Please help. Temperature and humidity controller

Hello everyone I am new to Arduino but I am willing to learn something new.

Could you please help me how to code DHT22 equip with relays and LCD with a keypad shield? I will use this as a controller on my egg incubator. The temperature settings will be 37.2 °C to 38°C and the humidity is 55 to 65 RH and can be adjusted in the keypad shield.

Thanks in advance.

Egg incubators, beer fermentation controllers and the like are popular projects. They all use the same principle and many are posted on line.

Use something like these search phrases to find them "arduino egg incubator" or "arduino fermentation controller".

I got this from someone's OLED project and changed it to LCD (with RELAY for FAN)...

Welcome! We are not a free design service, but ware very willing to help. First show us what you have accomplished with a schematic and parts list. If you have started on the code please post it. I would highly recommend you spend some time with your favorite search engine and see what is out there, There are a lot of posts, projects, etc that are close to what you want. There was one last year that I remember that was for a chicken brooder. Note the same as a egg incubator but similar control constrqints.

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