
Gday from WA

A photographic tour of Western Australia

Western Australia map

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Stirling Ranges Stirling Ranges
The Pnnacles - Namburg, WA The Pnnacles
Paper Wasp Paper Wasp

Most of Australia's 12 000 native wasp species are solitary but Paper Wasps form colonies.

Called Polistes, these social insects build nests with scraped wood and saliva.
Fuelled by nectar these aggressive insects can inflict a very painful sting.

"Making paper before China was invented"

Blue China - Cyanicula gemmata Blue China Orchid
Karijini Gorge Karijini Gorge
Ettamogah Pub - Cunderdin Ettamogah Pub

Ettamogah Beer - Aussies Best Beer

Turns crocs into tadpoles, cleans out ya carb, recharges ya batteries, purifies ya liver, pleases th' palate, tickles th' tonsils and tantalises th' taste buds,

& tastes flamin' great too mate.

rocks Rocks
Cave Cave
Perth - Western Australia Perth

Every day, during the hot summer months, the land heats up and creates the


This reliable sea breeze is drawn in from the ocean to replace rising hot air over the city of Perth.

"Refreshing and welcome as a cold beer."

Wild Budgerigars Wild Budgerigars
Anigozanthos humilis Catspaw
Tree trunk Rooted
Dragonfly Dragonfly
Perth sunset Perth Sunset

Western Australia can be HOT.

Marble Bar, in the state’s north, holds the world record for consecutive days of over 37.8°C (100°F) of 160 days. (1923-24)

The hottest place in Australia is Wyndham (WA’s most northerly town) with an annual mean temperature of 29.1°C (84°F)

Stirling Range Stirling
Pinnacles - Western Australia Pinnacles
Moon AfterMoon
Perth Town Hall Perth Town Hall

Shark Bay

