Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Immune Regulation

Welcome to the Othy Lab Webpage. The overarching goal of our lab is to conduct fundamental immunology research with cutting-edge technologies to provide new insights into how our immune system selectively fights infectious agents while protecting self-tissues, i.e., Immune Regulation. We are passionate about understanding the principles of immune regulation at organismal, cellular, and molecular levels. In the long run, we aim to uncover new immune regulation networks that play crucial roles in human health and disease

Key Research Areas


Tissue-specific mechanisms of Regulatory T lymphocytes in the CNS to prevent and treat neurodegenerative disorders.


Decode Piezo1-mediated mechanosensing in cytotoxic T lymphocytes to fight solid tumors and chronic inflammatory conditions.

Vaccine Biology

Identify molecular mechanisms of adjuvants to develop safe and effective vaccines for infectious diseases. 

Featured Videos

Treg (Foxp3-GFP) and Th17 (IL17-TdT) cells in the Inguinal lymph node (Unpublished)
Repetitive scanning Treg (Green) cells limit Th17 (Red) cell access to APCs (Yellow) in the spinal cord during EAE (PNAS 2020).