Google classroom
Changes are occurring more rapidly. This platform is an online classroom where materials, resources and videos are sent home for easy access to the various
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Welcome to the website of Fairview Secondary School. We reckon ourselves a school that is home once the learner walks in, and also a community where the home is an extension of school.
I feel highly honoured and privileged to be the principal of this great school. I believe in upholding the tenets of education; I am sold out on high standards, integrity, team spirit and team effect in everything we do. May I now walk you through who we are.
Fairview Secondary School is the best place for your children because we have mapped out strategies to keep our students progressing immensely which are outlined below:
Changes are occurring more rapidly. This platform is an online classroom where materials, resources and videos are sent home for easy access to the various
This form of assessment is computer-based and applies to multiple-choice section of all subjects. This is to expose our pupils to the use of computers
There are no upcoming events.
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Contact us
Edwin Clark Crescent, Guzape District,
Abuja, Nigeria.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +234 803 888 1189
© 2020 Copyright Fairview School, Abuja