Pasiva Marisa Ingles

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Se dice que una oracin est en VOZ ACTIVA cuando la significacin del verbo es producida por la persona gramatical a quien aqul se refiere: Pedro de Mendoza founded Buenos Aires. (Pedro de Mendoza fund Buenos Aires). 2. Se dice que una oracin est en VOZ PASIVA cuando la significacin del verbo es recibida por la persona gramatical a quien aqul se refiere: Buenos Aires was founded by Pedro de Mendoza. (Buenos Aires fue fundada por Pedro de Mendoza). 3. Se forma con el auxiliar del verbo to be y el participio pasado del verbo que se conjuga. 4. El complemento de la oracin activa pasa a sujeto de la pasiva. Como en castellano, el sujeto de la activa se puede conservar como sujeto agente. 5. Cuando un verbo tiene dos complementos se pueden hacer dos estructuras de pasiva: a) A book was sent to Tom by Mr. Smith, Un libro fue enviado a Tom por Mr. Smith. b) Tom was sent a book by Mr. Smith (pasiva idiomtica). Esta estructura no es posible en castellano.

MODELO DE VERBO EN VOZ PASIVA TO BE SEEN = SER VISTO PRESENTE I am seen, soy visto you are seen, eres visto he is seen, es visto we are seen, somos vistos you are seen, sois vistos they are seen, son vistos PRETERITO PERFECTO I have been seen, he sido visto you have been seen, has sido visto he has been seen, ha sido visto we have been seen, hemos sido vistos you have been seen, habis sido vistos they have been seen, han sido vistos PASADO I was seen, fui visto you were seen, fuiste visto he was seen, fue visto we were seen, fuimos vistos you were seen, fuisteis vistos they were seen, fueron vistos FUTURO I shall be seen, ser visto you will be seen, sers visto he will be seen, ser visto we shall be seen, seremos vistos you will be seen, seris vistos they will be seen, sern vistos

PRETERITO PLUSCUAMPERFECTO: I had been seen, haba sido visto CONDICIONAL: I should be seen, sera visto FUTURO PERFECTO: I shall have been seen, habr sido visto CONDICIONAL PERFECTO: I should have been seen, habra sido visto

VOZ ACTIVA Y PASIVA: REGLAS PRACTICAS EN PASOS. 1. La voz pasiva se forma con el verbo to be conjugado ms el participio del verbo principal. En ingls es mucho ms frecuente que en espaol y, normalmente, aparece cuando no es importante quien realiza una accin sino el hecho en s. Por eso, no siempre que veamos una pasiva, tenemos que traducirlo literalmente, puesto que en espaol suena ms forzado. Slo es posible el uso de la voz pasiva con verbos transitivos (verbos que llevan complemento

directo). VOZ ACTIVA Tom writes a letter Tom is writing a letter Tom was writing a letter Tom wrote a letter Tom has written a letter Tom had written a letter Tom will write a letter Tom is going to write a letter Tom can write a letter Tom could write a letter Tom must write a letter Tom may write a letter Tom might write a letter VOZ PASIVA A letter is written by Tom A letter is being written by Tom A letter was being written by Tom A letter was written by Tom A letter has been written by Tom A letter had been written by Tom A letter will be written by Tom A letter is going to be written by Tom A letter can be written by Tom A letter could be written by Tom A letter must be written by Tom A letter may be written... A letter might be written...

2. El sujeto agente se expresa con by. Sin embargo, en la mayora de las ocasiones se prescinde del sujeto ya que no nos interesa saber quin exactamente ejecuta la accin. Si una oracin activa tiene complemento directo e indirecto, cualquiera de los dos complementos puede ser sujeto paciente de la pasiva: ACTIVE: Someone gives me a dog PASSIVE 1: A dog is given to me PASSIVE 2: I am given a dog (forma pasiva idiomtica) La forma pasiva de doing, seeing, etc es being done, being seen, etc. ACTIVE: I don't like people telling me what to do PASSIVE: I don't like being told what to do En ocasiones en las que ocurre algo a veces imprevisto, no planeado o fortuito para la formacin de la voz pasiva se prefiere usar get y no be: get hurt, get annoyed, get divorced, get married, get invited, get bored, get lost 3. Las construcciones impersonales (se dice, se comenta, etc.) son muy tpicas de la pasiva y difciles de traducir para los hispanoparlantes. Este tipo de construccin pasiva -utilizada cada vez con mayor frecuencia en los medios- se forma con la estructura sujeto + to be + participle: It is reported (Se informa); It is said (Se dice); It is known (Se sabe); It is supposed (Se supone); It is considered (Se considera); It is expected (Se espera). Veamos algunos ejemplos: ACTIVE: Everybody thinks Cathy works very hard. PASSIVE 1: Cathy is thought to work very hard. (Se piensa que Cathy...) PASSIVE 2: It is thought that Cathy works very hard. (Se piensa que Cathy...) ACTIVE: They believe Tom is wearing a white pullover. PASSIVE 1: Tom is believed to be wearing a white pullover. (Se cree que...) PASSIVE 2: It is believed that Tom is wearing a white pullover. (Se cree que...)


Structure am/are/is + pp am/are/is being + pp will be + pp am/are/is going to

Example Spanish is spoken here. Your questions are being answered. Itll be painted by next week. Terry is going to be made redundant next year.


be + pp was/were + pp was/were being + pp have/has been + pp

We were invited to the party, but we didnt go. The hotel room was being cleaned when we got back from shopping. The President of America has been shot. When he got home he found that all of his had been + pp money had been stolen. will have been + pp Our baby will have been born before Christmas.

La voz activa y la voz pasiva son dos maneras de presentar la misma situacin enfocndola desde perspectivas diferentes. En el caso de la voz activa, nos interesa la persona responsable de la accin (el agente), mientras que en la voz pasiva nos interesa el paciente o el resultado de esta accin: Active: Bell invented the telephone. agente objeto Passive: The telephone was invented by Bell. objeto agente En ambas frases el sujeto de la frase constituye informacin conocida sobre la que aportamos ms detalles. El pasaje de activo a pasivo implica diferentes cambios: El objeto del verbo pasa a ser sujeto de la frase. El agente aparece en una posicin posterior, normalmente introducido por la preposicin by. El verbo pasa a tener la estructura: verbo auxiliar to be + participio pasado. La diferencia entre la voz activa y la voz pasiva no es solamente formal. Se trata tambin de una diferencia de significado: en la frase activa, el sujeto de la frase es responsable de la accin; en la frase pasiva, el sujeto de la frase recibe los efectos de la accin. La expresin del agente en la frase pasiva Si queremos decir quin es responsable de la accin en una frase pasiva, utilizamos un complemento con la preposicin by: We were questioned by the police. The letter will be written by the manager. En algunos casos no es necesario dar informacin sobre el agente: Cuando el agente es evidente: The money was stolen (by a thief). Cuando el agente no es importante: The building is cleaned daily (by the cleaning staff).

Cuando no sabemos o no podemos decir con certitud quien es el agente: Watching TV is often considered a waste of time (by people).

EJERCICIOS 1 Las frases siguientes utilizan la voz pasiva. Completa las frases escribiendo la forma correcta del verbo indicado:

1. Maria was 2. They were 3. Michael was

to stop singing. (tell) by the ending. (surprise) by his grandparents. (raise)

4. This house was 5. The child was

by a famous architect. (design) up by his father. (pick up) . (catch)

6. The bank robbers were never 7. This book was 8. This stadium was 9. My flight was 10. Classes were

by Ernest Hemingway. (write) for the Olympic Games. (build) because of bad weather. (delay) by the principal. (cancel)

2 as frases siguientes utilizan la voz pasiva. Completa las frases escribiendo la forma correcta del verbo indicado:

1. The explanation was 2. The teachers were 3. My grandfather was 4. The hamster was not 5. The boy was 6. The man was 7. The groceries were 8. This writer is 9. The medal was 10. This form is not

by all the students.(understand) by the results. (satisfy) to the hospital. (take) in a cage. (keep) off by his mother. (drop off) by the security guard. (stop) by my roommates. (buy) by everyone. (respect) by the Swedish runner. (win) out properly. (fill out)

3 Completa cada frase con su correspondiente participio pasado.

1. The beds in our room havent been yet. 2. Do you think well be to the party? 3. La Mansin del Ingls is so successful it will probably be into twenty different languages. 4. When our flat was last month, my laptop computer was . 5. I went to work early to go to the meeting yesterday and I realised that the date had been to the 13th February. 6. A new sports centre is being in front of our house and its completely spoiling our view of the sea. 7. When I saw my grandmother yesterday she told me she had been in the street on her way to bingo. 8. Cathy cant use her office until next week as its being . 9. Elton John was in Pinner, Middlesex, England. 10. I thought the interview went well, but I still wasnt the job.

4 Completa el texto con la forma pasiva correcta de los verbos entre parntesis. The building in front of you and nowadays it (call) the Summer Palace. It (build) in 1728

(consider) one of the finest examples of baroque arquitecture in (restore) several times since (keep) unaltered. Today the (use) as a

the country. The south faade of the building 1728, but the rest of the building Palace

(own) by the town hall and for the last ten years it

home for the Art Museum. Last year one of our most valuable paitings the museum. At the moment a new wing collections, with special security conditions. 5

(steal) from

(add) to host the contemporary art

ompleta las frases con la voz pasiva de los verbos entre parntesis, en el tiempo verbal adecuado. 1. My flat 2. The room 3. I think the results 4. The door 5. The votes 6. Don Quixote always (sell) last week. (not paint) yet. (publish) early next week. (lock) in the evening. (count) now. (write) by Cervantes. still (unload) from the removal lorry. (steal) during the night.

7. When I arrived, the furniture

8. In the morning they realized that the painting 9. English

(speak) in many countries around the world. (finish) on time.

10. If you worked harder, your homework 6 COMPLETAR CON LA FORMA ACTIVA 1. The window was broken by Tom. Tom the window. 2. The excursions are organized by the school. The school the excursions. 3. Most medals have been won by Jennifer.

Jennifer most medals. 4. The dress will be made by a famous fashion designer. A famous fashion designer the dress. 5. The car is being driven by the bride's best friend. The bride's best friend the car.

6. The shoes have been bought by her mother. Her mother the shoes. 7. The reindeer was hit by a car. A car the reindeer. 8. The exam envelopes should be checked by the supervisor before the exam. The supervisor the envelopes before the exam. 9. The presents won't be opened by the children before midnight. The children the presents before midnight. 10. The computer is being used by Tim. Tim the computer.

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