Gramática General 2º Bachillerato Ingles para Bachillerato y Evau
Gramática General 2º Bachillerato Ingles para Bachillerato y Evau
Gramática General 2º Bachillerato Ingles para Bachillerato y Evau
1. I saw your friend (this morning): AHORA es por la tarde (la mañana se considera PASADA)
2. I have seen your friend today: HOY no se ha acabado
En los siguientes ejemplos, analiza:
¿Cuál se refiere a un pasado más cercano?
¿Cuál se puede completar con la expresión ‗ a few years ago‘?
1. Graffiti has appeared on the walls of our town
2. Graffiti appeared on the walls of our town
PAST PERFECT (yo había comprado)
• Indica una acción pasada que terminó antes que otra, también pasada.
She lived in London when I first met her. Her family had moved there two years before.
• Equivale al Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto o al Pretérito Anterior del castellano.
Present perfect: She is worried because she has never taken an exam before
Past perfect: She was worried because she had never taken an exam before
(+) Sujeto + Had + Participio pasado. She had studied her lessons when I arrived
(-) Sujeto + Hadn‘t + Participio pasado. She hadn‘t studied her lessons when I arrived
(?) Had + Sujeto + Participio pasado? Had she studied her lessons when you arrived?
3. Preguntas (Questions):
a) Yes/No questions (interrogativas totales)
Sustituimos el verbo 'said' por 'asked' + IF
Ojo: la subordinada tiene el orden normal de las enunciativas: S + V (y no el de
las interrogativas, V + S?)
She asked, "Can you do it?" ................ She asked me if I could do that.
b) Wh-questions (interrogativas parciales)
Sustituimos el verbo 'said' por el 'asked' y cambiamos el orden de pregunta por el de
He said, "Where will we go tonight?" ...... He asked where we would go that night.
4. Sugerencias (Suggestions):
―Let‘s go to the theatre!‖ she said.
She suggested going to the theatre.
―Let‘s not argue again,‖ he said
Let‘s not
He suggested not arguing again.
―Why don‘t we go to the theatre?‖
Why don‘t we?
SUGGESTED + She suggested going to the theatre.
VERBO-ING ―Shall we go to the cinema?‖ she said
Shall we
She suggested going to the cinema
―Why not go to the restaurant?‖ she said
Why not?
She suggested going to the restaurant.
How about going to the theatre?‖
How about?
She suggested going to the theatre.
¡¡OJO!!: No siempre salen los verbos ―say‖, ―tell‖, ―ask‖ u ―order‖ para hablar del Estilo
Indirecto, sino que pueden aparecer otros muchos:
- Statements: SAID, TOLD, accepted, agreed, answered, admitted, announced,
apologised (for), complained, declared, explained, informed, insisted, mentioned,
offered, reminded, replied, stated, assured, confessed…
- Questions: ASKED, enquired, questioned, requested, wondered, wanted to know…
- Commands / Orders: ASKED, TOLD, ORDERED, begged, shouted, warned …
- Suggestions: SUGGESTED, advised, recommended, invited…
Grammar for Bachillerato English Department
Se usa cuando queremos dar más importancia al objeto de la frase que al sujeto que la hace.
Ejemplo: alguien compra un libro
En este caso, ―alguien‖ no es importante, por lo que si queremos dar más importancia a la palabra
―libro‖, la ponemos delante, y ―alguien‖ atrás, eso si no lo quitamos directamente.
Ejemplo: Un libro es comprado (por alguien)
La fórmula es: SUJETO PACIENTE + SER (conjugado) + PARTICIPIO + COMPLS
1. Hemos puesto el objeto delante (un libro)
2. Hemos añadido el verbo ―ser‖ en el tiempo que antes tenía el verbo en la activa. En este caso
en presente (el verbo ―compra‖ pasa a ser ―es‖)
3. Hemos puesto el verbo ―comprar‖ en participio (comprado)
4. El sujeto activo se convierte en Complemento Agente, y por lo general LO ELIMINAMOS
Am / is / are
am / is / are being written
Estoy, estás… escribiendo Está, están... siendo escrito (-s) writing
Verbo Pasado Continuo To be (past continuous) + participle Was / were
Was / were being written
Estaba, estabas… escribiendo Estaba estabas... siendo escrito (-s) writing
To have (simple present) + to be
Ts. Perfectos
3. La pasiva impersonal:
3.1. “IT IS SAID THAT…”:
Activa: Sujeto + Verbo activo + frase subordinada ―People say that the bridge isn‘t safe‖
Pasiva: Sujeto + verbo pasivo (It is said that)+ frase subordinada. ―It is said (that) the
bridge isn‘t safe‖
3.2. La "pasiva impersonal con „TO‟ (SOMEBODY IS SAID TO… / NOT TO…)":
Activa: Sujeto + Verbo activo + frase subordinada ―People say that the bridge isn‘t safe‖
Pasiva: Sujeto de la oración subordinada + Verbo pasivo + frase subordinada empezada con
―to‖ / ―not to‖ +infinitivo‘ ―The bridge is said not to be safe‖
Como después del infinitivo debe ir OBLIGATORIAMENTE un infinitivo, si queremos que este
infinitivo haga referencia a un tiempo pasado debemos ponerlo en forma PERFECTA
―It is said that Paul Newman was a great actor‖
―Paul Newman is said to have been a great actor‖
Ojo, en ambos tipos de pasiva impersonal puede aparecer otro verbo distinto de ―said‖, como por
ejemplo: alleged, believed, estimated, guessed, known, reported, supposed, rumoured,
It is thought that the thief was in the bank / The thief is supposed to have been in the bank
Verbs that refer to saying or thinking ( think, believe, say, report, know,
consider, presume, hope…) are often followed by a to-infinitive form in the
He is thought to be in Argentina.
In the passive, let is replaced by allowed and is followed by a to-
0 Type
IF+Simple Present, Simple Present
Conditional If you heat water, it boils
Siempre se da. Son verdades universales
IF + Simple Present, Simple Future
If you don‘t shut up, I‘ll kill you.
1st Conditional (Hecho presente y consecuencia futura)
(very probable) Rephrasing: Es esta condicional si los verbos I want you to shut up
son: 1 presente y 1 futuro or I will kill you
IF + Simple Past, Simple Conditional.
If I were* you,
(Hecho presente y consecuencia presente. Por
I would give him an opportunity
2nd Conditional eso es difícil de que ocurra; la primera
If I had money, I would buy a flat
(possible) condición no se está cumpliendo)
Rephrasing: Es esta condicional si los verbos I haven‘t got money,
son: 2 presentes that‘s why I can‘t buy a flat
IF + Past Perfect, Perfect Conditional.
(Hecho pasado y consecuencia pasada). Por eso If I had known that,
3rd Conditional es imposible. Tanto la condición como la I would have told you.
(impossible) consecuencia se habrían dado ya en el pasado
Rephrasing: Es esta condicional si los verbos I didn‘t know that,
son: 2 pasados so I didn‘t tell you
IF + Past Perfect, Simple Conditional
(mezcla entre la condicional 2 y 3). If I had found it,
Indica que un hecho pasado tendría una I would give it to you.
Mixed conditional
consecuencia presente
Rephrasing: Es esta condicional si los verbos I don‘t give it to you now
son: 1 pasado y 1 presente Because I didn‘t find it
IF + Simple Present, Imperative
(se hace una orden en caso de que se cumpla If you go out, buy some paper.
una condición)
Los modales se pueden poner en forma continua o perfecta según el tiempo al que haga
referencia el modal:
- MODAL CONTINUO: Sujeto + Modal + Be + verbo –ing
o That boy must be studying now
o She can‘t enjoy drinking much
o He may be leaving now
- MODAL PERFECTO: Sujeto + Modal + Have + participio del verbo (-ed o 3ª columna)
o That boy must have finished his studies
o She can‘t have drunk much. She seems sober
o They may have already gone
Forma del modal Ejemplos
Presente He can answer your question.
Modal + Verbo simple Futuro They should leave early tomorrow.
Pasado He had to leave at 7 this morning.
Modal + Verbo continuo Presente He might be joking!
She can't have been serious!
Modal + Verbo perfecto Pasado
They might have gone to the country.
Modal + Verbo perfecto continuo Pasado They might have been working at that time
Grammar for Bachillerato English Department
I WISH / IF ONLY (ojalá)
Se usa para decir que lamentas que algo sea de una forma y no como tú quisieras que fuera.
* Cuando se pone el verbo ‗to be‘, al ser subjuntivo, se pone WERE para todas las formas:
I wish it were possible
It must be true
Con modales
He can‟t say that
The government made companies hold down
Con ‗make‘ (obligar) / ‗let‘ (permitir) + objeto directo wage increases
They let me drive
Con verbos de percepción (feel, hear, see, watch, listen…) I heard him lock the door
+ objeto (refiriéndose a la acción completa)
Con ‗would rather / would sooner‘ (preferiría) I‟d rather wait till tomorrow
Defining (especificativas) Non-defining (explicativas)
Son oraciones que no se pueden eliminar Son oraciones que nos dan más datos sobre un
sin que la oración principal pierda su nombre, pero que se pueden eliminar sin que la
sentido, por no poder determinar oración pierda COMPLETAMENTE su sentido.
claramente el nombre al que complementan.
Van sin comas En castellano van entre comas; en inglés, no siempre.
El relativo (who, that, ...) se puede omitir El relativo NO se puede omitir
cuando cumpla la función de objeto(*) de
su oración (si hace de sujeto no puede
omitirse nunca).
S: Where‘s the girl that sells the tickets? This is Mr. Jones, (whose son writes poetry).
O: He is a man [Ø] people like at first sight. The boy (who lives here) is my brother
The car (that is parked there) is mine
The house (where I live) is big
Uso de las preposiciones en las oraciones de relativo (en dónde, de dónde, sobre
Si hay dos sujetos en la frase, el pronombre relativo se ELIMINA y la PREPOSICIÓN
The city (where) he lives IN has many bars (where-Complemento del N)
The girl (who) you are talking ABOUT studies here (who-Complemento del N)
Grammar for Bachillerato English Department
Cuando alguien lleva puesto algo, en el sentido de transportar o cuando nos referimos a
alguna parte del cuerpo se utiliza la preposición with:
I don‘t know that lady who is carrying the grey bag.
I don‘t know that lady with the grey bag.
The boy who has a broken arm is my brother
The boy with a broken arm is my brother
Grammar for Bachillerato English Department
Angela feels very sorry, in spite of the fact that it was not her fault.
Although it was not her fault, Angela feels very sorry.
Despite the difficulty of the task, everybody was willing to accept it.
Although the task was very difficult, everybody was willing to accept it.
THE HOUSE was so old that even soft wind could make it collapse.
So that
Noun verb adj
IT was such an old HOUSE that even soft wind could make it collapse.
Such that
Pron verb adj noun
THE MAN was so fat that he broke any chair he sat on.
So that
Noun verb adj
HE was such a fat MAN that he broke any chair he sat on.
Such that
Pron verb adj noun
THE BOY was so rude that his girlfriend soon left him.
So that
Noun verb adj
HE was such a rude BOY that his girlfriend soon left him.
Such that
Pron verb adj noun
Christian is too short to reach the shelf This wood is too wet to burn
Christian is not tall enough to reach the shelf. This wood is not dry enough to burn.
Grammar for Bachillerato English Department