Partes de Las Operaciones Matemáticas en Inglés

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Partes de las operaciones matemáticas en inglés

1. Addition or summation (Suma)

1 ( augend ) +2 ( addend )=3 ¿

 Augend: Número al cual otro se le será sumado.

 Addend: Número(s) que será(n) sumado(s) al “augend”.
 Summand: Agrupa tanto a “augend” como a “addend”
 Total/sum: Suma.

+ : Addition sign or summation sign.

= : Equality sign (equals/ is equal to/ is /makes).

1+2 = 3: One plus two is three / One add two is three

2. Subtraction (Resta)

2 ( minuend )−1 ( subtrahend ) =1(difference )

 Minuend: Minuendo
 Subtrahend: Sustraendo
 Difference: Resta

- : Subtraction sign.

2-1 = 1: Two minus one is one / Two take away one is one

3. Multiplication (Multiplicación)

3 ( multiplicand )∗5 ( multiplier ) =15( product )

 Multiplicand: Número que será multiplicado.

 Multiplier: Número(s) que multiplica(n) al “multiplicand”.
 Factor: Agrupa tanto a “multiplicand” como a “multiplier”.
 Product: Producto.

x/* : Multiplication sign.

3*5 = 15: Five times three is fifteen / Three multiplied by five is fifteen
4. Division (División)

20(dividend )
=¿ 20 ( dividend )=6 ( divisor )∗3 ( quotient ) +2(remainder )
6(divisor )

 Dividend: Dividendo (numerador en el contexto de fracciones).

 Divisor: Divisor (denominador en el contexto de fracciones).
 Quotient: Cociente.
 Remainder: Resto.

*÷ : Division sign.

20/6 = 3.3 : Twenty divided by six is three point recurring three / Twenty
over six is three point recurring three
20/6 = 3 + 2/6 : The quotient is three and the remainder is two

5. Exponentiation (Exponenciación)

3(exponent )
2(base ) =8( power )

 Base: Base.
 Exponent: Exponente.
 Power: Potencia.

23 = 8: Two to the power of three is eight / Two to the third power is eight

1. Método: To the power of (number of the exponent) + (cardinal)…

2. Método: To the (number of the exponent) + (ordinal)…

6. Root extraction (Radicación)

3 (degree )
√27 (radicand)=3 ( root )=R
 Degree: Grado de la raíz.
 Radicand: Radicando.
 Root: Raíz.

R: The cube root of twenty-seven is three

Formula: The (square[2]/cube[3]/ordinals[4…) root of (radicand)…

7. Logarithmization (Logaritmo)

log 2(base) ( 8(antilogarithm) )=3(logarithm)

 Base: Base del logaritmo. Las más comunes son la base “e” (número de Euler)
y “10”.
 Antilogarithm: Antilogaritmo.
 Logarithm: Logaritmo.

log2 (8) = 3: The logarithm of eight to base two is three

Casos esperciales:
1. ln: Naperian/natural logarithm with base e (2.17…) [Logaritmo de base e]
2. log: Common/decimal logarithm with base 10 [Logaritmo de base 10]

8. Percentage (Porciento)

 95%: Ninety-five percent => 0.95: Nought point nine five

*%: Percent sign

9. Inequalities (Desigualdades)

1) ≠: Inequality sign (doesn´t equal/ isn´t equal to/ isn´t /doesn´t make)
2) <: Less-than sign
3) >: Greater-than sign
4) ≤: Less-than or equal to sign
5) ≥: Greater-than or equal to sign

10. Types of numbers in English

Term Meaning in Spanish Example

Even number Número par 2,6
Odd number Número impar 3,5
Prime number Número primo 2,3,5,7
Natural number Número natural 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Integer Número entero -2,-1,0,1,2
Rational number Número racional ½, 0.5, -½, -0.5
Irrational number Número irracional √2, √3
Real number Número real 0,1,-2,0.34,2/3,√2
Transcendental number Número trascendente π, e
Complex number Número complejo 2+5i, eiπ

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