621E - 621E and 623E Wheel Tractor-Scrapers Electrical System, 9X-4944 (SENR8631)

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1997/01/23 Uso del módulo del programa de servicio de funciones de la máquina ECAP NEXG4521 {0781} (SEHS9343)

SMCS - 0781

El módulo de programa de servicio de funciones de la máquina (SPM) NEXG4521 se utiliza con el programador del analizador de control
electrónico (ECAP).

Proporciona funciones de servicio para módulos de control electrónico (ECM) en máquinas Caterpillar. La lista de ECM compatibles incluye:

* Controles del motor

- Camiones todoterreno:
769, 773, 775, 776, 777, 785, 789, 793

- Tractores de cadenas:
D9, D10, D11

- Palas mineras:
5110, 5130, 5230

- EPG:

- Marina:
Tiendetubos 3500B:


- Compactador:
Serie 830

- Motoniveladora:

- Industrial:

- Pavimentadora:

- Traíllas de ruedas:
Series 630 y 650

* Controles de transmisión
- Camiones todoterreno:
769, 773, 775, 777, 785, 789, 793

- Traíllas de ruedas:
621, 623, 627, 630, 650, 657

- Camiones articulados:

- Cargadores de ruedas:
910, IT12, IT14, 914, 918, IT18, 924, IT24, 928, IT28, 938, IT38

- Retroexcavadoras:

- Arrastradores de troncos:

- Motoniveladoras:
12, 120, 135, 140, 143, 160, 163, 24

* Control de retardador automático

- Camiones todoterreno:
769, 771, 773, 775, 777, 785, 789, 793
* Control de enganche agrícola
- Challengers:
65, 75

* Tracción en todas las ruedas

- Motoniveladoras:
143, 163

Special Instruction .. NEHS6014, Using the 967554 (110 VAC) and 121-0276 (220 VAC) Rechargeable Portable Printer Group

Special Instruction .. SEHS8742, Using the 8T8697 Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer (ECAP)

Special Instruction .. SEHS8833, Installing the 7X1180 Internal Expansion Board in the 8T8697 ECAP Service Tool

Special Instruction .. SEHS8889, Installing the 8C9995 Mounting Plate Adapter Group on the Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer (ECAP)

Special Instruction .. SEHS9264, Using the 7Z1700 Communication Adapter Group

Service Manual .. SENR1062, 3408E and 3412E Engines. For use in Off-Highway Trucks. For use in Quarry Trucks.

Service Manual .. SENR1128, 3508B Engine for Caterpillar Built Machines. For use in Off-Highway Trucks.

Service Manual .. SENR1054, 3408E and 3412E. For use in D9R and D10R Tractors.

Service Manual .. SENR1061, Troubleshooting 3408E Engines. For use in PM565 Pavement Profiler.

Service Manual .. SENR5191, 3598 EUI Electronic Troubleshooting Guide For Off-Highway Trucks

Service Manual .. SENR5590, 3508 EUI Electronic Troubleshooting Guide For D11N

Service Manual .. SENR5597, 3512 And 3516 EUI Electronic Troubleshooting Guide For Off-Highway Trucks

Service Manual .. SENR5540, 3508 EUI Electronic Troubleshooting Guide For 5130 Hydraulic Mining Shovel

Service Manual .. SENR5666, EPTC II Troubleshooting Guide

Service Manual .. SENR5751, Autoshift Troubleshooting Guide

Service Manual .. SENR5683, Automatic Retarder Control System

Service Manual .. SENR6833, Electronic Scraper Control II

Service Manual .. SENR8475, Ag Hitch Control Troubleshooting Guide

Service Manual .. SENR6686, Wheel Skidder Transmission Control Troubleshooting Guide

Service Manual .. SENR6982, Motor Grader Transmission Control Troubleshooting Guide

Service Manual .. SENR6767, Hydrostatic Transmission Control Troubleshooting Guide

Service Manual .. SENR1003, EPG Control Troubleshooting Guide

Service Manual .. SENR1008, Marine Control Troubleshooting Guide

NEXG4521 Contents

(1) NEXG4521 Machine Master Service Program Module,

(2) NEXG4521 Machine Slave Service Program Module,

(3) Tool Operating Manual SEHS9343.

(4) NEEG2500 Pocket Card (not shown).

NOTE: The NEEG form may not always be included in automatic updates of NEXG4521.

Automatic Engine Speed Control
American Standard Code for Information Interchange


Degree Centigrade

Degree Fahrenheit

Electronic Control Module
Electrically EPROM

Electronic Monitoring System

Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
Electronic Programmable Transmission Control
Electronic Scraper Transmission Control

Electronic Unit Injection

Fuel Ratio Control

Gallons per hour

Kilometers Per Hour


Liquid Crystal Display


Maximum or Minute

Miles Per Hour


Part Number
Power Shift
Pounds Per Square Inch
Pulse Width
Pulse Width Modulated
Random Access Memory
Read Only Memory

Revolutions Per Minute

Serial Number
Service Program Module
Top Engine RPM Limit
Variable Horsepower


" H20
Inches of Water

Service Program Module Version 1.6
NOTE: To check the Service Program Module Version, Release Date and Literature Form Number press SHIFT-HELP after moving cursor to
Machine Functions in the Main Menu or use Utility Functions.

Refer to Available Parameters in this manual for a detailed list of available Read/Change and Status Parameters.

Read and Change Parameters stored in the ECM.

Display Status of the System.

Display Diagnostic information sent from the ECM.

Calibrate sensors.

Perform Diagnostic Tests on ECM electronics.

New status parameters.

New read/change parameters.

Select Engine Rating Maps for 777D Off-Highway Trucks.

Rating map override for all Off-Highway Truck engines.

Speed limiter support for Off-Highway Truck transmissions.

Complete parameter support for 24H transmission.

Cruise control support for 24H engine.

Power shift pressure solenoid calibration for mining shovels.

Support for 938G/IT38G transmission.

Support new logic for engine re-rates and personality module change.

Support for 3500 Locomotive Engine application.

Overrides now work for 5110 mining shovel.

Units are displayed for those values having them on Display/Clear Counters display.

Service Program Module Installation

Service programs for use with the Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer (ECAP) are provided through Caterpillar Dealers.

The ECAP comes with Utility Functions service program installed. It allows selection of Metric or English display units, and various for basic
communications. (Refer to SEHS8742, Using the 8T8697 Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer (ECAP), for more information on how to use the
ECAP Utility Functions).

The NEXG4521 Machine Functions Service Program (Master and Slave modules) must be installed before the 8T8697 ECAP can be used with
ECM's in Caterpillar machines.

1. Remove eight screws (1) holding cover panel (2) and lift out of case (3).

2. Turn cover panel (2) over for access to program module sockets.

3. Remove ALL NEXG4521 SPM's.

To remove a program module from one of these sockets, grip it firmly by tabs (4) and lift it out of the socket with a slight rocking motion.


Use only finger pressure to remove or install a program module.

The use of any mechanical tool can damage the program
module and/or socket. The program modules can be rearranged
in the holding sockets. Unless otherwise specified, be sure that
program module in U48 is not disturbed or the ECAP will not
operate correctly.
4. Move any SPM in socket U45 (5) to another empty socket (6).

NOTE: If there are no other empty SPM sockets four additional sockets are available with the 7X1180 Internal Expansion Board.

NOTE: The program modules and sockets are keyed to prevent inserting them backwards.

5. Install NEXG4521 Machine Slave SPM in socket U45 (5).

6. Install NEXG4521 Machine Master SPM in any empty socket (6).

7. Reinstall cover panel (2) in case (3) using eight screws (1).

Connecting the ECAP and 7X1700 Communication Adapter to the

Machine CAT Data Link Connector
NOTE: Verify that the 8C9995 Mounting Plate Adapter Group is installed on the ECAP. Refer to SEHS8889 for more information.

1. Install the 7X1703 Plate Group (1) in the 8C9995 Mounting Plate Adapter (2).

2. Secure 7X1703 Plate Group (1) using the 8C9995 mounting plate's Velcro strap (3).

3. Place Communication Adapter (4) on 7X1703 Plate Group (1) and secure with its Velcro strap (5).

4. Connect the 7X1420 cable (6) between the ECAP Port 1 connector and the 7X1701 Communication Adapter SERVICE connector.


8T8697-A ECAP's use 7X1851 cable (6) instead of 7X1420.

5. Connect the 7X1570 cable (7) between the Machine CAT Data Link Connector (9-pin, gray plastic, Deutsch) and the 7X1701 Communication
Adapter CONTROL connector.

6. The ECAP and Communication Adapter will power up when power is supplied to the ECM.

Installing the 6V2197 Timing Probe

1. Remove the plug from the timing bolt hole.

2. Install the 6V3093 adapter (1). Tighten the adapter just a little more than finger tight.
3. Put a 2D6392 O-ring Seal on the probe end of the 6V2197 Timing Probe (2). (A small amount of oil on the seal will let it slide easier on the

4. Push probe through adapter (1) until it comes in contact with the flywheel or the gear. Move the seal down the probe so it is against adapter.


It is always possible that the engine has stopped in a position

that will permit the 6V2197 Timing Probe (2) to be pushed into
the timing bolt hole in the flywheel. As a result the probe will be
sheared off when the engine is started. If it is thought that this
condition exists, remove the probe, turn the flywheel a few
degrees, and again install the probe.

5. Pull probe (2) out slowly until the seal is .080" +/- .040" (approx. 1-2 mm) from the face ofthe flywheel or gear, then tighten the adapter nut finger
tight to hold the probe in position.


Installing the 6V2197 Timing Probe too close to the face of the
flywheel or gear will prevent proper timing calibration.

6. Connect one end of the 7X1695 cable to the 6V2197 Timing Probe and the other end to the Timing Cal connector on the engine. Refer to the
Electronic Trouble Shooting Guide for help in locating the Timing Cal connector.

RS-232C Printer Connector

The ECAP Port #2 can be used to connect a serial interface printer. Refer to NEHS6014, Using the 9U7554 (110 VAC) and 121-0276 (220 VAC)
Rechargeable Portable Printer Group, for printer information.

The printer interface provides XON/XOFF software handshake (communication) between the printer and the ECAP.

NOTE: A menu item is provided for printing a list of parameter values. The F6 key can be used to print a copy of the screen display.

Refer to SEHS8742, Using the 8T8697 Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer (ECAP), for the RS-232C Connector Pin definitions.

The default setup, each time the ECAP is turned on, for Port #2 is:

Baud rate ... 1200

Parity ... none

Data bits ... 8

Stop bits ... 1

Refer to SEHS8742, for the procedure to change these values.

Using the NEXG4521 Machine Functions Service Program Module

The Machine Functions SPM provides an easy way to read and change parameters in Caterpillar ECM's.

NOTE: If unfamiliar with using the ECAP, refer to SEHS8742.

All of the functions related to servicing an ECM are accessed through a series of menus.

NOTE: Because the Machine Functions SPM services, a number of different ECM's (each with a different set of service capabilities) some menu
items appear as "(unavailable)" if the ECM does not support this function.

NOTE: Refer to the Introduction to the ECAP User Interface, in this manual, for detailed instructions on how to move around in the various screens.

NOTE: Refer to the appropriate Screen Map, at the back of this manual, for an overview of the ECAP screen layout. This map shows how to move
between screens.

Main Menu
When power is applied to the ECAP it will temporarily display a title screen. Next the Main Menu will be shown listing the Service Programs that are
installed inside the ECAP.

One of the items listed will be the Machine Functions service program.

Select it from the menu list using the UP arrow key, DOWN arrow key, or item number followed by the RETURN key. For Help, please see
Selecting Menu Options in this manual.

NOTE: If the Main Menu does not appear, refer to SEHS8742, for ECAP troubleshooting procedures.

If the Main Menu appears but Machine Functions is not one of the items, the Machine Functions SPM needs to be installed. Refer to Service
Program Module Installation in this manual.

Machine ECM Selection Menu

After Machine Functions has been selected from the Main Menu, the ECAP surveys the machine to determine which ECM's can be serviced with
the Machine Functions SPM.

This menu lists all of the ECM's on this machine that can be serviced with this SPM.

Select the desired ECM from the menu list using the UP arrow key, DOWN arrow key, or item number followed by the RETURN key. For Help,
please see Selecting Menu Options in this manual.

Personality Module Mismatch - (Engine Only)

(Engine Only)
If the ECM's Personality Module does not match the interlock value stored in the ECM, a warning screen will appear.

Press the SPACE bar to reprogram the ECM's Personality Module Interlock.

Press any other key to continue without reprogramming.

Factory Passwords are required to reprogram the Personality Module Interlock. For Help, please see Entering Factory Passwords in this manual.

After entering Factory Passwords, enter the engine serial number at the prompt. For Help, please see Entering Data Values in this manual.

Confirm the change. For Help, please see Confirming Changes in this manual.

Functions Menu
This menu provides access to all of the functions related to the selected ECM.

1 - Read/Change Parameters: Functions for reading, changing or printing parameters that are stored in the ECM.

2 - Display Status: Functions for displaying the status of the system.

3 - Display Diagnostics and Totals: Functions for displaying diagnostic and event messages from the ECM. Also available is a menu item for
selecting "total" values specific to the electronic control module being serviced.
4 - Calibrate/Monitor Sensors: Functions for monitoring and calibrating sensors used by the ECM.

5 - Diagnostic Tests: Test functions for interactively diagnosing system problems.

Select the desired menu option. For Help, please see Selecting Menu Options in this manual.

Read/Change Parameters Menu

This menu provides access to parameters stored in the ECM.

1 - Read/Change Parameters: Functions for reading and/or changing parameters stored in the ECM.

2 - Print all Parameters: Function for printing a formatted list of all parameters stored in the ECM.
3 - Parameter Change History: Function for displaying and printing a history of changes made to history protected parameters.

4 - Read/Change Engine Rating Maps (Appears for 3400 series industrial engine applications and 777D OHT engines only): Function for
viewing engine rating maps stored in the engine control and optionally programming the control to run with a selected map.

Select the desired menu option. For Help, please see Selecting Menu Options in this manual.

Read/Change Parameters
This function is used to read and optionally change the values of any programmable parameters. Actual parameters displayed vary depending on
engine or transmission application.

(Engine Screen)

(3500B Marine Backup Screen)

(EPTC II Screen)
(ARC Screen)

(ESTC Screen)

(Hydrostatic Transmission Screen)

(Motor Grader Transmission Screen)

(All Wheel Drive Screen)

Each line contains the parameter name on the left, followed by the current value of that parameter on the right.

Parameters which can be changed have a tattletale number following the parameter value. This number, shown preceded by a #, tells how many
times the parameter has been changed.

NOTE: The Total Tattletale is the number of changes made to the ECM, and may be greater than the sum of the tattletale numbers shown on this

The ECAP screen can only show six lines at one time. To see the other parameters, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys. For Help, please see
Scrolling list with Cursor in this manual.

To change the value of a parameter, move the cursor to that parameter, type in the new value, then press the RETURN key. For Help, please see
Entering Data Values in this manual.

For ON/OFF type parameters, press the SPACE bar to toggle between the different parameter states, then press the RETURN key.

Some programmable parameters are protected by either factory passwords, customer passwords or history protection.
Changes to history protected parameters are permanently stored in the ECM, and can be read in the Parameter Change History function.

This screen notifies the user that this change will be permanently stored in the ECM. Press the SPACE bar to accept the caution and continue.

If passwords are required for the requested change, you will be prompted to enter either customer or factory passwords. For Help, please see
Entering Customer Passwords or Entering Factory Passwords in this manual.

When the correct passwords have been entered, the changes will be programmed in the ECM. No changes will actually be made in the ECM until
the passwords are entered correctly.

Once the correct passwords have been entered, additional changes with the same reason number and the same password requirements can be
changed without re-entering passwords until the Read/Change Parameters function is exited.

All changes must be confirmed. For Help, please see Confirming Changes in this manual.

Print all Parameters

This function prints a list of all of the read/change parameters and their current values.

The parameters are printed in a format similar to the Read/Change Parameters function in this manual.

Follow the steps as shown in RS-232C Printer Connector, in this manual, to connect a printer to the ECAP.

To STOP the printing of the list, press any key on the keyboard.

NOTE: Any screen displayed on the ECAP can be printed by pressing the F6 key.

Parameter Change History - (Engine only)

(Engine only)
This function displays a list of all changes made to history-protected parameters.

The list is chronological. The most recent change is at the top of the list; the oldest change is at the bottom.

Each line contains the ECM hour when the change was made, the serial number of the tool used to make the change, the parameter name and the
new value of the parameter.

The ECAP screen can only show six lines from the list at one time. To see the rest of the list, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys. For Help, please
see Scrolling list without Cursor in this manual.

To print the change history list, press the 'P or 'p' key.

Read/Change Engine Rating Maps

This function provides the ability to view and program which engine rating map to use for 3400E industrial engine applications or 777D Off-Highway
Truck engines.
When this function is selected, the ECAP begins by displaying the rating map currently in use by the engine. This is signified by the word "ACTIVE"
appearing next to the map number. (In the example, "Map # 1 (ACTIVE) of 7 #23", there are 7 maps stored in the engine control, with map #1
currently active. The rating map was changed 23 times.)

The UP arrow and DOWN arrow keys are used to cycle through the maps, allowing them to be viewed one by one. To "Program" the engine control
to use the map currently displayed, press "P". The ECAP then requests confirmation that the rating map should be programmed. Upon
confirmation, the message, "Engine Map successfully programmed" is displayed (if the rating map change was successful).

Display Status
This function displays the values of parameters from any supported ECM in the system. Parameters from different ECM's can be displayed
simultaneously. The following screen examples are typical and may change with specific application.

(HEUI Engine Screens)

Screens 5 & 6 are application-specific, content varying widely between engine applications.

(3500B Marine Backup Screens)

(EPTC II Screen)

(Electronic Shift Control Screen)

(ARC Screen)

(ESTC Screen)

(Ag Hitch Control Screens)

(Log Skidder Screens)

(Hydrostatic Transmission Screens)

(Motor Grader Transmission Screens)

(All Wheel Drive Screens)

(Fan Control Screens)

Each status parameter has a label to identify it, and the current value is displayed under the label. Status parameter values are continually updated
and are arranged on the ECAP LCD display in a format called a screen.

There are nine screens labeled 1 through 9. For convenience, six of the nine screens have been predefined with the most commonly used status
parameters. If a desired parameter is not displayed on screens 1 through 6, see Change Display Layout in this manual.

To view parameters on different screens:

* Enter the desired screen number (1-9), or

* Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys.


To view Screen 2, press the DOWN arrow key once, or enter 2.

Included on both sides of the top line of the ECAP display are two special status areas. Highlighted messages will appear in these status areas
when one or more of the following conditions occur:

With engine controls:


Change Display Layout

This function is used to add a parameter or to modify the existing layout for any of the 9 status screens.

NOTE: Changes made to screens 7 through 9 are automatically saved when exiting the Display Status function and are recalled each time Display
Status is entered.

To access this function:

Press the C key while in the Display Status function.

Use the arrow keys to highlight the screen location to be changed.

Screen Number Selection

To access a different screen and change its layout enter the screen number (1-9). To view Screen 2, press the 2 key.

Parameter Selection
Press RETURN to view the list of available parameters for the selected ECM, or press the A key to see the complete list of all status parameters.

Refer to Available Parameters, in this manual, for a complete listing of available status parameters.
The screen will now look like the following:

NOTE: The list of parameters shown is dependent upon which ECM is selected for servicing.

Refer to Machine ECM Selection Menu, in this manual, to recall which ECM was selected.

The parameters are listed in alphabetical order. Select a parameter by using the arrow keys to highlight the parameter, then press the RETURN

To access a parameter that is not currently shown, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move up and down through the list. For Help, please see
Scrolling list with Cursor in this manual.

Each screen can hold a maximum of 8 parameters.

To display the Engine Oil Pressure Absolute parameter in the second position on screen 7:

* From the Display Status function, press the C key to change the layout.
* Press the 7 key to change to screen 7.
* Press the RIGHT arrow key to move to the second position.

* Press the RETURN key to display the list of available parameters.

* Press the arrow keys until the Eng Oil Pr (abs) label is highlighted.
* Press the RETURN key to select the parameter.
* Press the PREVIOUS SCREEN key to return to Display Status.

Display Diagnostics and Totals Menu

This menu provides access to functions for displaying diagnostic information from the ECM:

1 Display/Clear Diagnostics: Function for displaying and clearing active or logged diagnostics in the ECM.
2 Display/Clear Events: Function for displaying and clearing events and event histograms logged in the ECM.

3 Display/Clear Totals: Function for displaying and clearing counter totals logged in the ECM.
4 Display/Clear Shift Count Table: Function for displaying and clearing shift count data logged in a transmission ECM.

Select the desired menu option. For Help, please see Selecting Menu Options in this manual.

Display/Clear Diagnostics
This function is used to display and clear both active diagnostics and diagnostic information logged by the ECM.

The diagnostic information is arranged in a list on the display. The display can only show six lines from the list at one time. To see other entries in
the list, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move the cursor through the list. For Help, please see Scrolling list with Cursor in this manual.

The diagnostic code number and the message text are displayed. In addition, the number of occurrences and the diagnostic clock reading for first
and last occurrence of each diagnostic is displayed.

If the ECM is currently detecting the diagnostic, the word ACTIVE is displayed under the Current Status column.

Logged Diagnostic codes can be cleared one at a time from the ECM memory, so that as diagnostics are corrected they may be removed from the

To clear a diagnostic, move the cursor to the code to be cleared using the UP and DOWN arrow keys, and press the RETURN key.

To insure against accidental clearing of logged diagnostics, each clear request must be confirmed. For Help, please see Confirming Changes in
this manual.

Display/Clear Events
This function is used to display and clear event information logged by the ECM.

NOTE: The list of event information is not updated while in this function.

The event information is arranged in a list on the display. The display can only show six lines from the list at one time. To see other entries in the
list, use the UP arrow and DOWN arrow keys to move the cursor through the list. For Help, please see Scrolling list with Cursor in this manual.
The internal event number, the message text, the number of occurrences, and the diagnostic clock reading for first and last occurrence of each
event are displayed.

Events can be cleared one at a time from the ECM memory.

To clear an event, move the cursor to the event to be cleared using the UP and DOWN arrow keys, and press the RETURN key.

To insure against accidental clearing of logged events, each clear request must be confirmed. For Help, please see Confirming Changes in this

Some events are Factory Password Protected, and Factory Passwords must be entered before the event can be cleared. For Help, please see
Entering Factory Passwords in this manual.

Display Event Histogram

Some events have histogram data associated with them. To see the histogram data, move the cursor to the desired event, and press the SPACE

If histogram data for the selected event is available, it will be displayed.

The ECAP display can only display six lines of data at one time. To see additional data, use the UP arrow and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through
the list. For Help, please see Scrolling list without Cursor in this manual.

Display/Clear Counters
This function is used to display and clear counter totals recorded in the ECM. Units are displayed only for those parameters having them (e.g. Total

(Engine Screen)

(Total Fuel cannot currently be reset.)

(EPTC II Screen)

(ARC Screen)

(ESTC Screen)

To clear the count, press RETURN.

To prevent accidental clearing of the counters, the clear request must be confirmed. For Help, please see Confirming Changes in this manual.

Display/Clear Shift Count Table - (EPTC II, ESTC only)

(EPTC II, ESTC only)
This function is used to display and clear shift count data logged by the transmission ECM.

The shift count data is arranged in a table on the ECAP screen, on which can be displayed only six lines from the table at one time. To see other
lines in the table, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move the cursor through the table. For Help, please see Scrolling list without Cursor in this

The gear labels in the left column indicate the gear that was shifted "From". The gear labels across the top of the screen indicate the gear that was
shifted "To".

To determine the number of shifts "From" gear 2 "To" gear 3, find gear label 2 in the left column, and follow this row across to the right until the
column with gear label 3 is reached.

The table indicates there have been 98,056 shifts from gear 2 to gear 3.

To print the entire shift count table, press the 'P' or 'p' key.

To clear the shift count data stored in the transmission memory, press the 'C' or 'c' key.

To insure against accidental clearing of shift count memory, the clear request must be confirmed. For Help, please see Confirming Changes in this

Calibrate/Monitor Sensors Menu

This menu provides access to functions for calibrating and/or monitoring sensors used by the ECM.

1 Calibrate Timing: Function for calibrating engine fuel injection timing.
2 Calibrate Pressure Sensors: Function for calibrating engine pressure sensors.
3 Set Injector Codes (available to 3500 EUI engines only): Function for viewing/setting the 4-digit code for each of the injectors.
4 Monitor Throttle Position Sensor Signal: Function for monitoring the throttle position signal duty cycle. This menu item is available for 3500B
Marine only.

5 PS Pressure Solenoid Calibration (available to 5110 and 5n30 mining shovels only): Function for calibrating solenoid current levels needed
to set Power Shift Pressure high and low range.

(Ag Hitch Control)

1. Calibrate Hitch Valve: Function for calibrating the hitch valve.

2. Calibrate Hitch Sensors: Function for calibrating the hitch sensors' upper and lower limits.

Select the desired menu option. For Help, please see Selecting Menu Options in this manual.

Calibrate Timing - (Engine only)

(Engine only)
This function performs an automatic calibration of 3400 and 3500 EUI timing sensors.

NOTE: During this calibration the engine RPM is controlled by the ECM.

A message on the screen first instructs the user to connect the timing probe. Refer to Installing the 6V2197 Timing Probe, in this manual, for
installation instructions.

When installation is complete, press the SPACE bar to continue the calibration procedure.

The ECM must first take timing measurements and calculate the timing reference.

A bar graph displays the difference between the measured timing reference and the existing timing reference calibration value. Engine RPM is also

When the ECM has completed calculation of the timing reference, a message informs the user that the ECM is ready to be calibrated.

To calibrate, press the SPACE bar once.

When calibration is complete, the ECAP displays CALIBRATED!

If the calibration is unsuccessful, a message explains the cause of the failure and provides further instructions.

Calibrate Pressure Sensors

This function is used to calibrate all engine pressure sensors.

When selected, this function automatically calibrates the pressure sensors.

When the automatic calibration is complete, the above message indicates the calibration was successful.

If the calibration fails, a message describes the cause of failure.

Monitor Throttle Position Sensor Signal - (3500B Marine only)

(3500B Marine only)
This function displays the duty cycle of the throttle position sensor signal.

The purpose of this function is to assist in the adjustment of the throttle position sensor.

Set Injector Codes - (3500-series engine only)

(3500-series engine only)
This function is used to read/change the numeric 4-digit code associated with each injector. This code is taken from the 4-digit number written on
the injector.

When this function begins, the ECAP asks the engine about its configuration and displays a list of the injector codes currently in use. To change an
injector code value, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move through the list, and press the RETURN key for the desired injector. ECAP will
then prompt for a new injector code. (For Help, please see Entering Data Values in this manual.) Care must be taken to enter this number correctly,
since although the engine control will reject some erroneous values (ECAP will display the message, "Injector code not accepted by ECM" in this
case) there is a wide range of values which, though not correct, will be accepted by the engine control.

Calibrate Hitch Valve - (Ag Hitch Control only)

(Ag Hitch Control only)
This function is used to calibrate the hitch valve.

While in this screen, the hitch is in a special calibration mode. To exit the hitch valve calibration mode, press PREVIOUS SCREEN or the MAIN
MENU keys.

Move hitch lever to the FULL RAISE limit.

Adjust the hitch RAISE set screw until the hitch just starts to move.

Move hitch lever to the FULL LOWER limit.

Adjust the hitch LOWER setscrew until the hitch just starts to move.

Calibrate Hitch Sensors - (Ag Hitch Control only)

(Ag Hitch Control only)
This function is used to calibrate the hitch position sensors.

NOTE: The hitch linkage must be properly adjusted before attempting to calibrate the hitch sensors.

To engage the hitch, move hitch lever from FULL RAISE to FULL LOWER limit.

Press any key to continue.

Move hitch lever to FULL RAISE limit and wait until the hitch also reaches its FULL RAISE limit.

Verify that the hitch has reached the FULL RAISE limit.

With both the hitch lever and the hitch at their FULL RAISE limits, press the SPACE key to calibrate the FULL RAISE limit.

If the Hitch Control was able to calibrate the FULL RAISE limits for both the hitch lever and the hitch, the ECAP will display CALIBRATION

If it was unable to calibrate the FULL RAISE limit, the ECAP displays CALIBRATION UNSUCCESSFUL.

NOTE: Only after successfully calibrating the FULL RAISE limit will the ECAP allow calibration of the FULL LOWER limit.

Move hitch lever to FULL LOWER limit and wait until the hitch also reaches its FULL LOWER limit.

Verify that the hitch has reached the FULL LOWER limit.

With both the hitch lever and the hitch at their FULL LOWER limits, press the SPACE key to calibrate the FULL LOWER limit.

If the Hitch control was able to calibrate the FULL LOWER limits for both the hitch lever and the hitch, the ECAP will display CALIBRATION

If it was unable to calibrate the FULL RAISE limit, the ECAP displays CALIBRATION UNSUCCESSFUL.

PS Pressure Solenoid Calibration

The PS pressure solenoid calibration needs to be performed whenever the Pressure Shift Valve Solenoid is replaced. The calibration sets the
solenoid current levels needed to set power shift pressure high and low range. When this calibration item is selected, the ECAP initiates an
automatic calibration procedure which is actually performed by the engine ECM.

There are several requirements for the PS Pressure Solenoid calibration to be successful: the engine must be running, and the operator must not
attempt to move the machine. When the calibration is selected from the menu, the ECAP begins displaying current values for Engine Speed,
Power Shift Pressure and Hydraulic Oil Temperature. These are displayed at all times and are continuously updated.

To begin the calibration, press RETURN. The status will switch from "STOPPED" to "CALIBRATING...", confirming that the calibration has begun.

While the calibration is running, engine speed is changed automatically by the ECM. The calibration, if successful, will finish automatically,
displaying the message "SUCCESSFUL CALIBRATION". If for some reason the calibration needs to be stopped, it can be stopped by pressing
RETURN, at which time "CALIBRATION STOPPED" will be displayed, and restarted by again pressing RETURN. If the ECAP is disconnected from
the vehicle, the calibration will likewise be stopped. If the calibration fails, the message "Calibration UNSUCCESSFUL" will be displayed, followed
by a short description for the cause of failure. After the condition causing the failure is corrected, the calibration can be restarted.

When the calibration has completed successfully, pressing RETURN, PREVIOUS SCREEN or MAIN MENU will all exit the calibration procedure,
returning to the "Calibrate/Monitor Sensors" menu or the ECAP main menu.

Diagnostic Tests Menu

This menu provides access to functions for performing interactive diagnostic tests.

(Engine Screen)

1 - Cylinder Cutout: Function used to selectively cut out or power individual cylinders and monitor injection signal duration.

2 - Injector Solenoid Test: Function used to test the injector solenoids and report diagnostic information.
3 - Override Parameters: Function used to override normal system operation by setting parameters to specific values for diagnostic testing.
4 - Injection Actuation Pressure Test: Function used to test 3400 Engine injection actuation pressure system for possible leaks.

(ARC Screen)

1 - Auto Retarder Test: Function used to run a system test on the Auto Retarder.

Select the desired menu option. For Help, please see Selecting Menu Options in this manual.

Cylinder Cutout - (Engine Only)

(Engine Only)
This function provides two capabilities:

* Cut out or power the electrical injection signal to each individual cylinder.
* Display the electrical injection signal duration and engine speed.

NOTE: Cylinder cutout overrides are only maintained while in this function.

These capabilities allow service personnel to diagnose suspected injector problems. Use this function if non-electrical problems with the fuel
injection system are suspected.


To cut out cylinder number 3 to check if it is operating properly, move to that cylinder by pressing the DOWN arrow key twice. For Help, please see
Moving Cursor Between Items in this manual.

Change the status of that cylinder from POWERED to CUTOUT by pressing the RETURN key.

Pressing the RETURN key again will change the status of that cylinder back to POWERED. For Help, please see Toggling Data Values in this

Injector Solenoid Test - (Engine only)

(Engine only)
This function activates the injector solenoid of each cylinder, one at a time, and reports diagnostic information to the screen.

It allows troubleshooting of suspected injector problems. Use this function to determine whether fuel injection system problems are mechanical or

NOTE: The engine must not be running during the Injector Solenoid Test. If the engine is running, this function cannot be accessed.

Either an automatic or selective cylinder test can be done.

To start the automatic test, press the SPACE bar with the cursor on cylinder #1 (Cyl 01).


The automatic test has been started and is automatically testing each solenoid.

To test cylinders selectively, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the desired cylinder and then press the RETURN key.

To test cylinder #7, press the RIGHT arrow key once and the DOWN arrow key twice to move the cursor to cylinder #7. Then press the RETURN

Override Parameters
This function enables the user to override normal parameter values for diagnostic testing.

NOTE: Override values are only maintained while in this function.

NOTE: The override list shown is dependent upon the current machine application.

Move the cursor to the desired parameter. For Help, please see Scrolling list with Cursor in this manual.

Press RETURN to change the value.

Parameters with ON/OFF values will toggle. Similarly, the current engine rating map may be overridden by toggling the data value for those engine
applications supporting this parameter. For Help, please see Toggling Data Values in this manual.

For other parameters, enter the desired override value. For Help, please see Entering Data Values in this manual.

To disable the override and put the parameter back in normal mode, press the SPACE bar.

Injection Actuation Pressure Test - (3400E only)

(3400E only)
This function is used to test for possible leaks in the injection actuation pressure system.

The values of Injection Actuation Pressure, the Desired Injection Actuation Pressure, and the Injection Actuation Output are displayed at all times.

In order to start the test, press RETURN. The status will switch from NOT ACTIVE to ACTIVE, confirming that the test has begun.

The engine must be running for this test to start. If the engine is not running, the status will remain NOT ACTIVE even after pressing RETURN.

To stop the test, again press RETURN. The status will switch from ACTIVE to NOT ACTIVE.

In order to check at different Desired Actuation Pressures, press the DOWN arrow or the UP arrow key. Desired pressure will be decreased or
increased accordingly by a predetermined amount. When the limit in either direction is reached, the ECAP will display the message, "Pressure is at
MINIMUM", or "Pressure is at MAXIMUM".

Auto Retarder Test - (ARC only)

(ARC only)
This function allows the user to turn ON or OFF the Retarder System test.

The following conditions must be met to start the test:

* Engine is OFF

* Parking Brake is SET.

* Acceleration Pedal is RELEASED.
* Auto Retard switch is ON.

NOTE: At any time during the test, if one of these conditions is not met, the test will automatically quit.

The following can cause the test to quit automatically:

* One of the 4 conditions defined above is not met.

* Exiting the Auto Retarder Test screen by pressing PREVIOUS SCREEN or MAIN MENU keys.,

* Disconnecting the ECAP from the machine

To start the test:

Press the RETURN key.

If the Auto Retarder ECM is unable to run the test, a message will be shown on the ECAP screen.

Introduction to the ECAP User Interface

The following topics are examples of typical ECAP functions used throughout the Machine Functions Service Program Module.

Selecting Menu Option

This example describes how to select an option in any ECAP menu screen.

Each option in the menu has a number to the left of the option. An option can be selected in one of two ways:

* Type the number of the option, and press the RETURN key, or
* Use the UP or DOWN arrow keys to position the block cursor on the option number, and press the RETURN key.

In this example, to select the Display Status option:

Select item 2 by pressing the DOWN arrow key once, or entering 2.

The block cursor will move to item 2.

Complete the selection by pressing the RETURN key.

To find out more about a menu item before pressing RETURN, press the SHIFT-HELP key.

A help message will appear on the last line.

Scrolling list with Cursor

Scrolling is the method used to allow the user to access all of lines in a list, when it has more lines than can be displayed on the ECAP at one time.

Scrolling with a cursor (highlight bar) is used when the items in the list are able to be selected.

The UP and DOWN arrow keys are used to move the cursor through the list.

When the cursor reaches the bottom of the screen, and there are more items in the list...

... pressing the DOWN arrow key again ...

... will move the screen down to the next item in the list.

The next item down in the list is now at the bottom of the screen and is highlighted by the cursor.

Scrolling list without Cursor

Scrolling is the method used to allow the user to access all of the lines in a list, when it has more lines than can be displayed on the ECAP at one

Scrolling without a cursor is used when the items in the list are for display only.

The UP and DOWN arrow keys are used to move through the list.

Pressing the DOWN arrow key five times ...

... will move the screen down five positions in the list.

Pressing the UP arrow key twice ...

... will move the screen up two positions in the list.

Moving Cursor between items

When a screen has a block cursor and there are several items on the screen, use the arrow keys (UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT) to position the cursor
on the desired item.

Press the RIGHT arrow key once, and the DOWN arrow key twice to move the cursor to cylinder #7.

Entering Data Values

The following is an example of how to enter either alphabetic (a-z, A-Z) or numeric (0-9) data values.

When the first key is pressed to enter the new value, the old value will be cleared from the display. The first character of the new value will take its

Continue entering characters until the new value is complete.

When finished entering characters, press the RETURN key.

A message will appear on the ECAP screen if the maximum number of characters is exceeded.

Entries may be edited before RETURN is pressed by pressing the SHIFT-DEL key (the SHIFT and DEL keys at the same time). This will clear one
character from the end of the entry each time it is pressed.

Toggling Data Values

For parameters which have several possible values, (e.g. ON or OFF), toggling is the process of changing the parameter from the current value to
its other value(s).

With the cursor on the parameter to toggle, press the RETURN key.

The parameter will toggle to the other value.

Confirming Changes
To insure against accidental programming of parameters after entering new data values, toggling data values, or deleting diagnostic information, a
prompt asks if the requested changes are really desired.

Press the Y or y key (for yes), followed by the RETURN key to confirm the change.

Press any other key, followed by the RETURN key to cancel the change.

Entering Customer Passwords

To protect customer specified parameters and certain diagnostic information from unauthorized changes, customer passwords must be entered
before changes can be made.

Enter the two passwords using the ECAP keyboard. For Help, please see Entering Data Values in this manual.

As each character of the password is entered, it is highlighted on the ECAP screen.

Press the RETURN key after entering each password.

When the correct passwords have been entered, the desired change can be made.

If the passwords are not correct, a message is displayed, and you are given another chance at entering them correctly.


Four characters of the first password have been entered ...

... The passwords entered were incorrect.

Access to customer password protected features will NOT be allowed until both passwords are entered correctly.

Entering Factory Passwords

To protect certain parameters and diagnostic information from unauthorized changes, factory passwords must be entered before changes can be

NOTE: Factory passwords are obtained by contacting a Caterpillar dealer with the following information which is displayed on the ECAP Factory
Password screen:

* ECAP Serial Number

* Engine Serial Number
* Electronic Control Module Serial Number

* Total Tattletale
* Reason

If changing the Personality Module Code, two additional items may be needed:

* From Interlock (this is the Personality Module Code currently stored in the ECM).
* To Interlock (this is the Personality Module Code in the personality module).
A set of two (eight character) passwords will be provided that are valid until a parameter is changed in the ECM indicated by a changed total
tattletale number).

The passwords are only valid on the particular electronic service tool (ECAP or ET) used to display this information.

Enter the two passwords using the ECAP keyboard. For Help, please see Entering Data Values in this manual.

As each character of the password is entered, it is highlighted on the ECAP display.

Press the RETURN key after entering each password.

When the correct passwords have been entered, the desired change can be made.

If the passwords are not correct, a message is printed on the ECAP display, and you are given another chance to enter them correctly.


Four characters of the first password have been entered ...

... The passwords entered were incorrect.

Access to the protected data will not be allowed until both factory passwords are entered correctly.

Learn/Do Key Programming

The F5 key can be used to initiate a user-defined sequence of key presses.

The sequence is stored even when power is removed from the ECAP.

To store a key press sequence, press SHIFT-F5 (press the F5 key while holding down the SHIFT key). The bottom line of the ECAP will display the
message LEARN = ON.

Next, press the keys in the sequence to be stored, one at a time

Press SHIFT-F5 again when finished entering key presses. The ECAP will display LEARN = OFF.

Press the F5 key to execute the stored sequence.

Available Parameters
This list represents the available parameters for various ECM types. Some parameters may not be displayed; some show UNAVAILABLE
depending upon the ECM application software.

Acceleration Delay TimeAir ShutoffCooldown DurationCooldown Engine SpeedCrank DurationCrank Terminate SpeedECM Serial NumberEngine
Acceleration RateEngine Cooling Fan MapEngine Cooldown DurationEngine Fan ControlEngine LocationEngine Pre-lube ControlEngine Pre-lube
DurationEngine RotationEngine Serial NumberEquipment IdentificationEther ControlFuel Economy ModeFuel Ratio Control (FRC)
OffsetFLSFTSHigh Idle SpeedLow Idle SpeedMax Number of Crank CyclesMonitoring SystemOil Injection controlOil injection ratePersonality
Module DescriptionPersonality Module Part NumberPersonality Module Release DateRated Engine SpeedRated Fuel PositionRear Engine
installRide ControlThrottle Lock Speed LimitTop Engine Fan SpeedTop Engine Speed LimitTotal TattletaleWastegate Control

(3500B Marine Backup)

Air ShutoffEngine RotationECM Serial NumberEngine Serial NumberEquipment IdentificationLow Idle SpeedPersonality Module
DescriptionPersonality Module Part NumberPersonality Module Release DatePilot House EMS StatusTotal Tattletale

Auger Gear LimitBody Up Gear LimitEquipment IdentificationFuel Economy ModeMachine Body Up Speed LimitMachine Normal Speed
LimitMachine Overload Speed LimitMachine Overload WeightPersonality Module DescriptionPersonality Module Part NumberPersonality Module
Release DateTop Gear LimitTotal Tattletale

Desired Engine Retard SpeedEquipment IdentificationPersonality Module DescriptionTotal Tattletale

Body Gear LimitEquipment IdentificationFuel Economy ModePersonality Module DescriptionPersonality Module Part NumberPersonality Module
Release DateTop Gear LimitTotal Tattletale

(Hydrostatic Transmission)
Engine ModelEquipment IdentificationHystat System TestLoad CheckMachine ModelRide ControlSupplemental SteeringTop Ground SpeedTotal
(Motor Grader Transmission)
Equipment IdentificationPersonality Module DescriptionPersonality Module Part NumberPersonality Module Release DateTotal
TattletaleTransmission Configuration Code

(All Wheel Drive)

Equipment IdentificationFan ControlPersonality Module Part NumberPersonality Module Release DateTotal Tattletale

A/C CompressorAcceleration PedalAESC EnableAESC Enable LampAESC FeatureAESC ResolverAftercooler TempAir Filter RestrictionAir Filter
LampAir ShutoffAtmospheric PressureBackup ECM Ready StatusBattery VoltageBoost PressureBrake Air PressureBrake PedalCheck Engine
LampCold Idle SwitchCoolant LevelCrank without Inject SwitchCrankcase PressureCrankcase Pressure AbsoluteCruise Control Disengage
LampCruise Control KickoutCruise Control LampCruise Control Resume/Decel SwCruise Control Set/Accel SwCruise Control StatusCruise Control
Switch PositionCruise Control Set SpeedDecelerator PositionDesired Engine Fan Pump PressureDesired Engine Fan SpeedDesired Engine
SpeedDesired Injector Actuation PressureDiagnostic Enable SwitchRemote E-Stop SwitchECM In ControlEMS Engine ON SignalEMS High
Coolant Temperature LampEMS Low Oil Pressure LampEngine Coolant FlowEngine Coolant TemperatureEngine Fan BypassEngine Fan Pump
PressureEngine Fan SpeedEngine Oil LevelEngine Oil Pressure AbsoluteEngine Oil PressureEngine Oil TemperatureEngine Overspeed Test
SwitchEngine Pre-lubeEngine SpeedEngine Speed DroopEngine Load FactorEngine Power Derate %ageEther InjectionEther Inject LampEther
Injection SwitchFRC Fuel Limit Front Brake Oil TemperatureFuel FilterFuel Filter LampFuel Filter Pressure DropFuel LevelFuel Pressure
AbsoluteFuel PressureFuel RateFuel TemperatureGear Box TemperatureGround Level Shutdown Lamp StatusHydraulic Fan BypassHydraulic Oil
TemperatureHydraulic Oil Temperature SwitchIgnition SwitchInjector Actuation CurrentInjector Actuation PressureIntake Manifold Air
TemperatureLeft Air Filter RestrictionLeft Exhaust TemperatureLeft Turbo In Pressure AbsoluteLow Idle Switch PositionOil Filter Differential
PressureOil Filter LampOil Injector StatusOil Level LampOverspeed LampPeak Air Filter RestrictionPower Mode FeaturePower Mode SwitchPS
CurrentPS PressureRated Fuel LimitRear Aftercooler TemperatureRear Engine Throttle LockRemaining Cooldown TimeRemote E-Stop
SwitchRemote StartRemote Throttle Accel SwitchRemote Throttle Decel SwitchRemote Throttle ModeRemote Throttle Switch PositionRight Air
Filter RestrictionRight Exhaust TemperatureRight Turbo In Pressure AbsoluteService Brake PositionShutdown NotifyShutdown SwitchStartup
ModeThrottle Lock Set RPMThrottle Restriction/Acceleration SwitchThrottle Set/Deceleration SwitchThrottle 10-Position SwitchThrottle Backup
SwitchThrottle Input #1Throttle Input #2Throttle Input #3Throttle Input #4Throttle Lock ModeThrottle Lock SwitchThrottle PositionThrottle
SwitchTransmission Oil PressureTransmission Oil TemperatureTransmission Oil Temperature StatusTurbo Inlet Right Pressure AbsoluteTurbo Inlet
Left Pressure AbsoluteTurbo Out Hi AbsoluteTurbo Out Pressure AbsoluteUnfiltered Fuel Pressure AbsoluteUnfiltered Oil Pressure AbsoluteUser
ShutdownWastegate PositionWheel Slip Control

(3500 Marine Backup)

Air ShutoffBackup ECM Ready StatusBattery VoltageDesired Engine SpeedECM In ControlEngine Overspeed Test SwitchEngine SpeedFuel
PositionHeartbeatRated Fuel LimitRemote E-Stop SwitchShutdown NotifyStethoscopeThrottle Position

(Fan Control)
A/C CompressorBattery VoltageCheck Engine LampDesired Engine Fan SpeedDiagnostic EnableEngine Coolant TemperatureEngine Fan
BypassEngine Fan SpeedEngine RPMHydraulic Oil Temperature

(Autoshift Transmission)
Battery VoltageDownshift Switch PositionEngine SpeedGearGear LeverLoad Check Switch PositionNeutralize Switch PositionParking Brake
StatusRide Control Switch PositionTransmission SpeedTransmission Switch Position

Auger ControlAuger SwitchAuto Tong SwitchBackup AlarmBattery VoltageBody RaiseBody UpElevator StatusEngine SpeedGearGear InputGear
LeverGrapple Rotation ControlGrapple Rotation SwitchGround SpeedHarness CodeHoldIgnition SwitchModulation Supply PressureNeutralize
Switch PositionP2 PressureParking Brake StatusRetarderService BrakeStarter RelayTong ControlTong ModeTong PressureTong
SwitchTransmission LampTransmission Lock SwitchTransmission ModeTransmission Output SpeedTransmission Switch PositionVariable

(Electronic Shift Control)

Battery VoltageEngine SpeedGearGear LeverHarness CodeParking Brake StatusTransmission Output Speed

Acceleration PedalARC Pressure SwitchAuto RetardControl Valve PositionEngine SpeedParking Brake StatusRetarder

Battery VoltageGearGear InputNeutralize SwitchParking BrakeService BrakeTransmission Output Speed

(Ag Hitch Control)

Battery VoltageDraft SpeedDraft SwitchEngine SpeedHarness CodeHitch ControlHitch Lever PositionHitch ModeHitch Mode SwitchHitch Position

(Log Skidder)
Auto Tong SwitchBattery VoltageGearGear LeverGrapple Rotate ControlGrapple Rotate SwitchParking Brake StatusTong ControlTong ModeTong
PressureTong SwitchTransmission Lock Switch
(Hydrostatic Transmission)
Battery VoltageDirection Lever PositionDrive Shaft SpeedEngine SpeedLoad Check SwitchMotor DirectionMotor SpeedRide Control SwitchSpeed
RangeSpeed Range SwitchSteering Oil Flow

(Motor Grader Transmission)

Backup AlarmBattery VoltageConverter Drive Indicator Lamp StatusDifferential Lock LampDifferential Lock SolenoidDifferential Lock Switch
PositionGearGear LeverIgnition SwitchMachine Articulation AngleModulation Supply PressureNeutralizer Pedal PositionRipper Position Service
Brake LampStarter RelayTorque Converter SpeedTransmission LampTransmission Oil Temperature StatusTransmission Output SpeedVariable

(All Wheel Drive)

AWD LampAWD LeverAWD ModeAWD SwitchBattery VoltageCharge PressureCharge SolenoidDesired Front Drive PressureDrive
DisplacementDrive SolenoidEngine SpeedFront Drive PressureFront Drive SelectGearGround SpeedHop StopHydraulic Oil Temperature
SwitchModulation Supply PressureRear Wheel SlipWheel Motor Mode

Error Messages
The following chart reflects most of the possible errors displayed on the ECAP screen which may occur during the operation of the NEXG4521
Machine Functions Service Program Module. The messages are in alphabetical order by the first word of the message.

The first column is the error message displayed, the second column is a description of the problem (if not explained in the error message), and the
third column is the action which should be taken to correct the error.

Units less than one year old will be repaired under warranty (except for abuse). The cost of out-of-warranty repairs will be charged to the owner.
Contact Caterpillar Service Technology Group for details.

Use the following list to direct troubleshooting questions and/or information on service and warranty.

Phone - Toll Free Numbers

Outside Illinois 1-800-542-8665

Inside Illinois 1-800-541-8665

Canada 1-800-523-8665

Caterpillar Service Technology Group
Attn: Tool Repair
100 NE Adams St., AH9010
Peoria, IL 61629-9010

Number 404435

Attn: Caterpillar Service Technology Group

© 2021 Caterpillar Inc.
Confidential Green

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