About Gallery One
Gallery One is a diverse group of accomplished artists who use current modes of expression in a variety of contemporary media. Our common bond is a commitment to each individual voice. We represent different backgrounds and traditions and work with a wide-range of artistic styles and media including abstract and representational styles. Gallery One was formed in 2007 and for many years had gallery space in Old Saybrook, CT. In 2012, the artists decided to branch out using a model where they exhibit across the region in different venues such as the Gallery at the Guilford Art Center, the Mystic Museum of Art, LaGrua Center in Stonington and the Lyman Center for Performing Arts in New Haven. The artists reside in communities along the eastern shoreline in Connecticut and in the greater Hartford area. Visit our Artists Page to view works of each of our member artists.

Gallery One reviews applications for new membership on a rolling basis. Established artists seeking membership are juried into the group by the entire membership (including review of artwork images, website and artist statement and artist bio). If you are interested in applying for membership or learning more about Gallery One, please contact us at [email protected].

Gallery One Executive Committee:
Gallery One Co-Directors: Diana Rogers and Jill Vaughn and Associate Director Rick Silberberg and members-at-large: T. Willie Raney and Rosemary Cotnoir

Contact Us
For information about Gallery One, contact our Associate Director, Rick Silberberg at [email protected]. For updates on events and happenings, we welcome you to explore our website and to follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Thank you for your interest in Gallery One.

Lyman, installing west gallery.jpg