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Mayhem for API: Example CI integration

Mayhem for API

About Mayhem for API

🧪 Modern App Testing: Mayhem for API is a dynamic testing tool that catches reliability, performance and security bugs before they hit production.

🧑‍💻 For Developers, by developers: The engineers building software are the best equipped to fix bugs, including security bugs. As engineers ourselves, we're building tools that we wish existed to make our job easier!

🤖 Simple to Automate in CI: Tests belong in CI, running on every commit and PRs. We make it easy, and provide results right in your PRs where you want them. Adding Mayhem for API to a DevOps pipeline is easy.

Want to try it? Get started for free!!

Example GitHub Actions Integration

This repo contains a simple python API that is being tested by Mayhem for API.

Starting a Mayhem for API scan in Github Actions

To scan your API with Mayhem for API in CI, you need to:

  1. Start your API
  2. Start the Mayhem for API scan

In GitHub actions, those steps translate to:

    # Run API in test mode. We configured test mode to output stacktraces in
    # the error responses to improve the output of Mayhem for API.
    - name: Run API
        FASTAPI_ENV: test
      run: uvicorn src.main:app &

    # Run Mayhem for API
    - name: Run Mayhem for API to check for vulnerabilities
      uses: ForAllSecure/mapi-action@v2
        mayhem-token: ${{ secrets.MAYHEM_TOKEN }}
        api-url: http://localhost:8000
        api-spec: http://localhost:8000/openapi.json

This repo contains a full example for reference.


Mayhem for API generate reports when you pass sarif-report or html-report to the input. Make sure to pass continue-on-error to the Mayhem for API step if you want to process the reports in follow-up steps.

Artifact HTML Report

HTML Report

To artifact the report in your build, add this step to your pipeline:

- name: Run Mayhem for API to check for vulnerabilities
  uses: ForAllSecure/mapi-action@v2
  continue-on-error: true
    mayhem-token: ${{ secrets.MAYHEM_TOKEN }}
    api-url: http://localhost:8000 # <- update this
    api-spec: your-openapi-spec-or-postman-collection.json # <- update this
    html-report: mapi.html

# Archive HTML report
- name: Archive Mayhem for API report
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
    name: mapi-report
    path: mapi.html

GitHub Code Scanning support

Mayhem for API issue in your PR

Uploading SARIF reports to GitHub allows you to see any issue found by Mayhem for API right on your PR, as well as in the "Security" tab of your repository. This currently requires you to have a GitHub Enterprise Plan or have a public repository. To upload the SARIF report, add this step to your pipeline:

- name: Run Mayhem for API to check for vulnerabilities
  uses: ForAllSecure/mapi-action@v2
  continue-on-error: true
    mayhem-token: ${{ secrets.MAYHEM_TOKEN }}
    api-url: http://localhost:8000 # <- update this
    api-spec: your-openapi-spec-or-postman-collection.json # <- update this
    sarif-report: mapi.sarif

# Upload SARIF file (only available on public repos or github enterprise)
- name: Upload SARIF file
  uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
    sarif_file: mapi.sarif

If your API server sends back stacktraces in the 500 Internal Server Error (only do this in a test environment -- never in production!), Mayhem for API will try to map issues it finds to the exact line of code that triggered the issue.