Present Simple

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Ingles 2

• Elaborado por:
• Carbajal Martínez Karla.
• Hernández González Mitzi.
• Landeros Moran Monserrat.
• Rodríguez Aguilar Elisa.
• Solís Vázquez Rodrigo.

• Profesora:
• Lucia Valencia.

• Fecha de elaboración: 26/02/13 Ultima edición: 26/02/13

Ingles 2
• Competencias.
• Introducción.
• Programa.
• Act.1 Verb to be simple past.
• Act.2 Name’s Introduction.
• Act.3 There was there were.
• Act.4 Name’s vacation.
• Act.5 Simple past.
• Act.7 Thanksgiving.
• Act.8 Music.
• Act.9 Trivia.
• Contactos.
• Comentario.
• Bibliografía.
Portafolio de Evidencias
•Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes con contextos básicos mediante la
utilización de códigos y herramientas apropiadas.
•Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.
•Mantiene un actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de creencias,
valores, ideas y practicas sociales.

•Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la intención y
situación comunicativa.
•Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje, oral o escrito, en
una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto
•Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito congruente
a la situación comunicativa.
•Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar, resolver problemas,
producir materiales y transmitir información.
En este sitio web se presentan
actividades en las cuales podemos
observar los conocimientos adquiridos
en clase y desarrolladas grupalmente,
lo cual favoreció, para un adquirir un
mejor aprendizaje y una mejor entrega
de trabajo.
• Unidad de competencia 1.-
Vocabulario relacionado con los viajes
• Unidad de competencia 2.-
Futuro simple(will) y futuro be going to.
• Unidad de competencia 3.-
Adjetivos calificativos en grado positivo y su posición sintáctica.
Vocabulario relacionado con vestimenta y apariencia fisica.
• Unidad de competencia 4.-
Diferencias y usos de los verbos modales ´could’, ‘should’, ‘must’, ’ought to’ y
‘have to’.
Vocabulario relacionado a actividades diarias, estilos de vida saludables y no
saludable y costumbres.
• Unidad de competencia 5.-
Presente perfecto vs. Presente simple.
Vocabulario relacionado a empleo, turismo y rutinas.
• Unidad de competencia 6.-
Vocabulario relacionado al dinero y la ecología.
Verb to be simple past.
• Actividad 1
• Objetivo: utilizar el pasado simple del verbo ser o
estar para hablar sobre el pasado.
• Competencia: utilizar el pasao para hablar de su
pasado y dar infromacion personal de personas
que fueron importantes en la historia de la
humanidad considerando las oportunidades del
• Contenido: simple past, verb to be.
Present: (Past)We use was/ were:
+: I’m in the party with my friends.
We are dancing. +: I was in the shool before the party.
Ruben and Marco were solving mathematical
-: Ruben isn’t sad, he is happy.
Mariana and Paola aren’t with their brothers,
they are with their boyfriends. -: I wasn’t playing videogames.
Paola and Mariana weren’t dancing, they were
in the school.
¿?: Is Paola in the school?
A: No, she isn’t, she is in the party./Yes, she is.
¿?: Was Julia in the library?
Are the boys training?
Yes, she was./ No, she wasn’t.
No, they aren’t, they are dancing. / Yes ,they
Were Ramon and Marco with their girlfriends?
No they weren’t. / Yes, they were.
Name’s introduction.
• Actividad 2.
• Objetivo: utilizar el pasado simple del verbo ser o estar para
hablar sobre el pasado.
• Competencia: utilizar el pasao para hablar de su pasado y
dar infromacion personal de personas que fueron
importantes en la historia de la humanidad considerando
las oportunidades del contexto.
• Contenido: Simple past. Possessive adjectives, possessive ´s
or ´, and vocabylary of occupations.
John´s Introduction. Marilyn´s Introduction.

His name was John Winston Ono Lennon. Her name was Marilyn Monroes.
He was born on October 8th, 1980. She was born on june 1st, 1926.
He was British. She was American.
He was from Liverpool, United Kindom. She was from U.S.A
His favorite colors were white, black, and Her favorite colors were red and white.
green. Her favorite music was jazz.
His favorite music were skiffle and rock. She was lives in los Angeles, California.
He was lives in Liverpool, United Kindom. Her occupations were actress, singer,
His occupation were musician and and model.
composer. She was died at 36 years old.
He was died at 40 years old.
There was There were.
• Actividad 3.
• Objetivo: utilizar el pasado simple del verbo ser
o estar para hablar sobre el pasado.
• Competencia: utilizar el pasao para hablar de su
pasado y dar infromacion personal de personas
que fueron importantes en la historia de la
humanidad considerando las oportunidades del
• Contenido: simple past: verb to be, there was,
there were, articles a/an.
(Present )
+: There is a tree next to the flowers.
There are an apples next to the barn.

-: There aren’t chlothes in front of the farm yard.

There isn’t a ladder on the floor.

¿? :Is there a wheel next of the tractor?

Are there a flowers in front of the tree?

(Past )We use there was/were:

+: There was a tree next to the flowers.

There were an apples next to the barn.
-: There weren’t clothes in front of the farm yard.
There wasn’t a ladder on the floor.

¿?: Was there a wheel next to the tractor?

Were there a flowers in front of the tree?
Name´s Vacation.
• Actividad 4
• Objetivo: utilizar el pasado simple del verbo ser o
estar para hablar sobre el pasado.
• Competencia: utilizar el pasao para hablar de su
pasado y dar infromacion personal de personas que
fueron importantes en la historia de la humanidad
considerando las oportunidades del contexto.
• Contenido: Articles a/an/the, there was, there were,
possessive adjectives, vocabulary of vacaton, simple
past: verb to be, and possessive ´s or ´.
Mitzi´s Vacation
Last vacation, I was with my family in the beach.
There was water.
There were some palm trees.
There was a lot of sand.
There were some plants.
There wasn´t cinema.

Monse´s Vacation
Last vacation, I was with my mom and sister in San Luis Potosi.
There were big gardens.
There were a lot of people.
My father wasn´t with us, because he was working.
The weather was very cold.
There was a statue next to us.
There were some palm trees.
There were a lot of birds.
Elisa´s Vacation
Last vacation, I was with my family in the jungle.
There were a lot of trees.
There were six monkeys.
There wasn´t contamination.
There weren´t houses.
There were many chickens.
There was a starfish.

Karla´s Vacation
Last vacation, I was with my family in the River Escanela.
There were motor boats.
There was water.
There were many fishes.
There were beautiful birds.
There was a big tree.

Rodrigo´s Vacation
Last vacation, I was with my brother in the beach.
There were many hotels.
There was an island.
There were many people.
There weren´t ships.
Simple Past.
• Activodad 5
• Objetivo: Utilizar el pasado simple para
hablar sobre el pasado.
Competencia: Utilizar el pasado simple para
hablar de de su pasado y dar importancia,
información personal de personas que
fueron importantes en la historia de la
humanidad considerando las oportunidades
de contexto.
Simple past.
ED: (only regular verbs).
She danced last night.
Dance- Danced.
They danced last night.
We danced last night. Pron. + simple past verb+ comp.
WH? I met new friends.
Wh? + did + pron. + 1/verb + comp. I forgot my keys.
I went a party Pron+1/verb +comp. Forget- forgot
WE USE DID IN PAST SIMPLE: Pron. + simple past verb + comp.
DO/DOES (present) ------------ did
I he I, DID?
Pron+ did or didn’t+ 1/verb + compl.
You, He, She, It, We, You, They. Did+ pron + 1/verb +
She didn`t study yesterday.
You she comp+?
I did dance in the club.
We didn’t drink.
I didn’t listen.
They No I didn’t
Yes I did
• Actividad 7.
• Objetivo: Utilizar el pasado simple para hablar sobre
el pasado.
• Competencia: Utiliza el pasado simple para conocer
otras culturas y contrastar esa cultura con la suya
respetando la interculturalidad y la diversidad de
creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales
considerando las oportunidades del contexto.
• Contenido: Simple Past: Regular and Irregular Verbs,
Simple Present, articles a/an/the, personal pronouns,
object pronouns, etc.
• Welcome to our meeting.
• First of all we are gractefull for the support
received when arrived to this country.
• We started this journey because we wanted
separate us of the church.
• Some of us died because weren’t easy to get
food on winter.
• You helped us to survive.
• We grew a food and celebrated whit you.
• We thanked to God and you of the fruits of our
• Enjoy it like we did!
• Actividad 8
• Objetivo: Utilizar el pasado simple para hablar
sobre el pasado.
• Competencia: Utiliza el pasado simple para
hablar de su pasado y dar información personal
de personas que fueron importantes en la
historia de la humanidad considerando las
oportunidades del contexto.
• Contenido: Simple Past: Regular and Irregular
Verbs, Simple Present, articles a/an/the,
personal pronouns, object pronouns, etc.
Mercury Did you know? He was ill
of SIDA.
He started to sing in
He was a man with a big influence
because he helped in the
He lived in United Kindom. evolution of hard rock and
havy metal.

The moust famous songs were:

“we are the champions”
“radio gaga”
“Somebody to love” He died at 45
years old.
“We will rock you2
“It´s a king of magic.”
Bob Marley
He started to sing in
He live in
He did of the
jamaica´s music
yhe last aportation
to pop of the 20
Did you know? He century. He song
did a free concert songs of faith and
revolution. His most famous sogs were: “i shot
at the perk of the the sheriff”
national of “no woman, no cry”, “jamming”
kingston heroes and “three little birs”
on september
5th,1976, to
promete peace
and national
• Actividad 9.
• Objetivo: Utilizar el pasado simple para hablar
sobre el pasado.
• Competencia: Utiliza el pasado simple para hablar
de su pasado y dar información personal de
personas que fueron importantes en la historia de
la humanidad considerando las oportunidades del
• Contenido: Simple Past: Regular and Irregular
Verbs, Simple Present, articles a/an/the, personal
pronouns, object pronouns, etc.
1.Who was the inventor of 2.When did 3.Who was the inventor of the television?
the rabies vaccine? discover the a)Guillermo Gonzalez
a)Marie Laurent rabies vaccine? b)Emilio Azcarraga
b) Louis Pasteur a)1919 c)Luis Garcia
c) Charles Darwin b) 1564
5.When was 7.He was the
created creator of
4.Who sent first Facebook? facebook…
e-mail? a)1999 b) 2006 a)Mark
a)Leonardo c) 2004 Zuckerberg
Kleinrock b)Niall Horan
b)Ray Tomlinson c)Eduardo
6.When was
c)Ben Senegal Saverin
created My
Space? 10.When did arrive
a)2006 the Apollo 11 at the
8.Who were the first b) 1995 moon?
men on the moon? c) 2003 a)July 19, 1969
a)Amstrong, Collins b) July 20, 1969
and, Aldrin 9.When took off the C) July 21, 1969
b)Mitzi, Elisa and, Apollo 11?
Melissa a)July 16 of 1969
c)Chon, Chucho and, b)July 24 of 1969
Juan c)January 24 of 2008
• Carbajal Martínez Karla Melissa:
[email protected]
• Hernández González Mitzi:
[email protected]
• Landeros Moran Shoenstatt Monserrat:
[email protected]
• Rodríguez Aguilar Elisa Guadalupe:
[email protected]
• Solís Vázquez Rodrigo:
[email protected]
• Murphy, Raymond Essential Grammar in use.
Third edition.

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