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  • Some giggles

    12/18/2022 4:04:50 AM PST · by sodpoodle · 10 replies
    email from a friend | unknown
    Su Wong marries Lee Wong. The next year, the Wongs have a new baby. The nurse brings them over a lovely, healthy, bouncy and definitely Caucasian baby boy! "Congratulations," says the nurse to the new parents. "What will you name the baby"? The puzzled father looks at his new baby boy and says, "Well, two Wong's don't make a white, so I think we will name him Sum Ting Wong!" --
  • A flock of sheep in China have been walking in a circle for 12 days straight and nobody knows why

    11/18/2022 7:40:23 AM PST · by Red Badger · 112 replies
    Not The Bee ^ | Cardinal Pritchard · · Nov 18, 2022
    No kidding, for nearly a week these sheep in Mongolia have been walking in a circle like this:
  • I wanted my son to reject masculine stereotypes. Then he fell in love with tractors

    04/25/2022 12:15:15 PM PDT · by millenial4freedom · 117 replies
    MSN ^ | 04/21/2022 | Jay Deitcher
    After turning 2 years old, my son, Avishai, started demanding that he only wear tractor shirts, and my mind spiraled into darkness. I catastrophized worst-case scenarios, imagining a world where he fell for everything stereotypically manly. I envisioned him on a football field, barreling through mega-muscled opponents. Imagined him waxing a sports car on a warm summer day. I have always judged other guys who seemed boxed in by masculinity, but 3 ½ years ago, when I became a stay-at-home dad, my bias skyrocketed. My son was born in Albany, New York, on the bedroom floor of the apartment I...
  • Cat Leads Owner to Pile of Cold Baby Squirrels

    01/06/2022 5:44:28 AM PST · by Scarlett156 · 37 replies
    MSN ^ | 6 January 2022 | Buzz Videos
    [video] Occurred on September 3, 2021 / Chickamauga, Georgia, USA: I came outside after Piper was scratching on the door to find baby squirrels she found and brought them home because it was cold.
  • Mystery of Why Delta Air Flight to China Turned Back to Seattle More Than Half Way Through Flight

    12/26/2021 8:17:51 PM PST · by DUMBGRUNT · 58 replies
    Paddle your own Kanoo ^ | 26 2821 | Mateusz Maszczynski
    Delta Air Lines flight from Seattle to Shanghai mysteriously turned back and returned to the United States nearly six hours into what should have been an 11 hours flight to China. The mid-air flight cancellation has resulted in a rebuke from the Chinese consulate in San Francisco which said on its WeChat account that it had “lodged a protest” with the airline. Delta has since cancelled its planned service from Seattle to Shanghai until December 30 at the earliest but it remains unclear why the airline was forced to turn around in the first place. According to witnesses on the...
  • Photo: President Biden and his wife meet Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter

    05/04/2021 7:21:13 AM PDT · by Trump20162020 · 45 replies
  • Boy, 16, was given estrogen for behavioral disorder while in L.A. juvenile hall, suit alleges

    07/16/2020 10:16:53 AM PDT · by GraceG · 38 replies
    The LA Slimes via MSDNC ^ | James Queally
    A 16-year-old boy being held at a Los Angeles County juvenile hall developed enlarged breasts after he was prescribed estrogen to treat a behavioral disorder, a move that baffled doctors who said the treatment defied medical logic, according to a lawsuit filed last month. The teen, whose identity is being withheld because of his age, was diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD, two days after he was arrested and housed at Eastlake Juvenile Hall in June 2019, the lawsuit said. Medical records reviewed by The Times show that the teen's testosterone levels were "slightly high" when the doctor who...
  • The Texas and Idaho burgers and McMuffins have hit branches across Japan, and we send our (trunc)

    06/09/2019 4:35:49 AM PDT · by vannrox · 6 replies
    sora news ^ | Nov 10, 2018 | katey kelly
    The Texas and Idaho burgers and McMuffins have hit branches across Japan, and we send our man on the ground to tear into them. Japan is no stranger to seasonal promotions at restaurants, but of particular delight are the bounteous offerings from global chain McDonald’s. The restaurant has a special line-up of “American Hamburgers” which allow their Japanese patrons to sample the tastes of McDonald’s’ home country, and November 7 saw the return of the ever-popular Texas and Idaho burgers. This time, they brought friends. Soft, yummy friends suitable for breakfast. That’s right, this time the line-up included Texas and...
  • Only in Russia photos (part 4)

    05/03/2019 12:08:51 AM PDT · by vannrox · 23 replies ^ | 2MAY17 | tim
    Another collection of “Only in Russia” photos. Enjoy! New Russian fashion. This was a freshly laid just one year ago on the railway station. One year later this is a result. Just a kids playground in Yakutsk, Russia this April. When just Adidas is not enough. Find a cat. “She was flirting with my man” “Happy Victory Day”, Russia is strongly against gays (supposedly) Going to school in Russia. Putting vodka in plastic water bottle and selling it for vodka price at night when it’s prohibited to sell alcohol. Slavic bride. Dirty car art is seem to be a...
  • Weird Photos from Russia (Very, very, strange.)

    04/29/2019 6:20:33 AM PDT · by vannrox · 68 replies ^ | 3jan18 | tim
    Welcome to the next part of “Only in Russia” weird and interesting daily shots from Russia edition. Here are some selected photos from all around the country. Every photo has its own quirk.Using a tractor as a crane is probably not that bad idea. Even owning a Smart car won’t stop you from towing trailers. Sometimes street ads are sort of over the top.When babushka has too many time on her hands.Sleighs in summer is a solution too.–nextpage–Spiderman is arrested. Moscow city is a city of contrasts.Dirty snow on a roadside makes benches useless in winter.Ghm.–nextpage–Meet Masha, from Masha...
  • Village anti-nazi parade out of- 1975 soviet-russia photos

    04/27/2019 3:57:31 AM PDT · by vannrox · 30 replies ^ | 26jun19 | tim
    Pretty rare photos from a village in Belarus during the 1970s, 1975 to be exact. The people of the village made WW2 victory parade themed platforms for the parade. Each platform is a sort of show of its own. Like this first one. –nextpage– –nextpage–
  • A Look at the Short-Lived 3-Inch Compact Floppy Disk

    04/10/2019 7:16:07 AM PDT · by vannrox · 43 replies
    Byte Cellar ^ | 25FEB19 | Blake Patterson
    A Look at the Short-Lived 3-Inch Compact Floppy Disk Posted on February 25, 2019 by Blake Patterson I was recently listening to the latest episode of Retro Computing Roundtable podcast during which there was mention of a 3-inch floppy disk. No, not 3.5-inch, but 3-inch. These disks are known as Compact Floppy Disks (also “CF2”) and were used in a number of systems outside the US, including some models of Amstrad, Tatung, and MSX machines. And, while the Sony-engineered 3.5-inch disks that those of us who don’t think that they are 3D-printed takes on the “save icon” know well are...
  • The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge

    03/22/2019 4:12:47 AM PDT · by vannrox · 20 replies
    Metallicman ^ | 6MAY18. | Editorial staff
    The mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge is a very interesting subject. Indeed, our world is filled with all kinds of interesting things going on. Some can even possibly be considered an extraterrestrial riddle. Even if it is wholly terrestrial in nature. All we need to do is take a good look at what surrounds us. Because, if we look at things with open eyes, and with an open mind, we will see new things, and come to new understandings on our world, and what is just going on within it. With the advent of new technology, we are able to...
  • Something is rotten in the Denver airport (13 Photos)

    03/07/2019 4:02:09 AM PST · by vannrox · 90 replies
    The Chive ^ | 8MAR12 | John
    You are greeted at the airport by Mustang, by New Mexico artist Luis Jiménez, was one of the earliest public art commissions for Denver International Airport in 1993. Standing at 32 feet tall and weighing 9,000 pounds “Mustang” is a blue cast-fiberglass sculpture with red shining eyes. Jiménez died in 2006 while creating the sculpture when the head of it fell on him and severed an artery in his leg.3 The murals are fairly shocking. Here we have efugees living in a basement and the Lord of Death, brandishing an AK-47, killing the dove of peace. Gray waves pulse from...
  • Bill would require Washington farmers to report slaves

    02/26/2019 5:20:16 AM PST · by vannrox · 28 replies
    Capital Press ^ | 22FEB19 | By DON JENKINS
    OLYMPIA — Washington dairy farmers and fruit growers would have to report to retailers whether they use slaves under a bill endorsed Thursday by Democrats on the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee.Farm groups, for the record, say they oppose slavery, as well as human trafficking and peonage — two other forms of servitude producers would have to report.At a hearing last week, farm lobbyists said the bill was offensive and asked the committee to kill it. The committee excluded some commodities, but kept in dairy and fruit. By a party line vote, the Democratic majority recommended the bill to the...
  • New Study: Fast Food Can Make Your Penis Smaller

    02/11/2019 3:24:12 AM PST · by vannrox · 105 replies
    The daily sheeple ^ | 6JAN19 | Terrence Donovan
    A new published study found that a chemical commonly found on fast-food wrappers and non-stick frying pans could seriously have a significant impact on male penis endowment.According to the study, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, those who had been exposed to perfluoroalkyl compounds had significantly smaller penises than those who hadn’t.Also referred to as PFCs, the compounds also lowered semen quality. They’re designed to make cooking easier, but it seems that they may have a bizarre effect on penises.Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substancesare a class of fluorinated organic chemicals containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom.The compounds are also found...
  • Why are more Americans than ever dying from drug overdoses?

    12/01/2018 6:48:50 AM PST · by rktman · 78 replies ^ | 11/29/2018 | Niko Kommenda, Erin Durkin and Lydia Smears
    The growing drugs crisis sweeping across the US is deadlier than gun violence, car crashes or Aids, none of which have killed as many Americans in a single year as overdoses did in 2017. Newly confirmed figures released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show the increasing scale of the crisis. The drugs epidemic is not confined to a small number of states nor to lower-income areas, but instead has spread across the whole country. While there are concentrations around the midwest, and regional differences in the type of substance, overdose deaths are happening everywhere. The US...
  • PETA hopes to build memorial where lobsters died in Maine crash

    11/04/2018 4:16:16 AM PST · by vannrox · 59 replies ^ | 2018 | Editorial staff
    PETA wants to build a 5-foot tombstone where lobsters may have died after a crash on Route 1 in Brunswick, Maine, in August 2018. (PETA) BRUNSWICK, Maine (WGME) - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals want to build a 5-foot tombstone where lobsters may have died after a crash on Route 1 in Brunswick, Maine, last week.According to the Brunswick Police Department several of the crustaceans that a Cozy Harbor Seafood truck was carrying got crushed as a result of the rollover. "It was something I've never seen before," said Detective William Moir of the Brunswick Police Department....
  • The Song “Baby Got Back” Translated into Latin

    08/30/2018 6:03:59 AM PDT · by vannrox · 14 replies
    metallicman ^ | 30AUG18 | editorial staff
    “Baby Got Back“, also known as “I Like Big Butts”, is a hit rap song written and recorded by American rapper Sir Mix-a-Lot, from his album Mack Daddy. The song samples the 1986 Detroit techno single “Technicolor” by Channel One. This is a translation of it. Translation Here, we have it translated into Latin by Quislibet. There was additional support and clarity offered by Ukelele. I have found it hilarious, and thus have reprinted the translation here. Enjoy. Text Content De clunibus magnis amandis oratio Mixaloti equitis mehercle! (By Hercules!) Rebecca, ecce! tantae clunes isti sunt! (Rebecca, behold! Such large...
  • Planet Fitness evacuated after WiFi network named 'remote detonator' causes scare

    04/16/2018 2:27:52 PM PDT · by Enchante · 68 replies
    AP via Windsor Star ^ | April 16, 2016 | Staff
    SAGINAW TOWNSHIP, Mich. — A Michigan gym patron looking for a WiFi connection found one named “remote detonator,” prompting an evacuation and precautionary search of the facility by a bomb-sniffing dog. The Saginaw News reports nothing was found in the search Sunday at Planet Fitness in Saginaw Township, about 85 miles (140 kilometres) northwest of Detroit.