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Mi nombre es Tobías, vivo en Ensenada, Baja California, México. Si encuentras algo que yo escribi - Por Favor – Corrigemelo - Soy mejor en Alemán o Inglés.

También visita mi proyecto: GoBox Electronic Motor controller

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Mi Bibliografia Personal Contra Imperialismo:

Only 911 Documentation yet that mentiones suspected use of thermonuclerar devices in New York on Sept. 11 as further elaborated on by a Finish Military Expert; read about the specific evidence for use of thermonuclear devices
Only video showing impressive fragments of fused molten rock and steel from the WTC towers, as can have only been produced by thermonuclear explosives.
Mentions that 'The International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan/ICC' from Dec. 15 2002 charged George W. Bush with 31 counts of war crimes among others for use of Depleted Uranium Ammunition
Also shows extensive footage of the initial reporting of large secondary explosives found even unexploded in the Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building; information that later completely disappeared.

another good one (Almost Funny;) Also Part 2 of :September 11th the Con the Conspiracy the Cover-up of 911' a 2hour 20 cutup of the best scenes of the other documentaries! (a Box Cutter Video by Boogieman Productions)