We are Independent churches working together to reach Britain for Christ.
We are a fellowship of Independent churches with members of the family across England, Scotland and Wales. Our mission is to see those Independent churches working together with a big vision: to reach Britain for Christ.
Being part of FIEC (the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches) links you to a growing number of Independent evangelical churches - there are more than 50,000 people who are part of churches affiliated to FIEC.
So we are:
Independent Churches…
We are passionate about supporting healthy Independency as the best model for local churches. Our desire is to make the Biblical case for Independency and to encourage Independent churches to be interdependent.
…working together…
Healthy churches are led by healthy leaders. Our networks offer help and support to pastors, women in ministry, ministry wives and other gospel workers. We work to connect churches with one another and with FIEC to help serve their mission and ministry.
…to reach Britain for Christ.
A healthy church is a growing church. We help churches to be effective in their evangelism. We give guidance for training new gospel workers while equipping existing workers to be the best leaders they can be. We offer support with planting new churches and revitalising existing ones.
Find out how your church can join our fellowship.
What we do
Find out about our ministries and initiatives.
The churches of FIEC are committed to the truths of historic, biblical Christianity found in our Doctrinal Basis, and our accepted ethos statements.
Staff Team
Meet the people who are involved in leading and running FIEC.
Trustees and governance
The Trustees act on behalf of FIEC churches in making policy, safeguarding integrity, meeting its legal responsibilities, and caring for staff.
Our values are the biblical principles which govern our conduct as the FIEC staff team.
This page was last updated on 29/08/2024. Spotted an error? Please get in touch.