Reporte de Un Caso - Conductas Acting Out Y Apego Ansioso
Reporte de Un Caso - Conductas Acting Out Y Apego Ansioso
Reporte de Un Caso - Conductas Acting Out Y Apego Ansioso
[email protected]
Palabras clave:
It reports the case of a male patient of 6 years of age, with the presence of acting-out
behaviors, being fundamentally aggressive and violent in the school environment,
specifically in relation to his peers and teachers. The purpose of this article is to review
how these acting-out behaviors are related to the ambivalent anxious attachment
established with their mother, preventing the containment and elaboration of the
traumatic experiences experienced by the evaluated. Likewise, different methods are
used to collect the necessary information and perform the assessment of the case, such
as observation, interview, and reports of projective and psychometric tests administered.
Finally, this analysis will be carried out from the psychodynamic perspective, using the
attachment theory of John Bowlby.