Vocable Anglais
Vocable Anglais
Vocable Anglais
05 65 77 10 47
ce guide de voyage en 2021, dans un monde de Quelle est votre destination de rêve ?
frontières fermées et d’avions cloués au sol ? Le Focus ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
quotidien s’est alors tourné vers ses lecteurs, leur
adressant une question simple : quel est votre
B2-C1 Disneyland as a vaccination site? Airports as test centers?
endroit préféré au monde ? Le journal a reçu plus The travel industry pitches in THE NEW YORK TIMES ���������������������������������������������������� 10
de 2000 réponses : des anecdotes personnelles, Le secteur du tourisme s’engage pour la pandémie.
des récits de voyage ou de vies à l’étranger, nous
rappelant que l’acte d’explorer un lieu va souvent Société
de pair avec le fait de se découvrir soi-même. Cette
B2-C1 Therapists are on TikTok. And how does that make you feel?
quinzaine, nos articles de Une vous invitent donc à �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
un voyage tout aussi géographique que personnel. Quand les thérapeutes s’inscrivent sur TikTok.
Ces dernières semaines, pour beaucoup, la rêverie B2-C1 The Indian village where every family has an engineer
est salutaire. En effet, la pandémie et ses vagues THE GUARDIAN ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
de confinements successifs ont statistiquement Du métier à tisser au métier d’ingénieur...
abîmé notre moral : la santé mentale est plus
que jamais en train de devenir un problème de Sur le vif �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
santé publique. Une partie de la population est
particulièrement touchée : la jeunesse. Conscients
de ce phénomène, des psychiatres et psychologues PRATIC’ABLE ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17-20
américains ont décidé de s’inscrire sur TikTok pour Vocabulaire : s’orienter en ville / Grammaire : le gérondif /
y prodiguer leurs conseils. Découvrez dans nos Soignez votre orthographe / Jeux de mots
pages Société la manière dont ces thérapeutes sen-
sibilisent les jeunes au thème de la santé mentale. A 360 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Enfin, il y a quelques semaines, une autre grande
star du web fêtait ses vingt ans : l’encyclopédie Enjeux
en ligne Wikipédia. Utilisée par tous, bien que
B2-C1 What would it take to reach net zero before 2050 in the UK?
très souvent décriée, cette source d’information ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
incontournable est le résultat d’un projet tout Les Britanniques peuvent-ils atteindre la neutralité carbone d’ici 2050 ?
aussi ambitieux qu’utopique : rendre l’information
libre, accessible et gratuite pour tous. Dans nos
B2-C1 Big tech and censorship THE ECONOMIST ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
pages Culture, découvrez comment, après deux Quel arbitrage pour la liberté d’expression sur les réseaux sociaux ?
décennies, la plateforme continue à se développer...
Bonne lecture ! B2-C1 Happy Birthday, Wikipedia THE ECONOMIST ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 26
Wikipédia fête ses 20 ans.
Rejoignez-nous sur et suivez-nous sur et sur
B2-C1 Spy becomes first woman of south Asian descent to get
blue plaque in London THE GUARDIAN ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
L’espionne Noor Inayat Khan célébrée a Londres.
BONUS Les échos ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
L’article est repris sur le CD ou les MP3
Zoom ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
de conversation : Des interviews en V.O.
pour améliorer votre compréhension
C2 The science of when: How our brain records time
Tous les articles du magazine sont lus par des THE INDEPENDENT �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
anglophones sur le CD (ou les MP3) de lecture Comment notre cerveau perçoit-il le temps ?
Retrouvez le reportage vidéo
lié à l’ article sur vocable.fr
B2-C1 What’s the largest creature to have ever walked on earth?
THE INDEPENDENT ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
Le plus grand dinosaure du jurassique...
Photo de couverture : istock
Les sorties ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
Le dessin ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 35
Grand L’actualité en images
Un robot qui a du chien
This semi-autonomous “robot dog” has just joined the U.S. Air Force. It is called the
“Ghosts robotics vision 60” and is a new kind of military AI. It was conceived to replace
– and be more efficient – than actual military dogs. This robot can patrol any given area,
Chicago can be guided remotely and is equipped with a camera which allows those monitoring to
see through its eyes. In this picture, a military dog trainer introduces Hammer, a military
dog, to its new, robotic colleague.
air force armée de l’air / ghost fantôme / kind sorte / AI = artificial intelligence / to replace remplacer / actual réel / to patrol patrouiller, surveiller / remotely
à distance / to monitor contrôler, surveiller / trainer dresseur.
Omar Sy
Omar Sy’s international career may get yet
another boost. Lupin, the series in which he
plays the starring role, has become a huge suc-
cess in the U.S., and has become the first ever
French series to feature on the American Netf-
lix Top 10. The TV series, written by George
Kay, the British writer who worked on Killing
Eve, is a loose adaptation of the stories of the
famous burglar, Arsene Lupin, by Maurice
Leblanc. Another example of how successful
Anglo-French collaborations can be within the
film industry.
yet encore / boost élan, coup de fouet / starring role rôle
principal / huge immense / hit succès / to feature apparaître,
figurer / loose libre / burglar cambrioleur.
Nicola Sturgeon Anthony Fauci Marjorie Taylor Greene
Relations between England and Scotland The leading infectious disease expert in the Donald Trump may have left the White House
have been tense ever since the Brexit U.S. finally opened up about what it was like – but he still has many supporters in Congress.
referendum, and the idea of Scottish to work alongside Donald Trump during the One of the most famous is Marjorie Taylor
independence is gaining in popularity. In pandemic. Anthony Fauci is famous for Greene, a Republican Congresswoman from
response, Boris Johnson decided to travel to having contradicted Trump’s false claims Georgia, who is also a Qanon supporter and
Scotland for a day, to re-assert the claim that: about the disease on numerous occasions – conspiracy theorist. Since the start of her
“Working together as one truly United including times when the latter asserted that term, Taylor Greene has been exposed for
Kingdom is the best way to build masks weren’t useful or that drinking spreading misinformation and hate speech on
our COVID recovery.” This trip, which took disinfectant would prevent contagion. Fauci social media. In January, she filed articles of
place during the country’s third lockdown, was confessed that he often felt powerless and impeachment against Joe Biden, alleging an
met with little enthusiasm. The First Minister, overwhelmed by the way the government abuse of power. So far, her party hasn’t
Nicola Sturgeon asserted that the trip was handled the crisis. On top of this, he also reacted – by either supporting or condemning
an example of “non-essential travel”, and admitted receiving threats from Trump her. Taylor Greene is a good example of the
that politicians should adhere to the same supporters, which helped him to grasp “the dilemma the Republicans currently face:
quarantine rules as everyone else. level of divisiveness” the country is facing. should they break free from Trump’s
extremism, or embrace it?
ever since depuis / Brexit = Britain + exit (retrait leading éminent / to open up s’ouvrir, se confier /
du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne) / support alongside aux côtés de / to prevent prévenir / term mandat / to expose dénoncer / to spread,
soutien / to re-assert réaffirmer / claim argument / powerless impuissant / overwhelmed dépassé / spread, spread répandre, diffuser /
truly réellement / recovery récupération / to handle gérer / threat menace / supporter misinformation désinformation / hate speech
lockdown confinement / to be met with être partisan / to grasp saisir, comprendre / divisiveness discours haineux / to file déposer / impeachment
accueilli avec / rule règle, réglementation. dissensions, discorde. (procédure de) mise en accusation / to allege
prétendre, alléguer / currently actuellement / to
break, broke, broken free se libérer, s’émanciper /
to embrace accueillir à bras ouverts, adopter.
Chaque année, The New York Times rédige son propre guide de voyage, et suggère à ses lecteurs une cinquantaine de destinations
à visiter dans l'année. Mais en 2021, difficile de voyager ; le quotidien s'est donc tourné vers ses lecteurs, leur demandant de
répondre à une question plutôt poétique : quel est votre endroit préféré au monde ? Plus de 2000 témoignages, venant des
quatre coins de la planète, ont été recueillis. En voici quelques-uns.
1. desk bureau / lavish somptueux, extravagant / fig ici, figuier / palm palmier / spring source (eau) / wildflower fleur sauvage / to care for prendre soin de /
compendium recueil / to be worth valoir la peine, times époque, ère / at once en même temps, around ici, environ / to experience connaître (fig.),
mériter / coming prochain / beloved ici, préféré. simultanément / to be filled with regorger, être rempli ressentir / humanities lettres (disciplines littéraires),
2. snippet bribe / hiss sifflement / intricate ici, de. sciences humaines / lecturer enseignant (dans le
sophistiqué / funnel cake sorte de gâteau fait de 4. to land atterrir / sprawling gigantesque / sandy supérieur).
lanières de pâte frites / chattering bavard / winding sablonneux / dust poussière / to run, ran, run through 6. to step off descendre de / oven four / heat chaleur /
sinueux / alleyway ruelle, passage étroit / vibrant vif / ici, se retrouver dans / corner coin, endroit / meal repas. to fog up embuer / to smell, smelled or smelt sentir /
consulting firm cabinet de conseil. 5. gradually progressivement, petit à petit / to take, smoke fumée / colorful haut en couleur, pittoresque /
3. nearly presque / mile = 1,609 km (ici, environ 645 took, taken on prendre; ici devenir / to marvel to race filer, foncer / to drop off déposer / to pick up
km) / vista vue, panorama / s'émerveiller / ice wave vague de glace / prendre, aller chercher.
6 • VOCABLE Du 18 février au 3 mars 2021 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / difficile C1-C2 The Sah
close to
Egypt. (
Northern lights in Alaska, U.S.A. (Istock) The Ladakh region in the Himalayas, India. (Istock)
Pourquoi aimons-nous voyager ? Que symbolise cette idée au
sein de notre culture ? Explications et historique de cette
pratique avec le philosophe et psychologue Alain de Botton.
>>> JIMMY’S BEACH, NEW SOUTH kaushipe Lodge, a remote onsen in the woods. TABLE MOUNTAIN, CAPE TOWN,
WALES, AUSTRALIA Japan is awash with these geothermal bath SOUTH AFRICA
7. This is my favorite place for walking my dog, houses that many people use in their daily 13. We were all in transition: breakups, leaving
Diesel: We stop to examine the sea grass and routine. They act as part bath and part social jobs. The trip felt serendipitous — the remedy to
shells. Once, we also found middens, the piles club, where older people gather to gossip about all that. We did not have a chance to plan anything,
of shells from ancient Aboriginal feasts. local life. In Japan you go in completely naked. and everything we did was right at the moment,
Suzie Shaw is a retired high school (Brits feel horrendously awkward at the adding to the adventure. We took the last cable
teacher in Sydney, Australia. thought.) car to the top of Table Mountain at sunset — the
Michael Sheridan is an engineering whole mountain glowing with soft light.
THE UNIVERSITY OF consultant from London. Daniela Radpay from Austin, Texas,
CAMBRIDGE traveled to Cape Town with two of her
8. I had no specific idea of what Cambridge, CÓRDOBA, SPAIN siblings.
England, looked like before I moved there. It 11. There is a magical coexistence of Arab,
was very grand and Gothic, but beyond that, I Jewish and Christian culture in Córdoba, and THE WORLD
was struck by the sheer, ritualized extrava- the city has more UNESCO World Heritage 14. I was only a few years old when my father
gance that goes into the substance of life in Sites than any other. But it’s not just the became an aircraft mechanic for Pan American
Cambridge University; we had formals every beautiful buildings that bewitch you. The World Airways. My middle-class Queens fam-
Friday with a three-course dinner and wine narrow streets in springtime have the smell ily, suddenly was taking vacations to places like
pairings. of jasmine and orange blossoms, and once a Mexico City, Moscow, Marrakech and Kyoto.
Peggy Xu is from Johns Creek, Geor- year the city’s residents throw open their I took my first around-the-world flight alone at
gia, and is studying law. homes’ inner courtyards, revealing intricate 18. Where everyone else is sitting in a plane,
gardens and intimate glimpses of their pri- watching a movie, I’m at my window. There
THE LADAKH REGION OF THE vate lives. are many times when I have even spoken to
HIMALAYAS Fernando Moreno Reyes, 45, lives in the person sitting behind me, saying, “Oh, look
9. There’s intimacy at the top of the world. Madrid. at that!”
Ladakh is my understanding of what heaven Carrie Dovzak, 63, is retired and lives
would be — grounded in this earth. Before GATES OF THE ARCTIC NATION- in Berkeley, California. l
Ladakh, I thought being a traveler meant going AL PARK AND PRESERVE,
to new places every year. This region has taught ALASKA
me what can deepen and mature when you 12. One can visit this park park only by taking 13. breakup rupture, séparation / trip voyage /
return and return, and let a place remake you. a small bush plane — traveling over the Arctic serendipitous inespéré, qui ne pouvait mieux tomber /
Jody Greene is a Zen Buddhist and Circle — from Fairbanks. Each summer around cable car téléphérique / sunset coucher du soleil / to
literature professor at the University of solstice, when there is 24 hours of daylight, my glow briller / soft doux / sibling frère ou sœur.
California, Santa Cruz. family spends time in Anaktuvuk Pass, the 14. aircraft mechanic mécanicien aéronautique /
native Alaska village located entirely in the flight vol (aérien).
THE BATH HOUSES OF HOK- park. We look forward to the slow pace of life.
KAIDO, JAPAN Bree Kessler is a public space research-
10.As the winter takes hold, I find myself er who lives in Alaska with her husband
dreaming of hot baths and nature at Nutapu- and 4-year-old son. SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
7. New South Wales Nouvelle-Galles du Sud (État du remote lointain, reculé / onsen bain thermal japonais / Vous connaissez
sud-est de l’Australie) / shell coquillage, coquille / woods forêt / to be awash with regorger de / to sûrement le verbe 'to
midden amas de coquilles / feast festin / retired à la gather se rassembler, se réunir / to gossip papoter,
retraite. échanger des ragots / naked nu / horrendously
throw' dans le sens de
8. grand grandiose, imposant / to be struck être terriblement / awkward mal à l’aise, embarrassé. jeter.
frappé / sheer pur et simple, véritable / substance ici 11. to bewitch enchanter, ensorceler / narrow étroit / Exemple : to throw a ball
fondement / formal réception organisée à l'Université orange blossom fleur d'oranger / to throw, threw, Mais connaissez-vous également
de Cambridge et au cours de laquelle les étudiants et les thrown open ouvrir (tout grand) / inner intérieur / ces expressions?
enseignants sont invités à porter une tenue formelle / courtyard cour / intricate ici, sophistiqué / glimpse they throw open their homes (§ 11)
three-course composé de trois plats / wine pairing aperçu. ils ouvrent leurs maisons au public
accord mets et vins / law droit. 12. preserve réserve (naturelle) / bush plane avion de they threw a party ils ont organisé
9. intimacy intimité / top sommet / heaven paradis / cabotage / native indigène / to look forward to avoir une petite fête
grounded attaché, relié / earth terre / to deepen se hâte de, se réjouir à l'idée de / pace rythme. they threw everyone into confusion
renforcer / to mature mûrir. ils ont semé la confusion
10. to take, took, taken hold s'installer /
8 • VOCABLE Du 18 février au 3 mars 2021 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / difficile C1-C2
À la une I Société I B2-C1
he “Colorado
he Great Lakes,
T Provençal”
in Franche-Comté If you head to the village of Rustrel, in the
With cold temperatures and large lakes, Vaucluse, you can visit what locals call the
the Plateau des Milles Étangs in “Colorado Provençal”. It is a former industrial
the Vosges may remind you the Great site of 30 hectares, with golden and reddish cliffs
Lakes area, in the Midwest. 60% of the reminiscent of the American desert.
plateau is covered in forest, mostly to head to se diriger vers, aller à / former ancien(-ne) /
conifers, which may add to the illusion. reddish rougeâtre / cliff falaise / to be reminiscent
large grand / to remind rappeler, évoquer / of rappeler, évoquer.
Great Lakes Grands Lacs / to be convered
in être couvert de / mostly principalement.
France is the most visited country in the world. In 2018, 89.4 million tourists
came to France.
abroad à l’étranger. I s this Paris or
New York?
Did you know that Paris has its own Statue of
Liberty? The smaller, 11 meter replica was gifted
Heading to Hawaii? to the French capital in 1889, to commemorate
With its turquoise waters and white sand, Lodo Beach, on the northern side of Corsica, is as the centennial of the French Revolution. It is
stunning as the beaches of its Pacific cousin. Moreover, it is only accessible by boat, making it quieter situated in the middle of the Seine, in the 15th
and more peaceful. arrondissement.
sand sable / stunning spectaculaire, extraordinaire / moreover en outre / quiet calme / peaceful paisible. replica copie / to gift offrir / centennial centenaire.
Disneyland comme centre de vaccination ? Les
aéroports comme centres de dépistage ? Boston Marathon Race Director Dave McGillivray looks out at the em
L'industrie du tourisme prête main forte Boston, January 28, 2021. He has been tapped by the state of Massa
at Gillette Stadium and Fenway Park. (SIPA)
Aux États-Unis, pour pallier au manque d'activité, l'industrie du tourisme se the use of our parking lot,” said Dr. Pamela
réinvente de manière inattendue. Récemment, des parcs d'attractions, sites Hymel, Disney Parks’ chief medical officer.
historiques et autres lieux de divertissement se sont reconvertis en centres de “After a year in which so many in our com-
vaccination. Rencontre avec les propriétaires de ces cliniques pas comme les autres.
munity have faced unprecedented hardship
and uncertainty, there is now reason for
ive months ago, San Francisco Inter- been eliminated since the virus took hold in
national Airport opened the first March. As a result, many domestic travel com- 5. Unlike its sister resort in California, Florida’s
airport rapid coronavirus testing site in the panies and operators have begun donating their Disney World reopened to guests in July. And
United States. Nine months ago, some of the resources and newly vacant spaces to help get it, too, is considering opening an on-site vaccine
world’s most luxurious hotels, including the pandemic under control. distribution center in the near future, according
Claridge's in London and the Four Seasons to the Orlando Sentinel.
in New York, began housing front-line doc- 3. Disneyland has been shuttered since mid-
tors and nurses. And now another entity in March, but on Wednesday, a section of its Toy OTHER PARTS OF THE TRAVEL
the travel world is performing its own pan- Story parking lot was full. Emergency medical INDUSTRY ARE HELPING TOO
demic shift: Disneyland. This week the Ana- workers and local residents over the age of 75 6. Many corners of the travel industry are
heim, California, theme park began serving queued for the first of five Orange County, looking for a way to pitch in to help end the
as a vaccination supersite. California, “Super POD” (Point Of Dispensing) pandemic. More than a dozen U.S. airports now
sites, and Andrew Do, chairman of Orange double as virus testing sites. Inside many ter-
2. The coronavirus, which has killed more than County’s board of supervisors, says they will minals, XpresSpa has pivoted from offering
384,000 Americans and infected millions more, soon be able to inoculate 7,000 people a day there. airport massages and manicures to rapid coro-
has brought the travel industry to its knees. navirus tests.
The U.S. Travel Association, a trade group that 4. “Disneyland Resort is proud to help support
promotes travel to and within the country, Orange County and the City of Anaheim with 7. Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, Cali-
estimates that nearly 40% of all travel jobs have fornia, has been closed to guests since March;
in December, it lent one of its ultracold freezers
to take, took, taken hold s’implanter; ici, se propager /
1. to house accueillir / front-line de première ligne / domestic national / operator ici, voyagiste / vacant vide.
nurse infirmier(ère) / to perform effectuer, réaliser, 3. to shutter fermer / emergency urgences / to dispense hardship difficultés.
opérer / own propre, personnel / shift virage, distribuer (ici, Point Of Dispensing site : lieu de
revirement. vaccination) / chairman président / board of supervisors 5. unlike contrairement à / guest ici, client / to
organe législatif du gouvernement d'un comté. consider envisager de / according to selon, d'après.
2. to bring, brought, brought to its knees mettre à
genoux, affaiblir / trade group ici association 4. resort complexe hôtelier; ici, parc d'attractions / 6. corner ici, secteur / to pivot to passer à.
professionnelle / within à l'intérieur / proud fier / to support apporter son soutien / 7. to lend, lent, lent prêter / freezer congélateur /
10 • VOCABLE Du 18 février au 3 mars 2021 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / difficile C1-C2
Retrouvez plus d’infos dans la newsletter Vocable www.vocable.fr/newsletter
looks out at the empty, snow covered field at Fenway Park, A nurse administers the COVID-19 vaccine at a mass vaccination site set up in the parking lot of Six Flags Magic
the state of Massachusetts to run mass vaccination operations Mountain in Valencia, California, January 2021. (SIPA)
to a hospital in nearby Salinas; the freezer can 10. Sharon Decker is president of North Caro- 13. “There are only a few entities that under-
maintain a temperature of minus 94 degrees lina’s Tryon Resort, which includes 250 rooms stand mass logistics. One is the military, and
Fahrenheit, which is required to safely store and an equestrian center in the foothills of the other is the private sector,” he said. “The
some coronavirus vaccines. the Blue Ridge Mountains. She wasn’t sur- business sector needs to have a seat at the table
prised in October when officials reached out to talk about how we respond comprehen-
8. Many of the Orange County residents who to see if she would be willing to donate her sively, to ensure we are building a strategy
get their vaccine jabs at Disneyland will have arena as a vaccination site. The site opened in around the pandemic that isn’t just prioritizing
gone for coronavirus testing at the Anaheim mid-December. public health but is also keeping the economy
Convention Center, which, like convention up and running.” l
centers across the country, saw traffic screech 11. “We forged a real partnership with public
to a halt in March. Jay Burress, president and health officials,” she said. “It had to be true
CEO of Visit Anaheim, estimates the freeze cost public-private partnership to pull this off. But
13. comprehensively de manière exhaustive / to
the city $1.9 billion in lost revenue. He re- when you have shared goals, for a healthy ensure s'assurer / up and running sur pied,
sponded by donating unused supplies to local economy and healthy businesses, you can fonctionnel.
nonprofits. figure it out.”
9. “How do we reopen safely? That’s been our “THE BUSINESS SECTOR NEEDS
goal all along,” said Burress. “To market our TO HAVE A SEAT AT THE TABLE”
destination, either as a leisure destination or a 12. Public-private partnerships will be key to
convention destination when hotels aren’t even getting the United States out of the pandemic, SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE
open for leisure travel, is spinning your wheels.” said Steven Pedigo, an expert in urban eco-
nomic development. Comment stationner ?
Un parc de stationnement se dit a
nearby tout proche / required nécessaire,
parking lot (US) (§ 3) / a car park
indispensable / safely en toute sécurité / to store
conserver. 10. foothills contreforts (collines) / official ici,
8. jab piqûre / to screech to a halt s'arrêter autorités / to reach out prendre contact, solliciter / to On ne peut pas simplement dire 'a
brusquement / CEO = Chief Executive Officer be willing to être prêt, disposé à / arena ici, carrière, parking'.
(président-) directeur général / freeze arrêt soudain / manège. Mais on parle de :
billion milliard / to respond réagir / supply stock / 11. public health officials autorités sanitaires / to a parking bay un emplacement
nonprofit organisation à but non lucratif. pull off réussir / shared commun (to share partager) / a parking space, a parking place une
9. goal objectif, but / all along depuis le début / healthy sain / to figure out trouver (solution). place de stationnement
leisure (de) loisir(s) / to spin, spun, spun one's 12. business sector secteur privé / key essentiel, "No Parking" stationnement interdit
wheels être une perte de temps. capital.
Les thérapeutes sont sur TikTok. Qu'est-ce que
ça évoque en vous ?
Face à la montée des problèmes de santé mentale chez les jeunes, des psychologues et psychiatres
américains ont décidé de s'inscrire sur TikTok. Sur la plateforme, ils enseignent les bases de la
psychologie au travers de courtes vidéos ludiques, qui connaissent souvent un franc succès. Mais leurs
conseils ont-ils une réelle valeur thérapeutique ? Rencontre avec quelques-uns de ces professionnels.
elcome to therapy TikTok, a trending Saweetie rap and wiggle their hips
where a steady stream of men- while explaining symptoms of dissociation.
tal health professionals are trying to meet an
anxious generation of young people where 2. Limited to 60 seconds, these videos strain
they are on social media. Gone are the soft- to offer context or elaborate, instead offering
voiced analysts perched beside tissue boxes easy digestible answers to big questions:
and a couch. These shrinks hit a milly rock “What is intergenerational trauma?” “What
while listing signs of unhealthy boundaries, are healthy ways to express rage”
demonstrate an anxiety relief technique to about what it’s like to have a Black therapist
3. Mental health content has flourished on went viral. “Can you be my therapist?” com-
the app during a year when “everyone’s been menters asked. “Do you do virtual sessions?"
1. steady constant, régulier / stream flux / health high-functioning depressed,” said Micheline “The notifications just kept coming,” Tran
santé / social media réseaux sociaux / soft doux / Maalouf, a licensed therapist in Orlando said. “I remember feeling a little over-
couch canapé / shrink "psy" / to hit, hit, hit ici, faire, who has 1 million followers under the user- whelmed.”
danser / milly rock danse inventée par le rappeur name @mashmushe. And while therapists
américain 2 Milly et largement reprise sur les réseaux
have gained popularity on Instagram and 5. While an influx of followers can be con-
sociaux / unhealthy malsain, toxique / boundary
limite, frontière / relief soulagement, apaisement / YouTube in the past, TikTok offers a more fusing for therapists who are just looking
immediate sense of intimacy. to let off a little steam online, some view it
as an opportunity to expand their client
THERAPY GOES VIRAL base. Marquis Norton, a licensed profes-
4. Shani Tran, a licensed clinical counselor sional counselor in Hampton Roads, posts
in Minneapolis, created her account under the TikTok account @drnortonther-
@theshaniproject in January 2020 to post apy. He started his account in February. By
videos of herself dancing. Then she started summer, he had 100,000 followers. He
Pourquoi appelle-t-on posting about therapy. A video she made thinks of his social media accounts as mar-
un 'psy' (psychiatre ou keting for his private practice.
psychologue) a shrink
(§ 1) en langage familier ? 6.“What’s concerning, I think for every-
trending à la mode / Saweetie chanteuse et body, is oversimplification,” said Lisa Hen-
Ce mot, passé dans le langage rappeuse américaine / to wiggle bouger, remuer / hip
courant dans les années 1950, était hanche.
à l'origine une plaisanterie qui se
référait aux headshrinkers 2. to strain s’efforcer.
3. to flourish fleurir, prospérer / app = application / to go, went, gone viral se propager rapidement (via
(réducteurs de tête) de la tribu des
high-functioning réf. à high-functioning les réseaux sociaux, etc.), faire le buzz / overwhelmed
Jivaros qui pratiquaient le rituel de
depression dysthymie, état dépressif chronique / dépassé.
réduire la tête de l'ennemi capturé.
licensed qualifié, diplômé, habilité / follower abonné, 5. influx arrivée massive / confusing déroutant / to
to shrink = rétrécir "follower". let, let, let off steam décompresser / to expand
4. clinical counselor psychologue clinicien / account développer, élargir / practice cabinet (médical).
compte, profil, page (Instagram) / 6. concerning préoccupant, inquiétant /
12 • VOCABLE Du 18 février au 3 mars 2021 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / difficile C1-C2
Téléchargez l’appli Vocable offerte à nos abonnés ! www.vocable.fr/applimobile
(Mind UK)
health during the pandemic. It includes the
Find a routine and stick to it. Though activities are limited by the pandemic, it is
important to find something you like to do at home, and to keep doing it regularly. Make
sure your routine includes a bit of exercise. Even a bit of stretching, or a short walk will make
a difference.
As winter comes to an end, get outside. Get as much natural light and nature as you
can. This has a proven positive effect on mental health.
Make sure you don't overload yourself with information. If you absolutely want to
keep up with the news, do so at a given time of the day and only trust reliable sources.
If you'd like to read more, head to www.mind.org.uk.
leading de premier plan / charity association à but non lucratif / advice conseil(s) / to stick, stuck, stuck
to rester fidèle, se conformer à / stretching étirements / to overload surcharger / to keep, kept, kept up
with suivre le rythme de, rester informé de / given ici, certain / to trust se fier à / reliable fiable, sérieux.
9. To avoid legal and ethical concerns, 11. When she woke up, she stared at her
therapists on TikTok often do not accept phone and did a double take. She had gained
direct messages, and some don’t respond 80,000 new followers. Maalouf has become
to comments on their videos — even when increasingly diligent about how she presents
they receive a barrage of requests. Tracy her content. “I can’t make mistakes,” she
gets tagged in videos of teenagers record- said. “I can’t half-ass it.”
derson, a licensed professional counselor. ing their parents yelling at
She worries that on TikTok, where videos them and TikToks in which 12. Sometimes she chan-
are necessarily short, mental health treat- people share their traumas. Mental health nels those emotions when
ments can be presented as quick, easy fixes, “The magnitude of suffer- content has making videos, knowing
instead of “a long slog of hard work.” “It can ing that I become aware of that content on anxiety
be misleading,” she said, “more so than in- ever y day is ver y over-
flourished on tends to resonate with her
tentionally harmful.” whelming,” she said. the app during audience. Her recent tuto-
a year when rial on how to soothe a
7. Therapists need to be careful to urge pa- 10. For therapists who sud- many of us panic attack — holding ice
tients to not self-diagnose, Tracy said. The denly find themselves with
tips she offers online are educational, she a massive online following,
have been more in your hands, repeating
“I ’m sa fe.” — ha s over
stressed, not diagnostic. the pressure can feel con- depressed than 75,000 views, and is flood-
straining. In late January usual. ed with comments. “I wish
CREATING BOUNDARIES 2020, a few weeks after my therapist sounded as
8. Some popular creators establish strict Maalouf, the Orlando-based patient and calming as you
boundaries for people seeking out their prac- therapist, put her first video on TikTok, she do,” one reads. Another asks about anxi-
tice. Lindsay Fleming, a licensed professional posted a clip of herself sitting on the couch ety attacks at night. Maalouf’s response:
counselor with over 393,000 followers, asks in her office, legs crossed. “I’m here as an “Check out my previous video!” l
potential clients who say they know her from adult on TikTok,” the text above her reads,
TikTok to see a different clinician at the private “… and also a therapist.” That night, her
practice she runs in Park Ridge, Illinois. phone kept buzzing.
11. to stare regarder (fixement) / to do a double take
y regarder à deux fois / increasingly de plus en plus /
diligent attentif / to half-ass bâcler.
9. to avoid éviter / barrage avalanche / request
fix ici, solution (rapide) / slog dur labeur; ici, ... a long demande, sollicitation / to tag taguer (mentionner sur 12. to channel orienter / to resonate trouver un écho
slog of hard work... un travail de longue haleine / les réseaux sociaux) / to record enregistrer / to yell (chez), intéresser / audience public; ici, abonnés / to
misleading trompeur / harmful nuisible. hurler, crier / to share partager / to become, came, soothe calmer / safe en sécurité / to flood inonder
7. to be careful prendre garde / to urge inciter / tip come aware of prendre conscience / overwhelming (ici, fig.) / to sound ici, être / to check out aller voir /
conseil / to stress souligner. ici, bouleversant. previous précédent.
8. to seek, sought, sought out rechercher / to run, 10. late fin / office bureau / above au-dessus de / to
ran, run diriger. read, read, read ici, mentionner / to buzz ici, sonner.
In the village of Patwatoli, young students coming from impoverished families manage defy statistics and enter prestigious university programmes, leading to a successful care
2. The 17-year-old was confident he had worked could check his ranking – 369 out of the 150,000 Différents usages de
hard for his exam – the joint entrance exam students who sat the exam across India. Elated, "to toss" :
(JEE), which is the ticket to India’s finest engi- he touched his father’s feet and held his mother to toss and turn all night (§ 1) passer
neering institutions – but the anxiety was un- tight, as tears streamed down her cheeks. une nuit agitée
deniable. Huddled together in their living room to toss a coin jouer à pile ou face
to toss a pancake faire sauter une crêpe
last week, the family sat refreshing the JEE
homepage page d'accueil / to upload mettre en ligne. to toss the salad retourner, remuer la
3. to crash ici, planter / several plusieurs / ranking
1. to toss and turn se retourner sans cesse dans son lit, classement, position, place / out of ici, sur / to sit, sat, to toss in butter ajouter un morceau de
ne pas trouver le sommeil. sat ici, passer (examen) / across ici, partout en, dans beurre et remuer
2. confident confiant, convaincu / joint double / ticket tout(e), à l'échelle de / elated fou de joie / tight serré to toss ideas back and forth échanger
ici, clé / fine ici, prestigieux / to huddle together se blottir (contre soi) / tear larme / to stream down couler à toutes sortes d'idées
l'un contre l'autre/rassembler / to refresh ici, actualiser / flots (le long de).
14 • VOCABLE Du 18 février au 3 mars 2021 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / difficile C1-C2
Téléchargez l’appli Vocable offerte à nos abonnés ! www.vocable.fr/applimobile
le chiffre de la quinzaine
This photo of Bernie Sanders, taken
during the recent presidential
inauguration, went viral on the internet.
Users Photoshopped the senator in
other unrelated pictures, making him
appear sitting at the table at the Yalta
Conference, or hanging out with Forrest
Gump on his famous bench. In response
to the trend, a young woman had the
idea of crocheting a Bernie doll, that
recreated this iconic moment. It sold for
$20,300 on eBay – and the proceeds
were donated to charity.
to go, went, gone viral se propager
rapidement sur le Web / unrelated sans
rapport / to hang, hung, hung out sortir,
passer du temps (avec) / trend tendance,
mode / to crochet ici, créer qqch avec du
crochet / doll poupée / to recreate ici,
immortaliser / iconic emblématique /
Robot kitchen
A British tech company has created the first ever kitchen robot capable of cooking
an entire meal – and even doing the washing-up afterwards. The “Moley Kitch-
en” took six years to build, requiring the expertise of 100 engineers from all
around the world. It is capable of fetching ingredients from the fridge, cooking
them on a hob and plating them up. Ultimately, it will be able to cook 5,000 dish-
es, and to learn how to make family favourites!
meal repas / washing-up vaisselle / afterwards après / to fetch atteindre / hob table de cuisson / to plate up
Children and screen
dresser (un plat) / ultimately à terme / dish plat. time
According to The New York Times, children
Ice bathing and teenagers have spent on average twice as
much time in front of a screen as previously,
Most swimming pools were closed during the since the beginning of the pandemic. The rise
summer of 2020, making outdoor swimming more of home schooling, reduced number of
popular than ever. But as the winter months arrived, extra-curricular activities, and the inability to
some continued to go outside to take a dip in their socialise “in real life” have contributed to this
local lake. The Guardian recently published an article trend. Teachers and parents have sounded the
stating that a record number of British people tried alarm, with parents often applying restrictions
ice-bathing this year. The practice, which consists in to the amount of time their children spend
emerging oneself in frozen water, is already popular online at home. Many, however, see this as
in colder countries – Finland, for example, has 260 collateral damage of the pandemic: do young
winter swimming-centres. The Guardian described people really have any other way to connect
the practice as “a wonderful way to fill up with endorphins, get a nature fix and have a thrilling with each other at the moment?
adventure, without having to travel.”
according to d’après, selon / on average en moyenne
swimming pool piscine / outdoor en plein air / to take, took, taken a dip piquer une tête / to state indiquer / / rise augmentation / home schooling l’enseignement
ice-bathing baignade dans l’eau glacée / to fill up with faire le plein de; ici, libérer, sécréter / fix dose; ici, solution à domicile / extra-curricular extrascolaire / to sound
rapide / thrilling exaltant, excitant. an alarm tirer une sonnette d’alarme.
Vocabulaire expressions et astuces pour parler comme un anglais…
S'orienter en
Vocabulaire clé
address adresse point montrer du doigt
building bâtiment police station commissariat
bus stop arrêt de bus postcode (GB), zip code (US)
bypass rocade code postal
cab (GB), taxi (US) taxi right droite
car park (GB) parking lot (US) roundabout rond-point
parking sense of direction sens de
cross traverser l’orientation
crossroads carrefour sign panneau, indication
dead end cul-de-sac, impasse straight on, straight ahead Retrouvez cette fiche de vocabulaire lue sur le
tout droit CD lecture et son commentaire sur la partie
direction, way direction
street, road rue basique du CD conversation. CD audio ou
explain expliquer
stroll flâner téléchargement MP3
expressway voie rapide
the tube (GB), the subway le
GPS, sat nav GPS métro
intersection intersection
junction, exit sortie d’autoroute
town hall, city hall mairie
traffic lights feux de circulation
Bon à savoir
left gauche train station gare
map plan, carte turn tourner L’orientation dans les villes américaines est généralement
meeting point point de turn back retourner sur ses pas
assez aisée. Cela est dû au fameux grid pattern selon
rencontre lequel les rues sont organisées de manière quadrillée, avec
U-turn demi-tour
on foot à pied des rues verticales associées à un chiffre et des rues
whereabouts emplacement, horizontales souvent associés à un nom d’arbre. Ce
one-way sens unique localisation système, inventé en 1682 au moment de la création de
pavement (GB), sidewalk (US) zebra crossing passage Philadelphie par William Penn, fondateur de la
trottoir piétons Pennsylvanie qui ne voulait pas voir se reproduire en
Amérique des incendies tragiques comme celui de Londres
en 1666, est aussi appelé Penn’s woods (du fait de
Expressions à retenir l’utilisation de noms d’arbres).
Pour vous repérer ou indiquer un point de rencontre à votre
Can you help me find my way back to the hotel please? Pouvez-vous taxi, rien de plus facile donc ; il suffit de penser en termes
m’aider à retrouver le chemin de mon hôtel s’il-vous-plaît ? d’intersections : Elm and 5th, Chestnut and 3rd, etc.
I’m totally lost! Je suis complètement perdu.e
Which way should I go? Dans quelle direction dois-je aller ?
How can I go to the train station? Comment puis-je me rendre à la
gare ? Testez-vous
What’s the fastest way to the town hall? Quel est le chemin le plus
rapide pour se rendre à la mairie ? Associez chaque indication de la première
Do you know where the nearest tube station is? Savez-vous où est la liste avec son contraire :
station de métro la plus proche ? 1- near a- in front of
Is it far from here? Est-ce que c’est loin ?
2- next to b- back
Take the third street on your right. Prenez la troisième rue sur votre
droite. 3- behind c- there
It’s only a stone’s throw away. C’est à deux pas. 4- here d- east
It’s not far from here. I’d say it’s a five-minute walk. Ce n’est pas loin 5- west e- far
d’ici. Je dirais que vous en avez pour cinq minutes de marche. 6- straight on f- opposite
Go straight on, it’s right down the street after you go past the post
office. Continuez tout droit, c’est plus bas dans la rue, quand vous aurez SOLUTIONS : 1-e ; 2-f ; 3-a ; 4-c ; 5-d ; 6-b.
passé la poste.
4. When she worked in the library, she met several
famous authors.
s ur www.vocable.fr
Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture
générale sur notre site internet !
2 Tendez l’oreille
Toutes les réponses contiennent le son [ee] comme dans ‘feet’
1 1. a classification for football teams
2 2. not remain in a vertical position
3 4 5 3. a plant can grow from this
4. pork, lamb, beef, for example
5. a polite word to ask for something
7 8
6. something special
7. a gathering of people
9 10 8. part of your foot
11 12 9. what you do with a book
10. the opposite of west
13 14
11. what you do with food
12. the join of two pieces of material
15 16 13. do this to keep alive
14. get better
15. give food to someone
16. a group who work or play together
17 17. you do this in your sleep or even during the day
SOLUTIONS : 1.league 2.lean 3.seed 4.meat 5.please 6.treat 7.meeting 8.heel 9.read 10.east 11.eat 12.seam 13.breathe 14.heal 15.feed 16.team 17.dream
time and tide wait for no man le temps perdu ne se rattrape pas in the small hours
there’s a time and place for everything il y a un temps pour tout au petit matin
till the cows come home jusqu’à la Saint-Glinglin
one day at a time à chaque jour suffit sa peine day in, day out
once in a blue moon tous les 36 du mois tous les jours
the time is ripe c’est le moment opportun
2 Changez une lettre à la fois pour passer du premier mot au dernier mot.
………… pale and thin ………… bigger than a pebble, smaller than a rock
SOLUTIONS : time, tide, tidy, tiny, Tony, pony, puny, punt / clock, cloak, clonk, clone, alone, atone, stone, shone
The isolated cinema
Göteborg Film Festival, Sweden’s largest film
event, found an unusual way to keep going in
spite of the pandemic. Taking social distancing
guidelines to a whole new level, the organisers
decided that the festival would take place on a
remote island just off the Swedish coast. And,
to add to the dramatic atmosphere, only one
movie-goer could attend it. The chosen
candidate was selected through an interview
process, and spent seven days watching films
inside the former lighthouse keeper’s house.
unusual original, insolite / guideline directive / to
take, took, taken sth to a whole new level porter
qqch à des niveaux inédits / remote isolé / off ici, au
large de / moviegoer cinéphile / to attend assister à
/ former ancien(-ne) / lighthouse keeper
gardien(ne) de phare.
reason: it has been stolen on three different occasions. The New York Times re-
cently tried to answer the question raised by this curious fact: why this paint-
ing, and not any other? It turns out that theft attracts more theft: paintings are What is in the Paris
often stolen, and the more often, the more likely they are to disappear again – a Climate Agreement?
burglary is, after all, a clear indicator that something is valuable. The Hals paint-
Donald Trump’s decision to leave the Paris
ing disappeared for the last time in August 2020 and still hasn’t been recovered. Agreement was widely condemned – and Joe
to steal, stole, stolen voler / to hang, hanged or hung, hanged or hung être accroché; ici, être exposé / Biden rejoining it has been met with relief. But
to raise ici, soulever (fig.) / theft vol / burglary cambriolage / to recover retrouver. what exactly is it, and why is it so important? Its
175 signatories (174 countries + the European
Alexei Navalny Union) have pledged to keep the rise of global
temperatures to 2°C, and preferably 1.5°C. Each
Ten of thousands of people, across nearly 40 Russian cities protested against the country has its own target, and richer nations have
imprisonment of the Russian opposition leader, Alexei Navalny. He is the pledged to help poorer ones reach their goals. The
Kremlin’s fiercest critic, having released several reports accusing Vladimir Putin of next annual conference of the members (Cop) will
corruption and malpractice. In August 2020, he was poisoned with a military take place in Glasgow this year.
grade nerve agent – his supporters managed to save him and helped him to flee
to Germany. When he returned to Russia at the end of 2020, he was immediately Paris Agreement Accord de Paris (premier accord
jailed. The protests demanding his release have been severely repressed – universel sur le climat et le réchauffement climatique
including journalists and participants being prevented from recording images. signé en 2016) / widely par beaucoup / to be met
with être accueilli avec / relief soulagement / to
to protest manifester contre / fierce féroce / to release diffuser / malpractice fraude / military grade de type pledge promettre (de), s’engager (à) / rise
militaire, utilisé par les militaires / nerve agent agent neurotoxique / to flee, fled, fled fuir / to jail emprisonner / augmentation / global mondial / target cible,
to demand exiger / release libération / to repress réprimer / to prevent empêcher / to record enregistrer. objectif / goal objectif.
22 • VOCABLE Du 18 février au 3 mars 2021 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / difficile C1-C2
target will require far-reaching change to all consumption by 2050. We would have to be 'the target will require far-reaching
corners of British life, from what we eat to reducing our demand for flying by 15 per cent change' (§ 1) des changements d'une
the cars we drive. compared to what it was pre-pandemic. grande portée, très importants
Comparez :
2. The pledge, made by former prime minister 7. “We would need to see uptake of new tech- far-fetched tiré par les cheveux, bizarre
Theresa May on the advice of the country’s in- nologies right across the economy. We’d need to far-flung éloigné
dependent climate experts, was soon followed switch over to electric vehicles by 2030. This is far-off lointain
by similar targets from other big economies such part of the prime minister’s current climate plan far-seeing prévoyant
as the EU and Japan in 2020. China, the world’s but he’s allowing hybrids out until 2035, we far-sighted hypermétrope, presbyte
largest emitter, also set a target for “carbon wouldn’t be able to have that in that scenario.”
neutrality” – though for a later date of 2060.
Meeting these pledges will be key to tackling 8. In addition, the UK would need to heavily to account for the possibility that policies intro-
the climate crisis, scientists say. scale up its ability to remove CO2 from the at- duced to cut emissions may not be an immediate
mosphere, he says. For example, the UK would success, he adds.
3. “We were stunned by the criticism from some need to plant 70,000 hectares of forest each year
quarters about the target lacking ambition,” from 2035. The government’s current target is 13. “The key point in our analysis is that the next
Chris Stark, chief executive of the Climate to plant 30,000 hectares of forest a year – a target decade is the critical phase,” says Stark. “In our
Change Committee (CCC), the UK’s independent it is still far away from achieving. assessment, we’re looking for the highest pos-
climate advisers, tells The Independent. “We all sible ambition across all of the sectors, but we’re
felt in the CCC that the net zero advice was very 9. “We’d have to have the maximum possible also allowing for the fact that not everything
ambitious.” greenhouse gas removals in this scenario, in- will work every time.”
cluding commercial-scale ‘direct air capture’,” he
4. The criticism spurred the CCC into coming says. Direct air capture is a technology still in 14. It is worth noting that current government
up with new analysis to explore whether reach- the early stages of development for removing policies, including those from Boris Johnson’s
ing net zero before 2050 would be a physical CO2 straight from thin air. recent 10-point climate plan, will not be enough
possibility, Stark says. to reach net zero by 2050, he says.
10. For the net zero target to be reached before
5. Analysis from the CCC shows that it, in theo- 2050, the policies to bring about such large-scale 15. It is widely expected that the government
ry, the UK could get to net zero as early as 2042. changes would need to work first time – leaving will announce new green policies in the coming
But this could only occur if a tough list of require- no room for missteps, he adds. months in a bid to show leadership before it hosts
ments are met. For example, people would need a major climate summit in Glasgow in Novem-
to eat far less meat and dairy and fly less fre- NO SOONER THAN 2050... ber. The CCC will continue to track the UK’s
quently, and technologies that are currently still 11. The CCC recommends that the UK should progress towards reaching its net zero target
in their early stages of development would need take rapid action across all sectors of the econo- over the coming months and years, says Stark.
to be drastically scaled up, Stark explains. my in order to meet net zero by 2050. Aiming
for 2050 rather than an earlier date will still re- 16. “We’ll continue to look at the question in
quire major changes to British life, says Stark. future about whether you can go faster to cut
emissions than what we’re currently proposing,”
1. to make, made, made some history entrer dans
12. Targeting 2050 rather than an earlier date adds Stark. “If I were speaking to the green com-
l'histoire, faire date / legal juridique / target cible, objectif
/ to reach atteindre / greenhouse gas emissions also allows a small amount of breathing space munity I’d be championing early action rather
émissions de gaz à effet de serre / to meet, met, met ici, than new target dates. Because it’s that early
atteindre / far-reaching de grande envergure, important 6. kind genre / diet régime alimentaire, alimentation /
action that could open up the opportunity to get
/ corner aspect. consumption consommation. to net zero sooner.” l
2. pledge engagement, promesse / former ancien(-ne) / 7. uptake recours (à) / right across dans l'ensemble de /
advice conseil(s) / later ici, ultérieur / to tackle to switch over passer à / current actuel / to allow out
s’attaquer à, tenter de résoudre. to account for prendre en compte / policy mesure
ici, autoriser l'utilisation de. (politique) / to introduce ici, adopter / to cut, cut, cut
3. stunned stupéfait / criticism critique(s) / quarters ici, 8. heavily fortement / ability capacité / to remove diminuer, réduire.
milieux / to lack manquer de / chief executive éliminer / to achieve atteindre.
directeur(-trice) général(e). 13. decade décennie / critical crucial, essentiel /
9. commercial-scale à l'échelle commerciale / straight assessment évaluation.
4. to spur encourager, inciter à / to come, came, come directement / thin air rien; ici, air ambiant.
up with présenter, proposer. 14. it is worth (+ ger.) il convient de (+inf.) / to note
10. to bring, brought, brought about amener, (faire) remarquer/observer.
5. tough strict / requirement exigence, condition requise provoquer / large-scale à grande échelle / misstep faux
/ far ici, bien / dairy produits laitiers / to fly, flew, flown 15. widely généralement, par beaucoup / to expect (s’)
pas. attendre (à) / coming prochain / in a bid to pour tenter
voyager en avion / currently actuellement / in the early
stages dans les premiers stades, au début / to scale up 11. to aim for viser / major important. de / to host accueillir, ici organiser / to track suivre.
augmenter, ici produire à grande échelle. 12. to target viser / 16. to champion défendre, promouvoir / early ici, rapide.
Qui sont les créateurs des fake news, théories du complots et
autres exemples de désinformation ? La BBC dresse son bilan.
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Bon anniversaire, Wikipedia
Il y a quelques semaines, l'encyclopédie la plus connue du web fêtait ses vingt ans. Grande favorite des internautes, Wikipédia est
pourtant sujette à de nombreuses controverses et régulièrement décriée pour son manque de fiabilité. Sa mission est pourtant
louable : rendre l'information libre, gratuite et accessible à tous.
26 • VOCABLE Du 18 février au 3 mars 2021 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / difficile C1-C2
Améliorez votre prononciation en écoutant tous les articles sur le supplément audio de lecture
Joyeux anniversaire, Wikipedia ! Voici l’histoire de la
plateforme, résumée en quelques minutes par ses créateurs.
to “assemble all the knowl- haunt them. As the social-me- ity varies. The most popular articles receive
edge scattered over the face dia giants hire ever more people the most scrutiny, and tend to be the best.
of the Earth”. Wikipedia would have de- as moderators, and write ever longer sets of rules That leaves a long tail of obscure entries of
lighted him. about what is allowed, Wikipedia offers a lesson lower quality. Articles can be overlong, or too
in how to run a human-powered website. technical. Much of its magic comes from the
distinctive culture that has built up among
to treat ici, considérer / wellspring source / all the
same pourtant / to be better off aller mieux, se
6. It is also a welcome boost for Enlighten- contributors—but cultures can be fragile.
porter mieux. ment values, which have suffered at the
3. indeed en effet / to dull atténuer / scale ampleur / hands of populism and authoritarian capital- 8. Perhaps its biggest flaw is that, for all
achievement succès, réussite / roughly à peu près / ism. If Wikipedia’s occasional scandals make its breadth, it is still too narrow. The site’s
accurate précis, exact, juste / broad vaste, général (ici, people approach it with a little scepticism, editors are mostly male, and mostly from
englobe plus de sujets) / worthy sérieux, important / all the better, for fair-minded scepticism is a North America and Europe (see Graphic
Taiping Rebellion révolte des Taiping, mouvement de healthy attitude in general. Wikipedia sees detail). A small number do a disproportion-
révolte qui eut lieu en Chine entre 1850 et 1864 / slang
itself as a work in progress. If a fact is wrong, ate share of the work. That colours both the
argot / novel roman / fortune destinée / to toil lutter,
se débattre / tier ici, division / knowledge it invites users to persuade others so that it encyclopedia’s choice of entries and the
connaissance(s), savoir / scattered dispersé / to can be corrected. Its internal culture holds way it covers them. Wikipedians have been
delight enchanter, ravir. that knowledge comes from evidence, reason trying to change that, but progress has
been too slow.
4. to owe devoir / to fund financer / to earn gagner, 9. A lot is at stake. In rich, liberal countries,
ici réaliser / profit bénéfice / backer soutien
SUR LE BOUT DE LA LANGUE (financier), sponsor, donateur / to demand exiger /
where information is widely available, Wiki-
growth croissance / advertiser annonceur, pedia is a convenience. In poorer places, and
Quelques exemples de publicitaire / to focus on (se) concentrer sur / to illiberal ones, it can be quietly revolutionary. l
curate gérer / to run, ran, run diriger / to hum away
mots onomatopéiques bourdonner; ici, être activé / background arrière-plan
en anglais : / in order to afin/dans le but de.
pronouncement déclaration / pulpit chaire.
hum (§ 5) vrombir 5. to rely on s’appuyer sur / downside revers (de la
mumble marmonner médaille), inconvénient / to haunt hanter, troubler, 7. flaw défaut / to fail to échouer, ne pas parvenir à
hiss siffler obséder / to hire engager, embaucher / set ensemble / (ici, ne pas être à la hauteur) / tail queue (animal); ici,
tick-tock tic-tac rule règle / to allow autoriser, permettre. liste / entry ici article.
splash plouf 6. boost encouragement, coup de pouce / for ici, car / 8. breadth diversité / narrow étriqué / share part(ie)
crash, bang, wallop! badaboum fair-minded juste, raisonnable / healthy sain / to / to colour ici, influencer / to cover traiter.
whack! vlan ! hold, held, held ici, estimer / evidence (inv.) preuves 9. at stake en jeu / widely largement / convenience
(tangibles), éléments concrets / avantage, qqch. de pratique.
historique méconnue.
spy who operated in occupied France 4. Basu said: “She was fluent in French, she sent into Nazi-occupied France by the Special
for months during the second world knew the area, and she was a brilliant radio Operations Executive. She was originally
war has become the first woman of south operator. So she went in under cover behind thought not best suited to life in the field
Asian descent to be given a blue plaque in enemy lines and she worked there for three because she was considered a “dreamer” and
London. Her former family home in Blooms- months setting up crucial links and sending her superiors feared that her Sufi faith might
bury has been recognised by English Heritage information back to London.” mean she lacked a ruthless edge.
after first being nominated 14 years ago.
FAMOUS IN BRITAIN, AS 7. Basu said Khan’s allegiance to
2. The award came after work by a group that WELL AS IN FRANCE! Britain was also questioned be-
was set up in 2016 to address the lack of diver- 5. Born in Russia to an In- cause of her family’s strong
sity in the scheme. When the working group dian father and an Amer- links to the Indian independ-
began, only 33 of the more than 900 plaques ican mother, Khan was ence movement. But de-
were dedicated to black and Asian figures. a descendant of Tipu spite the doubts and dan-
Even now, only about 14% celebrate women. Sultan, the 18th-centu- gers – radio operators
Anna Eavis, the curatorial director of English ry Muslim ruler of were expected to last only
Heritage, said it was vital that a more diverse Mysore, and spent the six weeks in the field be-
selection of blue plaques were awarded. majority of her life in cause it was so difficult –
France. The country post- Khan worked successfully
3. Khan’s biographer, Shrabani Basu, said the humously awarded her the m for three months and was only
ik i
spy – who went by the codename Madeleine French Croix de Guerre for dia Co captured by the Gestapo after
– was also a talented musician and a pub- her efforts behind enemy lines. ons) being betrayed. She was kept in
lished children’s author before becoming an “She’s highly decorated, but her story Pforzheim prison before being moved to
unlikely candidate for Britain’s “first Muslim was forgotten,” said Basu. Dachau concentration camp where she was ex-
war heroine in Europe”. ecuted in 1944. l
6. Khan came to Britain with her family
after France fell in November 1940. She be-
1. former ancien / to recognise distinguer (ici, par une 6. Special Operations Executive Direction des
plaque commémorative).
came the first female radio operator and was
opérations spéciales, service secret britannique opérant
2. award distinction / to set, set, set up créer, établir durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale / suited adapté /
/ to address ici, lutter contre / lack manque / scheme field terrain / to fear craindre / faith foi, croyance /
système / figure ici, personnalité / curatorial ici, de ruthless impitoyable, sans pitié / edge côté, caractère.
commission (pour l'attribution des plaques 4. fluent bilingue / area zone; ici, pays / link liaison. 7. strong fort / to be expected to être censé / to
commémoratives). 5. to ici, (né) de (parents) / ruler dirigeant; ici, sultan / betray trahir; ici, dénoncer / to keep, kept, kept ici,
3. unlikely inattendu / muslim musulman. posthumously à titre posthume / highly très. retenir, enfermer.
28 • VOCABLE Du 18 février au 3 mars 2021 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / difficile C1-C2
Brèves de culture
Retrouvez plus d’infos sur www.vocable.fr
Welcome aboard the
TikTok ship!
26 year-old Nathan Evans had no idea he
would be launching a worldwide trend on
TikTok when he recorded himself singing
The Wellerman, a 19th century sea shanty
from New Zealand. Suddenly, TikTok users
from all around the world started singing
along, reviving old sea shanties on the
platform – to the point that famous
musicians also started to follow the trend.
Evans has now quit his job as a postman in
Scotland and signed a deal with Polydor to
The American actress was chosen to impersonate the famous Princess in the
upcoming royal biopic Spencer. The choice was contested at first – as Stewart,
like most of the Spencer cast, isn’t British – but this photo led cinema critics to
re-consider their judgment. This Autumn, British actress Emma Corrin was
praised for her interpretation of Lady Diana in the latest season of the period
drama, The Crown. Let’s hope that Stewart's interpretation will be equally
“crowned” with success.
to impersonate incarner / upcoming à venir, qui sortira prochainement / cast distribution (acteurs) / to lead,
led, led amener / to praise faire l’éloge de, applaudir / period drama film historique; ici, série historique / to be The ravens of the
crowned with success être couronné de succès.
Tower of London
When it comes to the tower of London, the
Does Barbie have a British are a bit superstitious: legend states
girlfriend? that if less than six ravens are kept at the
castle, the kingdom will fall. So, when
Over the past few years, Mattel’s famous Barbie dolls ravenmaster Christopher Skaife announced
have suffered criticism, being accused of promoting that one of them had died, bringing the
unrealistic standards of beauty and a conservative number of birds to just seven, he had to
vision of women. The company responded by reassure the press. “We do have [one more]
releasing more diverse Barbie dolls, including Barbies than the required six,” he stated, “And of
with different skin tones, body types and careers. In course, I still have a spare one, so we’re OK at
2020, it even had a black Barbie running for the moment.” Britain’s future now seems to
President. Recently, a picture of Barbie with another be safe…
female doll, both wearing “love wins” t-shirts,
resurfaced on social media. LGBTQ+ activists and their allies playfully asked the company if they raven corbeau / to state affirmer; ici, raconter
planned to create a girlfriend for Barbie. Will this be the next step on Mattel’s diversity agenda? / castle château / kingdom royaume /
ravenmaster (maître des corbeaux) garde
doll poupée / criticism critique(s) / to promote promouvoir / to release sortir, commercialiser / skin peau; d’apparat de la Tour de Londres affecté à la prise
ici, teint / to run, ran, run for être candidat à / LGBTQ = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer / en charge de ces oiseaux qu’il est le seul à pouvoir
playfully avec humour / step ici, étape. approcher / spare ici, en plus.
1 Early life
Born in 1998, 22-year-old Amanda
Gorman is the youngest poet to have
2 Why did Joe Biden
choose her?
Gorman was the first recipient of the
It’s because being American is more than a pride
we inherit,
it’s the past we step into
and how we repair it.
performed at a presidential National Youth Poet Laureate in 2017 – an
inauguration. Raised by her mother in Los …
award attributed to a young person producing
Angeles, she attended Harvard, graduating in We will not march back to what was,
remarkable poetry/spoken word. She is also
Sociology. but move to what shall be.
famous for her activism, having worked with a
A country that is bruised but whole,
to perform se produire (sur scène) / inauguration variety of non-profit organisations focusing on
benevolent but bold,
(cérémonie d’) investiture (du président des É.- issues such as feminism, race and
fierce and free.
U.) / to raise ici, élever / to attend fréquenter marginalisation. Jill Biden knew of her, and
(établissement), suivre des cours / to graduate recommended her to the President.
For there is always light,
obtenir son diplôme.
recipient ici, lauréat(e) / award prix / remarkable if only we’re brave enough to see it.
incroyable, extraordinaire / activism militantisme / If only we’re brave enough to be it.”
non-profit à but non lucratif / to focus on (se)
concentrer sur / issue problème, question. hill colline / to climb gravir / bridge pont / to glade
créer une clairière / to dare oser / pride fierté / to step
into pénétrer/entrer dans / bruised blessé, meurtri /
Poetry is back in whole entier; ici, uni / benevolent bienveillant / bold
fashion! audacieux / brave courageux, audacieux.
A poet is always invited to recite a
poem at the presidential inauguration. But President Gorman?
Gorman’s piece was extremely successful and Gorman’s ambition doesn’t stop with
highly praised by the press. The day after the poetry; she wants to run for President
inauguration, her two upcoming poetry books in 2036, as soon as she reaches the
topped the Amazon best seller list. A proof that legal age of 35. She alluded to this ambition in
poetry can still be modern and relevant! her inauguration poem, as a symbol of what
America has achieved as a country:
in fashion à la mode / to praise applaudir (fig.) /
upcoming à venir / to top arriver en tête de / best “We the successors of a country and a time
seller meilleur vente / proof
where a skinny Black girl
preuve / relevant
descended from slaves and raised by a single mother
can dream of becoming president
only to find herself reciting for one.”
to run, ran, run for être candidat à (élection) / to
reach atteindre / to allude faire allusion / to achieve
accomplir / time époque, période / skinny maigrichon
/ slave esclave / single célibataire.
32 • VOCABLE Du 18 février au 3 mars 2021 facile A2-B1 / moyen B2-C1 / difficile C1-C2
Progressez en langues avec les
reportages vidéo Vocable
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Celeste livre un l’auteur et son oeuvre. Ce mois-ci,
premier album ne replongez-vous dans l’univers
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Ashnikko ROMANS
Ashnikko est une
artiste inclassable : ses MINIMALISME
Joshua Fields Millburn et Ryan
mélodies et son
esthétique combinent
Après leur documentaire diffusé sur
des éléments aussi Netflix en début d’année, Joshua Fields
variés que le hip-hop, le et Ryan Nicodemus, les deux «experts
rap, les jeux-vidéos ou en minimalisme» américains sont de
la pop culture retour. Leur premier ouvrage,
japonaise. Son premier Minimalisme, est un petit manuel
album, au charme détaillant les principes de cette
vénéneux, traduit pratique visant à «vivre plus avec
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Joe Biden’s presidency started with intent and ambition: on his first day in office, he signed 17 executive orders
– and kept going until, after a couple of weeks, he had reversed most of Trump’s policies. This cartoon shows
an elephant, symbol of the Republican Party, getting ejected from its seat by the weight of all this new
legislation. These include rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, promoting racial equality, and mandatory
mask wearing on federal property. This running start has been praised by commentators: so far, President
Biden is living up to the promises he made during his campaign.
the elephant in the room se dit d’une chose connue de tous mais dont personne ne parle/veut parler, comme le nez au milieu de la figure; ici, se réfère aussi à l’éléphant en
tant que symbole des Républicains / in office au pouvoir / executive order décret (présidentiel) / to reverse ici, annuler / cartoon dessin humoristique, satirique /
mandatory obligatoire / running start ici, démarrage en trombe, sur les chapeaux de roue / to praise applaudir (fig.) / to live up to être à la hauteur de.
13 MARS 2021
le salon organisé au Lycée Henri IV devient virtuel !