Y002 - 835-Customer-Manual-06082015130538 en To Es 2024-03-20 07-16-37

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Serie ECU-830/835

Manual de instrucciones
Tabla de contenido

1) Tabla de contenidos

2) Serie 800 de controles para EPA 4| y requisitos 4F.

3) Capacidades del sistema.

4) Especificaciones. 5

a) Físico/Ambiental.

b) Eléctrico...

5) Operación Básica del Control 6

6) Modo de diagnóstico. 6

7) Visor de diagnóstico.

8) Sistemas de Gestión del DPF.

9) Placa frontal de control anotada

10) Pantallas de control comentadas

a) Pantalla de inicio...

b) Pantalla de cambio de pantalla.... 10

c) Pantalla de verificación de estado (modo de verificación de horas) 11

i) Ingreso al modo de verificación de horas 11

d) Pantalla de verificación de estado (modo de diagnóstico). 12

i) Ingresar al modo de diagnóstico. .12

e) Pantalla de Ajuste del Punto de Consigna. .13

11) Dimensiones, montaje y cableado. 14

a) Dimensiones Físicas. 14

b) Dimensiones de montaje. .15

c) Diagrama de cableado estándar. .15

12) Usando la pantalla de inicio ..


a) Mensajes, Averías y Centro de Mensajes. 17

13) Menú principal 19

a) Usando teclas programables..... 19

14) Fuerza de regeneración .20

15) Submenú de diagnóstico de fallas .21

a) DM1 y mensajes activos .23

b) Registro DM2 .24

c) Último apagado... .26

16) Acerca de la unidad (pantalla de información de control). .27

17) Submenú de inicio de sesión de usuario. .28

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a) Ingrese a Iniciar sesión. .29

i) Uso del teclado en pantalla .29

b) Cambiar Cliente de Inicio de Sesión. 31

18) Submenú de opciones del cliente .32

a) Submenú de configuración del sistema de combustible (Cliente). .33

i) Advertencia de nivel bajo de combustible... .34

ii) Parada por bajo nivel de combustible. 35

19) Opciones avanzadas (Cliente) .36

a) Inhibir la regeneración. .37

b) Submenú de Opciones de Visualización (Cliente). 38

i) Mostrar tiempo de permanencia 39

c) Submenú Instalar/Copiar programas (Cliente) .40

i) Actualización de firmware. .41

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Serie 800 de controles para requisitos EPA 4l y 4F
Este manual cubre los conceptos básicos esenciales de la serie 8XX de controladores para generadores, bombas y sistemas de controles auxiliares

cuando se utilizan motores de las categorías 4l y 4F. Consulte las páginas detalladas para obtener descripciones completas de las operaciones y la

interpretación de los datos de pantalla.

Estas especificaciones de la unidad se refieren únicamente a sistemas basados ​en CAN (Red de área del controlador). La unidad es

integral porque controla el motor y monitorea completamente los parámetros del motor a través de una pantalla LCD, eliminando el requisito

de visores CAN separados y la complejidad del sistema.

Consulte los manuales adjuntos de las unidades para el monitoreo directo de CA del generador o sistemas especiales.

Capacidades del sistema

El sistema tiene las siguientes capacidades según el modelo de motor y los niveles de contraseña de usuario utilizando un sistema
basado en menús:
Arrancar un motor automática o manualmente mediante señales eléctricas.

Opere los relés de arranque y el sistema de combustible o las entradas de energía del ECM para controlar el funcionamiento del sistema del motor.

Supervise todas las señales en busca de signos de condiciones de prealarma que puedan provocar daños o parada del
motor según lo prescrito por el fabricante del motor en las especificaciones suministradas, incluidas las condiciones de mensajería
DM1 (en vivo) y DM2 (almacenadas).
Monitorear las condiciones del sistema de postratamiento para, entre otros, los sistemas SCR, DOC y DPF.

Se puede monitorear el estado del sistema de postratamiento de ciertos motores mediante indicadores que incluyen niveles

de DEF según las especificaciones proporcionadas por el fabricante del motor.

Se proporciona interacción con el sistema de postratamiento, incluida la supresión o el inicio de la regeneración del
sistema según las condiciones del motor.
Dependiendo de las capacidades del sistema, también se puede monitorear la supervisión del proceso de limpieza.
Produce advertencias en declaraciones en inglés basadas en la información PGN y SPN.FMI que se suministra
desde el ECM en el motor a través del bus CAN al control.
Se pueden desplazar hasta 18 condiciones de advertencia a la vez. También se proporcionan mensajes de parada del motor.

Al apagar el motor, se almacena un registro de apagado de los eventos que estuvieron activos dentro de una marca de tiempo del medidor

de horas para su visualización posterior, lo que permite el análisis de los eventos que llevaron al apagado del sistema del motor.

La mayoría de las unidades 8XX admiten la capacidad de actualización del firmware de unidades flash USB en campo.

Ciertos modelos tienen una grabadora CAN abreviada que permite realizar una grabación y transferirla a una unidad
flash. Luego, el archivo debe enviarse a la ECU para su decodificación.
Ciertos modelos tendrán un sistema de salida configurable y, a veces, de entrada para relés y entradas auxiliares si
su sistema tiene capacidad extendida.
Todas las unidades pueden admitir al menos 1 panel de monitoreo de calibre ECU5 externo que permite la visualización convencional de

varios parámetros clave del motor.

Ciertos modelos admiten módulos de entrada/relé externos de ECU externos, así como hasta 2 unidades de anunciador

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Rango de temperatura del sistema de control: -40 a +85 C Temperatura
de funcionamiento del LCD -40 (con calentador) a 75 C

La opción de calentador permite un funcionamiento utilizable a baja temperatura.

La legibilidad de la pantalla LCD por encima de 75 °C se reduce.

Indicador LED Temperatura -40 a +85 °C Superposición

Vida útil del interruptor 100 000 ciclos

Vida útil del relé con carga 50.000 ciclos

Peso: 1,5 libras aproximadamente

Encapsulante: Epoxi autoextinguible resistente al fuego
Superposición: resistente a los rayos UV, resistente al agua

Conectores: tipo enchufe, poliamida, clasificación de 15 amperios, estilo europeo Pernos de

montaje: 8-32 1/2 pulgadas de largo (4 piezas)

Dimensiones: Ver dibujo en la página 14.


Rango de operaciones de voltaje CC: 9 a 30 VCC

El modelo básico sin encendido constante es de 0,000 amperios en modo de espera.

Consumo actual típico en: 150 a 250 miliamperios

Consumo de corriente adicional aproximado del calentador: 400 miliamperios Clasificación de entrada en

línea del fusible maestro: 5 amperios

Salida de corriente total máxima de las salidas de arranque y combustible: 5 amperios CC Relés de

salida auxiliar normalmente abiertos si están incluidos: 2 amperios CC Señales de entrada: 0 a 30


Transmisor de entrada de combustible: curva estándar de 30 ohmios (lleno) a 240 ohmios (vacío)

Bus de comunicaciones: bus CAN 250 KBaudios, terminador proporcionado por el cliente Bus auxiliar: RS485,

9600 baudios, terminadores de 120 ohmios proporcionados por el cliente

Conexión USB: Conector hembra A estándar para unidades USB o uso de CDC. Corriente máxima de 100 mA.


Puertos de comunicaciones Total (según el modelo): 1 RS232, hasta 3 RS485 y un USB Dependiendo de
la configuración: Monitoreo/control MODBUS 485 de la unidad Opciones SCADA si se
incluyen: Función 16 y Función 3 Soporte MODICON
Máximo de relés auxiliares (según el modelo) 4 a 5
Salidas de relé estándar de 5 amperios: 2
Opción especial Salidas de relé de 5 amperios adicionales: 2
Entrada de combustible: 30 a 240 ohmios no lineal
Entradas estándar: 5 incluidas las de entrada de combustible

Entradas máximas: 13 con longitud de terminal adicional (opción de 2 485 puertos) Entradas

máximas: 11 con longitud de terminal adicional (opción de 3 485 puertos) La salida total de todos los

relés de CC combinados es de 5 amperios

El consumo de corriente promedio del modelo 835 es de aproximadamente 0,25 amperios.

Voltaje de entrada 9 -30 VCC (transitorio suprimido)

Salida máxima para cualquier relé de CC de 5 amperios.

El consumo máximo de corriente de la unidad es de 1,5 amperios (calentadores opcionales en estado encendido), sin incluir las salidas de relé.

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Operación básica del control

Cuando está conectado correctamente a un módulo de control del motor (ECM), al relé de arranque y a la conexión del interruptor de
encendido al ECM, el control está listo para funcionar. La configuración estándar utiliza dos interruptores de palanca externos. Un interruptor es para la

función de apagado automático y manual y el otro es para la función de verificación del sistema, si se incluye.

Estos dos interruptores funcionan de la siguiente manera:

Al colocar el interruptor en la posición Manual, el control (en 1 segundo) realizará una verificación rápida de los sistemas de los LED y verificará las
comunicaciones CAN (red de área del controlador) con el ECM. Si las comunicaciones son correctas, el control enviará una señal a través de la salida
del motor de arranque para comenzar a arrancar el motor. Según la configuración del OEM, esto puede ser un intento de arranque único o múltiple

con ciclos de descanso. Dependiendo del motor y la temperatura, puede haber un tiempo de bujía incandescente o calentador de entrada de aire
que mantendrá el control hasta que el ECM esté listo para arrancar el motor. Al arrancar el motor, se monitorea la salida de la MPU de velocidad en el

ECM para garantizar que se esté suministrando un flujo de datos de RPM adecuados. Una vez que se alcancen las RPM adecuadas, el control quitará
la potencia del motor de arranque y el motor comenzará a funcionar. En todo momento se están monitoreando los PGN y todos los DM1 (mensajes en
vivo). También se están observando elementos basados ​en el control, incluidas las comunicaciones del bus CAN, los niveles de combustible
y otros, según el modelo del motor y el tipo de control.

El segundo interruptor se utiliza como herramienta de operaciones de la flota. Con el interruptor de apagado manual y automático en la posición de
apagado, puede activar el interruptor de diagnóstico de verificación de sistemas y el sistema encenderá el control y el combustible y la batería se
podrán ver en la pantalla LCD. Si la unidad ECU-GAUGE también está en el panel, el voltaje del combustible y de la batería también se puede
ver allí. El motor no se arranca ni el ECM se enciende para esta prueba.

Modo de diagnóstico

Si el interruptor de diagnóstico del sistema se mantiene encendido y luego el interruptor de apagado automático se coloca en la posición
manual, la unidad ingresa al modo de diagnóstico del sistema. Esto enciende el ECM (pero no inicia el arranque) y todos los mensajes DM1 se
transmiten al control, lo que permite un monitoreo completo. Esto permite a los fabricantes de motores conectarse a la unidad con sus
herramientas de servicio ya que el ECM ahora está encendido. Este modo es sólo para la interacción del sistema electrónico.



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Visor de diagnóstico
Al presionar el botón PROG/EXIT aparecerá la pantalla del primer nivel. Seleccione Diagnóstico y podrá ver los datos de DM1 o DM2 y
también los datos de apagado del sistema.

Consulte las páginas detalladas para obtener más información.

Sistemas de gestión de DPF

Las unidades 8XX, según el fabricante del motor, tienen varias interacciones con el motor.

En un motor Cummins el control opera con lo que se conoce como "parada suave". Si han ocurrido ciertos parámetros que muestran
niveles de hollín que no son manejables, el control ECU-830/835 detendrá el motor. Las instrucciones en la pantalla le indicarán al
operador qué hacer. El ciclo de parada suave requerirá reiniciar el motor en ralentí y luego el controlador 8XX solicitará un ciclo de
limpieza. Debes seguir el procedimiento para que la limpieza surta efecto. También hay un "período de gracia del DPF" que permitirá
que el motor funcione durante un período breve (a menudo establecido en unos 15 minutos) para que se produzcan operaciones

de emergencia.
Sin embargo, el motor seguirá apagado con advertencias de problemas inminentes si no se le permite regenerarse o recibir el
servicio adecuado. Las unidades DPF pueden quedar totalmente inutilizables si no se cuidan adecuadamente y se
producirá un servicio o reemplazo muy costoso.

Las pantallas tienen las indicaciones de lo que debe hacer el operador en estas condiciones. Otros motores no tienen "parada
suave", por lo que el 8XX sigue los mensajes DM1 y PGN para decidir si se detendrá el motor. Los fabricantes de motores continúan
desarrollando esta tecnología para eliminar todos estos esfuerzos, pero a partir de ahora, todos los motores tienen un parámetro o
parámetros de "calidad de filtro" que combinados reflejan la condición del sistema de postratamiento del motor. En algunos sistemas,
la unidad 8XX sigue muy cuidadosamente todas las señales del motor y muestra con fidelidad los datos del sistema del motor, lo que
permite al motor tomar decisiones finales sobre las operaciones continuas.

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Placa frontal de control anotada
A continuación se muestra una ilustración que describe las características que se encuentran en la placa frontal de un control ECU-830/835.

La pantalla muestra pantallas interactivas y de estado.

Una luz de fondo parpadeante (que alterna entre el brillo configurado y la mitad del brillo configurado)
indica que uno o más mensajes nuevos de prealarma y/o apagado están activos. Consulte Mensajes,
fallas y el centro de mensajes en la página 17 para obtener más información.
Pantallas de control comentadas

La mayoría de las imágenes de pantalla en este documento son específicamente las que se encuentran en el software ECU-835 para usar con

un motor diésel John Deere Tier 4 Final. Si bien el software ECU-835 para usar con otros motores puede mostrar pantallas diferentes, muchas

pantallas son similares.

Pantalla de inicio

Esta pantalla (o similar) se muestra después de encender el control ECU-830/835. Se mostraría una pantalla diferente si el ECU-830/

835 estuviera encendido en el modo de verificación horaria (consulte la página 11 para obtener más información).

Velocidad del motor (


Depósito de combustible



(Líquido de escape diésel)

Nivel del tanque
Pantalla de cambio de pantalla
Para llegar a esta pantalla, presione la tecla Cambio de pantalla en el panel frontal del control ECU-830/835 mientras se muestra la pantalla de

inicio. Al presionar la tecla de cambio de pantalla nuevamente se permitirá ver otras pantallas proporcionadas, si están disponibles.

Temperatura del

refrigerante del motor [°F]

La velocidad del motor


Voltaje de la batería [


Nivel del tanque de

Status Check Screen (Hour Check Mode)

Temperature Management /
DPF Icon HEST (High Exhaust System
Temperature) Icon
Fuel Tank MIL (Multifunction
Level Indicator Lamp) Icon Regen Inhibited
(Diesel Exhaust Fluid)
Tank Level
(Appears when Diagnostic
Mode is entered.)

Battery Voltage

Exit Softkey Message Center Engine Runtime DEF

Label Status Text Hourmeter (Diesel Exhaust Fluid)

Entering Hour Check Mode

To enter Hour Check Mode and show the Status Check Screen, please use the following steps.

 Do not attempt any mechanical maintenance on the engine in this mode since the engine can
accidentally start up. Always remove the battery connections prior to enigne service activities.
 With the control powered off, locate the HOUR CHECK BUTTON (pictured below) on the control
panel for the equipment the ECU-830/835 controller controls.
 Press and hold the HOUR CHECK BUTTON.
 The ECU-830/835 control should power on and
display this Status Check Screen.
o Parameters such as the fuel level,
battery voltage, and hourmeter can be
viewed. Only the parameters sensed
directly by the ECU-830/835 will be valid, as power is not applied to the ECM. To power
off the ECU-830/835 control, release the HOUR CHECK BUTTON.

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Status Check Screen (Diagnostic Mode)

Temperature Management /
DPF Icon HEST (High Exhaust System
Temperature) Icon
Fuel Tank MIL (Multifunction
Level Indicator Lamp) Icon Regen Inhibited
(Diesel Exhaust Fluid)
Tank Level
(Appears when Diagnostic
Mode is entered.)

Battery Voltage

Exit Softkey Message Center DEF

Label Status Text (Diesel Exhaust Fluid)

Engine Runtime
Entering Diagnostic Mode
 If instead it is desired to interact with the ECM (for example to view the DEF level or to read a
DM2 record) but still refrain from starting the engine, use Diagnostic Mode.
 To enter Diagnostic Mode
o Do not attempt any mechanical maintenance on the engine in this mode since the
engine can accidentally start up. Always remove the battery connections prior to
enigne service activities.
o Follow the instructions found on page 11
for Entering Hour Check Mode.
o While still holding the HOUR CHECK
BUTTON, turn the control switch
(pictured right) on the control panel to
the MANUAL position then release the
HOUR CHECK BUTTON. This places the
ECU-830/835 control in Diagnostic Mode.
o Power should now be applied to the ECM.
 When in Diagnostic Mode, the special message “CANBUS IS WORKING OK” and a special version
of the message “CANBUS COMM ERROR” can be seen. While in diagnostic mode, both of these
are Maintenance-type messages.

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Setpoint Adjustment Screen
Adjustment of various setpoint values can be accomplished via this reusable screen.

The name of
the setpoint is
displayed here.

The minimum allowed The maximum allowed

value for this setpoint value for this setpoint
is displayed here. is displayed here.

Press this softkey to go back to the

previous screen. Press this softkey to save the displayed
Unless the SAVE softkey was pressed, current value as the setpoint value.
any changes to the setpoint value will No confirmation message is displayed.
not be saved. If battery voltage is insufficient (below
See Using Softkeys on page 19 for about 11 VDC), or if the ECU-830/835 is
information about how to use running from the HOUR CHECK BUTTON
softkeys. alone, the setpoint value may not save
due to safety precautions in the ECU-
Press this softkey to 830/835 control software.
increment the setpoint To check that the setpoint value saved,
value. press the BACK softkey and then enter
This softkey auto-repeats this screen again. Check to see if the
if held. displayed current value matches the
See Using Softkeys on value desired.
page 19 for information See Using Softkeys on page 19 for
about how to use softkeys. information about how to use softkeys.

Press this softkey to

The current value of decrement the setpoint
the setpoint being value.
edited. This is This softkey auto-repeats
initialized with the if held.
current setpoint See Using Softkeys on
value when this page 19 for information
screen is opened. about how to use softkeys.

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Dimensions, Mounting, and Wiring
Physical Dimensions
Models ECU-830/835

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Mounting Dimensions


All dimensions are shown in inches.

Standard Wiring Diagram

The wiring diagram on the next page covers standard installations.

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Using the Home Screen
 Engine running
 Control displaying all icons for illustrative purposes – Please see page 9 for a detailed
description of this screen.
 The above screen shows various parameters including these EPA-required items.
o DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) Tank Level
o Status Icons
 LED lamps indicate the status of the engine
o Engine Started – green – the engine is running
o Shutdown – red – engine is either approaching shutdown or has been shut down.
Check the Engine Started lamp to determine if the engine is running or not.
o Pre-Alarm – yellow – a warning condition exists
 Press the Screen Change key to change between the Home Screen (detailed on page 9) and
the Screen Change Screen (detailed on page 10).
 Press the Program/Exit key to enter the menu.

Messages, Faults, and the Message Center

 Message Center - shown at the bottom of this screen
o ENGINE GENERATOR SYSTEM OK (as shown) is displayed when no status messages
are active.
o Maintenance, Pre-Alarm, and/or Shutdown messages will appear in this portion of
the screen.
 New Pre-Alarm or Shutdown messages (these two specific types of messages may be
referred to as ‘faults’) are indicated by the LCD backlight flashing (alternating between the
set brightness and half the set brightness) and, if equipped and configured, via a contact
closure (please contact a qualified technician with access to the service manual if you would
like to know more about how to configure the contact closure).

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o Acknowledge new Pre-Alarm and/or Shutdown messages by pressing the Alarm
Acknowledge key while on the Home Screen. Press the Alarm Acknowledge key
once for each new Pre-Alarm and/or Shutdown message.
 Once all new Pre-Alarm and/or Shutdown messages have been
acknowledged in this manner,
 The LCD backlight will stop flashing,
 If equipped and configured, the closed contact will open, and
 All active Maintenance, Pre-Alarm, and/or Shutdown messages will
cycle through in the Message Center.

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Main Menu
 Use the UP, DOWN, and SELECT softkeys to navigate the menu (see Using Softkeys below).
o The UP and DOWN softkeys move the cursor ( > ) up and down.
o The SELECT softkey chooses the item with the cursor ( > ) next to it. This can advance
the screen to either a utility screen or to a sub-menu, depending on what item is
o A BACK softkey will become available once a sub-menu is entered.
 To exit the menu, press the Program/Exit key while on the Main Menu.
o To return to the Main Menu from a submenu, keep pressing the BACK softkey until the
BACK softkey is no longer available which indicates that the displayed menu is the Main
Menu. The Program/Exit key is enabled only on the Main Menu.
 More options may be made available via a USER LOGIN password.
o Please contact your dealer about a USER LOGIN password if needed.
 Sub-menus and utilities accessible from the main menu
o FORCE REGEN – Enables sending a request to the ECM (Engine Control Module) to
perform a regen cycle on demand.
o FAULT DIAGNOSTICS – Provides access to utilities to aid in status and/or fault
o ABOUT UNIT – Provides information about this ECU-830/835 control that is helpful for
field diagnostics and service personnel.
o USER LOGIN – Access to login-related activities.
o ADVANCED OPTIONS – Access to additional menu items.

Using Softkeys
o The ECU-830/835 control makes extensive use of softkeys.
o When a softkey is available, on the screen caption text will
appear that aligns above one of the white lines near the top
row of keys on the ECU-830/835.
o Press the key on the other end of the white line to use the

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Force Regen
If you are in a cramped area, excess heat of regeneration may be dangerous. In
the interest of safety, you can request a Regen Inhibit telling the ECM not to
regen even though it may have to. Please see Inhibit Regen on page 37 if needed.
 The current regen condition displayed
o Even if a REGEN DENIED condition is reported, a regen request can still be sent.
However, the regen request may not be accepted by the ECM.
 Be careful.
o Regen makes the exhaust very hot. Regen can generate very high exhaust temperatures.
Ensure that flammable items are a very safe distance away from the engine and exhaust
before starting regen.
o Follow safety information given in engine literature, information placards, and/or
equipment manufacturer literature.
 To request force regen:
o Press and hold the REQUEST softkey for three (3) seconds, then release the softkey.
o If the engine allows regen will begin.
 Regen:
o Is a contraction for ‘regeneration’.
o Seeks to regenerate the exhaust filter, so it can once again run with reduced
backpressure and be ready to capture more contaminants from the engine exhaust
gasses. For engines equipped with a DPF (diesel particulate filter), this involves removing
soot out of the DPF via a thermal process.

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Fault Diagnostics Submenu
 Enables access to utilities for checking status and diagnosing issues.
 To access these utilities, use the SELECT softkey with this menu item chosen.
 Please see the next page to view the contents of the Fault Diagnostics Submenu.

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 Faults Diagnostics
 View messages that are currently active.
o DM2
 View SPN-FMI code history read from the ECM. Only ECM codes are displayed in
this utility.
 View a record of all messages that were active at the instant the previous
shutdown was performed by this ECU-830/835, with a hourmeter timestamp of
the time at which each individual message became active.

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DM1 & Active Messages
 If “000 OF 000” is displayed, no messages are currently active.
 Otherwise, one or more messages are currently active.
o Use the NEXT and BACK softkeys to step through the list of active messages.
 To exit this utility screen,
o Use the EXIT softkey.
 Active messages displayed are latched upon entry to this utility screen for ease of viewing.
o Exit and re-enter this screen to view an updated listing of the active messages.
 CAN Bus Status can list any one of three different messages
o CANBUS IS WORKING OK = CAN Bus activity is ongoing (as shown)
o CANBUS COMM ERROR = CAN Bus communications timed out
o CANBUS OFFLINE = CAN Bus communications expected to be offline, however CAN Bus
communications may or may not be ongoing.
 If available, one or more of the following fields may be provided for a message.
o SPN (Suspect Parameter Number) – The first half of the SPN-FMI message code.
o FMI (Failure Mode Indicator) – The second half of the SPN-FMI message code.
o OC (Occurrence Count) – The count of occurrences of this SPN-FMI message. For
messages sourced by the ECU-830/835 controller itself, the OC (Occurrence Count) will
be zero. Please contact our factory if a listing of SPN-FMI message codes sourced from
the ECU-830/835 is needed; for all others consult the engine manufacturer.
o LAMP (Lamp) – The type of the fault as indicated by the ECU-830/835.
 MAINT – Maintenance, An informational or early service request message.
 WARN – Warning, A trouble condition exists.
 STOP – Stop, The presence of this message will cause the ECU-830/835 to shut
down the engine.

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DM2 Record
 Retrieves and allows viewing the contents of the DM2 SPN-FMI code history read from the ECM.
 It is generally possible to clear the DM2 record on the ECM by some means, so the record
received from the ECM may or may not report the entire lifetime SPN-FMI code history for the
 An empty or missing DM2 record can be indicated differently by two distinct versions of this
utility that can be found in the field.
o Prior to firmware v0.0.11.0
 The appearance of “000 OF 000” indicates that either the DM2 record was not
received from the ECM, or that the DM2 record was received from the ECM but
was empty.
o Starting at firmware v0.0.11.0 and continuing to the present (v0.0.13.0 as of
 A pop-up box appears while the ECU-830/835 attempts to read the DM2 record
from the ECM.
 An error message is displayed if no DM2 record was received from the ECM.
 If the pop-up box closes itself and then “000 OF 000” appears, this indicates
specifically that the DM2 record was received from the ECM but the received
DM2 record was empty (contained zero messages).
 Otherwise, one or more messages exist in the ECM’s SPN-FMI code history.
o Use the NEXT and BACK softkeys to step through the list of historical SPN-FMI code
 To exit this utility screen,
o Use the EXIT softkey.

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 To read the DM2 record again,
o Exit and re-enter this screen to read an updated copy of the DM2 record from the ECM.
 CAN Bus Status can list any one of three different messages
o CANBUS IS WORKING OK = CAN Bus activity is ongoing (as shown)
o CANBUS COMM ERROR = CAN Bus communications timed out
o CANBUS OFFLINE = CAN Bus communications expected to be offline, however CAN Bus
communications may or may not be ongoing.
 If available, one or more of the following fields may be provided for a message.
o SPN (Suspect Parameter Number) – The first half of the SPN-FMI message code.
o FMI (Failure Mode Indicator) – The second half of the SPN-FMI message code.
o OC (Occurrence Count) – The count of historical occurrences of this SPN-FMI message as
reported by the ECM.
o LAMP (Lamp) – The type of the fault as indicated by the ECU-830/835.
 Note, the DM2 record read from the ECM reports SPN-FMI code occurrences
that occurred previously. A new occurrence of these SPN-FMI code(s) may or
may not currently be active (to check, please use the utility detailed on page
 MAINT – Maintenance, This SPN-FMI code indicates an informational or early
service request message.
 WARN – Warning, This SPN-FMI code indicates a trouble condition.
 STOP – Stop, The active presence of this message would cause the ECU-830/835
to shut down the engine if the related SPN-FMI code was currently active.

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Last Shutdown
 Displays a record of the messages active when this ECU-830/835 control last performed an
engine shutdown due to a fault.
o If “000 OF 000” is displayed, no Last Shutdown record exists.
o Otherwise, the fault ultimately causing this ECU-830/835 to shut down the engine is
named beneath the ULTIMATE SHUTDOWN CAUSE heading.
 To step through the messages active when the last shutdown was performed,
o Use the NEXT and BACK softkeys.
 To exit this utility screen,
o Use the EXIT softkey.
 If available, one or more of the following fields may be provided for a message.
o SPN (Suspect Parameter Number) – The first half of the SPN-FMI message code.
o FMI (Failure Mode Indicator) – The second half of the SPN-FMI message code.
o OC (Occurrence Count) – The count of occurrences of this SPN-FMI message. For
messages sourced by the ECU-830/835 controller itself, the OC (Occurrence Count) will
be zero. Please contact us if a listing of SPN-FMI message codes sourced from the ECU-
830/835 is needed.
o LAMP (Lamp) – The type of the fault as indicated by the ECU-830/835.
 MAINT – Maintenance, An informational or early service request message.
 WARN – Warning, A trouble condition existed.
 STOP – Stop, The presence of this message would have caused the ECU-830/835
to shut down the engine.
o Timestamp – The hourmeter reading at the time the occurrence of the message active
at the time the ECU-830/835 control last performed an engine shutdown became active.

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About Unit (Control Information Screen)
 To reach this screen, select ABOUT UNIT from the main menu (see page 19).
 The information on this screen can be helpful for both field service and when calling in for
technical support.
 Starting from the top of this screen, listed information is as follows.
o Personality module name and version
 Here, “JOHN DEERE 4F” is the personality module name and “0-5-0-14” is the
version of that personality module.
o MODDATE, the timestamp at which this personality module software was developed.
 Here, “04/09/2014 23:24:58”.
o The next line may appear blank or may report additional information about the software
currently running on this control.
o MFGDATE, the timestamp at which this ECU-830/835 control was manufactured.
 Here, “05/20/2015 09:05:56”.
o HW VERSION, the version number for this ECU-830/835 control’s hardware.
 Here, “”.
o FW VERSION, the version number for the firmware currently running on this ECU-
830/835 control.
 Here, “”.
o SERIAL#, the serial number of this ECU-830/835 control’s hardware.
 Here, “000586”.
o Depending on the software, some ECU-830/835 controls may or may not display a
number at the bottom right of this screen. This number may be helpful for field service.
 To exit this screen, use the BACK softkey.

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User Login Submenu
 Access this submenu via the Main Menu (see page 19).
 Items on this submenu
 Opens a utility screen used for entering a user login password. Use user login
passwords to obtain access to additional menu items in the Main Menu and/or
o CHANGE LOGIN CUSTOMER (Requires Customer user login level)
 Opens a utility screen used for changing the Customer user login password.

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Enter Login
 Use this screen to enter a user login password. Entering certain user login passwords may reveal
additional menu items in the Main Menu and/or submenus.
 Use the on-screen keyboard (see Using the On-Screen Keyboard on page 29) provided to enter a
valid user login password.
 Once the user login password is entered, press the BACK softkey.
 If the user login password just entered was accepted,
the pop-up message at right should be displayed.
o The privilege level has been successfully
changed to match the user login password
that was just entered. Press the EXIT softkey
to return to the menu system, which may now display additional menu items.
o Powering off the ECU-830/835 controller resets the privilege level to the default (no
user login password) level.
 Instead, if the user login password just entered was rejected, a similar pop-up message is
displayed, except that the title reads “PASSWORD REJECTED”.
o To try again, press the EXIT softkey, then select the ENTER LOGIN menu item again.

Using the On-Screen Keyboard

 The active character is highlighted by the bold square. In the detail image at
right, the letter ‘A’ is the active character because it is highlighted by the bold
 To change the active character, use the softkeys <<<< and >>>> to move the bold
square. These two softkeys auto-repeat if held. If desired, see Using Softkeys on page 19 for
 To type in the active character, use the SELECT softkey.

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 Special Characters – If the SELECT softkey is pressed while one of the three following special
characters is the active character, instead of the active character being typed in the specified
operation will be performed.
o To move the editing position left, use .
o To move the editing position right, use .
o To delete a character from the typed in text, use .

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Change Login Customer
 Use this screen to change the Customer user login password.
o Access this screen via the USER LOGIN submenu (see page 28).
o The Customer user login privilege level is needed to access this screen. See Enter Login
on page 29 for information on how to enter a user login password to gain access to a
different privilege level.
 Changing the Customer user login password.
o Note, a user login password change can neither be undone nor reset. Carefully record
any password changes.
o Use the on-screen keyboard to enter the desired new Customer user login password.
For information on how to use the on-screen keyboard, see Using the On-Screen
Keyboard on page 29.
o Once the desired new Customer user login password has been entered, press the BACK
softkey (for information on how to use a softkey, see
Using Softkeys on page 19). In the example at right,
the desired new Customer user login password
happens to be “PASS”.
o The pop-up screen shown at right (titled
“PASSWORD ACCEPTED”) should appear. Press the
SAVE softkey to save the desired new Customer user
login password that was just entered.
o This should return the display to the USER LOGIN submenu.
o The Customer user login password has been changed.

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Customer Options Submenu
 Access to this submenu from the Main Menu (see page
19) becomes visible and available once the Customer
privilege level (or higher) is reached. To change the
current privilege level, see Enter Login on page 29. Then,
the Main Menu should appear similar to the image at
 Items shown in the Customer Options submenu at the Customer privilege level may include:
 This submenu, at the Customer privilege level, provides options for setting the
Pre-Alarm and Shutdown low fuel tank levels.

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Fuel System Settings Submenu (Customer)
 Access via the Customer Options submenu (see page 32).
 Items shown in the Fuel System Settings submenu at the Customer privilege level may include:
 Configure the fuel tank level percentage below which a Pre-Alarm will activate.
 Configure the fuel tank level percentage below which the ECU-830/835 will shut
down the engine.

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Low Fuel Level Warning
 Access via the Fuel System Settings Submenu (see page 33).
 Set the fuel tank level percentage below which a low fuel Pre-Alarm message should be
 Set to zero to disable the low fuel level Pre-Alarm message.
 For information about how to adjust a setpoint value such as this setpoint, please see the
annotated Setpoint Adjustment Screen on page 13.

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Low Fuel Level Shutdown
 Access via the Fuel System Settings Submenu (see page 33).
 Set the fuel tank level percentage below which a low fuel level Shutdown message should be
activated, thus causing the ECU-830/835 control to shut down the engine.
 Set to zero to disable the low fuel level Shutdown.
 For information about how to adjust a setpoint value such as this setpoint, please see the
annotated Setpoint Adjustment Screen on page 13.

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Advanced Options (Customer)
 Access this submenu from the Main Menu (see Main Menu on page 19).
 The above example display includes some options requiring the Customer privilege level.
o See Enter Login on page 29 for information about how to use a user login password to
change the current privilege level.
 Items that may be shown in this submenu include:
o INHIBIT REGEN (Depending on software, may or may not require a user login password)
 Provides access to a utility screen used to request that the ECM refrain from
performing a regen cycle.
o DISPLAY OPTIONS (Customer privilege level required)
 Access to the Display Options submenu, where setpoints related to the display
can be adjusted.
o INSTALL/COPY PROGRAMS (Customer privilege level required)
 Access to program and data movement utility screens, including the utility
screen for field firmware updating the ECU-830/835 control.

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Inhibit Regen
If you are in a cramped area, excess heat of regeneration may be dangerous. In
the interest of safety, you can request a Regen Inhibit telling the ECM not to
regen even though it may have to. This is by the startup and the request Regen
Inhibit is forgotten after the unit is turned off. Use the Engine Manufacturers
guidelines on when to use this feature since it can lead up to Warranty issues of
damage caused by the engine not being able to Regenerate when needed.
 Access this screen via the Advanced Options submenu (see page 36).
 Engines can go into automatic regen during normal operation. During automatic regen, high
temperatures can occur which can result in a safety issue should flammable materials exist near
the engine or its exhaust system.
 Set INHIBIT REGEN to ON via the ON softkey on this screen to request that the ECM refrain from
automatically starting a regen cycle (automatic regen).
 The INHIBIT REGEN request will revert to OFF automatically when the ECU-830/835 is powered
 Unless it is necessary to inhibit regen due to safety concerns, regen should not be inhibited.
 Inhibiting regen for too long can result in an excessively clogged DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter),
which may require an expensive service call. Usually, lamps, icons, and/or messages should
provide sufficient warning before the DPF becomes excessively clogged.

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Display Options Submenu (Customer)
 Access via the Advanced Options submenu (see page 36).
 Items displayed in this submenu at the Customer privilege level may include:
o DISPLAY DWELL TIME (Customer privilege level required)
 Specifies the number of seconds for which each message is shown in the
Message Center (see page 17) when all active messages are cycling through the
Message Center.

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Display Dwell Time
 Access via the Display Options Submenu (see page 38).
 Specifies the number of seconds for which each message is shown in the Message Center (see
page 15) when all active messages are cycling through the Message Center.
 Recommended value: 2 [seconds].
 For information about how to adjust a setpoint value such as this setpoint, please see the
annotated Setpoint Adjustment Screen on page 13.

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Install/Copy Programs Submenu (Customer)
 Access via the Advanced Options submenu (see page 36).
 Items displayed in this submenu at the Customer privilege level may include:
 Access to a utility screen used to perform a field firmware update on this ECU-
830/835 controller.

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Firmware Update
 Access via the Install/Copy Programs submenu (see page 40).
 Use to update the firmware on this ECU-830/835 control.
 See the document “ECU_830_FirmwareUpdateInstructions” for information on how to update
the firmware on an ECU-830/835 control.

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8950 Technology Drive, Fishers, IN 46038
Telephone: 317-849-8470

Rev A. 6/8/2015 1:05:38 PM


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