mercedes benz glc class 2016 Modèle 3D

mercedes benz glc class 2016 Modèle 3D
$ 119.00
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  • Formats disponibles:
    3DS MAX all ver.: 3ds 9.50 MB
    Autodesk FBX: fbx 28.45 MB
    3DS MAX ver.2012: max2012 5.44 MB
    Render: Mental Ray
    Wavefront OBJ: obj 20.23 MB
  • Polygones:
  • Sommets:
  • Animé:
  • Textures:
  • Installé:
  • Matériaux:
  • Bas-poly:
  • Collection:
  • cartographie UVW:
  • Plugins Utilisé:
  • Prêt à imprimer:
  • Géométrie:
  • UVs non enveloppés:
  • Vus:
  • Date:
  • ID de produit:
  • Rating:
* features:
- highly detailed exterior and basic interior.
- model is settled to 0,0,0 xyz axis.
- mental ray materials included.
- real world scaled.(units in milimeters)
- textures included.(c:mctmercedes) place textures folder in that directory
- suitable for animations and architectural visualizations.
- tires, doors etc grouped.
- all parts of car and materials named properly so you can easily find which material
is for which part of the car.
- body color can be changed.model color can be different from preview images.
- no modifier collapsed (such as meshsmooth) so you can easily set level of detail.
- environment shown on preview renders is not included. only the model file.
- no advanced texturing skill required to modify texturing. plain and simple texturing.

----- meshsmooth iteration level 2-----

polygon count : 516178
vertex count : 534784

---------two obj files--------
- one with high poly and one with low poly (without meshsmooth)
highpoly polygon and vertex count: 1033243 - 534541
lowpoly polygon and vertex count : 326113 - 173409

---------two 3ds files--------
- one with high poly and one with low poly (without meshsmooth)
highpoly polygon and vertex count: 1033259 - 570237
lowpoly polygon and vertex count : 326129 - 203928

---------two fbx files--------
- one with high poly and one with low poly (without meshsmooth)
highpoly polygon and vertex count: 567947 - 535020
lowpoly polygon and vertex count : 221573 - 174107

attention !!!

only max, fbx and 3ds file contains mental ray materials.obj format have gray material.all file formats includes textures. Prêt à imprimer: Non
Avez besoin de plus de formats?
Si vous avea besoin d’\autre format veuillez ouvrir un billet d’\assistance et demandez le. Nous pouvons convertir les modèles de 3D en: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. Nous ne convertissons pas les scènes 3D et des formats tels que .step, .iges, .stp, .sldprt.!

Télécharger mercedes benz glc class 2016 Modèle 3D 3ds fbx max2012 obj De Swan3DStudios

mercedes benz glc class klasse mercedes-benz suv off road 4x4 terrain german germany heavy luxury 4matic 250d 2016 2017
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mercedes benz glc class 2016 Modèle 3D