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Eighth Grade - Fourth Term

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NIT 829000548-1
de Resolución No. 17731 de
de la Diciembre 5/2000 DANE.
Calidad 168081000407
8TH GRADE- FOURTH TERM –el futuro esperado
Nombre: Grado: 8 Fecha: _
Teacher: Sonia Botía Hernández y adeleine del Pilar Díaz Flórez

Logro: Realizar descripciones sencillas sobre diversos asuntos cotidianos de mi entorno.

Indicadores de logro: Temáticas:
-utiliza los condicionales correctamente.
- Condicionales: I,II, III
-Usa correctamente el tiempo futuro. - Futuro con going to y will.

-Expresa probabilidades posibles dentro de su

entorno inmediato.

Durante el cuarto periodo estaremos trabajando las temáticas de estudio del área, con ayuda de actividades
que han sido diseñadas para mostrar el avance obtenido en el aprendizaje de los diferentes contenidos.

Es necesario leer muy bien la información gramatical ofrecida al inicio de la guía, para poder elaborarla en
casa. Además de tener a la mano un buen diccionario bilingüe (Inglés - Español) para poder consultar las
palabras desconocidas. En el pizarrón de tareas se estará publicando oportunamente el horario de asesorías
y entrega de actividades. Cada actividad tendrá un valor numérico que se computará con el valor ofrecido de
las otras actividades para obtener una nota final del periodo.
Es importante mantener la puntualidad en la entrega de las actividades propuestas, así como la asistencia a
asesorías programadas para que el estudiante pueda exponer sus dudas.

Recordar que se debe subir sólo al pizarrón de tareas y en formato PDF. Si se tiene problemas al enviar los
trabajos en las fechas estipuladas, por favor comunicarse vía whatsapp o telefónica, con el docente a cargo,
para autorizar el envío del documento por otro medio. Se recomienda estar atentos a la calidad del material
enviado, en aspectos tales como: el uso de letra legible, evitar los tachones, hacer buen uso del espacio, si se
va a usar el formato de la guía y verificar la calidad y tamaño de la imagen a enviar para que esta sea fácil de
ser visualizada y calificada. De igual manera, se recomienda verificar muy bien antes de enviar, que el archivo
enviado sea el indicado y no otro que no corresponda.


Zero conditional Situations which are always true

I usually get very nervous if I see a large dog without an owner on a street.


First conditional Possible situation in the future

Lisa has lost her wallet. She thinks it may be at Ann’s house.
Lisa: I have lost my wallet at your house. Have you seen it?
Ann: No, but I’ll have a look when I get home. If I find it, I will call you.
I will not call you, unless I find it.

Second conditional An unlikely or imaginary situation in the present or future

Sue wants to phone Paul, but she can’t do this because she does not know his number.
She says: If I knew his number, I would phone him.
I wish / If only I knew his number, I would phone him.


Third conditional An imaginary situation in the past

Last week Agnes celebrated her birthday but I could not go to the pub with her because I was broke. So
I say:
If I had had enough money, I would have gone out with her.
I wish / If only I’d had enough money, I would have gone out with her.

I.Put the verb into the correct form and write which conditional it is.

If you ……………….. (pay) to much income tax, you..........................(not be) able to

afford holidays abroad this year. ……………………

1. If only I had had (have) money, I would have lent (lend) you some. third conditional

2. If you don´t eat (not eat) healthy food, you will get(get) sick first conditional

3. If I got (get) up early in the morning, I usuallywould go(go) swimming.

Second conditional

4. The view was wonderful. If I had had (have) a camera, I would have taken (take)
some pictures. third conditional

5. If the economy were (be) healthy, there would be (be) enough jobs for
everyone. Second conditional

6. What would you do (do) , if you were(be) rich? Second conditional

7. I had not seen you on the street yesterday! If only I had seen (see) you, I
Would have said (say) hello! third conditional

8. This is too expensive! If this house were (be) cheaper, we would buy (buy)
it. Second conditional

9. If I see (see) John, I will tell (tell) him to e-mail you. first conditional

10. Unfortunately, I am very busy. If I had (have) more time, I would help
(help) you with your homework. Second conditional

11. If I were (be) Prime Minister, I would reduce (reduce) taxes. Second conditional

12. If I were (be) you, I would go (go) to bed now. You look awful! Second conditional

13. I really don’t know what I would do (do) if I won (win) the lottery. Second conditional
14. I wish I would be (be) better at maths! Second conditional

15. I won’t leave (not leave) unless he asks (ask) me to. first conditional

16. I would go (go) on a blind date if I were (be) desperate. Second conditional

Future will- be Going To

- Se emplea para hablar del futuro. Se utiliza - Se emplea generalmente para hablar
generalmente para hablar de decisiones de planes o de intenciones y
espontáneas o de hechos que podrían suceder decisiones premeditadas a realizar
en un futuro.
en el futuro.
- Se usa también para hacer promesas,
· I always love you
- Se emplea para hablar sobre voluntades o
deseos y para hacer predicciones.
· I will meet you at 6 pm / I think it will rain
this afternoon

· We will talk about it later. · He is going to visit his brother tomorrow.

· Do not take life too seriously. You will never · Next month I am going to buy a new car.
get out of it alive.

Negativa: we will not/ won·t talk………..

Interrogativa: Will we talk……..? Yes, we will/ No, we will not / won·t
1. Completa las oraciones con will o be going to:
1. If you help me I will finish (finish) sonner.

2. She is going to visit (visit) London next week.

3. These shoes are really dirty. I am going to clean (clean) them!

4. She is going to be (be) eighteen on Monday

5. It's very hot in here. I will open (open) the window.
2. Tradúcelas a español
1 If you help me I will finish sooner.
2. She is going to visit London next week.
3. These shoes are really dirty. I am going to clean them!
4. She is going to be eighteen on Monday
5. It's very hot in here. I will open the window.
3. Escribe 3 cosas que harás cuando esta cuarentena finalice
1 I am going to go on vacation to Santa Marta.
2 I am going to have a big party with all of my friends.
3 I am going to go to the cinema.
4. Escoge la respuesta correcta.

1. Why are you putting on your coat?

A. Because I will take the dog for a walk
B. Because I am going to take the dog for a walk
C. Because I go to take the dog for a walk

2. Would you like to go out for a drink tonight?

What about tomorrow night?...
A. I’ll call you
B. I’m going to call you
C. I calling you

3. What’s the score? 6 -0…

A. They are going to lose
B. They will lose
C. They lost

4. Is Tony’s birthday is next week.I didn’t know…

A. I’ll send him a card
B. I’m going to send him a card
C. I sent him a card

5. Where are you going on holiday this

year? We haven’t decided…
A. Maybe, we will go to Italy
B. We are going to Italy
C. We to Italy

6. A First conditional sentence expresses:

A. unreal situations in the present or in the future
B. real possibilities in the present or in the future
C. real facts that are always true

7. A second conditional sentence expresses:

A. unreal situations in the present or in the future
B. real possibilities in the present or in the future
C. real facts that are always true

1. The following sentence “If we make a donation to Food for Africa today,we will
help to save lives” expresses:
A. unreal situations in the present or in the future
B. real possibilities in the present or in the future
C. real facts that are always true

2. The following sentence “If I had enough money, I would buy a mansion” expresses:
A. unreal situations in the present or in the future
B. real possibilities in the present or in the future
C. real facts that are always true

3. The following sentence “If an egg falls, it breaks” expresses:

A. unreal situations in the present or in the future
B. real possibilities in the present or in the future
C. real facts that are always true

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