7 Iwori Obara Ingles
7 Iwori Obara Ingles
7 Iwori Obara Ingles
1. Ifá dice que esta persona debe nunca participar en amores ilícitos con el fin de
que él / ella no morir una muerte dolorosa y prematura. Ifá aconseja a esa
persona para ofrecer ebo con un macho cabrío y dinero madurado. él / ella
también necesita alimentarse Esu con otro madurado macho cabrío. En esta,
Dice Ifa:
Bo ba le ba'ya
Ko ba'ya
Bi o ba'ya
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
La gboku ata
Si no se rompa en pedazos
2. Ifá advierte una pareja nunca a participar en hacer el amor cuando están de pie.
La posición recomendada para esta pareja es para la mujer que se acueste y que
el marido se encuentran en la parte superior. Cualquier otra posición no se
recomienda para esta pareja. Ifá aconseja a la pareja para ofrecer ebo con cuatro
ratas, cuatro peces, dos gallinas, dos gallinas de guinea y dinero. también tienen
que alimentar a Ifa con dos ratas, dos peces y una gallina. En esta, Dice Ifa:
O doo ganngan na
O kan-an ganngan na
Iwori o o de bere
Iwori o o de bere
¿Quién había sido hacer el amor con su mujer en una posición de pie
3. Ifá dice que esta persona quiere tomar algo de otra persona. Ifá dice que va a
ser posible que esta persona a tomar y que va a tomar distancia y sin ninguna
repercusión. Ifá aconseja a esa persona para ofrecer ebo con tres gallos y dinero.
él / ella también necesita alimentarse Ogun con un gallo y alimentar Ifa con ocho
ratas y ocho peces. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Mo ti Roko ri
N o si Roko mo
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Agunan bolojo
Ni o j'Ojularewa o bimo o
Era la oveja
Iwori Obere
E fi mo o
E fi oro yü mo ni ser o o
E fi mo o
Él no cumplió
6. Ifa les informa que este signo se reveló a mano sobre una joven de Ifa. Ella es
una Apetebi del cielo. Eso es lo que el destino de esta joven quiere. Los
materiales ebo aquí son cuatro, cuatro gallinas de Guinea-aves, cuatro palomas,
ratas, ocho ocho peces y dinero. también existe la necesidad de alimentar a Ifa
con cuatro ratas, cuatro peces y una gallina. En esta, Dice Ifa:
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ologose gb'Asonni
Iwori o o bere
Iwori o o bere
¿Quién había de ser hacer el amor con su mujer en una posición de pie
¿Cómo se puede hacer el amor en una posición de pie y esperar que el embarazo
y el parto
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Iwori Opajuba o o
Bayii ki o maa lo ri o
Olokose tiene dinero para consultar Ifa cada cinco días
Y Areregosun el Awo de Igomo tiene dinero para consultar a su propio Ifa una vez
al mes
Aganfunyangidi no tiene dinero para lanzar su propia Ifa siquiera por una vez
Olugbonse recitó Ifa pero no golpeó la razón por Olofin había ordenado para su
consulta Ifa
Y Areregosun la AWO de Igomo recitó Ifa, pero no reveló la razón por Olofin
había ordenado para su consulta Ifa
Agunfonyangidi era el que sabía la razón por Olofin convocar la AWO para
consulta Ifa
Ahora Ologbonse
Iwori o Pajuba
9. Ifá advierte que esta persona no maltratar a sus / sus subordinados. Esto se
debe a que el subordinado puede llegar a ser más poderoso que él / ella en el
futuro y sería infligir dolor grave en él / ella. Ifá aconseja a esa persona para
ofrecer ebo con una cabra madurado, 8 palas y dinero. él / ella también necesita
alimentarse Esu con un gallo. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Cuando va a Ilawowo
Él se negó a cumplir
10. Ifá dice que la prosperidad ya está en camino para esta persona. Él / ella no
debe subestimar a sí mismo / misma. Él / ella será más en la vida. Esta persona
ya está contemplando sucide. No hay necesidad de ello. Ifá aconseja a esa
persona para ofrecer ebo con dos palomas, una larga cuerda y dinero.
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Iwori-Opajuba ma ma so
Iwori-Opajuba ma ma so
Ellos ya están buscando para que usted pueda ser consultado con un título
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
12. Ifá aconseja a un hombre que este signo se reveló que ofrecer ebo para que
una mujer que se casa no lo pondrá en deuda perpetua. Esta mujer es demasiado
extravagante y existe la necesidad de este hombre para dar un paso muy
decisivo a este cachorro de si tiene la intención de tener éxito en la vida.
Materiales Ebo: dos gallos, dos palomas y dinero. también existe la necesidad de
alimentar a Ogun como se recomienda por IFA.
Nijo mo ti daye
E WAA ba ni bayo
E WAA llevaba
La esposa de Ogún
13. Ifá dice que esta persona tiene que ofrecer ebo con una cabra madurado y
dinero con el fin de tener éxito a través de una persona de alto rango. Él / ella
también necesita alimentarse Ifa con otra cabra. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Ki ti Orogun re o ma joo
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
La iniciación de Ifa que ofició me había convertido en un Oba
14. Ifá dice que esta persona va a tener la victoria sobre aquellos que están
tratando con él / ella en ridículo y están planeando para él / ella para ser
deshonrado. Ifa también advierte que una mujer no para humillar a su marido. Ifá
aconseja a esa persona para ofrecer ebo con dos gallos y dinero. él / ella también
tiene que alimentar a su / su Ori, Ifa y Ogun según lo prescrito por Ifá.
Ojo ti mo ti daye
Araa re lo nse
Ella no cumplió
15. Ifá dice que prevé la realización y la longevidad de este usuario. Él / ella no
necesita para entretener ningún temor. Ifá aconseja a esa persona para ofrecer
ebo con dos gallos y dinero. él / ella también necesita alimentarse Oke con un
gallo. En esta, Dice Ifa:
Ti nraye ilaniniiku
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Ella obedeció
16. Ifá dice que prevé la ira de éxito, los logros y la victoria de esta persona. Esta
persona sería el éxito más allá de sus sueños más amplias. Ifá aconseja a esa
persona para ofrecer ebo con una hebra de Aso Oke vestir y dinero. en esto, Dice
Iwori o pajuba
Ti n Rogun Aleuleu
Won ni ko rora sí
Ko gbo
Ti n Rogun aleuleu
Won ni ko rora sí
O gb'ebo, o ru'bo
Iwori o pajuba
Kii pee se o
Iwori o pajuba
Él se negó a cumplir
Aboru Aboye
2. Nunca debe entablar relación amorosa ilícita - para evitar la muerte prematura
y la calamidad
6. Nunca debe ser malo a los subordinados - para evitar la venganza y el desastre
7. Una mujer nunca debe ser demasiado extravagante - para evitar el problema de
la fortuna no consumado y de la muerte perpetua
9. Nunca debe trabajar durante el día de adoración designado Ifa - para evitar la
fortuna no consumado, el fracaso y la decepción
1. Ifa says that this person must never ever engage in illicit love
affair in order for him/her not to die a painful and untimely
death. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with a matured
he-goat and money. he/she also needs to feed Esu with
another matured he-goat. On this, Ifa says:
Bo ba le ba’ya
Ko ba’ya
Bi o ba’ya
E ya nrele loo tefa
Awo Ata lo difa fata
Ata nlo yan Obi lale
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Orojo o gbo’ku obi
La gboku ata
If it want to tear to pieces
Let it tear to pieces
If it does not tear to pieces
Let us go home for Ifa consultation
This was the awo of Ata, Alligator pepper
Who cast Ifa for the guinea-pepper
When he wanted to become the secret love of Obi, the
They were both advised to offer ebo
They refused to comply
The day that we had of death of Obi
It was the same day that we had of the death of Ata
O doo ganngan na
O kan-an ganngan na
Dia fun Iwori, to ti ndo ayaa re looro
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Iwori o o de bere
Ati se ndo’ni looro gangan
Iwori o o de bere
You made hard love to her
And you penetrated forcefully
Ifa’s message for Iwori
Who had been making love to his wife in a standing position
He was advised to offer ebo
Iwori why can’t you lie down
Why should you be making in a standing position
Mo ti roko ri
N o si roko mo
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti nloo gba’binrin ode lagbagbe
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Agbagbe nifa o gba won nihun rere lo o
I had ones engage in farming
But I am no longer farming
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to take away the wife of the hunter without any
negative repercussion
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
It is without repercussion that we would take away their
precious belonging
The Toto tree of the river side is with beautiful body
Ifa’s message for Oju-la-rewa, the beauty is in the eyes
When lamenting her inability to beget her own babies
She was advised to offer ebo
What had being preventing Oju-la-rewa of having her own
It was the female sheep
That had been preventing Oju-la-rewa of having her own
Iwori Obere
Awo ile Oladunrinkin
Dia fun Olufimo
Ti yoo s’ako lese Igbale
Ei ti yoo sa ladunsoye lojo
E fi mo o
E fi oro yii mo ni be o o
E fi mo o
Iwori does not bend down
The resident awo of Oladunrinkin
He cast Ifa for Olufimo
Who would go to weed the grass of the Igbale, Egungun
And will hit Oladunsoye, the spirit of his ancestors with a hoe
He was advised to offer ebo
He failed to comply
Please put an end to this
Please ensure that there is an end to this matter
Please put an end to this
The pillar of the house is not a much as the beams in the
Ifa’s message for Ologose
When going on Ifa mission to the land of Oba
And who will take Asonni the wife of Oloba as Ifa proceeds
back home
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ologose took Asonni
It was like ebo material that he took Ason back to his house
The land snail grows up while crawling about
Ifa’s message for Iwori
Who had being making love to his wife in a standing position
He was advised to offer ebo
Iwori why can’t you lie down
How can you make love in a standing position and expect
pregnancy and child birth
Iwori why can’t you bent down
Olokose has money to consult Ifa every five days
And Areregosun the Awo of Igomo has money to consult his
own Ifa on a monthly basis
Aganfunyangidi has no money to cast his own Ifa even for
Both Olugbonse and Areregosun the awo of Igomo
They went on Ifa mission to Olofin’s palace
Olugbonse recited Ifa but he did not strike the reason why
Olofin had ordered for Ifa consultation
And Areregosun the awo of Igomo recited Ifa but did not
reveal the reason why Olofin had ordered for Ifa consultation
Olofin declared that was there no more awo in this land
They responded that it remains Agofunyangidi behind
They went to call Agunfonyangidi
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Agunfonyangidi was the one who knew the reason why
Olofin summon the awo for Ifa consultation
Now Ologbonse
This is not the way it will continue to be
Areregosun the awo of Igomo land
This is not the way it will continue to be
Iwori o Pajuba
This is not the way it will continue to be
The stone stays at home and brings forth two different
A big masquerade is it that speaks like human being
Ifa’s message for the mouse
When going to Ilawowo
And was advised to offer ebo with eight blades
He refused to comply
When he got to the war front
He captured the cat and made him his slave
All Ifa devotees
Let those advised to offer ebo do so accordingly
10. Ifa says that prosperity is already on the way for this
person. He/she must not underestimate himself/herself.
He/she will make it in life. This person is already
contemplating sucide. There is no need for it. Ifa advises
this person to offer ebo with two pigeons, one long rope and
The she-goat uses its smart mouth to steal food from
the house
The ewe uses its dull mouth to steal food from the
Ifa’s message for Iwori o Pajuba
When angrily going to the forest to commit suicide
He was advised to offer ebo
Iwori o Pajuba do not hang yourself
They are already looking for you to be conferred with a
befitting title
Iwori o Pajuba please do not hang yourself
The hoe handle made of Idi tree with strong base
Ifa’s message of Iwori
Who will succeed from farming like the king of wonders
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
It is farming that anyone born by this Odu engages in to
But it a taboo for him to farm for other people
12. Ifa advises a man where this Odu is revealed to offer
ebo so that a woman that he marries will not put him in
perpetual debt. This woman is too extravagant and there is
the need for this man to take a very decisive step to cub this
if he intends to succeed in life. Ebo materials: two roosters,
two pigeons and money. there is also the need to feed
Ogun as recommended by Ifa.
Nijo mo ti daye
Emi o bere roko wo ri
Dia fun Agere
Tii se Obinrin Ogun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Esu waa ni Agere o gbodo jade mo
Ogun waa bere si rise
Ero Ipo ati Ofa
E waa ba ni bayo
E waa wore
Since the time that I was born
I had never bent down to farm
Ifa’s message for Agere
The wife of Ogun
She was advised to offer ebo
Not to put her husband in perpetual debt
She refused to comply
Esu then ordered that Agere must never step out again
That was when Ogun began to succeed
Travelers to Ipo and Ofa towns
Join us in the midst of joy
Come and perceive all ire of life
13. Ifa says that this person needs to offer ebo with one
matured she-goat and money in order to succeed through a
highly placed person. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with
another she-goat. On this, Ifa says:
A woman cannot have fire in her own house
For the fire of her co wives not to burn her
Ifa’s message for Adaba susu, the dove
When going to perform Ifa initiation for Elesie Egun
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The Ifa initiation that I officiated had turned me to an
Adaba susu was the awo who initiated Egun into Ifa
The Ifa initiation that I officiated had turned me to an
14. Ifa says that this person will have victory over those
who are trying to ridicule him/her and are planning for
him/her to be disgraced. Ifa also warns a woman not to
humiliate her husband. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo
with two roosters and money. he/she also needs to feed
his/her Ori, Ifa and Ogun as prescribed by Ifa.
Ojo ti mo ti daye
Emi o bere roko ri
Dia fun Agere
To loun o fode Sesin
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Agere to loun o fode sesin
Araa re lo nse
Since the time that I was born
I had never bent down to farm
Ifa’s message for Agere
Who was planning to subject her hunter husband to
She was advised to offer ebo
She failed to comply
Agree who planned to ridicule the hunter
You have only done so to harm yourself
A new moon is curve like a crescent
Ifa’s message for Oke
When going to the life of longevity
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Oke we have seen you in perpetual longevity
Iwori o pajuba
Dia fun Alatagba
Ti n rogun Aleuleu
Won ni ko rora se
Ko gbo
Dia fun Adaba susu
Ti n rogun aleuleu
Won ni ko rora se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje kii pee se o
Iwori o pajuba
Kii pee se o
Iwori o pajuba
He cast Ifa for Alatagba
When going to the war of Aleuleu
He was advised to be careful
He refused to comply
Ifa’s message for Adaba susu, the dove
When going to the war of Aleuleu
He was advised to be careful
He complied
It doesn’t take long to manifest
Iwori o Pajuba
It doesn’t take long to manifest.
Aboru Aboye
1. Ifa – for guidance, direction, peace of mind, contentment,
progress, victory, success, elevation, and general well being
2. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, direction, protection, comfort,
joy, victory, progress, elevation, leadership and self
3. Esu-Odara – for sanctuary, progress, victory, protection,
love, success, support and general well being
4. Ogun –for victory, success, elevation, leadership and
general well being
5. Oke –for longlife, prosperity, success, and general well being
6. Egbe – for comradeship, support, general acceptability,
leadership, and progress
7. Yemoja – for accommodation, progress, success, victory
and leadership