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CALS Raster Graphic

⇒ Category:Raster Image Files

📌 One of the auxiliary .CAL sample definitions concerns 1-bit (white and black) raster images, utilized by appropriate tools as an advanced facility to electronically capture military documentation. This current .CAL node foundation can be compressed or decompressed with the involvement of CCITT Group 4 encoding algorithm approach. Precisely, the noted .CAL file basement is available in Type 1 and Type 2 revisions, although Type 1 specification is more commonly and often encountered in daily practices and experiences. In the meantime, CALS term can be abbreviated from “Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support”. The overall .CAL technological specification has been invented and deployed by the US Department of Defense for the target of electronic and digital restructuring and researching of the military database and printed resources. Until then, the .CAL format mechanics have gained a broad compatibility with all present-day graphical editors and raster image viewers, belonging to the solid arsenal of Windows and macOS software tools and bundles remaining in active assets of contemporary users, designers and employees of creative professions.

Calendar File

⇒ Category:Page Layout Files
⇒ Developer:Broderbund Software, Inc

📌 This certain .CAL format entitlement is designated for storing and covering calendars generated by various Broderbund programs oriented on calendar design targets. Accurately, this current .CAL schema definition is composed of events and dates, separated and grouped by months. Besides, this respective .CAL layout composition internally maintains user-defined formatting options and tweaks as well as custom images for each precise monthly period. The noted .CAL object instances are supported and operated by Broderbund software programs only, focused on creation, mastering and design of stylish calendars and schedules for daily tasks and business practices. At the same time, as long .CAL sustained software is oriented on Windows and macOS platforms unexceptionally, so does the .CAL container area, which strictly operates on the predefined desktop shells, and is not comprehended and identified by any of Linux distributions and branches.

3ds Max Pose Adjustment File

⇒ Category:3D Image Files
⇒ Developer:Autodesk, Inc

📌 One more supplemental definition of the .CAL technical standard relies on the file objects generated and opened up by 3ds Max, a three-dimensional animation and modeling software bundle. Correspondingly, the noted .CAL constitution maintains adjustment values for a biped’s character pose initiated and built while remaining in the active Adjust Talent Pose mode. Precisely, the current .CAL mechanics are utilized and designated for adding pose information to the figure’s hierarchy, processed and sustained in the .FIG extension basement. A biped term can be briefly described and managed as a two-footed figure, such as a human character. 3ds Max solution, perfectly eligible for .CAL format employment and embracement, is a powerful software solution able to combine and design complex, advanced particle effects. One of additional tool hints is an ability to populate crowds of characters with well-considered, intelligent, and realistic behavior. At last, the .CAL adapted bundle is capable of creating gentle, subtle strand-derived effects like hair and grass. Thanks to an ability to append various plug-ins and modules, the featured arsenal of .CAL relied 3ds Max suite can be massively extended to enormous range.

CryENGINE Character Animation List

⇒ Category:3D Image Files
⇒ Developer:Crytek GmbH

📌 At last, the conclusive .CAL node variation can be managed and operated as the data entity, opened, built and initiated by CryENGINE SDK, a powerful .CAL tech covered program bundle which serves for developing industry-standardized, top-quality 3D games. Essentially, this certain .CAL data structure stores a complete list of all animation asset resources in the .CAF schematic shape, employed for designing realistic, effects-satiated character animation within a proper game title. In former CryENGINE editions up to build 3.3, .CAL file samples were merged with .SETUP and .IK content definitions into a common, unified .CHRPARAMS object to simplify and facilitate outcome configuration of certain .CAL character animation. As the time has progressed, the .CAL technology has consecutively been transferred to obsolete category and was superseded by newer, more sophisticated methodologies. As long as the noted .CAL container is utilized by CryENGINE package unexceptionally, the following data approach is typically encountered by 3D designers and animation modelers, who are related to the 3D design area of proficiency and practice with the various tools for acquiring best experience and skills.

How to open an .CAL file?

📌 The .CAL file components can be opened, reviewed and analyzed by various software, related to the Broderbund corporate trademark. Among such toolkits, The Print Shop, PrintMaster, and Calendar Creator should be specified on the first hand. This issue concerns a situation, when a pinpoint .CAL file item serves for designing calendars and activity schedulers, accomplished with the interference of the Broderbund software offsprings. Besides, the target .CAL composition can be oriented on the Autodesk 3ds Max assets, focused on adjustment of values for a biped’s pose comprising the overall figure’s structure. Furthermore, in certain occasions the peculiar .CAL extension elements can be researched and monitored by plain raster image editors, such as CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, Canvas X Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Corel PaintShop Pro, and other compound suites targeted for designing aims and proficiency. Finally, in rarer preconditions the individual .CAL file samples are uncovered and adjusted by Crytek CryENGINE SDK during 3D animation modeling and configuration routines. Although this respective .CAL layout is substituted by more modern analogous format constitutions, some older CryENGINE SDK revisions (up to build 3.3) still utilize this archaic .CAL technological approach.

Programs to open .CAL file - CALS Raster Graphic

  • Windows
  • Mac OS
  • 🌐 Software
    ⌨️ Developer
    💵 License
  • Adobe Systems

Programs to open .CAL file - CryENGINE Character Animation List

  • Windows

Programs to open .CAL file - 3ds Max Pose Adjustment File

  • Windows
  • 🌐 Software
    ⌨️ Developer
    💵 License
  • Autodesk Inc

Programs to open .CAL file - Calendar File

  • Windows
  • Mac OS
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