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Tafwidh (delegation)
"Allah has entrusted all His tasks to the Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them)."

Mashee’a ( Will of Allah ) ‫ خلق ﷲ المشيئة قبل اﻷشياء ثم خلق اﻷشياء بالمشيئة‬:‫ قال أبو عبد ﷲ عليه السﻼم‬:‫أبي سعيد القماط قال‬.

In this Hadith it is stated that Abu Sa’id al Qammat who said: Imam al Sadiq ‫ عليه السﻼم‬said: Allah created the
Allah created His Mashee’a mashee'a before the things, then created the things with the Mashee'a.
first. In another Hadith, it is [Bihar al Anwar Volume 4 Page 145]
stated that God made the light
‫عمر بن أذينة عن أبي عبد ﷲ )عليه السﻼم( قال خلق ﷲ المشيئة بنفسها ثم خلق اﻻشياء بالمشيئة‬.
of rasool e Khuda s.a.w.w first.
So it means the will of Allah i.e. Umar ibn ’Udhaynah from Abu ‘Abdallah who has said the following. “Allah created
Mashee’a is Rasool Allah His mashee'a by itself. Then, He created the things with His Mashee'a”
s.a.w.w. And then in another [Al Kafi Volume 1 Page 110]
Hadith it is stated that, ‘’The
first of us is Muhammad, the
middle of us is Muhammad, the ‫ خلقه ﷲ ثم خلق منه كل خي‬،‫ نور نبيك يا جابر‬:‫ أول شئ خلق ﷲ تعالى ما هو؟ فقال‬:‫وآله‬
last of us is Muhammad. And we
Jabir bin Abdullah said: I said to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and his
are all Muhammad” ([Bihar al
family: What is the first thing that Allah created? So he said: The light of your Prophet
Anwar Volume 26 Page 16]). So
O Jabir, Allah created it then Allah created from it all the good.
combining all these Hadith
[Bihar Volume 15 Page 24]
Allah’s Will i.e. Mashee’a =

In the hadith it is written: . Imam Zainul Abideen peace be upon him looked to his son Muhammad al Baqir peace
“Allah created His mashee'a by be upon him and said to them (companions): Who is this? They said: Your son, so he
itself. Then, He created the said to them: Who am I? They said: His father Ali ibn Hussain, he (the narrator) said:
things with His Mashee'a”. Now So he (the Imam) spoke words that we did not understand so that Muhammad (Al
here the phrase “created the Baqir) is in the image of his father Ali ibn Hussain and that Ali (ibn al Hussain) is in the
things with His mashee’a” image of his son Muhammad so they (the companions) said: La illaha ilallah. So the
means after creating His Imam said: Do not be surprised by the power of Allah I am Muhammad and
Mashee’a, He gave His tasks to Muhammad is me and Muhammad (Al Baqir) said: O People do not be surprised from
that Mashee’a ( i.e. Ehlebait ) the matter of Allah I am Ali and Ali is me, and we (the Ahlulbayt) are one from one
Light, and our spirit is from the command of Allah. The first of us is Muhammad, the
middle of us is Muhammad, the last of us is Muhammad. And we are all Muhammad”
Hazrat Sadiq, may God bless him
and grant him peace: We are the [Bihar al Anwar Volume 26 Page 16]
works of God, and the people
are after the works of us

Absence of Sheikh Tusi p. 173 H

Commander of the Faithful, may God bless him and grant him peace: These are the
deeds of our Lord and the people after them are the deeds of us
📕 1) Bihar Vol. 53, p. 178,
Nahj al-Balagha Nameh 28
H. 9, Chapter 31
Now moving to Khalq Raziq.
It is known as Tafwidh, which means delegation (the act of giving control, authority, a job, a duty, etc.).
There are three types of Tafwidh:
i. Tafwidh al-Amr fi deen

ii. Tafwidh al Amr fi Khalq wa Rizq

iii. Tafwidh al-Khalq wa Rizq

1. Tafwidh al-Amr fi deen

If the delegation of authority ( tafwidh al-amr) is seen as a religious command, then this is independent
delegation. It means the Ahlulbayt (AS) do not need Allah's command. They themselves can declare something
halal or haram without an order from Allah being revealed to them. But tafwidh al amr is only valid in
ehkaam e deen (commands of the religion or religious rulings.)

‫زرارة عن ابي جعفر )عليه السﻼم( قال وضع رسول ﷲ )صلى ﷲ عليه وآله( دية العين ودية النفس وحرم النبيذ وكل مسكر فقال له رجل وضع رسول ﷲ‬
‫)صلى ﷲ عليه وآله( من غير أن يكون جاء فيه شيء قال نعم ليعلم من يطيع الرسول ممن يعصيه‬.

Abu Ja‘far peace be upon him who has said the following. “The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and his family
sanctioned the compensation for a damaged eye and the blood-money for the slain person. He pronounced the
consumption of Nabidh (a beverage from dates) and all intoxicants as unlawful.” A man asked the Imam said, *“Did
the Messenger of Allah sanction this law without receiving anything (from Allah)?” the Imam said, “Yes, so it could be
found out who obeys the Messenger and who disobeys him.”*

So tafwidh al amr is the ability to do something without an amr (command) of Allah coming.

This is so because in Quran, Allah says:

Surah An-Nisa (4:59):
‫سو ِل إِن ُكنت ُ ْم تُؤْ ِمنُونَ بِﭑ ﱠ ِ َوٱ ْليَ ْو ِم‬ َ ‫سو َل َوأ ُ ۟و ِلى ٱ ْﻷ َ ْم ِر ِمن ُك ْم ۖ فَإِن تَنَ ٰـزَ ْعت ُ ْم فِى‬
‫ش ْى ۢ ٍء فَ ُردﱡوهُ ِإلَى ٱ ﱠ ِ َوٱ ﱠ‬
ُ ‫لر‬ ُ ‫لر‬ ۟ ُ‫وا ٱ ﱠ َ َوأ َ ِطيع‬
‫وا ٱ ﱠ‬ ۟ ُ‫يَ ٰـٓأَيﱡ َها ٱلﱠذِينَ َءا َمنُ ٓو ۟ا أ َ ِطيع‬
٥٩ ‫يﻼ‬ َ ْ‫اخ ِر ۚ ٰذَلِكَ َخي ۭ ٌْر َوأَح‬
ً ‫سنُ ت َأ ْ ِو‬ ِ ‫ٱ ْلـ‬
“O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. Should you disagree on
anything, then refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is the
best and fairest resolution.”
In above Ayat, Allah commands believers to obey Allah swt, Rasool Allah (s.a.w.w), and those in authority i.e
(Ulul Amr). Ulul Amr recognized here is the divine authority and that is of Imams.
The infallibility is assigned in the obedience to the Prophetsaww and the Imamsasws

‘But rather, the obedience to Allah azwj and to His azwj Rasool saww and the Masters asws of the Command are
those asws whom asws Allah azwj has Joined with Himself azwj, and His azwj Prophet saww, so He azwj Said: O you
who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Rasool and those with (Divine) Authority from you [4:59]. The reason why
Allah azwj Commanded the obedience to Rasool-Allah saww is because he saww is Infallible, pure. He saww will
not order for the disobedience to Allah azwj . And the reason why He azwj Commanded obedience to the ones
with (Divine) Authority because they asws are Infallible, pure, and they asws will not order for the disobedience to
Allah azwj’.

Kitab Suleym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 54 (Extract)

So it has been clear that Rasool Allah (s.a.w.w) and Masoomeen (a.s) can make changes in religion because
Allah commanded believers to obey Rasool Allah (s.a.w.w) and Masoomeen (a.s) , which gives Rasool Allah
(s.a.w.w) and Masoomeen (a.s) the authority to make changes accordingly in religion without Allah’s

2. Tafwidh al Amr fi Khalq wa Rizq

People who are proponents of Tawidh al Amir Fi Khalq wa Rizq believe that Alhulbayt’s(a.s) Will is different
from that of Allah’s Will, and Ahlulbayt (a.s) can khalq and provide rizq without the Will of Allah. They bring
Ahlulbayt (a.s) equal to Allah swt Nauzubillah.
Ahlulbayt (a.s) have rejected this and did lanat on such people. People who follow this tafwidh are called
(The book) Uyoon Akhbar Al-Rezaasws – Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Bashar, from Al Muzaffar Bin Ahmad, from Al Abbas Bin
Muhammad Bin Al Qasim, from Al Hassan Bin Sahl, from Muhammad Bin Hamid, from Abu Hashim Al Ja’fary who said,

‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza (asws) about the exaggerators (Ghulat) and the believers in the delegation (Mufawwiza).
He (asws) said: ‘The exaggerators are Kafirs, and the believers in the delegation are Polytheists.

Bihar Al Anwaar – V 25, page 288

(The book) ‘Uyoon Akhbar Al Rezaasws’ – Muhammad bin Ali Bin Who are the mufawwidha?
Bashar, from Al Muzaffar Bin Ahmad, from Al Abbas Bin Muhammad bin
‫ كذبوا بل قلوبنا‬،‫ وجئت تسأله عن مقالة المفوضة‬:‫ثم قال‬
Al Qasim, from Al Hassan bin Sahl, from Muhammad bin Hamid, from
‫ " و ما‬:‫ وﷲ يقول‬،‫ فإذا شاء شئنا‬،‫أوعية لمشية ﷲ‬
Abu Hashim Al Ja’fari who said,
‫"تشاؤن إﻻ أن يشاء ﷲ‬
‘I asked Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza(asws) about the exaggerators and the
Then he (Imam al Askari peace be upon
Mufawwiza (believers in delegation)’.
him) said: You came to ask about the
He asws said: ‘The exaggerators are Kafirs, and the Mufawwiza are sayings of the mufawwidha, they lied but
Polytheists. One who sits with them, or mingles with them, or eats with our hearts are inclined to the will of Allah,
them, or drinks with them, or connects with them, or married into them, so if Allah wills, we will and Allah says:
or marries to them, or shelters them, or secures them upon an amnesty, "And you do not will until Allah wills"
or ratifies their Ahadeeth, or supports them with (even) half a word,
Full Hadith in Bihar Al Anwaar – V 25, pg
exits from Wilayah of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic, and Wilayah of the
Rasoolsaww, and ourasws Wilayah, Peopleasws of the Household’’.

Bihar Al Anwaar – V 25, The book of Imamate, P 3 Ch 10 H 19

The mufawwidha did not believe that if Allah wills the Masumeen will therefore, they believed in independent
tafwidh which was that the Masumeen's will is independent of Allah's will.
In summary, this tafwidh assert that infallible Imams have the authority to independently provide sustenance
(rizq), create beings, and perform other actions without relying on Allah’s will. Those who hold this view are
considered to be in error (mushrik). They attribute autonomous power to the Imams beyond Allah’s decree.

3. Tafwidh al-Khalq wa Rizq

Tafwidh al khalq wa rizq means Ehlebait AS create with the order/will of Allah. Proponents of this believe that
Ahlulbayt a.s created us. The daleel of this belief is clear if we move back to first topic i.e Mashee’a. People
who say that only Allah can create should know that in Quran Allah clearly says:
Surah Al-Mu'minun (23:14):
‘’So blessed is Allah, the best of creators.’’
This verse states that Allah is the BEST creator, not the only creator. E.g. Hazrat Essa a.s created bird, but with
the Will of Allah.
And ˹on Judgment Day˺ Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Remember My favour upon you and your mother: how
I supported you with the holy spirit so you spoke to people in ˹your˺ infancy and adulthood. How I taught you
writing, wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel. How you moulded a bird from clay—by My Will—and breathed into it
and it became a ˹real˺ bird—by My Will. How you healed the blind and the lepers—by My Will. How you brought the
dead to life—by My Will. How I prevented the Children of Israel from harming you when you came to them with
clear proofs and the disbelievers among them said, “This is nothing but pure magic.”

Surah Ma’idah, Ayat 110

So from this we get to know that Allah is not the only Khaliq but Khaliq e Mutlik (The Absolute Creator).
Moving forward to the belief that Ahlulbayt a.s created us, we go back to the two hadith mentioned in first
topic in which it is written that the first thing that Allah swt created was His Mashee’a (Will) and second hadith
states that it was Light (noor) of Rasool Allah (s.a.w.w) that Allah swt created first. So we get the conclusion
that Allah’s Will is Rasool Allah s.a.w.w. And in Hadith it is also stated that Allah swt first created the Mashee’a
and then the things from the Mashee’a.

Jabir bin Yazid from Abu Jafar peace be Allah does not do things directly, it is the Mashee'a (which is the
upon him who said: O Jabir, God was and 14 Masumeen) that directly does the actions of Allah because
there was nothing else besides Him, neither doing things directly is from the creation only:
known nor unknown. So the First thing He
The questioner said: "Does He maintain all things by Himself?"
began the creation with is that he created
Abu 'Abd Allah peace be upon him answered, "He is far Greater
Muhammad peace be upon him and his
than maintaining things directly because that is an attribute of a
family and created us Ahlulbayt a.s with Him
creation that the things do not come forth except directly and by
from the light of His greatness, so He placed
maintenance. Exalted is He! His Iradah and His Mashee'a are what
us as green shadows between His hands,
act. He makes whatever He wills, active.
where there is neither heaven nor earth,
nor place, nor night nor day, nor sun nor
[Al Kafi Volume 1 Page 85 & Tawhid by Saduq Page 247]
[Bihar Volume 15 Page 23]
Jabir bin Abdullah said: I said to the Jabir bin Yazid al Ju'fi from Ali Zainul Abideen peace be upon him who
Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and said: ...I said O son of the Messenger of Allah and who is the muqassir?
his family: What is the first thing that Allah He said: The ones who qasaru (did taqsir) in the ma'rifa of the Imams
created? So he said: The light of your and the ma'rifa of what Allah obligated on them from His order and His
Prophet O Jabir, Allah created it then Allah spirit. I said: O Master and what is the ma'rifa of the spirit? He said
created from it all the good. peace be upon him: To know everything that Allah specified for the
Spirit for he has delegated His matter to create by His permission and
[Bihar Volume 15 Page 24] to give life by His permission and knows what's different in the hearts
and knows what happened and what will happen until the day of
judgement and that is that this Spirit is from the order of Allah* so
So this third type of tafwidh is for the whoever Allah specified by this spirit so this is complete and not
matters of creating that is by the incomplete *he can do what he wants by the will of Allah, can go from
permission of Allah meaning after an amr the East to the West in 1 moment and can ascend to the sky and
(command) comes from Allah and not descend by it to the Earth and does whatever he willed and wanted.
tafwidh al amr which is the ability to do [Bihar al Anwar Volume 26 Page 14]
things without a command coming. This is
the same kind of tafwidh that allowed
this angel to create the heavens and the
Khalid Al Sayqal from Imam Baqir who said: Allah has delegated (fawadh) the matter to an angel from the
angels so he created the seven heavens and seven Earths and things (seven heavens, seven earths, and things)
When he saw that things had subdued to him, he said, "Who is like me, so Allah Almighty sent him a light of
fire?" I said, "And what is a light of fire?" He said the fire of a fingertip, so he received it with all that he
created until it reached him when wondered entered into him.
[Thawab al A'mal by Saduq Page 251].
Just like this in one ayat Allah says:
"Allah takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that do not die [He takes] during their sleep. Then
He keeps those for which He has decreed death and releases the others for a specified term. Indeed in that
are signs for a people who give thought." (Surah Az-Zumar (39:42))
In another He swt says:
Say, O Prophet, “Your soul will be taken by the Angel of Death, who is in charge of you. Then to your Lord you
will ˹all˺ be returned.” (Surah As-Sajdah (32:11))
This means everything is decided by Allah but He swt appointed His creation to perform His tasks, just the way
He appointed Izrael a.s to take our souls at time of our death. So just like this, Allah appointed Masoomeen a.s
to khalq and provide rizq (by the will of Allah).
This hadith is just like the Mashee’a hadith i.e. Allah created His
Hazrat Sadiq, may God bless him and grant mashee'a by itself. Then, He created the things with His Mashee'a.
him peace: We are the works of God, and
the people are after the works of us

Absence of Sheikh Tusi p. 173 H 7

📕 1) Bihar Vol. 53, p. 178, H. 9, Chapter 31

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