Weekly Plan #3 For Preschool Teachers

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Planeamiento didáctico 2023

Nivel de Educación Preescolar

Aspectos administrativos
Dirección Regional de Educación: Alajuela Centro educativo: Escuela Gabriela Mistral
Nombre y apellidos del o la docente: Britany Venegas Ciclo: Materno Infantil (Interactivo II) (X) Transición ( )
Modalidad: Heterogéneo ( ) Servicio en Alternativa de Cuido y Desarrollo Infantil ( ) Externos al Ministerio de Educación
Pública ( ) Inglés Inmersivo (X) Francés Inmersivo ( )
Curso lectivo: 2023 Periodicidad: Semanal Trimestre: I (X) II ( ) III ( )

Competencia general (marque con una equis):

Ciudadanía Competencias para la vida Competencias para la

X responsable y solidaria empleabilidad digna

Sección I. Habilidades en el marco de la política curricular

Habilidad y su definición Indicador (Pautas para el desarrollo de la habilidad)

Dimensión Patrones dentro del sistema

Maneras de pensar Abstrae datos, hechos, acciones y objetos como parte de contexto más amplios y complejos.
Sistémico Causalidad entre los componentes del sistema
Habilidad para ver el todo y Expone cómo cada objeto, hecho, persona y ser vivo son parte de un sistema dinámico de
las partes, así como las interrelación e interdependencia en su entorno determinado.
conexiones entre estas que
permiten la construcción de Modificación y mejoras del sistema
sentido de acuerdo al Desarrolla nuevos conocimientos, técnicas y herramientas prácticas que le permiten la
contexto. reconstrucción de sentidos.

Actualización realizada por Departamento de Educación de la Primera Infancia. 2023

Sección II. Aprendizajes esperados, indicadores de los aprendizajes esperados y estrategias de
Componente del Indicador del aprendizaje esperado Estrategias de Mediación
programa de estudio (aprendizaje esperado más la
(Conceptual) habilidad)
Conciencia corporal Discrimina las partes de su cuerpo en Los niños y las niñas, según sus posibilidades,
desarrollan esta habilidad cuando:
juegos cotidianos.

Identifica la importancia de las partes de

su cuerpo en juegos cotidianos.

Identifica la importancia de los sentidos

del cuerpo en juegos cotidianos.

Reconoce las funciones de las partes

de su cuerpo en juegos cotidianos.

Reconoce las funciones de algunos

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Componente del Indicador del aprendizaje esperado Estrategias de Mediación
programa de estudio (aprendizaje esperado más la
(Conceptual) habilidad)
órganos internos del cuerpo, en juegos

Desarrolla estrategias de seguridad

para la prevención del abuso en los
entornos en los que se desenvuelve.

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Sección III. Instrumento de evaluación
Indicadores del Niveles de desempeño
aprendizaje esperado Inicial Intermedio Avanzado
Discrimina las partes de su Ubica las partes de su Cita las partes de su Distingue las partes de su
cuerpo en juegos cuerpo, en juegos cuerpo, en juegos cuerpo, en juegos
cotidianos. cotidianos. cotidianos. cotidianos.
Identifica la importancia de Caracteriza las partes que Resalta la importancia de Reconoce la importancia de
las partes de su cuerpo en conforman su cuerpo, en las partes que conforman su las partes que conforman su
juegos cotidianos. juegos cotidianos. cuerpo, en juegos cuerpo, en juegos
cotidianos. cotidianos.
Identifica la importancia de Caracteriza los sentidos Resalta los sentidos del Reconoce la importancia de
los sentidos del cuerpo en del cuerpo, en juegos cuerpo, en juegos los sentidos del cuerpo, en
juegos cotidianos. cotidianos. cotidianos. juegos cotidianos.
Reconoce las funciones de Cita las funciones de las Caracteriza las funciones de Destaca las funciones de
las partes de su cuerpo en partes de su cuerpo, en las partes de su cuerpo, en cada una de las partes de
juegos cotidianos. juegos cotidianos. juegos cotidianos. su cuerpo en juegos
Reconoce las funciones de Cita las funciones de Caracteriza las funciones de Destaca las funciones de
algunos órganos internos algunos órganos internos algunos órganos internos cada uno de los órganos
del cuerpo, en juegos del cuerpo, en juegos del cuerpo, en juegos internos del cuerpo, en
cotidianos. cotidianos. cotidianos. juegos cotidianos.
Desarrolla estrategias de Identifica acciones que le Manifiesta de diferentes Aplica estrategias de
seguridad para la hacen sentir incómodo o formas situaciones que seguridad que ha
prevención del abuso en inseguro en los entornos pueden afectar su aprendido, en los entornos
los entornos en los que se en los que se integridad, en los entornos en los que se desenvuelve.
desenvuelve. desenvuelve. en los que se desenvuelve.

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Sección IV. Organización del tiempo.
Experiencias Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes
de la jornada
Welcome and The teacher is going to The teacher is going to The teacher is going to The teacher is going to The teacher is going to
initial start the class by start the class by start the class by start the class by start the class by
Experiences checking the assistance checking the assistance checking the assistance checking the assistance checking the assistance
(30 min) of the children, once she of the children, once she of the children, once she of the children, once she of the children, once
has done the has done the has done the has done the she has done the
administrative aspects, administrative aspects, administrative aspects, administrative aspects, administrative aspects,
the teacher is going to the teacher is going to the teacher is going to the teacher is going to the teacher is going to
create a circle time create a circle time where create a circle time where create a circle time create a circle time
where students are students are going to: students are going to: where students are where students are
going to: 1. Say a prayer 1. Say a prayer going to: going to:
1. Say a prayer (annex 1). (annex 1). 1. Say a prayer 1. Say a prayer
(annex 1). 2. Sing and dance 2. Sing and dance (annex 1). (annex 1).
2. Sing and dance the song “Good the song “Good 2. Sing and dance 2. Sing and dance
the song “Good Morning!” Morning!” the song “Good the song “Good
Morning!” https:// https:// Morning!” Morning!”
https:// www.youtube.com/watch? www.youtube.com/watch? https:// https://
www.youtube.com/ v=CuI_p7a9VGs v=CuI_p7a9VGs www.youtube.com/ www.youtube.com/
watch?v=CuI_p7a9VGs 3. Review the 3. Review the watch?v=CuI_p7a9VGs watch?v=CuI_p7a9VGs
3. Check the vowels. emotions. 3. Review the 3. Review the
weather using (Annex 4). (Annex 7). numbers from 1 colors.
the song "How´s 4. Review the days 4. Review the days to 10. https://youtu.be/
the Weather?”, of the week and of the week and (Annex 8). zxIpA5nF_LY
and the go the months of the months of 4. Review the days
outside the year. year. of the week and (Annex 8).
classroom and https://youtu.be/ https://youtu.be/ the months of 4. Review the
ask to students: mXMofxtDPUQ mXMofxtDPUQ year. days of the
How is the https://youtu.be/ week and the
weather today? https://youtu.be/ https://youtu.be/ mXMofxtDPUQ months of year.
And explain Fe9bnYRzFvk Fe9bnYRzFvk https://youtu.be/
why. 5. Check the time 5. Check the time https://youtu.be/ mXMofxtDPUQ
https:// (hours, minutes, (hours, minutes, Fe9bnYRzFvk
www.youtube.com/ and seconds). and seconds). 5. Check the time https://youtu.be/
watch?v=KBL5aXSJTlE (Annex 5). (Annex 5). (hours, minutes, Fe9bnYRzFvk
4. Review the days and seconds). 5. Check the time
of the week and (Annex 5). (hours, minutes,
the months of and seconds).

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year. (Annex 5).

Work option Students are going to The teacher is going to The teacher is going to Students are going to Students are going to
Experiences sing and dance to the show some flashcards create 5 different stations learn about new parts of identify where are the
(60 min) song “Head Shoulders about more specific parts in the classroom for each the human body by main organs of the
Knees and Toes”. of the body to students of the five senses (smell, building puzzles. human body (heart,
https://youtu.be/ and, she is going to ask taste, sight, hearing, and (Forehead, checks, brain, lungs, stomach
RuqvGiZi0qg them to point the part in touch). In each station chin, eyelashes, and, kidneys), to
their own bodies, for there is going to be eyebrows, teeth, manage this the teacher
Students are going to example, she is going to specific things for each tongue, hair, nape, hip, is going to given them
observe through a mirror show the flashcard with sense, for example: genital organs, buttocks, pictures that represent
their complete body the picture of eyes so Sense of sight: They are elbow, wrist, fingernails, the organs and students
while analyzing their then the kids are going to going to enter one by one, knees, ankle, and heel). are going to place the
characteristics and how point or touch their eyes. and the teacher is going picture in their own
they differ from their (Head, eyes, nose, to place different shapes, The teacher is going to bodies. Once students
peers learning that all mouth, ears, shoulders, images and letters located divide the group into two can identify all the body
the bodies are different, chest, navel, waist, back, both far and near, first teams, one of girls and parts, they are going to
once they have arms, hands, fingers, they are going to observe one of boys, each play bingo. The teacher
managed to identify the legs, feet, and toes). them with both eyes, then puzzle represents the is going to give to the
main parts of the body (Annex 6). they cover the right and two genders, male and kids the cards and
(head, trunk, upper finally they cover the left female. Children are some beans and every
extremities, and lower After that brief review eye. going to complete the time she mentions one
extremities) forming a students are going to Sense of touch: Students puzzle by correctly part of the body,
circle and blindfolded, work in groups made by are going to cover their positioning the parts of students are going to
the boys and girls point the teacher. She is going eyes with a blindfold and the human body and in look if they have it in the
out and name the to give to each group a with the help of the turn recognize the card, the kid that
different parts one by part of the body, and the teacher they are going differences between the complete the whole
one. kids are going to do small begin to touch different two genders. Once they card wins.
research with the help of objects with different complete the activity, (Annex 10).
the teacher about the textures and children the teacher is going to
function of the part. Once must guess what it is. create a dialogue table
all the groups finish, they Sense of smell: Students where the kids are going
are going to present it to are going to recognize to share what the have
the class. different smells such as learn and compare
spices, perfumes, and knowledge with their
food, always keeping their teacher and classmates.
eyes blindfolded.

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Sense of hearing: The
teacher is going to
reproduce sounds of
different animals both
domestic and wild and
students are going to
guess which animal it
belongs to, in the same
way, the teacher is going
to include sounds that can
be find in nature and in
the city.
Finally, the sense of taste
is going to be work in the
health and nutrition
Health and Students are going to Students are going to Students are going to Students are going to Students are going to
nutrition eat a snack prepared by practice hygiene habits have their mealtime in the practice hygiene habits listen a song about how
Experiences the teacher and the such as hand washing stand of the Sense of such as hand washing to correctly wash the
(30 min) school chef, each of the before eating food and taste. The teacher is before eating food and hands before eating
foods have a reason to then brushing their teeth. going to show them the then brushing their while they are washing
be on the dish since food (fruits, vegetables, teeth. their own hands, then
they help the functioning and snacks) and the kids the kids are going to
of the body. Students are going to taste it and have a snack shared
are going to practice guess the flavors that are about their favorite
hygiene habits once in each dish (salty, sour, health dish and finally
they finish such as hand bitter, and sweet). brush their teeth.
washing before eating (Annex 9). https://youtu.be/
food and then brushing Students are going to dDHJW4r3elE
their teeth. (Annex 2 and practice hygiene habits
3). such as hand washing
before eating food and
then brushing their teeth.
Physical Students are going to Students are going Students are going to play Students are going to Students are going to
movement play "Simon says" in the outside the classroom in freely with hula hoops, jump the rope and the play the game “Building
Experiences green area of the the green area of the ropes, and balloons to teacher is going to a face”. The teacher is
(30 min) school, the children educational center to play stimulate they fine and mention a part of the going to hide stones
remain in motion (run, a rally created by the gross motor skills. body while the kid is with pictures about the
jump, jog, etc.), but once teacher where they must jumping, and she/he parts of the face and
the teacher begins with complete obstacles using must touch that body students are going to
the commands, for the upper and lower part. look for them in the

Actualización realizada por Departamento de Educación de la Primera Infancia. 2023

example: Simon says to extremities. green area of
touch your head, the (Annex 11). educational center and
children are going to complete the face.
stop and touch the part
of the body that was
Artistic and Students are going to Students are going to The teacher is going to Students are going to Students are going to
closing create a sculpture of create puppets ask to students make a hold a two-day hold a two-day
Experiences themselves using play representing the parts of drawing where they workshop where they workshop where they
(60 min) dough. They are going the body previously seen portray themselves as are going to build the are going to build the
to sculpt their body in class with use of they currently look and internal organs of the internal organs of the
shape as the way they recycled materials (plastic how they think they are body and how they work body and how they work
perceive themselves bottles, cardboard, paper (how the hand moves, (how the hand moves,
trying to add as many roll, bags, etc.) and, they going to look in ten years. how the brain works, how the brain works,
features as possible. are going to paint them Once all the children have how the lungs work, how the lungs work,
After they have finished and add details to make finished the drawing, the etc.). Once the second etc.). Once the second
this first part of the work, the puppet the most sheets are going to be day of the workshop is day of the workshop is
where they manage to realistic possible. Once fold and put into a bag so over, the teacher is over, the teacher is
identify the main ones of they finish the teacher is that the drawings can be going to create a mini going to create a mini
the body, they are going going to place the exchanged anonymously science fair where other science fair where other
to present what they puppets on a visible table with the rest of the class groups and teachers are groups and teachers
have done to their and the kids are going to and thus, among all of going to be invited for are going to be invited
classmates. Finally, explain the function of them, students are going students to present their for students to present
students are going to each body part. Finally, to guess who the person projects. Finally, their projects. Finally,
make a circle where students are going to in the drawing is. Finally, students are going to students are going to
they create a recount of make a circle where they students are going to make a circle where make a circle where
what they learned in create a recount of what make a circle where they they create a recount of they create a recount of
class and say goodbye they learned in class and create a recount of what what they learned in what they learned in
to their classmates and say goodbye to their they learned in class and class and say goodbye class and say goodbye
teacher. classmates and teacher. say goodbye to their to their classmates and to their classmates and
classmates and teacher. teacher. teacher.
Individual The teacher is going to The teacher is going to The teacher is going to The teacher is going to The teacher is going to
following review the content review the content review the content review the content review the content
Experiences “Spatial awareness” by “Spatial awareness” by “Spatial awareness”. “Spatial awareness” by “Spatial awareness” by
(30 min) completing several 3D asking the kid to look for a Students are going to play creating a dance with teaching to students
puzzles. hide object, the teacher is “The Floor is Lava” the students to help some exercises about
going to create a space in avoiding certain areas them build a strong yoga.
the classroom and give and objects in the sense of body
some commands like; classroom so they are awareness and a better
near, far, hot, cold, etc. going to practice understanding of space
until the kid find it. and proximity to others

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maneuvering around large and to the objects
and small items. around them.


Sección V. Anexos

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Annex 1: Annex 2: Annex 3: Annex 4:

Annex 5: Annex 6: Annex 7: Annex 8:

Annex 9: Annex 10: Annex 11: Annex 12:

Actualización realizada por Departamento de Educación de la Primera Infancia. 2023

Actualización realizada por Departamento de Educación de la Primera Infancia. 2023

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