Fortnite, are you sure about this? Did you think it through?



this made me laugh so hard

“ keyhollow:
“ supreme-leader-stoat:
“ agent-of-empathy:
“ dragongyrlwren:
“ dr-algernop:
“ 13flamingbees:
“ avatarsymbolism:
“ avatrashh:
“ avatar-gifs:
“Avatar: The...

Avatar: The Last Airbender 1.05 | The King of Omashu

Wow those moves look like someone who’s childhood best friend was an airbender

…Shit, you’re right. 

That spin he does. That is an airbendery move. 

Literally the exact same move Aang pulls when he gets off his glider (cant find a gif but like… I promise)


This shows attention to detail was unreal.

Even the fall backwards! That looks like the exact kind of thing a fun loving Airbender kid would do while showing off gliders and airbending proficiency.

the best benders in this show tend to be the ones who adapt elements of other bending techniques. Bumi has some airbender-y movements, Zuko and Iroh use some Air and Water movements, even Katara tends to use some earthbender looking moves when bending ice

Meanwhile Toph just took earthbending and cranked it all the way up to 11.

Everyone else: The spice of variety! The four elements make mine stronger! Ballerina time!

Toph:….meTal….bendy bendy

take into account that Toph might not be able to take other bending styles into her own. Because those styles (especially fire and air) require you to lift your feet off the ground and for Toph she would lose her way of connecting to the world like he’s used too.

Toph took earthbending, made it her bitch, and made it adapt to her needs as a disabled person.


oh shit you right.

vague memory of someone else’s analysis, but Toph’s earthbending forms are built on a different discipline than everyone else’s. it’s not so much that she took earthbending and built it up, but that she made up her own.

she did, after all, learn from moles instead of masters

atla heritage post

A comic like page with two panels. The first one shows sokka with stuffed out chest, pointing at his chest with his thumb. He has a self-assured expression, kinda arrogant. Zuko is in front of him, back to the viewer. They both are wearing parkas. Sokka is wearing a light blue one and Zuko is wearing a dark red. The background is a light blue, ice-like color, as if they're inside a place made of ice. There's a dialogue balloon indicating that Sokka is saying to Zuko: You come to me because I'm  the man with a plan. And there's sparkles at the end of his sentence. Below them there's a thin black stripe, in the middle of it written with white cursive letter it reads: 1 (one) loop later. The second panel shows a picture of Sokka spreaded out at a carpet made of animal fur, and he has one arm covering his distressed face. Above him there's the words "f*ck magic." written in big bold white letters. On the bottom right there's a tiny, cartoon-like picture of zuko with his hands on his waits, and above him written in small white cursive letters it says: "I really don't think that attitude is going to get us out of this." On the bottom left there's the signature: jotadepes.ALT

And the Spirits Laughed (AO3) fic project for the @zkbigbang

“I have to solve this stupid cosmic riddle to learn whatever they won’t just come out and tell me, or else…I don’t know, I just keep living today over and over until I really do lose my mind? Or get turned into an animal? That’s how spirits usually work, right?”
“Oh Agni help me, I’m gonna get turned into like, a ferretvole or something, aren’t I? I’m gonna get eaten by an owlcat.”
AKA: Zuko gets trapped in a time loop and handles it extremely well.

this fic is super a super fun approach on Zuko’s suffering. 11/10 would recommend.

Two pictures, the first one is on the top half, and the second one on the bottom half. On the first one, a kid Katara is sitting on the floor, listening to Gran-Gran telling a story. Gran Gran is backwards to the viewer. Sokka is by Katara side, but it only shows part of him, he's with his mouth open, bored. There is a fire and on the center of the whole picture, merging the two illustrations together. The first half is a bonfire between Gran-Gran and Katara, and it illuminates both of them with a warm glow. The bottom half of this same fire is a lamp on the wall, illuminating the scene. Zuko, with his phoenix-tail, is sitting, listening to Iroh, with a melancholy expression on his face. Iroh is in front of him, telling something with his eyes closed, a sad expression on his face. The whole picture is made with a sketchy lineart, and it's softly colored. On the bottom half it reads the signature: jotadepeALT

Heartsong (AO3)

(…)“No? What about the First Hunt?”

Sokka sat up straight, but Katara’s frown deepened. “You told that one this morning!”

“She could tell it again!” Sokka said.

Gran Gran chuckled. “No, we’ll save it for another day. I know!” She smiled at Katara. “How about the First Soulmates?” (…)

fic project for the @zkbigbang ♥ ♪
make sure to check out the other artist for this story; @drachenfalter


my laptop is a little broken so I have to draw on my phone (again...). anyway, katara


Firelord Zuko.

A companion piece for this one


Do not repost.


I’m rewatchig atla again and, as expected, i’m full of zutara feelings. Forever hopeful that this time they will be canon. ♥

Please do not repost/use without asking first! ♥


Yes!! You heard me!!! That’s right!!!!!

wait, I’ll explain.

I’m opening one (1) slot for 1 (one) free comission, BUT it needs to be related to avatar the last airbender. And I don’t want it to be related to any ship.

Why am I doing this? Well, I’m uninspired. And I kinda need to post something on my social medias.

So what are you waiting for??? Send me that sweet msg telling me what you want me to do and I’ll do it! hurray!!! :DDD

But if you want to support this artist with money then just buy me a ko-fi!!!

Thank you for your attention ^^


I've been thinking about that ending scene of the Chase💤

asker portrait
Anonymous asked:

Do you get the impression the live action is treating us like utter morons?? Like I thought that making it aimed at an older audience would open the doors for more subtle story telling, but no, they're just using monologues to tell us eveything! Like in the second episode Katara's like 'oh his power isn't that he's the avatar, it's that he ~connects~ to people'. Girl we're not idiots we can see that!! And the first episode with Aang's goddawful 'I don't want this responsibility' monologue


THIS, YES. The word that keeps coming to mind is definitely “subtlety”. The show for literal children? Had it. The remake for adults? Not so much.


Fire Half-Child


(what shoud’ve been)


please do not repost and/or use


had to draw that kiawentiio clip cause she literally IS KATARA


it’s you, it’s always you

If I’m ever gonna fall in love I know it’s gon’ be you

the digital and updated version of this doodle from 2020

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