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Pedro Henrique Machado machadop1407

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Python python
Repositories related to the Python Programming language
Forrest Knight ForrestKnight
🎥 My YouTube channel's more entertaining. I code whatever helps make my life easier.

Virginia Beach, VA

edA-qa mort-ora-y mortoray
I'm an experienced programmer who has worked in numerous domains. I'm the creator of the Leaf programming language.

EverSystems Maple Tree

zhaoying9105 zhaoying9105
software enginer

cambricon beijing

Murtaza Hassan murtazahassan
Designer/ Educator/ Researcher
Independent Software Engineer - 👨‍💻 Programming is my wife ❤️ I mean life 😜 - Everything nice has a price

Looking For A Job

Maddox rustybalboadev


Segun Adebayo segunadebayo
Building @chakra-ui ⚡️. Design Systems. AI. Dev Tools. Previously @SocketDev @vercel @WalletConnect

Chakra UI United Kingdom

Xcode Releases xcodereleases


Asokan Pichai pasokan

TalentSprint (P) Limited Hyderabad

Michael Droettboom mdboom
@python core developer, @microsoft devdiv (Faster CPython), formerly of @mozilla, @STScI and @matplotlib, @pyodide and @airspeed-velocity.

Microsoft Maryland, USA

Andrea Mazzini andreamazz
💻 Software Engineer 🌲 Woodworker

Meta Italy

Gus Class gguuss
Look out, it's my code.

Super secret computer business Seattle, WA

Tim Brust timbru31
I'm a Senior Product Engineer at Accenture Song with a passion for Clean Code, TDD and a love for security and forensics!

@accenture @Dustplanet @apache Hamburg, Germany

Mingshen Sun mssun
Pass for iOS, Apache Teaclave (incubating)


Hans Knöchel hansemannn
✨ CEO Lambus, prev. iOS lead @appcelerator, maintainer @tidev

Lambus Osnabrück, Germany

Jon Kent jonkykong
Freelance Designer & iOS Developer. Hire me to help you make cool stuff.

Mass Appeal LLC

Radek Pietruszewski radex
Software Engineer


Nikolai Vazquez nvzqz
conducts curses, breaks things, and uses the oxford comma

Atlanta, GA, US, Earth, Milky Way

Kristaps Grinbergs fassko
Blockchain, mobile and fullstack developer. Startup founder. Conference speaker. Mentor. Passionate about building products, sustainability and Web 3.0.

Salto X

Christoffer Winterkvist zenangst
random hero at @finkoslo by day, cocoa vigilante by night, dad at dawn. my life is awesome. Previously @hyperoslo

@finkoslo Oslo, Norway

Omar Albeik omaralbeik
It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature! Amsterdam

FUJI Goro gfx
Software engineer. Parent of two kids. I love programming!

@starley-ai Tokyo, Japan

Krzysztof Zabłocki krzysztofzablocki
Making Swift engineers more efficient through tools and workflows.  My code powers up over 80 000+ apps.

Warsaw, Poland

Jeon Suyeol devxoul
A lazy programmer 😴 I write more code to code less.

@indentcorp Seoul, Korea

Yonas Kolb yonaskolb
iOS and Swift dev


Dalton Hinterscher Daltron
Blessed husband and father with a tremendous passion for technology.

Mobile Tech Lead @ Marco Polo Effingham, IL

Marcin Krzyzanowski krzyzanowskim
Passionate about open source & developer productivity. Follow me on socials where I live.

@swiftstudio-app Disappointment Islands

Steven Deutsch SD10
❤️ Open Source | iOS & Swift

Orlando, FL

Hiroshi Kimura muukii
Swift & iOS - Crafting innovative apps and open-source libraries with a focus on sleek, sophisticated UI, advanced state management, and powerful image processi

@eure Tokyo, Japan

Mathijs Kadijk mac-cain13
Founder @nonstrict-hq. Previously CTO @getmibo, partner @Q42, founder @wrep

@nonstrict-hq Amersfoort, The Netherlands

Andrea Bizzotto bizz84
Flutter GDE ❖ Creator of ❖ YouTube: ❖ Complete Dart Course: London