At Apollo Sciences we have some amazing vegan gummies, made with imported organic cane sugar and imported tapioca. They are cured perfectly with a great texture. We are able to make about 250,000 per day! Please DM me for more information and or questions, thanks.
Price? MOQ?
Whats your email? I can shoot over a some information to you.
I’d like prices and moq too
Same @Capttripppp can you post the info when they send it
He hasn’t sent it, but I will when he does. I don’t understand the need for secrecy, and why he can’t just post it
My @ConfettiHemp partners once posted a price sheet here and one of our distributors lost their fucking mind over it. They were worried customers would circumvent the distro channels and buy direct from our website for a fraction of the price all the middle men and retailers wanted to mark shit up for.
He was 100% right.
We no longer fuck with distributors
I apologize,
That’s an older catalog when our batch size was a little smaller. All batch sizes per flavor is 6,000.
Apollo Gummies Updated MOQ.pdf (500.5 KB)
Your quantity MOQ starts at 6,000 and pricing starts at 5,000?
I think that was for people who wanted to pick their flavors but I could be wrong
So if I wanna buy 5,000 gummies I don’t get to choose what flavor? $0.40/piece is a lil high but the list of flavors are nice
My apologies,
Our batch size is now 6,000 per flavor. I updated the catalog.