Air Dryer, Meritor WABCO System Saver 1200 Ok

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22/5/24, 17:18 Air Dryer, Meritor WABCO System Saver 1200

Secador de aire, Meritor WABCO System

Saver 1200
42.28.050 Información General y Principios de Operación
Información general
El secador de aire System Saver 1200 (ver Fig. 1 ) es un secador de aire desecante, montado verticalmente entre el compresor
de aire y el depósito de suministro. El secador de aire recibe aire comprimido caliente, que enfría y filtra antes de enviarlo al
depósito de suministro, lo que reduce la acumulación de suciedad y humedad en el sistema de aire del vehículo.

1. Válvula de alivio de presión

2. Conjunto de calentador/termostato
3. Puerto del Gobernador (al gobernador aéreo)
4. Bote desecante
5. Conjunto de válvula de regeneración
6. Puerto de salida (al depósito de suministro de aire)
7. Puerto de escape (conjunto de válvula de purga)
8. Válvula de corte del turbocompresor
9. Puerto de entrada (desde el compresor de aire)

Figura 1, System Saver 1200 de WABCO

El secador de aire consta de un cuerpo ligero de aluminio y acero. El cartucho desecante está contenido en un recipiente
giratorio en la parte superior del secador de aire.
Los siguientes componentes se conectan al cuerpo del secador de aire:
• Válvula de alivio de presión: esta válvula protege el secador de aire contra la sobrepresurización. La válvula está
conectada directamente al secador de aire.… 1/20
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• Recipiente desecante: una carcasa cilíndrica de acero que contiene los elementos filtrantes y el desecante necesarios
para filtrar y secar el aire que pasa a través de ella.
• Conjunto de calentador/termostato: ubicado en la base del secador de aire, este conjunto está diseñado para evitar que
la humedad acumulada se congele.
• Válvula de retención de salida: esta válvula evita que el aire del sistema regrese a través del secador de aire y escape
por la válvula de purga durante el ciclo de descarga del compresor.
• Válvula de retención controlada por presión: esta válvula está separada del secador de aire y está instalada en el
tanque de aire del sistema. La válvula permite que el aire regrese desde el tanque del sistema al tanque de suministro
siempre que la presión del sistema de aire permanezca entre el rango normal de activación y desactivación del
regulador de aire.
• Válvula de purga: esta válvula permite que la humedad y los contaminantes acumulados se expulsen del secador de
aire durante el ciclo de purga.
• Válvula de regeneración: esta válvula permite que el aire de los tanques de suministro y del sistema pase por alto la
válvula de retención de salida y fluya hacia la válvula de regeneración. Luego, el aire fluye a través de un orificio donde
se expande y elimina la humedad del desecante. Luego, el aire sale a través de la válvula de purga.
• Silenciador (Silenciador): un componente opcional que se conecta a la válvula de purga y se utiliza para eliminar la
mayor parte del ruido durante el ciclo de purga del secador de aire.
• Válvula de corte del turbocompresor: esta válvula cierra el camino entre el compresor de aire y la válvula de purga del
secador de aire para ayudar a mantener la presión de sobrealimentación para obtener la máxima potencia del motor
durante el ciclo de descarga del compresor.

Principios de Operación
Hot, compressed air enters the air dryer through the inlet port. As the hot air is forced into the desiccant cartridge, the
temperature of the compressed air falls to nearly ambient. Oil and water vapor condense and initially settle into the base of the
dryer. The moisture-laden air also passes through the desiccant bed, where any remaining moisture is retained by the desiccant.
The clean air then passes through the air dryer outlet port to the supply reservoir. See Fig. 2.… 2/20
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1. Heater/Thermostat Assembly
2. Desiccant Canister
3. Filter
4. Regeneration Valve Assembly
5. Exhaust Port (Purge Valve Assembly)
6. Pressure Relief Valve

Fig. 2, Sectional View

When the compressor reaches about 125 psi (862 kPa), the purge valve opens, allowing the initial decompression of the dryer,
and expelling the water and contaminants collected in the base of the dryer. The regeneration valve, along with the pressure-
controlled check valve, allows the system air to flow back through the dryer. This back flow dries the desiccant for the next cycle.

42.28.100 Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions

When draining the air system, do not look into the air jets or direct them toward another person, as dirt or sludge
particles may be in the airstream. Do not disconnect pressurized hoses because they may whip as air escapes from
the line. Failure to take all necessary precautions during service operations of the air brake system can cause
personal injury.

When working on or around air brake systems and components, observe the following precautions.
1. Apply the parking brake, chock the tires, and stop the engine when working under the vehicle. Draining the air system may
cause the vehicle to roll. Keep hands away from the brake chamber push rods and slack adjusters, which may apply as air
system pressure drops.
2. Wear safety goggles.
3. Never connect or disconnect a hose or line containing air under pressure; it may whip as air escapes. Never remove a
component or pipe plug unless you are sure all system pressure has been depleted.
4. Don't disassemble a component before reading and understanding recommended procedures. Use only the correct tools
and follow basic tool safety.
5. Replacement hardware, tubing, hose, fittings, etc. should be the same size, type, length, and strength as the original
equipment. When replacing tubing or hose, be sure that all of the original supports, clamps, or suspending devices are
installed or replaced.
6. Replace any components that have stripped threads or damaged parts. Don't attempt to repair parts by machining.
7. Never exceed recommended air pressure.… 3/20
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42.28.110 Air Dryer Removal and Installation

Before starting the procedures below, read the information in Safety Precautions, 100. Failure to follow the safety
precautions during service operations on the air brake system can cause personal injury.

1. Drain the air system.
2. Disconnect the wiring harness from the air dryer.
3. Mark the air lines for later reference, then disconnect them from the air dryer.
4. Remove the capscrews, washers, and spacers that attach the air dryer to the mounting bracket.
5. Remove the air dryer. See Fig. 1 .

1. Desiccant Canister
2. 1/2" Capscrew, Washer, and Spacer

Fig. 1, Air Dryer Installation (outboard rail mounting


1. Position the air dryer on the mounting bracket. Install the spacers, washers, and capscrews. Tighten them 22 to 30 lbf·ft (30
to 41 N·m). See Fig. 1 .
2. Make sure the air lines are clean. Replace any line or fitting that is crimped or damaged.… 4/20
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3. Connect the remaining air lines to the air dryer as previously marked. Tighten the nut on each fitting finger-tight. Then, using
two wrenches to prevent twisting the hose, further tighten the nut until there is firm resistance.
4. Connect the air dryer wiring harness.
5. Pressurize the air system and check for leaks. Repair as necessary.

42.28.120 Turbocharger Cutoff Valve Replacement


Before starting the procedures below, read the information in Safety Precautions, 100. Failure to follow the safety
precautions during service operations on the air brake system can cause personal injury.

1. Drain the air system.

2. Remove the snap ring at the bottom of the valve assembly. The valve cover and spring may fall out of the cavity when the
snap ring is removed. See Fig. 1 .

1. Snap Ring 4. Piston

2. Cover 5. Inlet Port
3. Spring

Fig. 1, Push the Piston, Spring, and Cover out of the Valve

3. Using a strap wrench, turn the desiccant cartridge counterclockwise and remove it.
4. Using a wooden stick, push the piston, spring, and the cover out of the valve cavity.… 5/20
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5. Clean the valve cavity with a commercial cleaning solvent.

6. Install new O-rings on the piston and the cover.
7. Using a multipurpose, high-temperature grease that resists water, steam, and alkali, lightly coat the surfaces of the new O-
rings and the valve cavity.
8. Install the new piston with its hollow side facing out.

IMPORTANT: If the valve cavity is damaged, preventing a tight seal, replace the air dryer.

9. Install the new spring, cover, and snap ring to hold the components in place.
10. Thread the desiccant cartridge onto the dryer base (turn clockwise). When the seal contacts the base, tighten the cartridge
one complete turn more. Do not over-tighten.

42.28.130 Purge Valve Replacement


Before starting the procedures below, read the information in Safety Precautions, 100. Failure to follow the safety
precautions during service operations on the air brake system can cause personal injury.

1. Drain the air system.

2. Remove the snap ring, valve head, and the spring from the exhaust port. See Fig. 1 .

1. Valve Assembly 3. Spring

2. Exhaust Port 4. Valve Head

Fig. 1, Remove the Valve Assembly… 6/20
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3. Pull the valve assembly out of the exhaust port.

4. Remove the O-ring from the base of the exhaust port.
5. Clean the purge valve cavity area with a commercial cleaning solvent.
6. Using a multipurpose, high-temperature grease that resists water, steam, and alkali, lightly coat the surfaces of the O-rings
and the valve cavity. Install the O-rings in the base of the exhaust port and on the valve head.
7. Position the new valve assembly in the valve cavity.

IMPORTANT: If the valve cavity is damaged, preventing a tight seal, replace the air dryer.

8. Install the spring in the valve head, and position them in the valve cavity.
9. Install the snap ring to secure the valve head in position.

42.28.140 Outlet Check Valve Assembly Replacement


Before starting the procedures below, read the information in Safety Precautions, 100. Failure to follow the safety
precautions during service operations on the air brake system can cause personal injury.

1. Drain the air system.

2. Disconnect the air line from the outlet port. See Fig. 1 .

1. O-Ring 4. Washer
2. Valve Body 5. Snap Ring
3. Spring

Fig. 1, Outlet Check Valve Assembly

3. Remove the snap ring, washer, valve body, and the O-ring.
4. Clean the cavity area with a commercial cleaning solvent.… 7/20
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5. Install a new O-ring on the valve body.

6. Using a multipurpose, high-temperature grease that resists water, steam, and alkali, lightly coat the surfaces of the new O-
ring and the valve cavity.
7. Install the new valve body. Make sure that the long end of the body is inserted first into the valve cavity.
8. Install the new spring with its small end around the "Y" shaped fins on the valve body.

IMPORTANT: If the valve cavity is damaged, preventing a tight seal, replace the air dryer.

9. Install a new washer and snap ring to secure the assembly in the valve cavity.
10. Connect the air line to the outlet port. Tighten the nut on the fitting finger-tight. Then, using two wrenches to prevent twisting
the hose, further tighten the nut until there is firm resistance. Tighten the nut one-sixth turn more.

42.28.150 Desiccant Cartridge Replacement


Before starting the procedures below, read the information in Safety Precautions, 100. Failure to follow the safety
precautions during service operations on the air brake system can cause personal injury.

1. Drain the air system.

2. Using a strap wrench, turn the desiccant cartridge counterclockwise and remove it. See Fig. 1 .… 8/20
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1. Seal
2. O-Ring
3. Air Dryer Base

Fig. 1, Desicant Cartridge Replacement

3. Remove and discard the O-ring.
4. Clean the top surface of the dryer base with a commercial cleaning solvent.
5. Using a multipurpose, high-temperature grease that resists water, steam, and alkali, lightly coat the surfaces of the new O-
ring and the dryer base. Install the O-ring.
6. Thread the desiccant cartridge onto the dryer base (turn clockwise). When the seal contacts the base, tighten the cartridge
one complete turn more. Do not over-tighten.

IMPORTANT: If the air dryer base is damaged, preventing a tight seal, replace the air dryer.

42.28.160 Heater/Thermostat Assembly Replacement


Before starting the procedures below, read the information in Safety Precautions, 100. Failure to follow the safety
precautions during service operations on the air brake system can cause personal injury.

1. Drain the air system.

2. Disconnect the wiring harness.
3. Remove the screws that attach the heater/thermostat receptacle. Remove the receptacle and the O-ring.
4. Remove the retaining screw that holds the assembly in place. Remove and discard the heater/thermostat assembly. See
Fig. 1 .

1. Thermostat 3. O-Ring… 9/20
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2. Receptacle 4. Heater Element

Fig. 1, Heater/Thermostat Replacement

5. Clean the heater/thermostat assembly area with a commercial cleaning solvent.
6. Position the new heater/thermostat assembly in the cavity. Install the retaining screw.
7. Position the new receptacle and O-ring, and install the screws. Tighten the screws securely.
8. Connect the wiring harness.

42.28.170 Regeneration Valve Replacement


Before starting the procedures below, read the information in Safety Precautions, 100. Failure to follow the safety
precautions during service operations on the air brake system can cause personal injury.

1. Drain the air system.

NOTE: When the valve housing is removed, the spring and the retainer will fall out of the housing. See Fig. 1 .
2. Remove the four mounting bolts and remove the valve housing assembly.
3. Remove the rubber diaphragm.
4. Using a commercial cleaning solvent, clean the groove where the diaphragm lip fits.
5. Install a new diaphragm with its lip in the groove.

IMPORTANT: If the groove is damaged, preventing a tight seal, replace the air dryer.

6. Install the new spring and retainer (with the retainer lip facing out).… 10/20
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1. Diaphragm 3. Spring
2. Retainer 4. Valve Housing Assembly

Fig. 1, Regeneration Valve Assembly

7. Position the valve housing on the air dryer. Install the bolts and tighten them to 53 lbf·in (600 N·cm).

42.28.180 Silencer (Muffler) Replacement


Before starting the procedures below, read the information in Safety Precautions, 100. Failure to follow the safety
precautions during service operations on the air brake system can cause personal injury.

1. Using snap ring pliers, expand the snap ring and pull the silencer off of the purge valve head. See Fig. 1 .

1. Purge Valve Head

2. Snap Ring… 11/20
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3. Silencer

Fig. 1, Silencer Replacement

2. Push the new silencer onto the purge valve head until the silencer snaps into place.

42.28.190 Pressure Relief Valve Replacement


Before starting the procedures below, read the information in Safety Precautions, 100. Failure to follow the safety
precautions during service operations on the air brake system can cause personal injury.

1. Drain the air system.

2. Unscrew and remove the old valve from the dryer. See Fig. 1 .

1. Pressure Relief Valve

Fig. 1, Pressure Relief Valve Replacement

3. Screw the replacement valve into the dryer base. Do not exceed a torque of 30 lbf·ft (41 N·m) for a 3/8-inch thread, or 65
lbf·ft (88 N·m) for a 1/2-inch thread.

NOTE: The threads on the replacement pressure relief valve provided by Meritor WABCO are coated with sealant.
They do not require any additional sealant.… 12/20
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42.28.200 Pressure-Controlled Check Valve Replacement


Before starting the procedures below, read the information in Safety Precautions, 100. Failure to follow the safety
precautions during service operations on the air brake system can cause personal injury.

1. Drain the air system.

2. Disconnect the air line from the fitting on the valve. See Fig. 1 .

1. Air Line
2. Nylon Tube Connector
3. Pressure-Controlled Check Valve
4. Hex Nipple Pipe Fitting
5. Air Tank

Fig. 1, Check Valve Assembly Replacement

3. Remove the air-line fitting firm the valve.

4. Remove the valve and the hex nipple fitting from the air tank. Then remove the nipple from the valve.

NOTE: Apply liquid Loctite® Hydraulic Sealant (brown), or an equivalent, to the threads of all fittings before
installing them. Always apply sealant to the external threads so that any excess will be scraped off externally rather
than internally to the joint.
5. Install the pipe fittings on the new valve. Make sure that the arrow on the valve will be pointing towards the tank when
6. Install the new valve on the air tank.
7. Connect the air line to the air-line fitting on the valve. Tighten the air line securely.… 13/20
22/5/24, 17:18 Air Dryer, Meritor WABCO System Saver 1200

42.28.210 Operating Tests

Operating Tests

Before starting the procedures below, read the information in Safety Precautions, 100. Failure to follow the safety
precautions during service operations on the air brake system can cause personal injury.

Air Dryer Operating Check

1. Drain the air system.
2. Start the engine and build the air pressure to as close to cutout pressure as possible (about 125 psi [862 kPa]).
3. When the compressor reaches the unload cycle, the air dryer purges, beginning regeneration of the air dryer.
4. During the purge cycle, which lasts about 10 to 15 seconds, the wet tank and secondary system tank with pressure-
controlled check valve will drop about 10 psi (69 kPa). Check the secondary system air gauge in the cab dash panel.
5. If the secondary gauge needle does not show a pressure drop of about 10 psi (69 kPa), one of the following problems may
• A pressure-controlled check valve is not installed.
• The pressure-controlled check valve is installed in the wrong air tank.
• The pressure-controlled check valve is installed on a one-way check valve, instead of in place of a one-way check
• There is an extra check valve located somewhere between the air dryer and the secondary air tank (usually at the wet
• The secondary air gauge is not plumbed to the secondary air system.
6. If system secondary air pressure drops 25 psi (172 kPa) or more during the purge cycle, and there are no other air-operated
components in use, then there are air leaks or other system problems. Refer to Troubleshooting, 300 for other possible

Pressure-Control Check Valve Operating Check

1. Start the engine and build the air pressure to cutout pressure (about 125 psi [862 kPa]).
2. Stop the engine after the air compressor has unloaded.
3. Drain the supply system air tank down to about 80 psi (552 kPa) or lower.
4. Check the secondary air gauge. It should read 95 ±5 psi (655 ±34 kPa).

If the gauge reading is less that 90 psi (621 kPa), either the pressure-control check valve is installed backwards, it is
damaged, or there are air leaks in the secondary air system.
If the secondary gauge reading does not change, or the reading does not fall below 100 psi (689 kPa):
• There is no pressure-controlled check valve installed, or it is installed in the wrong tank.… 14/20
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• The pressure-controlled check valve is installed into a one-way check valve, rather than in place of a one-way check
• There is another check valve located between the air dryer and the secondary air tank.
• The secondary air gauge is not plumbed to the secondary air system.

42.28.300 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Table
Meritor WABCO System Saver 1200 Troubleshooting

Condition Possible Cause Solution

Dryer leaks from purge valve during Purge valve frozen open (cold weather Check heater. Repair/replace if
compressor-loaded cycle. The leak may operation). necessary. Make sure governor to dryer
cause excessive compressor cycling or port 4 line is free of water/oil.
prevent the system from building air Remove and inspect purge valve and
pressure. clean water/oil from top of piston.

Debris under purge valve seat, such as Disassemble and clean purge valve.
particles from fittings or air inlet line.

Purge valve washer installed upside- Remove cartridge and clean dryer sump
down. area. Ensure lip on aluminum washer
faces DOWN, away from dryer.

Wrong air-line connected to dryer port 4 Verify correct air-line installation and
(unloader port). correct as needed.

Purge valve snap-ring not fully seated in Seat snap-ring fully into groove.

Slight leak from purge valve. After Outlet check valve not seating or Remove, inspect, and clean outlet check
several hours, the supply tank may be regeneration valve not shutting off valve and regeneration valve
empty. regeneration airflow. diaphragms. Replace if worn or

Regeneration cycle too long (more than Outlet check valve not seating. Inspect and replace outlet check valve
30 seconds), accompanied by loss of as needed.
pressure in the supply tank.
Regeneration valve not shutting off Replace regeneration valve.
regeneration airflow.… 15/20
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Meritor WABCO System Saver 1200 Troubleshooting

Condition Possible Cause Solution

Regeneration cycle too short (less than High air system demands during Increase air system capacity or reduce
10 seconds). compressor unloaded cycle. air demands.

Pressure-controlled check valve not Check and replace pressur-econtrolled

installed in system or not working check valve as needed.

One-way check valve installed in system Remove one-way check valve. Make
reservoir instead of, or with, pressure- sure pressure-controlled check valve is
controlled check valve. installed correctly.

Regeneration valve not working. Remove regeneration valve and clean

oil from diaphragm.
If no oil or other contaminants are
present, replace regeneration valve

Air governor not working properly. Inspect per manufacturer's instructions

and repair/replace as needed.

No regeneration cycle. No airflow from Air dryer not connected to supply tank or Verify proper dryer installation per
purge valve after initial purge blast connections reversed at dryer. system diagram.
(dryer decompression).
Regeneration valve not working. Replace regeneration valve.

One-way check valve installed in supply Remove one-way check valve.


Alcohol evaporator installed between Install bypass line around evaporator or

dryer and supply tank. remove evaporator from system.

Air dryer does not purge when Air line between governor and air dryer Repair air line.
compressor unloads (no blast of air from port 4 kinked or plugged.
purge valve).
Purge valve stuck closed. Replace purge valve.

Air governor not working properly. Inspect air governor. Repair/replace per
manufacturer's instructions.

Cut-out pressure never achieved by air Check for air leaks in system and repair
compressor. as needed. If no leaks in system, check
compressor output. Repair/replace per
manufacturer's instructions.… 16/20
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Meritor WABCO System Saver 1200 Troubleshooting

Condition Possible Cause Solution

Air dryer purges too often, perhaps as Leak in line between governor and dryer Repair air line.
frequently as every 15 seconds, port 4.
accompanied by excessive cycling of the
compressor. Leak in line between supply tank and Repair air line.

Excessive air system leaks. Repair leaks.

Excessive air system demands. Increase air system capacity or reduce

air demand.

Outlet check valve not seating. Inspect and replace outlet check valve
as needed.

Regeneration valve not shutting off Replace regeneration valve.


Air governor has less than 16 psi range. Replace air governor.

Leaking air compressor unloader(s). Inspect compressor. Repair/replace per

manufacturer's instructions.

Air flows out of purge valve entire time Turbo cut-off valve not sealing. Replace turbo cut-off valve.
compressor is unloaded. NOTE: With U Series air dryers the
compressor unloads through the dryer,
so a steady flow of air is normal.

Rapid "spitting" of air from purge valve in Holset E-type compressor used, but no Install Econ valve to provide make-up air
small amounts. Frequency varies with Econ valve installed. to compressor.
engine speed.
Compressor not completely unloading Inspect compressor. Repair/replace per
when cut-out pressure is reached. manufacturer's instructions.

Air leak at turbo cut-off valve vent. Hole Temperature of air coming into dryer is Move dryer farther from compressor.
burned in piston. too high—not enough cooling takes Add additional compressor discharge
place before dryer inlet. line before air dryer. Add cooling coil or
heat exchanger before air dryer.
NOTE: Inlet air temperature must not
exceed 175°F (80°C).… 17/20
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Meritor WABCO System Saver 1200 Troubleshooting

Condition Possible Cause Solution

Air leak at turbo cut-off valve vent. Lip seal installed upside-down on piston. Install lip seal correctly.
Lip must face UP (towards dryer).

Valve bore worn excessively. Inspect valve bore for wear. If a new
turbo cut-off valve does not seal in a
clean, lubricated bore, replace the air

Air dryer frozen (water collecting in base No electrical power to heater connector. Check for a blown fuse. Repair heater
of dryer is freezing). circuit.
NOTE: There must be power to the
heater connector the entire time the
vehicle's ignition is ON.

Low voltage to heater connector. Repair cause of low voltage, such as

poor electrical ground, bad connections,
corroded wire splices, etc.

Heater assembly not working. Replace heater assembly.

Wrong voltage air dryer used; i.e., 12- Replace with correct voltage air dryer.
volt air dryer used in a 24-volt system.

No air pressure build-up in system. Air dryer not plumbed correctly Ensure compressor discharge line is
(connections reversed). plumbed to air dryer port 1, and air dryer
port 21 is connected to vehicle's supply

Wrong air line connected to dryer port 4. Ensure dryer port 4 line is connected to
the "UNL" port of the air governor.

Air governor not working properly. Inspect governor per manufacturer's

instructions. Repair or replace as

Air system leaks, such as compressor Locate leak(s) and repair.

discharge line, air dryer, reservoirs,
brake or suspension valves, etc.

Air dryer leaks from purge valve. Refer to purge valve conditions listed in
this chart.… 18/20
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Meritor WABCO System Saver 1200 Troubleshooting

Condition Possible Cause Solution

Water in tanks; often following Pressure-controlled check valve not Install pressure-controlled check valve in
aftermarket installation or when dryer is installed in correct tank or not installed secondary tank.
a replacement for a competitive brand. at all.

Pressure-controlled check valve properly Remove one-way check valve so that

installed, but one-way check valve not only the pressure-controlled check valve
removed. is installed between the secondary tank
and supply tank.

Water, oil, or sludge in air system tanks. Desiccant contaminated with oil. Replace desiccant. Inspect compressor
per manufacturer's instructions.

Water in system tanks, everything else Dryer not suitable for application. Review application guidelines.
checks out okay. For assistance, call Arvin Meritor's
Customer Service Center at 800-535-

42.28.400 Specifications
See Fig. 1 for the plumbing diagram.

1. Compressor Discharge Line 9. Purge Valve

2. Air Compressor 10. Air Dryer Outlet
3. Air Governor 11. Check Valve
4. Compressor Intake Line 12. Supply Tank… 19/20
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5. Unloader Port 13. Pressure-Controlled Check Valve

6. Pressure Relief Valve 14. Primary Reservoir
7. Air Governor Port 15. Secondary Reservoir
8. Air Dryer Inlet

Fig. 1, Air Dryer Plumbing Diagram

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