We keep an eye on the economy and markets for your success
Proven research expertise for our clients
Business success requires a good information base on which you can make decisions and act. DZ BANK Research, which regularly receives awards, keeps an eye on the economy and markets for you. Every day, our around 80 experts analyse economic events in the world. This makes DZ BANK one of the largest analysis houses in Germany. Our customers can specifically benefit from this expertise: We provide publications with reports and forecasts on 25 economies, 19 currencies, 150 bond issuers, around 300 equities and 12 commodities. Information on which you can base your decisions. And with which you can secure a decisive information advantage over your competitors.
Contact us for our research
In addition to the publicly available highlights on the economy and currencies, we also make our current content available for you to call up individually. We will be glad to discuss your access options with you.