FOOM Liquid – FOOM Lab Global


Experience our newly developed e-liquid, made with perfection in our minds and sincerity in our hearts. Foom Liquid will satisfy your nicotine cravings without all that bad after-taste in your mouth and leave no odor in your clothes. Find your favourite flavors:

Liquid ingredients

PROPYLENE GLYCOL AND GLYCERINE UP TO 90%: Propylene glycol and glycerin are clear liquids used to make visible steam, and are generally used by the medical, beauty and food industries. The majority, if not all e-liquids, contain propylene glycol (PG).

NICOTINE: Nicotine is a stimulant derived from tobacco plants: 30ml with a weight of nicotine 10 mg (1%) - 50 mg (5%)

FLAVOR: FOOM flavors consist of natural and artificial flavor ingredients that provide a specific flavor profile for each taste. As a policy, our development and manufacturing process does not add diacetyl and acetylproprionyl (or 2,3-pentanedione) as flavoring ingredients.

BENZOIC ACID: Benzoic acid is a natural ingredient, found in t*bacc* and other substances. When combined with nicotine as part of our nicotine salt formulation, it helps provide satisfaction like cggrte.

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