Experience it ALL!
Captivating performances, beautiful event venues, and thought-provoking art—all located in the heart of Muskegon.
Shows & TicketsExperience it ALL!
Captivating performances, beautiful event venues, and thought-provoking art—all located in the heart of Muskegon.
Shows & TicketsExperience it ALL!
Captivating performances, beautiful event venues, and thought-provoking art—all located in the heart of Muskegon.
Shows & TicketsExperience it ALL!
Captivating performances, beautiful event venues, and thought-provoking art—all located in the heart of Muskegon.
Shows & TicketsExperience it ALL!
Captivating performances, beautiful event venues, and thought-provoking art—all located in the heart of Muskegon.
Shows & TicketsUpcoming Shows
Frauenthal Center Presenting Season
The Frauenthal Presenting Season includes art exhibits and four entertainment series: Performance Series, Spotlight Series, Free Family Movie Day Series, and Alley Door Club Music Series. The Frauenthal 2024-2025 Presenting Season features productions and events that reflect our mission to engage the region through a diverse range of arts and entertainment. Get ready to experience it ALL!
Event Hosting & Office Leasing
The rich history of the Frauenthal Center is one to be honored—and shared. The Frauenthal Center is open to guest presenters and special events looking for a unique and memorable experience. Our venues and facilities are available for rental for public and private events of all sizes. Office spaces are also available for long-term rentals.
Support Frauenthal
As the Frauenthal Center brings you season after season of entertainment, your support allows us to continue our artistic and community programs, while remaining an integral part of downtown Muskegon’s past, present, and future. The Frauenthal Center is a nonprofit organization, and our work is made possible by donors like you.
Preserving History
The Frauenthal Center, originally known as the Michigan Theater, was built in 1929 by Muskegon’s own movie mogul, Paul Shlossman. His trademark camel-hair coat, the way his hat tipped over one eye, and his striking demeanor were all clues to Schlossman’s colorful life as a showman.