8° Inglés - Reading Comprehension - 23 - 27 Marzo
8° Inglés - Reading Comprehension - 23 - 27 Marzo
8° Inglés - Reading Comprehension - 23 - 27 Marzo
4. Read the text again. Number the images in the order their comic was created (lee el texto
nuevamente. Enumera las imágenes de acuerdo al orden en que fueron creados)
5. Underline the key words from the vocabulary in the text. Say which words you find on each
paragraph (Subraya las palabras claves del vocabulario en el texto. Luego di que palabras encontraste en cada
Paragraph 1: bat______________________
Paragraph 2:__________________________
Paragraph 3:__________________________
5. Complete the senteces about the text (completa las oraciones acerca del texto)
a) The article talks about comic_______________________.
b) There are_____________ superheroes mentioned.
6. Read and answer true (T) or false (F). Correct the false statements (lee y responde verdadero (T)
o falso (F). Corrige las oraciones falsas)
7. Read and find the number of the corresponding paragraph for each drawing (lee e indica a
que párrafo corresponde cada imagen)
8) Read the article and complete the sentences (lee el artículo y completa las oraciones)
a) The first superhero made its appearance in _______________
b) The only superhero that didn’t have superpowers was_______________.
c) The superhero that had an uncle called Ben was _______________.
d) The superhero that wasn’t killed by bullets was _______________.
e) The superhero whose parents were killed by a mugger was _______________.
f) The superhero that was a 12th grade student was_______________.
9) Read the text and complete the chart (Lee el texto y completa la tabla)
Comic Year Creator Magazine Powers Other characters
Bob Kane
Action comics
After Reading
10) What is your favorite comic/superhero? Do a small webquest and complete the paragraph
(¿Cúal es tu comic/superhéroe favorito? Investiga en internet y completa el párrafo.)