Lìnea Del Tiempo - Sistema Respiratorio - Pràctica

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(35 Minutos)

Verifica el siguiente video, utiliza el material de apoyo

para comprender mejor, enriquece y mejora tu línea
del tiempo con datos más precisos.
 Videos Interactivos.

 Línea del Tiempo.
Fase Inicial PSEUDO FASE


A 26
Rodea el desarrollo de la Se forman los bronquios Los bronquiolos terminales Cuando los conductos
yema pulmonar desde el terminales a partir de los finalmente daràn lugar a los alveolares se están
extremo distal del túbulos endodérmicos, bronquiolos respiratorios y desarrollando en el sexo
divertículo respiratorio. también hay comienzos de la los conductos alveolares. terminal es también cuando
red capilar pulmonar. se desarrollará el nuevo
Mesías el pulmón.

SEMANA 32 – 8
Los sacos terminales se
convertirán en alveolos
adultos en el útero la
respiración también ocurre
durante esta etapa a través
de la aspiración y explosión
del liquido amniótico.
Mesa 3
(35 minutos)

• Herramientas:
Revisa que tu línea del tiempo sea correcta, compara con
el sitio web y corrige previa a la entrega, puedes agregar
ilustraciones. EHD (2016). The Endowment for Human
Development. Disponible desde Internet:

• Evidencia a recolectar:
Línea del Tiempo
Embriología del sistema respiratorio

3 semanas, 3
2 semanas, 6 días 3 semanas, 1 día
Formación del Crecimiento Membrana entre la
estomideo respitario futura boca y la
Embriología del sistema respiratorio

4 semanas, 4
3 semanas, 5 días 4 semanas

Arco faringeo • Brotes Bronquiales • Pulmones primario

Brote del pulmón • Los pulmones derecho e izquierdo
comienzan a llenar la • Tallo de bronquios
cavidad torácica
• Tráquea
Embriología del sistema respiratorio

5 semanas 6 semanas 7 semanas

• Ramificacion del El diafragma está

árbol bronquial formado en gran Hipo
se acelera parte
• El patrón lobato
limita el patrón
Embriología del sistema respiratorio

8 semanas 9-10 semanas 13 semanas

• Diafragma completo Primeras cuerdas

• Comienzan os vocales
• Vias respiratorias que
movimientos de
recubren los cirios
Embriología del sistema respiratorio

16 semanas 18 semanas 20 semanas

Árbol bronquial casi Movimiento del habla de Producción de surtfactante,

completo laringe niveles bajos
Embriología del sistema respiratorio

30 semanas 32 manas 38 semanas

Movimientos de respiración Alvéolos Comienza la respiración del

son comunes aunque no aire
hay aire aire en utero.
Arrow timeline infographics
Mars Neptune
Despite being It’s the farthest
red, Mars is a planet from
cold place the Sun
1 3 5

2 4
Jupiter Saturn Mercury
Jupiter is the Saturn is a gas Mercury is the
biggest planet giant and has closest planet
of them all several rings to the Sun
Arrow timeline infographics
Mars Neptune
Despite being It’s the farthest
red, Mars is a planet from
cold place the Sun

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Jupiter Saturn Mercury

Jupiter is the Saturn is a gas Mercury is the
biggest planet giant and has closest planet
of them all several rings to the Sun
Arrow timeline infographics

Mars Neptune
Despite being red, Mars is Neptune is the farthest
a very cold place full of planet from the Sun and a
iron oxide dust 02 gas giant

Earth 04 Mercury
Earth is the third planet
03 Mercury is the closest
from the Sun and the only planet to the Sun and the
one that harbors life smallest one
Arrow timeline infographics
Mars Neptune Mercury
Despite being red, It’s the farthest It’s the closest
it’s a cold place planet from the Sun planet to the Sun

1 3 5

2 4 6

Jupiter Saturn Venus

It’s the biggest It’s composed of Venus has a
planet of them all hydrogen and helium beautiful name
Arrow timeline infographics
1 2 3 4

Mercury Jupiter Saturn Neptune

Mercury is the smallest Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is a gas giant Neptune is the farthest
planet of them all planet of them all and has several rings planet from the Sun
Arrow timeline infographics

Mars is actually a 4
cold place. It’s full of
iron oxide dust
3 Venus is the second
planet from the Sun.
It’s really hot there
Saturn is a gas giant, 2
composed of
hydrogen and helium
1 Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun and
the smallest one
Arrow timeline infographics
Mercury is the closest planet to
1 Mercury the Sun and the smallest one

Saturn has several rings and is

2 Saturn composed of hydrogen and helium

Venus has a beautiful name and is

3 Venus the second planet from the Sun

Mars is actually a cold place. It’s

4 Mars full of iron oxide dust
Arrow timeline infographics

Venus Mercur Mars Jupiter

Venus has a y is the
Mercury Despite being Jupiter is a gas
beautiful name closest planet red, Mars is a giant and the
and is hot to the Sun cold place biggest planet
Arrow timeline infographics
01 Mercury
It’s the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest one
02 Saturn Saturn is a gas giant and
has several rings

Venus is the second planet

03 Venus from the Sun

It’s actually a cold place. It’s

full of iron oxide dust
04 Mars
Jupiter is the biggest planet
of them all
05 Jupiter
Arrow timeline infographics

Mercury Jupiter Saturn Neptune

Mercury is the smallest Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is a gas giant Neptune is the farthest
planet of them all planet of them all and has several rings planet from the Sun
Arrow timeline infographics

Venus Mercury Mars Jupiter

Venus has a Mercury is the Mars is actually a Jupiter is the

beautiful name, but smallest planet in cold place full of biggest planet in
it is terribly hot the Solar System iron oxide dust the Solar System
Arrow timeline infographics

Mars Day 1
Mars is actually a cold
place. It’s full of iron
oxide dust
Day 2 Venus has a beautiful
name and is the second
planet from the Sun
Saturn is composed of Day 3
hydrogen and helium and
is the ringed planet
Day 4 Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun and the
smallest one
Arrow timeline infographics

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Saturn Jupiter Venus Mercury Mars

It’s composed Jupiter is a gas Venus is the It’s the smallest Despite being
of hydrogen and giant and the second planet planet in the red, Mars is a
also of helium biggest planet from the Sun Solar System cold place
Arrow timeline infographics

Neptune is the Mercury
fourth-largest planet Venus is the second Saturn
in the Solar System planet from the Sun. It’s the closest planet
It’s really hot there to the Sun and the Saturn is composed
smallest one of hydrogen and also
of helium
Arrow timeline infographics

Mars 1 Venus
Mars is actually a cold Venus has a beautiful
place. It’s full of iron name and is the second
oxide dust 2 planet from the Sun

Saturn Mercury
Saturn is composed of Mercury is the closest
hydrogen and helium and
is the ringed planet
3 planet to the Sun and the
smallest one
Arrow timeline infographics
Jupiter is a gas
giant and the
Mercury is the biggest planet
closest planet
to the Sun
Mercury Neptune is the
Venus farthest planet
from the Sun
Despite being
red, Mars is a
cold place
Venus has a
beautiful name
and is hot
Arrow timeline infographics
It’s the biggest 6
planet of them all Mercury
5 It’s the closest
Neptune planet to the Sun

It’s the farthest 4

planet from the Sun Earth
3 It’s the third planet
Saturn from the Sun

It’s a gas giant and 2

has several rings
1 Despite being red,
it’s a cold place
Arrow timeline infographics
Venus Saturn
It has a beautiful It’s a gas giant and is
name, but it’s even composed of
hotter than Mercury hydrogen and helium

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Neptune Mercury Jupiter

Neptune is the It’s the closest planet It’s a gas giant
fourth-largest planet to the Sun and the and the biggest
in the Solar System smallest one planet of them all
Arrow timeline infographics

Neptune is the farthest

planet from the Sun and
a gas giant

Despite being red, Mars

2019 is a very cold place, full
of iron oxide dust

Earth is the third planet

from the Sun and the
only one that harbors life

Jupiter is a gas giant

2021 and the biggest planet in
the Solar System
Arrow timeline infographics
It’s the closest planet to the Sun
1 Mercury and the smallest one of them all

Despite being red, Mars is actually

2 Mars a cold place full of iron oxide dust

Jupiter is a gas giant and the

3 Jupiter biggest planet in the Solar System

It’s a gas giant and is composed of

4 Saturn hydrogen and helium

Neptune is the fourth-largest

5 Neptune planet in the Solar System
Arrow timeline infographics

Venus Mercury Mars Jupiter

Venus has a Mercury is the Mars is actually a Jupiter is the
beautiful name, but smallest planet in cold place full of biggest planet in
it is terribly hot the Solar System iron oxide dust the Solar System
Arrow timeline infographics

201 202
8 1
Saturn Venus
Saturn is a gas 2020 Venus is the
giant and it has 9 second planet
several rings from the Sun

Mercury Earth
Mercury is the Earth is the
closest planet third planet
to the Sun from the Sun
Arrow timeline infographics

Saturn Jupiter Venus Mercury Mars

Saturn is a gas Jupiter is a gas Venus is the It’s the smallest Despite being
giant and has giant and the second planet planet in the red, Mars is a
several rings biggest planet from the Sun Solar System cold place
Arrow timeline infographics
It’s the closest planet to
2018 Mercury the Sun and the smallest
one of them all

Neptune is the farthest

planet from the Sun and Neptune 2019
a gas giant

Despite being red, Mars

2020 Mars is actually a cold place,
full of iron oxide dust

Saturn is a gas giant and

is composed of Saturn 2021
hydrogen and helium
Arrow timeline infographics

Venus is the second planet
from the Sun

2021 2020
Mercury is the smallest Saturn is composed of
planet of them all hydrogen and helium

2019 2018
Neptune is the farthest Jupiter is the biggest planet
planet from the Sun in the Solar System
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