murderer (1954)].
Trad. de Juan Rodolfo Wilcock.

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Autores seleccionados
Amorim, Enrique (1900-1960): v. 14. 1973)]: vv. 10, 86, 101.
Atiyah, Edward (1903-1964): v. 124. Innes, Michael [seud. de John Innes Mackintosh
Berkeley, Anthony [seud. de Anthony Berkeley Cox Stewart (1906-1994)]: vv. 3, 26, 34, 55.
(1893-1971)]: vv. 59 y 62. Jarrett, Cora (1877-?): v. 24.
Berrow, Norman (1902-1986): v. 93. Jay, Charlotte [seud. de Geraldine Mary Jay (1919-
Bioy Casares, Adolfo (1914-1999): v.31. 1996)]: v. 137.
Blake, Nicholas [seud. de C. Day Lewis (1904- Katz, Richard (1888-1968): v. 132.
1972)]: vv. 1, 13, 28, 35, 46, 76, 91, 118, 130. Kennedy, Milward [seud. de Milward R. Kennedy
Bosco, M Anglica (1917-2006): v. 123. Burge (1892-1968)]: vv. 6, 8.
Boucher, Anthony [seud. de William Anthony P. Keverne, Richard [seud. de Clifford J. Wheeler
White (1911-1968)]: v. 136. Hosken (1882-1950)]: v. 43.
Brock, Lynn [seud. de Alister McAllister (1877- Linklater, Eric (1899-1974): v. 117.
1943)]: vv. 29 y 41. Lorac, E.C.R. [seud. de Edith Caroline Rivett (1894-
Burns, Robert Elliott (1892-1955): v. 128. 1958)]: vv. 22, 36.
Burt, Michael [seud. de George Mattock Brookman Lustgarten, Edgar (1907-1978): vv. 73, 92.
Burt (1900-1967)]: vv. 77, 95, 98. March, William (1893-1954): v. 127.
Cain, James (1892-1977): vv. 5, 11 y 20. Masterman, John Cecil (1891-1977): v. 115.
Carey, Bernice (1911-1990): v. 88. Millar, Margaret (1915-1994): vv. 90, 105, 113.
Carr, John Dickson (1906-1977): vv. 2, 18, 33, 37, Ocampo, Silvina (1903-1993): v. 31
40, 52, 60, 64, 70, 94. Oursler, Will (1913-1985): v. 84.
Caspary, Vera (1904-1987): vv. 7, 99, 108, 131. Perutz, Leo (1882-1957): v. 27.
Collins, John Wilkie (1824-1889): vv. 23 (2 tomos), Parker, Robert B. (1905-1955): v. 116.
30 (2 tomos). Peyrou, Manuel (1902-1974): v. 48.
Crommelynck, Fernand (1886-1970).: v. 96. Phillpotts, Eden (1862-1960): vv. 12, 38, 42, 80,
Cumberland, Marten (1892-1972): v. 81. 120.
Curtis, Peter [seud. de Norah Lofts (1904-1983)]: v. Player, Robert [seud. de Robert Furneaux Jordan
66. (1905-1978)]: v. 47.
Chejov, Anton (1860-1904): v. 9. Postgate, Raymond (1896-1971): vv. 44, 49.
Dickens, Charles (1812-1870): v. 78. Prescott, H. F. M. (1896-1972): v. 138.
Des Cars, Guy (1911-1993): v. 97. Quentin, Patrick [seud. de Hugh Wheeler (1912-
Dickson, Carter (ver CARR, JOHN DICKSON): vv. 1987)]: vv. 17, 21, 39, 50, 51, 61, 63, 87, 139.
74, 104, 107, 110. Rice Guinnes, Alex [seud. de Alejandro Ruiz
Eastman, Elizabeth (1909- ?): v. 89. Guiaz (1910-1984)]: v. 102.
Ellin, Stanley (1916-1986): v. 119. Stafford, Marjorie (1890-?): v. 121.
Fitt, Mary [seud. de Kathleen Freeman (1897-1959)]: Strong, L. A. G. (1896-1958): vv. 83, 126.
v. 129. Symons, Julian (1912-1994): vv. 125, 133.
Forester, C.S. (1899-1966): v. 109. Tey, Josephine [seud. de Elizabeth Mackintosh
Fowler, Sydney (1874-1965): v. 68. (1897-1952)]: vv. 103, 112.
Gilbert, Anthony [seud. de Lucy Beatrice Malleson Tree, Gregory [seud. de John F. Bardin (1916-
(1899-1973)]: vv. 4, 19, 32, 45, 57, 65, 67. 1981)]: v. 111.
Greene, Graham (1904-1991): vv. 15, 72. Valbeck, Michael (?): v. 82.
Groussard, Serge (1921-2016): v. 134. Very, Pierre (1900-1960): v. 114.
Hare, Cyril [seud. de Alfred Alexander Clark (1900- Walpole, Hugh (1884-1941): v. 85.
1958)]: vv. 79, 135. Walsh, Thomas (1908-1984): v. 100.
Heard, Gerald [seud. de H. F. Heard (1889-1971)]: Warman, Eric (?): v. 122.
vv 25, 54, 56. Wells, Anna Mary (1903-2003): v. 106.
Henderson, Donald (1905-1947): v. 71. Witting, Clifford (1907-1968): vv. 16, 75.
Hilton, James (1900-1954): v. 58. Woodthorpe, Ralph Charles (1886-1971): v. 53.
Hull, Richard [seud. de Richard H. Sampson (1896- El almirante flotante [Obra conjunta]: v. 69.

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