Material Using Regular and Irregular Verbs

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Using regular and irregular verbs

Tabla de contenido

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1

Concept map.......................................................................................................... 2

1. Regular and irregular verbs in present and past simple ............................... 3

Regular verbs ...................................................................................................... 3
Irregular verbs ..................................................................................................... 5
Simple present verbs .......................................................................................... 8
Simple past verbs.............................................................................................. 11

2. Customer satisfaction tools ........................................................................... 12

Customer satisfaction survey ............................................................................ 13
Focus group discussion .................................................................................... 14
Suggestions mailbox ......................................................................................... 14

References ........................................................................................................... 15

Fuente: Fotolia (s.f.)

En toda compañía, es importante conocer el nivel de satisfacción de sus clientes,

situación que es aplicable al uso del inglés. Por ende, se hace parte esencial tener
conocimientos sobre el uso adecuado de los verbos para formar oraciones
coherentes que, a su vez, conforman las diferentes herramientas para medir el
grado de satisfacción de los clientes que hablan inglés. Por ello, en este material
se tratarán temas referentes a los verbos regulares e irregulares en presente y
pasado simple, y algunas herramientas que permiten medir los niveles de
satisfacción de los clientes.

Concept map

In the conceptual map that is shared below, you can see the thematic content
interrelationship that arises in this learning material:

1. Regular and irregular verbs in present and past simple

In English there are two types of verb: regular and irregular. The difference is the
way they change when they are conjugated in simple past.

Regular verbs

When these verbs are changed to simple past, it’s added the suffix –ed. There are
some rules to add it:

 Verbs ending in –e:

Only -d is added.

Live Lived
Owe Owed
Like Liked

 Verbs ending in –y:

When these verbs are preceded by a consonant, the final –y is changed for - i
and then the –ed.

Study Studies
Carry Carried
Try Tried

When these verbs are preceded by a vowel, just add the –ed.

Play Played
Enjoy Enjoyed
Stay Stayed

 Verbs ending in vowel + consonant:

If the accent is on the last vowel, the last consonant is doubled.

Stop Stopped
Ban Banned
Plan Planned
Occur Occurred

Exceptions: verbs ending in –y and –w.

Play Played Show Showed

If the accent is not on the last vowel, just add the –ed.

Offer Offered
Open Opened


Travel Travelled Cancel Cancelled

One-syllable verbs with two vowels don’t double the consonant.

Cook Cooked

 Other verbs in general:

Just add the –ed.

Wash Washed
Finish Finished
Talk Talked

Irregular verbs

These verbs change in a different way.

Some irregular verbs don’t change:

Simple present Simple past Meaning

Beat Beat Golpear
Bet Bet Apostar
Bid Bid Ofrecer
Burst Burst Estallar
Cast Cast Emitir
Cost Cost Costar
Cut Cut Cortar
Hit Hit Golpear
Hurt Hurt Lastimar, herir
Let Let Permitir
Put Put Colocar
Quit Quit Retirar, dejar
Read Read Leer
Rid Rid Eliminar
Set Set Establecer, ajustar

Some irregular verbs change:

Simple present Simple past Meaning

Arise Arose Surgir
Awake Awoke Despertarse
Be Was, were Ser, estar
Bear Bore Cargar
Become Became Convertirse en
Begin Began Comenzar
Bend Bent Doblar

Bind Bound Enlazar
Bite Bit Morder
Blow Blew Soplar
Break Broke Romper
Bring Brought Traer
Build Built Construir
Buy Bought Comprar
Catch Caught Coger, atrapar
Choose Chose Elegir
Cling Clung Adherirse
Come Came Venir
Creep Crept Arrastrarse
Deal Dealt Negociar
Dig Dug Cavar
Dive Dove/dived Bucear
Do Did Hacer
Draw Drew Dibujar
Dream Dreamt/dreamed Soñar
Drink Drank Beber
Drive Drove Conducir, manejar
Eat Ate Comer
Fall Fell Caer
Feed Fed Alimentar
Feel Felt Sentir
Fight Fought Pelear
Find Found Encontrar
Fly Flew Volar
Forbid Forbade/forbad Prohibir
Forget Forgot Olvidar
Forgive Forgave Perdonar
Forsake Forsook Abandonar
Freeze Froze Congelar
Get Got Obtener
Give Gave Dar
Go Went Ir, salir
Grow Grew Crecer
Hang Hung Colgar

Have Had Tener
Hear Heard Oír
Hide Hid Esconder
Keep Kept Mantener
Know Knew Conocer
Lead Led Dirigir
Leave Left Dejar, salir
Lay Laid Colocar
Lie Lay Tumbarse
Light Lit/lighted Iluminar
Lose Lost Perder
Make Made Hacer
Pay Paid Pagar
Prove Proved Probar
Ride Rode Montar
Ring Rang Timbrar
Run Ran Correr
Say Said Decir
See Saw Ver
Seek Sought Buscar
Send Sent Enviar
Shake Shook Agitar, batir
Shoot Shot Disparar
Shrink Shrank Encogerse
Sing Sang Cantar
Sink Sank Hundirse
Sit Sat Sentar
Sleep Slept Dormir
Sneak Snuck/sneaked Robar a hurtadillas
Speak Spoke Hablar
Steal Stole Robar

Stink Stank/stunk Oler mal
Sweep Swept Barrer
Swim Swam Nadar
Swing Swung Balancearse
Take Took Tomar
Teach Taught Enseñar
Tear Tore Rasgar, desgarrar
Tell Told Contar, decir
Think Thought Pensar
Trow Threw Lanzar
Understand Understood Entender
Wake Woke Despertar
Wear Wore Usar
Weave Wove/weaved Tejer
Weep Wept Llorar
Wring Wrung Exprimir
Write Wrote Escribir

Simple present verbs

To write the verbs in simple present there are some rules:

 Affirmative form:

Pronoun/noun Verb Complement

We produce Shoes
She writes poems

For she, he, it, the –s is added.

 For verbs ending in –sh, –ch, -x, -ss, -o, -z.

Go Goes
Catch Catches
Wash Washes
Fix Fixes
Kiss Kisses
Buzz Buzzes

 For verbs ending in consonant + y.

Marry Marries
Carry Carries
Study Studies
Worry Worries

 For verbs ending in vowel + y.

Play Plays
Enjoy Enjoys
Say Says

 Other verbs:

Take Takes
Come Comes
Hit Hits
Read Reads


o I study the budget for the company.

o He studies the budget for this year.

o We plan to buy a new brand car.

 Negative form:

Noun - pronoun Auxiliary+ neg Verb Complement

She/He/ It does not work for us
We/I/You/They do not produce toys


o He doesn’t speak Chinese.

o You don’t speak Chinese.

o We don’t speak Chinese.

o I don’t speak Chinese.

o She doesn’t speak Chinese.

o They don’t speak Chinese.

Important: The –s is only added in the affirmative form.

 Interrogative form:

Auxiliary Noun - pronoun Verb Complement

Do You/I/We/They/ speak Chinese?
Does She/He/It work Here?


o Do you organize the meetings?

Yes, I do /No I don’t.

o Do they organize the meetings?

Yes, they do / No, they don’t.

o Do we organize the meetings?

Yes, we do / No, we don’t.

o Does he organize the meetings?
Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t.

o Does she organize the meetings?

Yes, she does / No, she doesn’t.

Simple past verbs

 Affirmative form:

Noun - Pronoun Verb Complement

She produced shoes and bags
They bought the final products


o The manager organized the meetings.

o The employees wore security boots.

o I sold all the company’s production.

 Negative form:

Noun - Pronoun Auxiliary + neg Verb Complement

She did not produce shoes and bags
They did not buy the final products

For negative and interrogative sentences, the verb is not changed, because of
the presence of the auxiliary Did.


o The manager did not/didn’t organize the meetings.

o The employees did not/ didn’t wear security boots.

o I did not/ didn’t sell all the company’s production.

 Interrogative form:

Auxiliary Noun - Pronoun Verb Complement

Did she produce shoes and bags?
Did they buy the final products?

o The manager did not/didn’t organize the meetings.

o The employees did not/ didn’t wear security boots.

o I did not/ didn’t sell all the company’s production.


o Did the manager organize the meetings?

Yes, he did / No, he didn’t.

o Did the employees wear security boots?

Yes, they did / No, they didn’t.

o Did you sell all the company’s production?

Yes, I did / No, I didn’t.

2. Customer satisfaction tools

Fuente: Fotolia (s.f.)

When talking about Customer Satisfaction, it is an important fact to be taken into

account to improve a company service. To measure customer satisfaction, it is
important to define the kind of customer. There are some tools to measure how
satisfied or not the customers are.

Customer satisfaction survey

Some companies consider that surveys should include some types of questions:

 A question about overall satisfaction.

 Questions related to key drivers of satisfaction.

 Questions about customer characteristics (demographic info).

 An open-ended feedback question.

The format for five-level Likert suggests the next responses:


_ Very dissatisfied.

_ Dissatisfied.

_ Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

_ Satisfied.

_ Very satisfied.


_ Strongly disagree.

_ Disagree.

_ Neither agree nor disagree.

_ Agree.

_ Strongly agreed.


Surveys should be as short as possible to get the needed information:

Online and mail: 5 to 10 minutes.

Telephone: 5 to 20 minutes.

Paper survey: 2 to 5 minutes.

Focus group discussion

To do that, it is necessary to take into account the next:

 Participant selection

They should have the ability to speak to the questions explores in the focus
group. Also, the company should consider relevant background characteristics
when the participants are recruited, to insure that a range of customer
perspectives is included while still permitting open discussion in the focus group.

 Focus group moderation

The groups should be facilitated by an experienced moderator, who does not

work in the company and conducts focus groups.

 Analyzing focus groups results

The information obtained in focus groups help to explain why customers feel and
perceive things the way they do. On the other hand, it does not give accurate
information as percentages, a particular opinion, etc.

Suggestions mailbox

It consists in locating a mailbox in a special place in the company, with an

adequate label, and paper forms in which customers can write comments,
suggestions and complains. Unfortunately, few people participate to know how
satisfied or unsatisfied the customer is.

There are more tools to measure customer’s satisfaction, but these are just
some examples of it.


 ESL Prof. (s.f.). List of irregular verbs. Consultado el 28 de octubre de 2016, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Customer satisfaction concept with business. Consultado el 06 de

agosto de 2014, en

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Woman receiving package from delivery man. Consultado el 06 de

agosto de 2014, en

 King County Executive’s Office. (s.f.). Measuring Customer Satisfaction.

Consultado el 28 de octubre de 2016, en

 Zandvoort, R. (1976). A Handbook of English Grammar. Chapter 1. (7a ed.).

London: Longman Group Ltd.

Control del documento

Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha

Centro de Servicios
Autor Ismari Herrera Experta Empresariales y Julio de
Jerez técnica Turísticos. 2016
Regional Santander
Guionista -
Luz Clarena Centro Agroindustrial. Octubre
Adaptación línea de
Arias González Regional Quindío de 2016


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