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A buffet is a style of service which is concerned with value in terms of variety of options per say food provided
corresponding to the price a person would have to pay for it. It provides the guest freedom to choose from various different
categories, making it an unbeatable bargain for the guest. All the buffets include a combination of the following:

 A creative and centralized idea or theme

 Stylized preparation food in volume
 Showmanship and flare
 Unusual table setting and configuration
 Professional and knowledgeable service

 A creative and centralized idea or theme: This is the message a reastauranter attempts to convey through the
main buffet. It may centre on a particular meal period such as breakfast, lunch or dinner, or focus on a
particular occasion, holiday or ethnic presentation. The selection of food, service ware, backdrop, containers,
and colors all must compliment the meal period. The theme has to be clearly be defined for and easily
recognized by guest.
 Stylized preparation food in volume: In such an approach the finished appearance of the food is important as
its taste, garnish, color, texture, shape, size, variety should be well considered. The different methods of
preparations and shapes of the food helps in creating an appealing presentation. The foods laid out have to be
well balanced and contrasted.
 Showmanship and flare: this refers to the presentation of the food and the surrounding buffet area, and it is
here that the operator can create a special dining experience. It creates a mood as the drama, action, colors,
props and the lighting all enhance the guest’s dining experience.
 Unusual table setting and configuration: table settings much satisfy two operational concerns: ease of service
by the service attendant and ease of service by the guest. Only after the flows of products and guests have
been determined can the settings and configuration be planned. Space and time are the next most important
concerns for the operator. The size of the dining area, the type of function, the allotment of time and the
amount of displayed products all must be considered when the setting and layout are established.
 Professional and knowledgeable service: The skills demonstrated in the display of the finished product are
conveyed to the guest through the knowledge and the professionalism of the attending staff. They help in
describing and guiding the guest through the buffet.


 Space provided and room configuration: this is one of the major factors that influence a setup. Limited space leads
to limited creative techniques that could be used. For e.g. one has to limit breaking of the buffet accordingly. A
separate pre function area might also have to allotted or a separate section for the bar maybe using another room etc.
 Allotted time for service period: the fastest way to speed up service is a straight line with access from both sides
with the guests having full control over the portion size. Another way would be to setup identical buffets in multiple
 Number of guests: the set up for the buffet and the no. of chafing dishes, service cutlery required, the number of
buffet stations required etc. are all determined by the no. of guests.
 Type of buffet menu: this depends on whether the buffet menu is elaborate or limited choices are provided to the
guest, whether it is a standup buffet or a sit down buffet which would have an exhaustive menu etc.
 Live counter requirement: such counter if they have to be set up come with their own set of requirements like
power, gas, fire protection etc.also since everything is right in front of the guest hygiene plays a major role and
proper waste management has to be carried out.
 Guests’ requirements: satisfaction of the guest and adherence to the needs of the guest is again one of the most
important factors to be kept in mind.
 Location: this is of prime importance as to whether the buffet service is going to be set up within the premises of the
hotel or is an outdoor event. If in the hotel the regular guidelines and checklist is followed whereas if outdoor a
survey of the place has to be done, cutlery crockery etc. have to be varied out according to the requirements, proper
holding compartments have to be taken, space has to be assigned for a satellite kitchen, enough fuel has to be carried
 Ratio of guest served to attendants serving food: despite this service being a self-service, their might be dishes that
might be served by the attendants.
 Staffing conditions: staff available also affects the set up.less staff would lead to large size food serving containers,
less space behind the container and less replenishment. The no of attendants also determines the no. of dishes that
might be served by them.
 Service standards required: such a style of service requires attentive, courteous and effective service. a self service
b/fast buffet requires less service as compared to an elaborate brunch buffet. The service standards required depends
upon the amount of table service required, desire of speed or leisure, beverage service, clearance, service of specialty
food etc.for e.g. a sit down buffet has part self service and part on the table, finger buffets would have complete self
service etc.
 Proximity of service to production: under an ideal condition the kitchen should be at a minimum distance from the
service area. The more the items are in the production area the longer the quality of the buffet table can be maintained
on the buffet table.
 Ease of guest service and attendant service: this can be done by providing proper service ware, crockery etc to the
guest. Similarly reasonable space should be left behind the counter for personnel to stand and guide the guests
through it.
 Power needs: power is required for lighting, refrigeration, for electric burners, hot plates etc.


The factors to be kept in mind while planning the buffet are:

 The markets or the client’s needs and wants: this is the ultimate test for any buffet menu or event to satisfy the client.
Following things should be kept in mind while planning the menu: time restraints, price range, featured concepts,
entertainment, degree of showmanship, amount of service desired, kinds of food expected, method of preparation,
the event itself. This checklist should always be followed.
 Profitability versus cost: the cost of each item should be determined, especially those never served in a buffet style
before. Items that have been proved to be cost effective should be reviewed effectively. The following needs to be
calculated: food cost, labor cost: preparation and service, showmanship cost, equipment cost, holding/transportation
 Quality and availability of the product to be used: the availability of the needed ingredients should be ascertained
before settling the menu. The use of locally available products and fresher foods help in strengthening the quality of
the buffet. Proper handling, storage and service are essential.
 Production capabilities and limitations: this is one of the most important parts of the menu planning as it is essential
to analysize the kitchens production capability and limitations. Many suppliers over look this aspect and later find it
difficult to meet the requirements due to lack of availability of space or equipments. Preparing buffet food is very
different from preparing ala carte orders as it requires more space and
 Expertise of the staff: The challenge of creating a memorable and exciting buffet cannot be met without skilled staff.
The staff whether in the production side or the service side should be made well aware of the product, the ingredients
used, the style of preparation and its service to avoid embarrassment in front of the guest.
 Variety and balance: variety doesn’t simply mean an assortment of food. The planner has to consider preparation
method, colors, shapes, sizes and textures. The buffets price and selection are the two principal’s criteria by which
the patron and client judge its value.
 Nutritional value and balance: Today’s food service operators provide stress on healthful eating. For e.g. deep fried
items have been replaced by stir fired, the desert section has shrunk and sugar free deserts have come into being and
salad bar has increased.
 Holding capability: foods presented on the buffet should be of high quality and appearance when they are presented.
But all the food items can’t be prepared ala minute. Therefore it is important to see if the foods prepared in advance
are held properly before coming onto the buffet so the look as fresh as ever.
 Difficulty and ease of service: the placement of foods on the buffet should be such that there is ease of service. The
decision of placement would depend upon pace of the meal period, difficulty or ease of portioning ,service by guest
or attendant, access to holding area, cost of finished product and restrictions and constraints of serving .

Following are the types of buffet:
 MEAL PERIOD BUFFET: the meal period buffet is served during the particular time of the day or during a
particular meal period. Besides the standard breakfast, lunch, and dinner buffets it also includes in
 BRUNCH BUFFET: The brunch buffet is made up of standard breakfast and lunch foods. It offers a full line
of hot and cold foods and is operated at an unhurried pace. The composition would have cereals, eggs,
waffles, breads and main course items which would include western and Indian dishes followed by an array
of deserts. This is a leisure service.
 FINGER OR FORK BUFFET: this is a reception buffet and bite sized foods are presented for stand up
service or a combination of sit down and stand up service. Foods in this category are to be handled easily
with fingers and consumed while standing. The main objective of the reception style is to accommodate the
guests in a way that it doesn’t hinder conversation, movement, and mingling.
 DISPLAY BUFFET: this presents a particular item or a group of items in the dining area or front of the
lobby of a restaurant. Such buffets often promote a particular item. For e.g. manager could promote a famous
house dessert or set up a bar. But now a day this trend is dying because it requires a lot of maintenance and if
not properly maintained could lead to a reverse effect.
 OCCASION BUFFET: in this the style of service, menu, and presentation focus on a particular occasion
such as a wedding, anniversary, birthday, holiday etc. in such buffets there is a central theme and the
menu ,selection of food, décor revolves around that.
 REGIONAL AND ETHNIC BUFFET: the regional or ethnic buffet is dominated by a particular area or
nationality. Authenticity is the key to success to such buffets. The customs of that place, food preparation
styles, styles of service should be well studied before planning such a buffet.
 EVENT ORIENTED BUFFET: this buffet style celebrates an occasion created by the restaurant or client.E.g
a restaurants anniversary, charity event, launch party etc.Such events are measured by the success of the
 SEASONAL BUFFET: spring, summer, fall and winter are seasonal buffets. These give the operator an
opportunity to offer foods that are plentiful, readily available, and obtained at reasonable costs during that
particular time of the year.eg mango festival, winter buffet etc.


The following checklist should be followed which would lead to the actual planning of the buffet:
 Perception of the guests/clients
 Needs of the guests/clients
 Cost considerations-labor and food
 Variety and balance
 Product quality and availability
 Physical limitations: front and back of the house
 Employee limitation :skills and knowledge
 Equipment limitations: availability
 Holding and transportation capability
 Ease of service :attendants and guests
1. Plan and design a buffet

1. Design the total concept, food items and display as required, in consultation with customers and other relevant
2. Plan buffets according to the required theme or occasion, in consultation with customers and other relevant
3. Select and organize an appropriate range and quantity of food items with consideration given to quality and price
related to the enterprise and customer requirements.

2. Planning the seating arrangement:

1. Pre planning of the space management should be done.
2. Proper space calculations on the basis of number of tables and chairs required and their style of arrangement should
be decided. This also depends on the nature of the buffet and the number of guests.
3. The arrangement would also depend upon the kind of service required for that particular event and the number of
guest served and attendant served items on the buffet.
4. Seating arrangements should be made to provide ease of service to the guest by the servers/attendants.

3. Prepare for the buffet

1. Select appropriate service equipment, service ware and linen to display food and decorations.
2. Plan and arrange tables and service points so they are suitable for buffet display and service according to
establishment requirements, occasion, and efficient and safe customer/staff accessibility.
3. Buffet should be set up in sectors such as saladbar, entrée line or on the basis of cold and hot foods.
4. Prepare or organize food presentation with artistic flair and according to establishment standards and customer
5. Select, and prepare or organize appropriate and attractive decorations and centerpieces, as required.
6. Liaise with relevant personnel to organize preparation and conduct of buffets where required.

4. Display food items

1. Display food items with a sense of artistry to create customer appeal.

2. Use garnishes and accompaniments to enhance taste and appeal.
3. Supervise buffet service to ensure that food items are replenished, and that the total display remains neat and

5. Present buffet in a safe and hygienic manner

1. Identify potential health problems through cross-contamination and food spoilage and take appropriate preventative
measures to eliminate these risks.
2. Keep food on display at temperature levels as prescribed by legislation.

6. Proper staff allocation and briefing

1. Allocate the staff according to the areas and sections that would be managed by them.
2. Proper briefing on the duties assigned to them should be provided along with providing them with a sound
knowledge of the menu and it ingredients and preparation styles.

7. Proper and effective clearance

Proper and effective clearance provides for a good buffet management. Clearance areas should be properly demarked and a
person should be assigned to take the cleared plates up to the wash up in order to maintain the continuous flow of the
crockery and cutlery.


 Larger variety of options to the guest

 value for money
 it is fast
 lesser staff required
 good way to cut food costs if the pricing of the buffet is done aptly
 larger no of guests can be served at the same time


 less comfort for the guest

 no personalization of service
 wastage of food
 if employ casual labor, it could increase the labor cost
 Not compatible to serve few cuisines e.g. authentic Chinese food etc.
 not convenient while organizing a formal dinner


CHAFING DISHES: this can be round, square, or rectangular. They may have domed lids or convenient covers. Some have
built in electric elements or Canned Heat holders. Chafing dishes can be made of steel, glass, silver, and brass. An operator
may use smaller size chafing dishes depending upon the kind of function. While purchasing a chafing dish one must look at
the joints, how sturdy it is, inspect all cords if it has an electric element.

FUEL FOR CHAFING DISHES: chafing dishes are designed to maintain proper temperatures and the quality of the food that
they hold. It is the fuel that generates the heat .canned heat is the most common, producing a flame that heats the water in the
Bain Marie pan below the insert. Butane fuel and gels are most commonly used these days.

FOOD WARMER: they range from hot plates for coffee pots to the drop in steam table inserts for permanent buffet line
fixtures. The main purpose being to maintain the temperatures at which the food is to be served. They can be either stationary
or movable.

PLATE WARMER: these are used to keep plates warm. They can be either stationary or movable. They have an electric
element which keeps the plates warm at all times.

BREAD KNIVES: These should be used sparingly at a buffet. Breads should mostly be pre sliced and placed in baskets on
the buffet so the guest avoid using sharp knives.

BUFFET TABLES: They could either be round, rectangular or square depending on the restaurant and the type of buffet and
restaurant. Sizes:

BEVERAGE FOUNTAIN: they are designed specifically for use at a buffet. Wine drinks, punches, champagne, and special
creations may all be dispensed from a bev fountain. There are many types of fountains ranging from multi tiered and lighted
with electric pumps to revolving ones. They are chosen according to the one best suited for the restaurant or occasion.

BEVERAGE URNS/DISPENSERS: they are used to hold and serve bev.They include coffee urns, air voids, thermoses
etc.The ones used to dispense juices and milkshakes during the buffet are often electrically operated to keep the beverage
FOOD THERMOMETER: these are used to check the temperature of the food dishes placed on the buffet whether cold or
hot. The buffet temperature records are herby maintained. Hot foods to be kept at 140 degree F and above whereas cold food
to be maintained at 40 degree F and below.

PUNCH BOWLS: punch bowls are kept to chill the various beverages being alcoholic or non alcoholic. They come in many
styles made either of ss or acrylic. Common sizes being 2 or 3 gallons.

CAKE STAND: cake stand provides a tiered or pedestal effect and are available in a variety of material from glass to fine
brass and silver.

CHEESE BOARD: These are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Earlier wooden boards used to be kept but it was
extremely difficult to maintain them. Hence the plastic versions have replaced them.

FONDUE SETS: if a fondue set has to be a part of the buffet it has to be managed by an operator always. The complete
fondue set would include skewers, a candle or fuel holder and a decorative bowl for the fondue.

PLATTERS: these can be of various sizes and can be made of acrylic, glass or ss.these are usually used to display and serve
the food during buffet service.

LADLES: ladles range from ½ ounce to 24 ounces and more. They are essential as both service and cost control devices.
They come in every conceivable style and material.

MENU DISPLAY: these are used to convey food and service information to the guest and vary from a simple tent card to an
electronic sign board.

OIL AND VINEGAR CRUETS: These are very frequently requested for and should always be provided for at the salad
buffet. They can be presented in various ways: glass cruets to larger decorative bottles.

PIE AND CAKE SERVERS: Whether used by attendant or guest, pie and cake servers are basic equipments used and are
available in plastic, stainless, silver and other material.

PROPS: a prop reinforces the story and the theme of the buffet. Props add to the look and feel of the buffet.

SERVING BOWLS: They are used in various shapes, sizes and materials. Clear bowls are apt for being used at a buffet as
the guest can see the abundance of food they contain.

SERVING FORKS: these are usually found on carving stations. Though it can also be used in various other sections of the

SERVING SPOONS: they can be solid, slotted, perforated and be made of plastic, ss or silver.

SOUP TUREENS: now a days the tureens are all electrically operated and are basic equipments to keep soup hot and
maintain the temperatures.

TENTS (CANAPIES): they are majorly used at outdoor operations. These are usually taken on hire.

TONGS: Large slices or thick slices of fresh bread may require long handle utility tongs, whereas delicate miniature pastries
may require tiny tongs. Handle length ranges from 4 to 16 inches. Styles range from polished silver to inexpensive ss or
plastic. The various types include ice tongs, salad tongs, and spaghetti tongs.

TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT: success of a buffet depends upon providing top quality conditions. This is the function of
holding and transport equipment. There are dozens of styles and models to choose from depending on the costs , needs ,
requirements. The basic hot food carrier is a wheeled cart with an electrically powered heating element. Cold food carriers
might not be refrigerated but are heavily insulated.
WAFFLE IRONS: they are electrically heated and are usually made of cast iron with a chrome plated waffle grid. They must
be well maintained because they are part of the front of the house station equipment and are prominently displayed of the

PLATFORMS: they are used for keeping ice carvings, floral displays, and props. They form a part of the buffet inventory.
They may be made of wood, metal, plastic, and various other materials.


A display buffet is a restaurants presentation of an item or group of items. It is basically a sales tool used to encourage the
patrons’ selection of a particular food or foods. The display buffet should be a focal point at the beginning of the buffet line.
The display buffet may be an elaborate display of the various selections available or it may be merely a single plate with
several selections elegantly placed on it. It provides the guest of a preview of the items to follow.

This is a good advertising tool for the operator who offers both buffet and ala carte service, to promote the buffet. This kind
of a buffet is extremely beneficial when there is a theme buffet as it can be used to display the entire array of food and
accompaniments which helps in guests awareness of the cuisine.

Layout of buffet

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