In My Opinion

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In My Opinion

Nama Kelompok:
•Chelensky Putri S. (05)
•Dela Vivi Santika S. (06)
•Jelita Sandra A. (13)
•Sasa Cinta Lestari (29)
Expression of Stating Opinion
Opinion and thought is a view or judgement not
necessarily based on fact or knowledge. It is related or
similar to thought, which is an idea produced by thinking or
occurring suddenly in the mind. Each individual has his/her
own opinion and thought about everything. Pay attention to
the following expressions of asking for and stating
Asking for Stating
Opinion/Thought Opinion/Thought
•What do you think of/about...?
•I don't think
•What is your opinion about/toward ...? •In my opinion,
•What are your ideas/views? •For me,
•What's your reaction
RAPID to that?
•What do you think? •I suppose
•Do you think that ...? •I guess
•Do you have any thoughts on that? •I think
•How do you feel about that?
COMPREHENSION •I believe/feel
AND (that) ... (it's the right
•Any comments? thing to do)
Expression for Agreeing and Disagreeing
When someone expresses his/her opinion about something, we
can state our agreement or disagreement. Agreement is a condition
when we have the same opinion as other person does, or when we
approve or accept something. Disagreement, on the other hand, is a
condition when we have different opinion, or we object other's
To ask for agreement, you can say:
•Do you agree with me/my idea? •Will you agree with ...?
•Do you agree or disagree? •How/What do you think/feel about it?
•Don't you think so? •Wouldn't you agree (that) ...?
•Don't you think that ...? •Wouldn't you say (that) ...?
Below are some expressions of agreeing and disagreeing
that you can use.

Agreement Disagreement
• Absolutely/Definitely! •I disagree.
•I agree (with you). •I don't agree.
•It's true. •Iobject your opinion.
•Iwouldn't go as far as (to say) that.
•No doubt about it.
•I wish I could agree (with you), but
•I'll go with you. •I don't think so.
•You're right. •I'm not sure (if) I agree (with you
•That's right/true. about that).
•I know right. •I wouldn't say that.
Subject Questions
Subject questions are used when we want to ask about the subject. We don't know the
person or thing who performed the action, and we want to find out.
This type of question is called a subject question, and subject questions do NOT use the
auxiliary verbs do, does, and did. Learn the pattern below!
Who / What + verb1/2 + object?
Examples of subject questions in the simple present.
Q: Who wants some hot coffee?
A: We want some hot coffee.
Q: Who likes chocolate?
A: Viko likes chocolate.
Q: What causes cancer?
A: Smoking causes cancer.
Examples of subject questions in the simple past.
Q: Who made a juice?
A: Mother made a juice.
Q: What damaged your garden?
A: The earthquake damaged my garden.
Transitional Words and Graphic Organizer for Showing
1. Transitional words for showing sequence
Transitional words and phrases connect and relate ideas, sentences, and paragraphs.
They assist in the logical low of ideas as they signal the relationship between sentences and paragraphs.
They develop, relate, connect, and move ideas of the many categories of transitional words, our focus
here is on ones for showing sequence.
Some of them are: first, second, (etc.), finally, hence, next, then, from here on, to begin with, last
of all, after, before, as soon as, in the end, gradually.

.2. Graphic organizer for showing sequence 2

Graphic organizer plays a significant role in a presentation. It allows you to effectively create
meaningful structures, make relationships of ideas, and have precise information. But depending on the
context, the organizers have a variety of uses. One of them is for showing sequences.
There are many examples of this type of graphic organizer. You can find them online. An example
is displayed in the following.
Thanks You

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